World Vision hiring homosexuals?


Jan 14, 2014
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if their culture in that region is ready for gay rights and accepts the gay influence being in their culture, then the majority of people in that region will vote "yes", and if not, "No", but we should not force national of worldly agendas on regions each having their own unique culture that may or may not be ready for the "gay influence" in their culture, and this should be left up to the people in the region/culture to decide...

Civil rights can never be left up to the people. We're a nation of laws, and not the laws of sin and death.
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Fenny the Fox

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Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
The actions of these people show exactly how they think, how they act, thus living a life of sin, committing abominations. There is no misunderstanding what God said, what He means, and what is in store for those who commit these acts. God never said He hated the people, He hates the sin.
Romans 1:28 says, And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
These folks think their lifestyle is normal, they are not sinning, but God's words prove just how wrong they are. We are to witness, pray, lead, them to salvation, we are not supposed to condone their actions, agree with their perverted lifestyle. Not my words, God's words.

Never did I say condone actions, nor did I say that it is a "normal" life. I merely pointed out that no, God never refers to the person (any person) as an abomination.

You contradict yourself, by stating that they are abominations by God's word, then stating that He does not hate the sinner themselves. These are mutually exclusive, if the act is an abomination it is hated. If they person is an abomination, he is hated. To say he is not hated but is an abomination still is wrong by definition.

And you take the Proverb clearly out of context.
6 Do not eat the food of a begrudging host,
do not crave his delicacies;
7 for he is the kind of person
who is always thinking about the cost.[b]
“Eat and drink,” he says to you,
but his heart is not with you.
8 You will vomit up the little you have eaten
and will have wasted your compliments.

or, if you insist on KJV:
6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:
7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
8 The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words.

This has to do with the acceptance of an attitude of a person being a poison all its own. That the feast thrower (the greedy man who throws the feast only for his own showing off and pleasure, all the while wishing it was cheaper and thinking the guest is not worth the cost of the food presented) does not deserve, and you should not give him, your attendance or compliments.

I make no qualms with the act being sinful, as it is clear in the word, but to misappropriate the word to call a PERSON an abomination -rather than the sin- is a form of hatred unto that person. And God is clear that He does not hate the sinner, but hates the sin itself.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
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Never did I say condone actions, nor did I say that it is a "normal" life. I merely pointed out that no, God never refers to the person (any person) as an abomination.

You contradict yourself, by stating that they are abominations by God's word, then stating that He does not hate the sinner themselves. These are mutually exclusive, if the act is an abomination it is hated. If they person is an abomination, he is hated. To say he is not hated but is an abomination still is wrong by definition.

And you take the Proverb clearly out of context.

or, if you insist on KJV:

This has to do with the acceptance of an attitude of a person being a poison all its own. That the feast thrower (the greedy man who throws the feast only for his own showing off and pleasure, all the while wishing it was cheaper and thinking the guest is not worth the cost of the food presented) does not deserve, and you should not give him, your attendance or compliments.

I make no qualms with the act being sinful, as it is clear in the word, but to misappropriate the word to call a PERSON an abomination -rather than the sin- is a form of hatred unto that person. And God is clear that He does not hate the sinner, but hates the sin itself.

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A work in progress.
Feb 7, 2014
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Never did I say condone actions, nor did I say that it is a "normal" life. I merely pointed out that no, God never refers to the person (any person) as an abomination.

You contradict yourself, by stating that they are abominations by God's word, then stating that He does not hate the sinner themselves. These are mutually exclusive, if the act is an abomination it is hated. If they person is an abomination, he is hated. To say he is not hated but is an abomination still is wrong by definition.

And you take the Proverb clearly out of context.

or, if you insist on KJV:

This has to do with the acceptance of an attitude of a person being a poison all its own. That the feast thrower (the greedy man who throws the feast only for his own showing off and pleasure, all the while wishing it was cheaper and thinking the guest is not worth the cost of the food presented) does not deserve, and you should not give him, your attendance or compliments.

