When will the loud cry begin?


Mar 9, 2013
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The love of money is the root of all evil.....

Rule, rule, has been their course of action. Satan has had an opportunity of representing himself... Humanity is hailed as God." 363,365 TM , as quoted above.

yes why have the ministers got so slack? Go to uni for degree, no now need a masters, that four to five years, no need a phD and thats 3 years...thats 7 years of waste. EG White said 3 to 6 months is all that is needed. Just what do we need idiots with 7 yrs for and that means they gooble up tithe, money and their children want free ride on their degrees....go figure.

No its time to have an SDA spring and clean out these lazy people who gooble the funds, stop the work. They are stumbling blocks. And a $500,000 salary in today's world for SDA leader? Did Jesus need that? Really the SDA has lost their way.

I read that the total liabilties are some 4 billion USD and most is from hospitals, none of which are on EG White way, but drugs, drugs and drugs.

Should hack off the hospitals, sell them off and rid us off these leaches.

They are killing the church. We have seen SDA doctors who do boob jobs. Where is that the meek and mild Jesus.

Come let us look to the Bible and consider Gideon who smashed the temples of Baal and cleaned it out. For if it be against God he will show his anger, but if it be of man,....

Red Bear
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Oct 19, 2009
Central Komifornia
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yes why have the ministers got so slack? ...thats 7 years of waste. EG White said 3 to 6 months is all that is needed. ... they gooble up tithe, money and their children want free ride on their degrees

...And a $500,000 salary in today's world for SDA leader? Did Jesus need that? Really the SDA has lost their way.
Wow this is crazy!! I am not trying to play dumb either, I have been a SDA my entire life and I never knew this. All I know is that my local church constantly struggles to pay the bills and one summer we had to go without AC because we couldn't afford to have the machines fixed. But do we ever worry or complain? No, we trust God will take care of us (Luke 12:24 for example) and we happily go about our business.

I feel fortunate that my first/home church is conservative. I don't see or experience "excess" here. Everyone is a hard worker, lead respectful lives, and church is always a blessing. I've moved around a bit and have visited a few other SDA churches and have been very surprised by a few of them; Some are far removed from what I am used to: People clapping hands, live drums and even electric guitars to lead in music services (Didn't EGW talk about this? And yet some SDA churches are doing it? Blows my mind).

It's true that things change and its tough to keep our ways. That is why we must always put God first in all our Churches. He is our master guide and will keep us on the straight and narrow. But it's up to us to open the door and let Him in.

When I see things like this...
We have seen SDA doctors who do boob jobs.
...it hurts personally because I am guilty of not leading an exemplary SDA lifestyle. And it used to be worse, for a while I dropped out of the church all together ... yet I still told people I was SDA(!). How is Jesus supposed to confess us before the angels of God when our actions are making a mockery out of Him all the while proclaiming to be a follower? It all feels too big, too much to cope with. I couldn't deal with it by myself. I had to desire God back into my life. That's why we need to keep praying for our church (no matter which Christian church you go to).

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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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...it hurts personally because I am guilty of not leading an exemplary SDA lifestyle. And it used to be worse, for a while I dropped out of the church all together ... yet I still told people I was SDA(!). How is Jesus supposed to confess us before the angels of God when our actions are making a mockery out of Him all the while proclaiming to be a follower? It all feels too big, too much to cope with. I couldn't deal with it by myself. I had to desire God back into my life. That's why we need to keep praying for our church (no matter which Christian church you go to).

I think you are on the right track. Micah 7:8
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Dec 16, 2009
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Brethren, the question is when will the loud cry begin?

There is a whole system of truth that gives us a timeline of when we can expect these closing events to take place. This system is the old sanctuary system given in the writings of Moses and fully interpreted by Jesus at His first advent. Moses' writings are the foundational prophecies of the whole Bible to which all other prophecies are anchored, especially the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.

Many have tried to understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation apart from Moses' writings and that is not possible. Jesus always began at Moses, and then continued on with the other prophets in His teaching.

A TRUE DETAILED understanding of the advent experience surrounding the 1844 movement in the giving of the three angels' messages is essential. As the Spirit of Prophecy states that the “midnight cry”, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh,” is the light that shone all along the path that the Advent people were traveling to the Holy City.

All of this study would be too lengthy to include in this thread, but if anyone would be interested, contact me at my gmail address:

One study is a compilation of entirely Spirit of Prophecy statements of about 9 pages. The other is with all the evidence taken from the Bible along with my comments and contains approximately the same number of pages.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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I just wanted to say I read each comment and I would like to present to you all what I understand the Bible to say. First, YAHSHUA worked with HIS homefolks first. The Jewish Church as the SDA Church was lukewarm. The leaders were not teaching the people the truth as was given to them by YAHWEH. Matt 22 is a breakdown of Matt 25. The five wise virgins had the HOLY SPIRIT which was the extra oil ready for the call. The call came to present the Loud Cry and they were ready. The five foolish virgins are the one smitten not prepared for the supper. The servant is the five wise who gathers in the great multitude of souls. Now I wish that all would look at Dan 12:1-3 here YAHSHUA stands up in HIS warrior Name but HE is not coming yet! The Time of Trouble will begin this is right after the Day of Pentecost or the Loud Cry when the wise instructor are awaken to start their work. They will be anointed like the disciples were in the upper room. This time these anointed ones will be equipped to go into a time like never before.

The wrath of both the FATHER and the SON will be against the earth. A comet and a mountainous asteroid hitting the earth and the sea then meteorites will hit the drinking water on the earth and then others will hit the sun, moon and stars. But wait there are three woes in Rev 8 and I know many do not agree but I urge you to read EGW and the mainly the Bible again. The Papacy is not the beast but the harlot. She and the Christian world and the lost Jews will rebuild the Temple (this action will herald in the Loud Cry and the Time of Trouble). The Papacy will take over Jerusalem that is truly the great city known as Babylon. Who do you think have always killed ELOHIM'S prophets in the past? I will say this again the beast will come out of the Catholic Church she is riding or steering him. However, he will change and hate her and what she believes he is totally against. He will go where ever Satan truly presides because it is not here as I have said.

Satan fell before this earth was made and he and his angel would not be expelled to a perfect place and they are sinful. Jude 1:6 Only Satan could be station at one tree known as the tree of Good and Evil. The tree was also evil because Satan was only allowed there brothers and sisters. Gen 2:15-17 We do not even know the number nor can we imagine the 1/3 of angels that was kick out of Heaven. The word for earth was wrong it should say a place with land that is all. This beast/man will be literally taken to the place where Satan truly presides with his host of evil angels. These beings have been locked down only allowing a certain number of them to come here at a time. Only one legion according the Bible can be together according to Scripture. But when that angel is sent from YAHWEH ELOHIM with the key to let these evil beings come out the Bible clearly states that outer space or the bottomless pit will look likesmoke that will darken even the sun and the earth which is the fifth Trumpet and first woe. These evil beings will be release just at the end of the Time of Trouble which will last for 3 1/2 years. The Papacy, Pagan Christians, and the lost Jews had been dealing with the 144,000 (five wise virgins) but could not stop their messages and their prediction of events that YAHWEH and the LAMB shall bring upon the earth (these are the events mention earlier). The beast will return at the completion of the 144,000 work of Ingathering the great multitude that is to be finally sealed. Certain righteous dead will arise, sick ones will be heal and the Papacy cannot stop them. This small army will complete the gospel around the world and a great multitude will be saved. Rev 7:14

Then the beast man and the host of evil angels will ascend and their first job is to deceitfully aide the Papacy. They together first attempt is to destroy or make war with the written Word the Bible. He will go after the Word of ELOHIM this will scatter the people of the MOST HIGH (it appears that they are defeated). The people of ELOHIM are scatter or protected in safe places around the world. Rev 11:7; Dan 12:7 But YAHWEH will prove to the whole world that HIS Word will not be made void. The two Witnesses are symbolic as is a woman in prophecy. What is portrayed is that the beast/man is attacking and destroying the Word. The Bible is not dealing with France but the last days of this earth history and the final work or the Loud Cry! SDA should understand this message! For three days Bibles are destroyed around the world and all the wicked rejoice over this defeat the Bible says (this will include the Papacy). Then a great event happens right at the time of the rejoicing a Voice is heard in Heaven from ELOHIM saying; COME UP HERE! And the two Witnesses ascend up to Heaven in front of their enemies. The Bible reveals how this will happen, a great earthquake and a tenth of Jerusalem/Babylon will fall killing seven thousand people. Those left will be completely frighten. Because of what take place the Ark of the Covenant hidden for centuries will heed the call of ELOHIM and come up out of its hiding. The two tables of stones have the Law and Commandment of ELOHIM will be seen by the whole world taken to Heaven. Rev 11:11-13

Then the beast/man will reveal that he wants be the only ruler of this earth and will proceed to torture but not killed wicked men for the last five months of the 3 1/2 years. Rev 9:5 This beast/man will think that Satan is the rightful ruler of the Universe. Satan convinces him that he must prove his loyalty by taking the earth and he can be the ruler of the earth as Nimrod thought he was in the past. Pagans have always thrown the Sabbath down but the mark of the beast is just what it says a mark and not a day. Now we have two evil foes who now hate each other. The beast/man during this time is getting his power, seat and authority for Satan its clear to me. The false prophet USA will have the world make an image that appears to be alive and talking just like the serpent in the garden thought he could talk. This really is Satan faking to deceive the whole world. Rev 13:15

During the sixth Trumpet and second woe many things will take place:

1. Probation is close and it is during this time the plagues begin to fall,

2. YAHSHUA Voice is heard telling the four angels to allow the river Euphrates to be release that had already been dried up. Rev 9:14 and Rev 16:12 (This event deal with Islam only and not the Ottoman Empire. This religion was thrown in by Satan to prevent prophecy to take place. This Arab Spring is the drying up of this religion to prepare for the beast to gain the rest of the other religions of the world in the east. Even the SDA Commentary have portion of this right.) This event will take place under the sixth plagues,

3. It will be the Papacy folks who will not be able to buy or sell they will be on lock done like USA is doing to Iran only much worst. That is the mark if you don't have it you time will be hard which bring on a war! Rev 13:17

4. The fight of the world is about to take place between two evil foes called the battle of Armageddon (the Bible tells that when the Voice of ELOHIM says IT IS FINISH then YAHSHUA is on the way) Rev 16:-17,

5. False prophet will destroy Jerusalem (bomb like fire coming down out of heaven) to help make way for the New Jerusalem, but an angel of the MOST HIGH will complete the task. Jerusalem will be destroyed for good in bottom of the sea. Rev 13:13, 14; 18:5,6, 8, 21,

These events will take place and even though both evil foes wanted the Bible destroy because the Papacy wants his false religion to succeed. Sunday will not be a major issue because both will honor Sunday but Sabbath and true worship will have ended. The beast is not interested in the belief of the Papacy or who he pretends to believe in because he know it is all a farce and that is why he hates her so much. Deception has fallen on both evil by Satan and death by war will be the result with the beast coming out triumphed. The real eye opener is that it will be the USA who will turn on their beloved Israel and bomb them as homage to the beast man.

Finally, I am not asking that you believe but to research and remember line upon line which is here a little and there a little to piece the true picture of the Loud Cry and it result. I am asking all to lest just talk even disagree without all of the insults to each other. Isa 28:10, 13; Matt 5:9

Happy Sabbath to all and be bless,
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Oct 25, 2012
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"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14).

1. It is clear from the SOP that the latter rain and loud cry began over 120 years ago and halted by unbelief. Sound familiar?

> "For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it" (Heb. 4:2).

2. The latter rain was rejected (righteousness by faith), and has to be recovered.

> "The [latter rain] may be falling on hearts all around us but we shall not discern or receive it" (TM, 507)
> Those full of unbelief said, "This is only excitement; it is not the Holy Spirit, not showers of the latter rain from heaven" (The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 1478).

"The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the Suretyl; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God" (The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 1073).

"When brother Waggoner brought out these ideas in Minneapolis, it was the first clear teaching on this subject from any human lips ... " (The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 348).

"Satan succeeded in shutting away from our people, in a great measure, the special power of the Holy Spirit [i.e. the latter rain] that God longed to impart to them. ... The light that is to lighten the whole earth with it's glory was resisted, and by the action of our own brethren has been in a great degree kept away from the world" (Ibid, 1325).

We may speak of all the prophecy, all the little details of prophetic teachings within our church, yet we know through the SOP that their was a message of the righteousness of Christ that was reject and Ellen White endorsed the message of Waggoner and Jones for years over 350 times!

It's the obvious is it not? Let's read what they had to say. The Glad Tidings, The Everlasting Covenant, by E. J. