Why Do I Have to Stay?


Crazy Eight
Jul 4, 2007
Halifax, NS
I'm a Christian, I love Christ with all I got. Everyday I read about Christian stuff or listen to Christian stuff, my relationship with Christ is very strong.

However, my "earth" life, is hard to bare.
I realise that I'm more blessed then others, I live in middle class Canada, my parents are together and I have a dog who can put a rare smile on my face. But mentally, I struggle. I was abused when I was a eight-years-old, and suffered slight brain damage, so I'm already at a disadvantage. Nowadays, I'm extremely lonley, my sister - whom I loathe - is always out with friends, my mother is rarely around and my father works from 5 AM to 7 PM and usually falls asleep around 9 PM. I have no friends, and I mean zero friends; I'm not some whiny kid who has just a few friends, some fastidious kid who doesn't have the friends he/she wants or some spoiled brat who is in a fight with the majority of his/her friends, I mean I have zero friends. I don't go to school, I don't have a job (I'm 17 by the way) I don't socialize at all - due to my aneixty disorder in an obviouly large way - infact this forum is my only community. Every night I go to bed upset and every morning I wake up distraught. Horrible thoughts go through my head daily - urges some of the time - of sex, violence, ect.
The only think I look forward to is death.

So that brings me to my main point, a question:
Why do I have to stay? I've accepted Christ as my savior, so why can't I kill myself tonight and join him in Heaven?


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Aug 3, 2004
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Because you have this life to live with Him.

You need to go to your library and get some testimonies of people with a major difficulty in their life and see what they did to change their lives. God has no intention of placing you on the sideline of life.

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Senior Veteran
Apr 19, 2006
I believe Paul once discussed this as well, and he came to the conclusion that it would be of more use if he remained. Maybe you don't feel like it right now, but you certainly have a value and purpose. You never know what the future holds. What if you will save a life tomorrow?

We are also on a journey here, growing closer to God. This a sinful world, and wicked things happen here, but sometimes good things happen too. Would you really want to end your journey, even if God might want it to continue? I know both reasons I've mentioned so far are full of ifs and maybes. But that is what suicide is, isn't it? There's a phrase that's used here quite often, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I find it to be quite true.

Then there's your family. Even if they seem distant, I'm sure they would be ripped apart if you did something to yourself. I too suffer from anxiety, so I know what it is like to be alone, not because you choose to be, but because you have no other choice. I'm tired of it, but I'm even more tired of being a slave to it. This has in fact given me strength to fight it, and I hope you will find strength too. You don't need to roll over! Things can change!
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Senior Veteran
Sep 17, 2004
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I suggest you ask the Lord what your purpose is in life. He has plans for you, Jeremiah 29:11 says so. Have you read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren? Do yourself a favor and read it. It is a great discussion of the reason we exist.

Some other authors you might want to read include Beth Moore and Max Lucado. Max Lucado has a book I love called "It's Not About Me." Beth Moore has a lot of books out, but the one I recommend you read first is "Believing God."

These books will challenge you to examine yourself and really seek the Lord's will for your life.

God bless.

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Nov 23, 2004
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Jesus isn't just Savior, he is Lord and Savior. When one believes, that is has faith, we are not just talking an intellectual acceptance of Jesus. Faith produces works. We follow Jesus. Killing yourself is definitely not following Jesus, it would not be living in faith. It would be saying God gave you too much to stand even though he says he never will, and your judgement is better than his. Instead of being in this world where he has placed you, you don't want to submit to his decision, you want to make your own.

That's really not accepting Jesus, that's setting yourself up as god.

Now we are told we love others because God first loved us. Do you love others? It doesn't sound like you love others or even yourself, really you seem to have quite a different view of people. You take your sister, you detest her? Jesus loved her enough to die for her. The other people in the world that you are so anxious that you won't even go out and meet them. Well he died for them too.

If you are so willing to kill yourself, why don't you get up and go outside and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, why not share with others? I doubt that anything as bad as being killed would happen, but if it did then it would be you were killed spreading the gospel. That's quite a different thing than killing yourself because you don't like your life.

I know it's hard, but if you don't like your life, then change your life, don't take your life.

If you don't love others, then there's a lot of prayer and meditation and even experiencing them, because God loves them. He wants you to share his gospel with them. That's his command to all of us, but we don't share because it's a law, we share because we love him, and we share because we love them.

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Crazy Eight
Jul 4, 2007
Halifax, NS
I believe Paul once discussed this as well, and he came to the conclusion that it would be of more use if he remained. Maybe you don't feel like it right now, but you certainly have a value and purpose. You never know what the future holds. What if you will save a life tomorrow?

We are also on a journey here, growing closer to God. This a sinful world, and wicked things happen here, but sometimes good things happen too. Would you really want to end your journey, even if God might want it to continue? I know both reasons I've mentioned so far are full of ifs and maybes. But that is what suicide is, isn't it? There's a phrase that's used here quite often, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I find it to be quite true.

Then there's your family. Even if they seem distant, I'm sure they would be ripped apart if you did something to yourself. I too suffer from anxiety, so I know what it is like to be alone, not because you choose to be, but because you have no other choice. I'm tired of it, but I'm even more tired of being a slave to it. This has in fact given me strength to fight it, and I hope you will find strength too. You don't need to roll over! Things can change!
Made me think, thanks.
I suggest you ask the Lord what your purpose is in life. He has plans for you, Jeremiah 29:11 says so. Have you read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren? Do yourself a favor and read it. It is a great discussion of the reason we exist.

Some other authors you might want to read include Beth Moore and Max Lucado. Max Lucado has a book I love called "It's Not About Me." Beth Moore has a lot of books out, but the one I recommend you read first is "Believing God."

These books will challenge you to examine yourself and really seek the Lord's will for your life.

God bless.

Thanks for the recommendations. I love to read about Christ and people's interpertation of Him
Jesus isn't just Savior, he is Lord and Savior. When one believes, that is has faith, we are not just talking an intellectual acceptance of Jesus. Faith produces works. We follow Jesus. Killing yourself is definitely not following Jesus, it would not be living in faith. It would be saying God gave you too much to stand even though he says he never will, and your judgement is better than his. Instead of being in this world where he has placed you, you don't want to submit to his decision, you want to make your own.

That's really not accepting Jesus, that's setting yourself up as god.

Now we are told we love others because God first loved us. Do you love others? It doesn't sound like you love others or even yourself, really you seem to have quite a different view of people. You take your sister, you detest her? Jesus loved her enough to die for her. The other people in the world that you are so anxious that you won't even go out and meet them. Well he died for them too.

If you are so willing to kill yourself, why don't you get up and go outside and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, why not share with others? I doubt that anything as bad as being killed would happen, but if it did then it would be you were killed spreading the gospel. That's quite a different thing than killing yourself because you don't like your life.

I know it's hard, but if you don't like your life, then change your life, don't take your life.

If you don't love others, then there's a lot of prayer and meditation and even experiencing them, because God loves them. He wants you to share his gospel with them. That's his command to all of us, but we don't share because it's a law, we share because we love him, and we share because we love them.

What about 1 Corinthians 7:7-8, “I wish everyone could get along without marrying, just as I do. But we are not all the same. God gives some the gift of marriage, and to others he gives the gift of singleness. Now I say to those who aren't married, and to widows – it's better to stay unmarried, just as I am.” ?

I despise most people.
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Jul 29, 2007
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I have gone through the same things you are saying you're going through. I too have zero friends right now (lost contact with everyone after high school, cause they just went on and ignored me)..never really had any friends anyway cause those who said they were my friend just basically ignored me all the time.

I too don't have a job right now and am not in school. I went to college right after high school and things just kept going wrong causing me to not succeed, even after I went back 5 times. I've tried to get a job every place I can and have gotten nothing..I've been trying for basically the past couple yrs. and still nothing no matter how hard I try. I have just been through alot in my life and seem to be at a stand still to where there's nothing I can do right now.

I tell you this, because I want you to know that I too have gone through some of the same things. I have learned to totally surrender my life to God...let Him be in control of my life. There was a time when I was going through so much all at once and I had anxiety attacks basically every day and I just couldn't deal with it any more. I got down on my knees and I surrendered my entire life...all the anxiety..all the troubles..all the hurt and pain..everything...I gave it all to God and allowed Him to fully be in control of my life. That's the best thing I've ever done. The anxiety started to decreese, the troubles eventually were taken care of...things just started getting better.

Although I've been through alot, I know that it has taken all that I've gone through in order for me to be where I am right now in my life. I believe that had I not gone through all those tough times and had to deal with those difficult situations, I would not have the relationship with God that I now have. My faith has increased and I have really come to learn alot. It took those times when I had nowhere left to turn but to God for me to turn to God and allow Him to be in control of my life.
I've also learned through not having friends that God is all I need. I can't rely on people because they will let me down. The only one I can truly rely on is God, because He is always there for us..He will never leave you or forsake you..no matter what He's always there for you, waiting to help you when you ask. He's been my friend when I have had none and He is there to be your friend as well.

I used to think there was no reason for living...no reason to get out of bed in the morning..no reason to really do anything. I just wanted to stay in bed and give up on life. But, I've come to realize that each day is a blessing from God..each day is a brand new start..each day is a chance to change things..to make things better and we have to embrace each day as the blessing it is. We have to make the most of each day...not fucussing so much on the troubles, trials, heartaches..not being so fucused on what's wrong...but being focused on the blessings and on what's right...if the sun is shining then that's a blessing, if we have food to eat that's a blessing, if we have a roof over our heads yet another blessing. Things could always be worse then they are and we need to be grateful they're not.

If we have God in our lives, then we can get through anything. We just have to ask God to be in control of our lives and allow Him to lead and guide us to what He wants us to do. That's when you will truly find purpose and meaning to life and when you fallow the path God has for you that's when you begin an encreadible journey that will impact the lives of others and make a difference.
Allow God to be in control of your life...pray and ask Him to be..ask Him to help you with what you're going through and to heal you from any hurt or pain you have in your life and He will. Trust me, it's the best thing you could ever do...I know it has been for me.
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I don't like titles
Jan 8, 2005
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What about 1 Corinthians 7:7-8, “I wish everyone could get along without marrying, just as I do. But we are not all the same. God gives some the gift of marriage, and to others he gives the gift of singleness. Now I say to those who aren't married, and to widows – it's better to stay unmarried, just as I am.” ?

I despise most people.
There are several words in the bible that are translated into love. Even if you have the gift of celibacy (or singleness) does not mean we are not to love others. They are different kinds of love. Maybe Big Norsk could provide all the different kinds of love and explain them as I can only think of three and am not sure I would be able to explain them very well at the moment seem as I'm rather tired.
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a.k.a. fosterangel72
Feb 11, 2007
Marital Status
I believe Paul once discussed this as well, and he came to the conclusion that it would be of more use if he remained. Maybe you don't feel like it right now, but you certainly have a value and purpose. You never know what the future holds. What if you will save a life tomorrow?

We are also on a journey here, growing closer to God. This a sinful world, and wicked things happen here, but sometimes good things happen too. Would you really want to end your journey, even if God might want it to continue? I know both reasons I've mentioned so far are full of ifs and maybes. But that is what suicide is, isn't it? There's a phrase that's used here quite often, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I find it to be quite true.

Then there's your family. Even if they seem distant, I'm sure they would be ripped apart if you did something to yourself. I too suffer from anxiety, so I know what it is like to be alone, not because you choose to be, but because you have no other choice. I'm tired of it, but I'm even more tired of being a slave to it. This has in fact given me strength to fight it, and I hope you will find strength too. You don't need to roll over! Things can change!
I say Amen to this. CGL, I will pray for you. I just talked to someone earlier this week that lost a brother to suicide. It left her shocked and hurt. God has a purpose for you.
Just Hold On. I have had problems with anxiety and depression. It is tough. very tough.
There is a season and a purpose for everything under Heaven.
Ecclesiates 3:1 To Everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under Heaven
3. A time to Heal.
4A time to weep. And a time to laugh.
a Time to mourn. And A time to Dance.
God promised me a time to dance. He also promised you a time to dance as well. That keeps me going in tough times. Times might be tough. It might be your time to weep. But you will get a time to dance. I don't mean dance around the room dancing. I take it to mean a time to celebrate and be happy.
I hope I am saying the right words. Every person is precious and too precious to end it all.
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2007
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GET INVOLVED. Right now you are totally isolated, and that's not God intention for us. Get up, join the fight, and be a warrior for God. I don't care how many social disorders you might have - *God's* church is filled to the brim of people that will love you no matter what you are like. Find new friendships within the church - and if the people in the church are truly of God, they're going to help you regardless of your social anxiety. What purpose would your life have if you're all isolated and don't have an influence on anyone? Jesus didn't just die for you, he died for everyone. God didn't just save you so you could go to heaven. He also saved you because he wants to use you in the lives of others and to be a blessing to others. GET CONNECTED. You will never be rejected in OUR God's church.
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Crazy Eight
Jul 4, 2007
Halifax, NS
I have gone through the same things you are saying you're going through. I too have zero friends right now (lost contact with everyone after high school, cause they just went on and ignored me)..never really had any friends anyway cause those who said they were my friend just basically ignored me all the time.

I too don't have a job right now and am not in school. I went to college right after high school and things just kept going wrong causing me to not succeed, even after I went back 5 times. I've tried to get a job every place I can and have gotten nothing..I've been trying for basically the past couple yrs. and still nothing no matter how hard I try. I have just been through alot in my life and seem to be at a stand still to where there's nothing I can do right now.

I tell you this, because I want you to know that I too have gone through some of the same things. I have learned to totally surrender my life to God...let Him be in control of my life. There was a time when I was going through so much all at once and I had anxiety attacks basically every day and I just couldn't deal with it any more. I got down on my knees and I surrendered my entire life...all the anxiety..all the troubles..all the hurt and pain..everything...I gave it all to God and allowed Him to fully be in control of my life. That's the best thing I've ever done. The anxiety started to decreese, the troubles eventually were taken care of...things just started getting better.

Although I've been through alot, I know that it has taken all that I've gone through in order for me to be where I am right now in my life. I believe that had I not gone through all those tough times and had to deal with those difficult situations, I would not have the relationship with God that I now have. My faith has increased and I have really come to learn alot. It took those times when I had nowhere left to turn but to God for me to turn to God and allow Him to be in control of my life.
I've also learned through not having friends that God is all I need. I can't rely on people because they will let me down. The only one I can truly rely on is God, because He is always there for us..He will never leave you or forsake you..no matter what He's always there for you, waiting to help you when you ask. He's been my friend when I have had none and He is there to be your friend as well.

I used to think there was no reason for living...no reason to get out of bed in the morning..no reason to really do anything. I just wanted to stay in bed and give up on life. But, I've come to realize that each day is a blessing from God..each day is a brand new start..each day is a chance to change things..to make things better and we have to embrace each day as the blessing it is. We have to make the most of each day...not fucussing so much on the troubles, trials, heartaches..not being so fucused on what's wrong...but being focused on the blessings and on what's right...if the sun is shining then that's a blessing, if we have food to eat that's a blessing, if we have a roof over our heads yet another blessing. Things could always be worse then they are and we need to be grateful they're not.

If we have God in our lives, then we can get through anything. We just have to ask God to be in control of our lives and allow Him to lead and guide us to what He wants us to do. That's when you will truly find purpose and meaning to life and when you fallow the path God has for you that's when you begin an encreadible journey that will impact the lives of others and make a difference.
Allow God to be in control of your life...pray and ask Him to be..ask Him to help you with what you're going through and to heal you from any hurt or pain you have in your life and He will. Trust me, it's the best thing you could ever do...I know it has been for me.
Thanks for being so honest and sharing your story. I appreciate it, greatly. I mean it.
God bless.
I say Amen to this. CGL, I will pray for you. I just talked to someone earlier this week that lost a brother to suicide. It left her shocked and hurt. God has a purpose for you.
Just Hold On. I have had problems with anxiety and depression. It is tough. very tough.
There is a season and a purpose for everything under Heaven.
Ecclesiates 3:1 To Everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under Heaven
3. A time to Heal.
4A time to weep. And a time to laugh.
a Time to mourn. And A time to Dance.
God promised me a time to dance. He also promised you a time to dance as well. That keeps me going in tough times. Times might be tough. It might be your time to weep. But you will get a time to dance. I don't mean dance around the room dancing. I take it to mean a time to celebrate and be happy.
I hope I am saying the right words. Every person is precious and too precious to end it all.
Ha, I'm tearin' up a bit. My mother noticed that I was down, and she bought me a poster-type-thing to cheer me up, and it had that exact verse on it.
GET INVOLVED. Right now you are totally isolated, and that's not God intention for us. Get up, join the fight, and be a warrior for God. I don't care how many social disorders you might have - *God's* church is filled to the brim of people that will love you no matter what you are like. Find new friendships within the church - and if the people in the church are truly of God, they're going to help you regardless of your social anxiety. What purpose would your life have if you're all isolated and don't have an influence on anyone? Jesus didn't just die for you, he died for everyone. God didn't just save you so you could go to heaven. He also saved you because he wants to use you in the lives of others and to be a blessing to others. GET CONNECTED. You will never be rejected in OUR God's church.
Ha! They hate me the most, here! I went to jail because of one of them.
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Nov 23, 2004
Marital Status
For a general understanding of the word "love" I would direct you to the ISBE entry on love.

For some person reflection I would say 1 John 4 would be a good start.

1Jo 4:7-8 NET.
(7) Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been fathered by God and knows God.
(8) The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1Jo 4:11-12 NET.
(11) Dear friends, if God so loved us, then we also ought to love one another.
(12) No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God resides in us, and his love is perfected in us.
1Jo 4:15-17 NET.
(15) If anyone confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God resides in him and he in God.
(16) And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has in us. God is love, and the one who resides in love resides in God, and God resides in him.
(17) By this love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because just as Jesus is, so also are we in this world.
1Jo 4:19-21 NET.
(19) We love because he loved us first.
(20) If anyone says "I love God" and yet hates his fellow Christian, he is a liar, because the one who does not love his fellow Christian whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
(21) And the commandment we have from him is this: that the one who loves God should love his fellow Christian too.

The love spoken of is agape.

Other passages.

1Jo 3:14-16 NET.
(14) We know that we have crossed over from death to life because we love our fellow Christians. The one who does not love remains in death.
(15) Everyone who hates his fellow Christian is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.
(16) We have come to know love by this: that Jesus laid down his life for us; thus we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians.

1Jo 2:8-11 NET.
(8) On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.
(9) The one who says he is in the light but still hates his fellow Christian is still in the darkness.
(10) The one who loves his fellow Christian resides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.
(11) But the one who hates his fellow Christian is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

Tit 3:3 NET.
(3) For we too were once foolish, disobedient, misled, enslaved to various passions and desires, spending our lives in evil and envy, hateful and hating one another.

Joh 13:34-35 NET.
(34) "I give you a new commandment — to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
(35) Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples — if you have love for one another."

There is lots more but the basic thing is, you just should not hate everyone, including yourself. Jesus has freed you from your sins not to hate but so that you can love.

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Crazy Eight
Jul 4, 2007
Halifax, NS
For a general understanding of the word "love" I would direct you to the ISBE entry on love.

For some person reflection I would say 1 John 4 would be a good start.

1Jo 4:7-8 NET.
(7) Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been fathered by God and knows God.
(8) The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1Jo 4:11-12 NET.
(11) Dear friends, if God so loved us, then we also ought to love one another.
(12) No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God resides in us, and his love is perfected in us.
1Jo 4:15-17 NET.
(15) If anyone confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God resides in him and he in God.
(16) And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has in us. God is love, and the one who resides in love resides in God, and God resides in him.
(17) By this love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because just as Jesus is, so also are we in this world.
1Jo 4:19-21 NET.
(19) We love because he loved us first.
(20) If anyone says "I love God" and yet hates his fellow Christian, he is a liar, because the one who does not love his fellow Christian whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
(21) And the commandment we have from him is this: that the one who loves God should love his fellow Christian too.

The love spoken of is agape.

Other passages.

1Jo 3:14-16 NET.
(14) We know that we have crossed over from death to life because we love our fellow Christians. The one who does not love remains in death.
(15) Everyone who hates his fellow Christian is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.
(16) We have come to know love by this: that Jesus laid down his life for us; thus we ought to lay down our lives for our fellow Christians.

1Jo 2:8-11 NET.
(8) On the other hand, I am writing a new commandment to you which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.
(9) The one who says he is in the light but still hates his fellow Christian is still in the darkness.
(10) The one who loves his fellow Christian resides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.
(11) But the one who hates his fellow Christian is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

Tit 3:3 NET.
(3) For we too were once foolish, disobedient, misled, enslaved to various passions and desires, spending our lives in evil and envy, hateful and hating one another.

Joh 13:34-35 NET.
(34) "I give you a new commandment — to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
(35) Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples — if you have love for one another."

There is lots more but the basic thing is, you just should not hate everyone, including yourself. Jesus has freed you from your sins not to hate but so that you can love.

Well, I haven't gotten there yet, then. 'Cos I certainly abhor most humans I know, with all my heart.
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Ask Jesus 4 Help
Oct 10, 2006
~John 3:16~
Marital Status
I'm a Christian, I love Christ with all I got. Everyday I read about Christian stuff or listen to Christian stuff, my relationship with Christ is very strong.

However, my "earth" life, is hard to bare.
I realise that I'm more blessed then others, I live in middle class Canada, my parents are together and I have a dog who can put a rare smile on my face. But mentally, I struggle. I was abused when I was a eight-years-old, and suffered slight brain damage, so I'm already at a disadvantage. Nowadays, I'm extremely lonley, my sister - whom I loathe - is always out with friends, my mother is rarely around and my father works from 5 AM to 7 PM and usually falls asleep around 9 PM. I have no friends, and I mean zero friends; I'm not some whiny kid who has just a few friends, some fastidious kid who doesn't have the friends he/she wants or some spoiled brat who is in a fight with the majority of his/her friends, I mean I have zero friends. I don't go to school, I don't have a job (I'm 17 by the way) I don't socialize at all - due to my aneixty disorder in an obviouly large way - infact this forum is my only community. Every night I go to bed upset and every morning I wake up distraught. Horrible thoughts go through my head daily - urges some of the time - of sex, violence, ect.
The only think I look forward to is death.

So that brings me to my main point, a question:
Why do I have to stay? I've accepted Christ as my savior, so why can't I kill myself tonight and join him in Heaven?
hi CGL :)
2 Corinthians 5:17 therefore,if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creation; old things have passed away;behold, all things have become new.
o rejoice & seek & hunt down that & wait and see and enjoy the life that is new through Jesus :)
ponder,think on that,all is new.
woa, wonder watt Jesus has got planned today & hey i'm in His plan-the Creator of everything :)
hope that helps ya
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
Site Supporter
Mar 25, 2004
Might as well take advantage of your situation, because it is crazy out in the world right now and there is little time to meditate upon the Words of the Lord, to have deep communion with Him. You have an advantage that a lot of us would envy.

1.) You can study the Word of God without interruption,
2.) You can pray for an experience like one of the prophets in the Bible and stay on your knees until the Lord grants you favor.
3.)You can read the Word of God with an concordance to learn the Way to His Presence.. for that "one on one" relationship spoke of in Rev 3:20.

You do not need anyone else for this. Just you the Bible and time alone with the Lord. Let the Lord help you out with thoughts of violence and other evil deeds.

The Lord is the best friend that anyone can have, because you are never alone when you are with Him. Not only that, He has these ways of making the things of the world no longer affect you or your thinking. He has ways that cause your heart to pour forth His praise, bursting into song of praise, and gladden the heart when no one else can. He has ways of entertaining you with thoughts of good cheer, and inspirations that blow your mind in wonder.

Oh, to be in His presence, to be like John on Patmos, and taking "up hither" to see what it all means. Now that is exciting.
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I don't like titles
Jan 8, 2005
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another thought came to me. I have a medical condition which has placed restrictions on what I can do. However I have been able to minister and help those with the same condition. I have also ben able to teach medical professionals in terms of treatment and often what is the worst news when people find out they have this condition (most don't realise what is the worse thing). Maybe in the future God will use you to help others in this situation you now find yourself in.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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The best thing to do is to do make yourself get out of the house and get involved in something that you are interested in. I always find that when i am busy I am happier then when I am not, when you are isolated and bored you start to dwell the negative aspects of your life. Life can be what you make it....you seem bitter that everyone is going out and doing things whilst you are stuck in the house (and I can understand that) so the best thing to do is to get outside of the house and join a club, get a job, start a hobby.

Maybe the reason why you loathe other people is because you haven't formed a close bond with anyone? Are you close to your family? It always helps to be close to your family? I wonder if anyone in your family knows how you are feeling, if not, you should talk to someone, it's better to let things out then to bottle them.

I also find this life on earth hard, disappointing, scary and complex, but our earthly lives are short and we have to make sure that we are always working towards getting to Heaven. Hate is not a ticket to Heaven, love is, when I'm struggling with hate I pray to God about it and keep repeating Hate the sin and not the sinner.

Jesus has a plan for you, he loves you, he died for the sinful, it is hard for someone to die for a righteous man let alone a sinful man - so you need to follow Jesus's example - love your fellow man. I think that is you start helping out with church and join a club or do volunteering then you will start to bond with people more and start to have a healthier outlook on life.

I tried to commit suicide before, that was before I found God, I was in a bad place at the time. I hated everything about life, but luckily I did not succeed. Now I feel much more positive even though I haven't made a complete change. Good things have happened in my life since I tried to commit suicide and Im glad that I was there to experience them. Now I am saved, Jesus has invited me to his banquet, he has invited you to, pray to him and be honest with him and he will guide you.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Apollo Celestio

Deal with it.
Jul 11, 2007
Christian Seeker
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Try and keep yourself busy, if you're doing nothing, it just leaves you time to down yourself and think about bad things. Pray to the Lord for a loving attitude. I will too. I'd like to think that those of us who would rather be with the Father because it sucks here. We have a purpose, otherwise I'd think he'd be merciful and let us go. XD Bless ya, man.
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