I make no qualms with the act being sinful, as it is clear in the word, but to misappropriate the word to call a PERSON an abomination -rather than the sin- is a form of hatred unto that person. And God is clear that He does not hate the sinner, but hates the sin itself.

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Acendo said in the post just after yours: "Does World Vision currently hire sinners? We need to think about the children..."

"Sodomy" against a man or a woman use to be illegal and a punishable sex crime (and I believe it still should be, but that's never going to happen, so...)

Regarding what Acendo said, If we don't hire homosexuals, then should we hire any sinner, some sins are legally prosecuteable crimes, some are not, yet it is still sin. Is homosexuality a sin? Answer: Yes.

Is it legally prosecuteable? Answer: Not anymore (I don't think), unless some states still have laws in place labeling sodomy as a sex crime...

In the real world and in this modern day era and new age of Western thinking/philosophy it is considered "wrong" to discriminate based upon ones "sexual orientation" but I think we have comepletely ignored our "right" TO BE PREJUDICED against it, or our right to have and hold to our opinion and right to say it's wrong and a perversity and a sickness of the mind... And if that's going to be called discrimination or prejudice, it is only because we think that when we go against the right of getting to choose ones own sexual orientation, it is actually not prejudice or discrimination, because we as believers don't believe we get or have the right to choose our sexual orientation, because we believe in the laws of nature and not going against them, laws that say if you were born a man, then you are a man, and are to be sexually attracted to only women, and if you were born a woman, then you are a woman and are to be only sexually attracted to men

Especially when all "sexual orientation" means/refers to is how confused you are about how to give men and women equal rights, status, power and partnership, without distorting redefining the roles to a point that each sex get's so confused about their identity and place and roles that it leads to one being inflamed with lust toward one of the same sex, only due to confusion of not knowing their places, and a reaction to fear over loss of identity...

But, in today's modern day age and especially in western society, I don't think it will tolerate people who claim to have any other claim that homosexuality is wrong or a perversion, or is a result of a reaction to fear over and about confusion of a loss of identity, so..

In short employers will not be allowed to claim they have the right not to hire a gay person for any reason whatsoever (whether or not the business owner claims they have the right not to hire any gay people because it's their business and therefore their decision and is at their discretion (their choice and right)) I don't think the modern day western governments anyways are going to allow that...

But the next question becomes can an employer fire a Gay person for pushing their gay point of view on people (employees and customers) or for using lude and crude gay sexual humor, with others or not?

And how can this be done without the overly sensitive, whining, immature, crybaby of person in their emotional development claiming/screaming "DISCRIMINATION!" ever so passionately and emotionally at the top of their lungs before a courtroom/judge, and the business-owner possibly getting sued by the (by the now very greedy) little, trouble-causing, extremely sin-susceptible, drama-queen involved?

It really get's me that Christians are barely even allowed to mention Jesus name or the Bible in a workplace environment setting, but gay people can talk about how good and proud they feel to be gay and be constantly pushing their agenda/beliefs upon other people and are allowed to crack gay jokes, but Christians are not allowed to do the same in their beliefs

If a Christian is not allowed to talk about Christ in the workplace, then Gay people shouldn't be allowed to constantly talk about being gay, or what it like to be gay, or their gay relationship, when we are not allowed to talk about our relationship with Christ (without being hated, or ridiculed or seen as backwards in the past thinkers by the other group), (the gays)

I also find it sad that most people, especially women and an increasing number of men, are bi-curious and will go up to and ask and be curious about a gay person's gayness, then they are about being curious about a Christians persons relationship to/with Christ...

Anyways, just a few of my thoughts, in Jesus name, God Bless!

Sorry...none of these thoughts are in Jesus' name. None. At all.

Jesus showed compassion and understanding to the most alienated and sinful people of that time. You show none. At all. In the name of Jesus.

The idea that we can shame and denigrate gays into seeing that Jesus is worth knowing is absolutely baffling to me. But you keep on keeping on, as it's obviously working.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Sorry...none of these thoughts are in Jesus' name. None. At all.

Jesus showed compassion and understanding to the most alienated and sinful people of that time. You show none. At all. In the name of Jesus.

The idea that we can shame and denigrate gays into seeing that Jesus is worth knowing is absolutely baffling to me. But you keep on keeping on, as it's obviously working.

So, in your opinion a gay person can be accepted by Christ, and can even be an active member and playing an active role in say a church, and still be gay and claim it's not a sin for them?

I'm sorry if I seem insensitive, but your right, I'm not Jesus Christ, I am merely a mere man, and a human being and most definetly NOT a God, or "the" God, so I am susceptible to being say oh, a little angry at gay people, for say, what their influence does to our societies and our children, especially those who claim it's not a sin, and I don't intend to move or back-off from that stance/position...

And I am not trying to shame anyone, I'm just trying to point out that for one it is a sin, and two that most gay people "embrace" instead of reject, most all sinful passions and temptations that just "pop in" to their mind or heart, and hardly ever make a stance against sin or temptation, most of them of are the mindset, that if you "feel" it you should "do" it, and I do not agree with that position and I don't intend to back off from it.

I believe a person can be tempted yet reject the temptation and it will eventually die off and that one can then celebrate a victory over sin and rejoice at over having rejected the temptation, but do you think any gay people think this way? No. There of the mind that if your tempted you should do it, and I will never agree with that... They are having no victory at all over the source of the Devils power, and we will never see eye to eye...

In their opinion and from their mindset if you for example got angry enough to kill someone, then you should go through with it because you felt it, or if Parent get's angry enough to abuse/beat their child, then you should do it because you felt it. It is no different with anger than it is with sexual desire, both are very strong primal instincts, yet in their opinion all should restrain their anger, but not put any reigns on their sexual desire(s), seems kind of hypocritical to me...

I also meant to point out because most gay people are of the mindset that if you feel it or the idea crosses your mind or heart you should do it, I wanted to point out that most of them are very weak in real, true, character or personal integrity and they are very weak when it comes to temptation and sin, putting up no fight against it, and live by not resisting almost any desire and let the Devil take the wheel in their life...

In a way I do feel some compassion upon them though, because I know most of them are weak when it comes to temptation, fleshly desires, and sin, so I pity them, but they are going to have to grow-up someday and learn that it is the same with anger and hatred as it is with sexual desire, and you cannot just "do" something just because you "felt" it, or the thought crossed your mind or was pressed upon your heart, they have not, nor develop almost any sense of right and wrong by and through discernment for themselves especially when it comes to sexual desire.

If a gay person want's to say don't hate or give into anger at all, then I would say to them, then don't be gay or give into sexual desire at all then, then I will quit hating, while yet, at the same time feeling pity for them, because they are very weak against sin, especially lust.

So, I will say this time, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, God Bless!, and please lead all of us to an accurate knowledge of sin and help us discern the difference between right and wrong, God Bless all!
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So, in your opinion a gay person can be accepted by Christ, and can even be an active member and playing an active role in say a church, and still be gay and claim it's not a sin for them?
Don't put words in my mouth...of course it's a sin. World Vision is not a church. We're talking about homosexuals working for a non profit aid organization. And here's the people already work there. They have almost 45,000 employees.

I'm sorry if I seem insensitive, but your right, I'm not Jesus Christ, I am merely a mere man, and a human being and most definetly NOT a God, or "the" God, so I am susceptible to being say oh, a little angry at gay people, for say, what their influence does to our societies and our children, especially those who claim it's not a sin, and I don't intend to move or back-off from that stance/position...
It would be really awesome for you to channel that anger into being angry at ALL sin, rather than being angry at the people. Who sin...just like you do...except they (for the most part) don't claim to have a relationship with Christ.

And I am not trying to shame anyone, I'm just trying to point out that for one it is a sin, and two that most gay people "embrace" instead of reject, most all sinful passions and temptations that just "pop in" to their mind or heart, and hardly ever make a stance against sin or temptation, most of them of are the mindset, that if you "feel" it you should "do" it, and I do not agree with that position and I don't intend to back off from it.
This is ridiculous. You don't know most gay people. Stop making generalizations. It makes your opinions and arguments seem foolish.

I believe a person can be tempted yet reject the temptation and it will eventually die off and that one can then celebrate a victory over sin and rejoice at over having rejected the temptation, but do you think any gay people think this way? No. There of the mind that if your tempted you should do it, and I will never agree with that... They are having no victory at all over the source of the Devils power, and we will never see eye to eye...
Sinners sin. We're called to show Christ's love to all. I'm guessing you'll assume that means that I condone homosexuality...

In their opinion and from their mindset if you for example got angry enough to kill someone, then you should go through with it because you felt it, or if Parent get's angry enough to abuse/beat their child, then you should do it because you felt it. It is no different with anger than it is with sexual desire, both are very strong primal instincts, yet in their opinion all should restrain their anger, but not put any reigns on their sexual desire(s), seems kind of hypocritical to me...
Again, an impossible generalization that you made up. And you're saying that anger is a natural biological urge? This doesn't make sense to me, not to mention that it's completely un-Biblical.

I also meant to point out because most gay people are of the mindset that if you feel it or the idea crosses your mind or heart you should do it, I wanted to point out that most of them are very weak in real, true, character or personal integrity and they are very weak when it comes to temptation and sin, putting up no fight against it, and live by not resisting almost any desire and let the Devil take the wheel in their life...
You really truly hate homosexuals, don't you? Did you miss the entire New Testament? You also realize that there are homosexual Christians that refuse to act on what they believe to be sin, but they're still attracted to their same gender, right?

In a way I do feel some compassion upon them though, because I know most of them are weak when it comes to temptation, fleshly desires, and sin, so I pity them, but they are going to have to grow-up someday and learn that it is the same with anger and hatred as it is with sexual desire, and you cannot just "do" something just because you "felt" it, or the thought crossed your mind or was pressed upon your heart, they have not, nor develop almost any sense of right and wrong by and through discernment for themselves especially when it comes to sexual desire.
Again, classifying homosexuals as sub-human. People that Jesus loves more than anything. The condescension and derision you express is literally disgusting.

If a gay person want's to say don't hate or give into anger at all, then I would say to them, then don't be gay or give into sexual desire at all then, then I will quit hating, while yet, at the same time feeling pity for them, because they are very weak against sin, especially lust.
You seem proud to hate homosexuals. People that the Father desperately wants to come to Him. How you can justify this is beyond me, but it something other than Christ-like.

So, I will say this time, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, God Bless!, and please lead all of us to an accurate knowledge of sin and help us discern the difference between right and wrong, God Bless all!

You need to stop trying to imply (inadvertently or implicitly) that my Savior endorses anything you have to say. Your entire post models something other Christ's love, and certainly doesn't exhibit Jehovah's justice, wrath, or mercy.

Christianity is the story of man's redemption, so I'll continue to believe that the Father doesn't want any man (even gays!) to perish.

We're called to make disciples, so I'll continue to believe that gays are included in that.

I'll continue to treat my sister and my gay friends as if they are real people. I'll continue showing Christ's love to them, in hopes that they will come to see Jesus for who He really is, and in doing so, grow to be more like Christ. I'll pray that the Holy Spirit continues to change their heart through that transformation.

I guess I'll just pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work on all of our hearts - we certainly all need it.

Perhaps you should join me?
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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So, in your opinion a gay person can be accepted by Christ, and can even be an active member and playing an active role in say a church, and still be gay and claim it's not a sin for them?
Depends on what you mean by "be gay." Is it how the person is tempted? Or is it saying "yes" to the temptation? There's a difference between being attracted to someone of the same sex and embracing homosexual lust and relationships. If someone says that the former (being tempted) isn't a sin, then they're spot on. If someone says the latter isn't a sin, then they have a worldly view of the matter.

If a gay person want's to say don't hate or give into anger at all, then I would say to them, then don't be gay or give into sexual desire at all then, then I will quit hating, while yet, at the same time feeling pity for them, because they are very weak against sin, especially lust.
Your responsibility is to remove your hate and control your anger problem regardless of what they do or don't do. When you stand before God and he questions why you were not obedient in this area, telling him what they were or weren't doing isn't going to fly. Homosexual activity and lust is sinful, yes. But you need to be an ambassador of love, not hatred. Consider how Jesus reached out to tax collectors. He did not condone their greed and dishonesty, yet he very clearly loved them. Examine his conversations with them in the Gospels. At what point did he ever berate them? Love them then, as he loved Matthew and Zacchaeus. The alternative is giving the enemy what he wants - ammunition for the left-wing bigots who demonize the church for its moral stance. They see your sin and because of that, fall for the lie that condoning homosexual behavior is the right thing to do.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Depends on what you mean by "be gay." Is it how the person is tempted? Or is it saying "yes" to the temptation? There's a difference between being attracted to someone of the same sex and embracing homosexual lust and relationships. If someone says that the former (being tempted) isn't a sin, then they're spot on. If someone says the latter isn't a sin, then they have a worldly view of the matter.

Your responsibility is to remove your hate and control your anger problem regardless of what they do or don't do. When you stand before God and he questions why you were not obedient in this area, telling him what they were or weren't doing isn't going to fly. Homosexual activity and lust is sinful, yes. But you need to be an ambassador of love, not hatred. Consider how Jesus reached out to tax collectors. He did not condone their greed and dishonesty, yet he very clearly loved them. Examine his conversations with them in the Gospels. At what point did he ever berate them? Love them then, as he loved Matthew and Zacchaeus. The alternative is giving the enemy what he wants - ammunition for the left-wing bigots who demonize the church for its moral stance. They see your sin and because of that, fall for the lie that condoning homosexual behavior is the right thing to do.

Now the roman elite especially and most of their false Gods temples were subject to having male temple prostitutes, and the Roman elite were having young boys and girls brought into them for them to basically molest, not to mention the gay, bi sexual and even heterosexual group sex orgies that they were participating in, Disgusting in my opinion and destructive to a society, but Jesus calling a righteous broken-hearted tax collector fully sick of himself and his dealings, being fully ready in their heart for repentance, and Jesus could detect this in a person, anyways calling a repentant tax collector who was disgusted with himself, to follow him (Jesus) is not merely the same as Jesus calling one of those steeped in homo, or heavy heterosexual sexual sin, did Jesus ever at any time call one of them to follow after him? Answer: No.

So say what you will, but Jesus called only those sinners who he could sense and read in their hearts were fully sick of their sin, and desperately wanted something better, and were in such a disgusted with themselves place, that Jesus, knowing their heart, could tell that they were fully ready to repent and change their ways, being fully sickened by their former ways, and these wer the type that Jesus "called" not those who didn't believe what they were doing was even sin...

Anyways, just a little food for thought, in Jesus Christ Holy name may God Bless all who are in his will, Amen!
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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Now the roman elite especially and most of their false Gods temples were subject to having male temple prostitutes, and the Roman elite were having young boys and girls brought into them for them to basically molest, not to mention the gay, bi sexual and even heterosexual group sex orgies that they were participating in, Disgusting in my opinion and destructive to a society, but Jesus calling a righteous broken-hearted tax collector fully sick of himself and his dealings, being fully ready in their heart for repentance, and Jesus could detect this in a person, anyways calling a repentant tax collector who was disgusted with himself, to follow him (Jesus) is not merely the same as Jesus calling one of those steeped in homo, or heavy heterosexual sexual sin, did Jesus ever at any time call one of them to follow after him? Answer: No.

So say what you will, but Jesus called only those sinners who he could sense and read in their hearts were fully sick of their sin, and desperately wanted something better, and were in such a disgusted with themselves place, that Jesus, knowing their heart, could tell that they were fully ready to repent and change their ways, being fully sickened by their former ways, and these wer the type that Jesus "called" not those who didn't believe what they were doing was even sin...
But you don't have that discernment. None of us do, but we are all called to follow Jesus' example. If you however insist on helping to destroy the church with your attitude, then the increase in homosexuality-related wickedness that results will partially be your responsibility.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
That discernment is and always has been given by God in Jesus to the body of Christ on earth. Simply, purely, and towards repentance and forgiveness even of the most vile of sinners, and judgment certain for the unrepentant.

see JUDE in several translations at BIBLEGATEWAY >>>

3 Beloved, while I was giving all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

4 For there are certain men who have crept in unawares, who were foreordained of old for this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Jude 1 KJ21 - Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and - Bible Gateway

7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 Likewise also, these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
-- Jude 1 KJ21 - Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and - Bible Gateway

11 Woe unto them! For they have gone in the way of Cain and have run greedily after the error of Balaam for their reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.

12 These are spots on your feasts of charity when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear. Clouds they are without water, carried about by winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

13 raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
-- Jude 1 KJ21 - Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and - Bible Gateway

18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last times who would walk after their own ungodly lusts.

19 These are they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit
-- Jude 1 KJ21 - Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and - Bible Gateway

23 and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
-- Jude 1 KJ21 - Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ and - Bible Gateway

Jude 1

Amplified Bible (AMP)
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

3 Beloved, my whole concern was to write to you in regard to our common salvation. [But] I found it necessary and was impelled to write you and urgently appeal to and exhort [you] to contend for the faith which was once for all [a]handed down to the saints [the faith which is that sum of Christian belief which was delivered
verbally to the holy people of God].

4 For certain men have crept in stealthily [[c]gaining entrance secretly by a side door]. Their doom was predicted long ago, ungodly (impious, profane) persons who pervert the grace (the spiritual blessing and favor) of our God into lawlessness and wantonness and immorality, and disown and deny our sole Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

5 Now I want to remind you, though you were fully informed once for all, that though the Lord [at one time] delivered a people out of the land of Egypt, He subsequently destroyed those [of them] who did not believe [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely upon Him].
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

7 [The wicked are sentenced to suffer] just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the adjacent towns—which likewise gave themselves over to impurity and indulged in unnatural vice and sensual perversity—are laid out [in plain sight] as an exhibit of perpetual punishment [to warn] of everlasting fire.

8 Nevertheless in like manner, these dreamers also corrupt the body, scorn and reject authority and government, and revile and libel and scoff at [heavenly] glories (the glorious ones).
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

10 But these men revile (scoff and sneer at) anything they do not happen to be acquainted with and do not understand; and whatever they do understand physically [that which they know by mere instinct], like irrational beasts—by these they corrupt themselves and are destroyed (perish).

11 Woe to them! For they have run riotously in the way of Cain, and have abandoned themselves for the sake of gain [it offers them, following] the error of Balaam, and have perished in rebellion [like that] of Korah!

12 These are hidden reefs (elements of danger) in your love feasts, where they boldly feast sumptuously [carousing together in your midst], without scruples providing for themselves [alone]. They are clouds without water, swept along by the winds; trees, without fruit at the late autumn gathering time—twice (doubly) dead, [lifeless and] plucked up by the roots;
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

23 [Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity [but] with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality.
-- Jude 1 AMP - Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ (the - Bible Gateway

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Board Game Hobbyist
Jun 17, 2008
Almost Heaven
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You need to stop trying to imply (inadvertently or implicitly) that my Savior endorses anything you have to say. Your entire post models something other Christ's love, and certainly doesn't exhibit Jehovah's justice, wrath, or mercy.

Christianity is the story of man's redemption, so I'll continue to believe that the Father doesn't want any man (even gays!) to perish.

We're called to make disciples, so I'll continue to believe that gays are included in that.

I'll continue to treat my sister and my gay friends as if they are real people. I'll continue showing Christ's love to them, in hopes that they will come to see Jesus for who He really is, and in doing so, grow to be more like Christ. I'll pray that the Holy Spirit continues to change their heart through that transformation.

I guess I'll just pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work on all of our hearts - we certainly all need it.

Perhaps you should join me?

I'll join you in that, as I already pray for just that!

Really, just wanted to tell you that was an excellent post.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
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The real issue here is outside of homosexual rights and/or them burning in hell. That is a seperate issue.

The REAL ISSUE with what happened with World Vision is should a body of believers or even the church cut off aid to the sick, poor, destitute, needy, afflicted just to try and make some "religious" message.

Say all you want about homosexuality being a sin, but not loving those in need around us is a worse sin in my eyes and I believe God agrees. You see Jesus didn't say all men would know you are my disciples by how many sinners you cast out of fellowship. He said by your love! Even John wrote that only two things are commanded by God of us. Believe in His Son and love one another (1 John 3:23-24)

I really wish those of you trying to persecute homosexuals (and that's what all this nonsense relates too) could see they are as deserving of love and grace as you are/were. We like to preach, grace, grace, grace until someone comes along we deem less worthy than we are. That's where the issue comes in. Homosexuals are deemed less than worthy because most in higher positions and even those of us are not homosexual.
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Jun 29, 2011
everlasting hills
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These threads confuse me. Why would anyone put a banner on themselves of gay?
Is it the purpose of any organization to openly hire a thief or a covetous person, even one who openly wants to be accepted as taking God's name in vain,
and call it reaching out in God's love? It's not the sin, or weakness toward it, it is the banner flying.
Would you or I go in for a job interview anywhere and put on the application, that they are liar?
Dont advertise with a word you dont intend to make good on.
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Oct 17, 2012
Neogaia777 said:
I believe a person can be tempted yet reject the temptation and it will eventually die off and that one can then celebrate a victory over sin and rejoice at over having rejected the temptation, but do you think any gay people think this way? No. There of the mind that if your tempted you should do it, and I will never agree with that... They are having no victory at all over the source of the Devils power, and we will never see eye to eye...

Neo, don't you think you're a being a bit insensitive and stereotypical. You can't cast all homosexuals in one light, and it sounds like you've gotten most of your impression of them from movies and tv shows. If you want to focus on pointing out the wrongs of people, why not look at yourself first? We all sin, and just because we're not homosexuals doesn't make us any more or less of a sinner compared to them.

But back to the original topic of this thread. I think onlybygrace is spot on with what World Vision did. If you have someone coming to you (as a volunteer organization), asking to help others, why would you ever turn that person down? I think that by taking them in and helping them to love others, it would actually help THEM to be a better person.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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Neo, don't you think you're a being a bit insensitive and stereotypical. You can't cast all homosexuals in one light, and it sounds like you've gotten most of your impression of them from movies and tv shows. If you want to focus on pointing out the wrongs of people, why not look at yourself first? We all sin, and just because we're not homosexuals doesn't make us any more or less of a sinner compared to them.

But back to the original topic of this thread. I think onlybygrace is spot on with what World Vision did. If you have someone coming to you (as a volunteer organization), asking to help others, why would you ever turn that person down? I think that by taking them in and helping them to love others, it would actually help THEM to be a better person.
we all sin?/ what sin in your case ?

i used to then The lord Jesus set me free ,brought me to repentance, to repent means to turn back and not go that way any more.
if we continue to follow that is simply because we love that sin more then we love God..
-repent,....... an integral part of the Gospel.
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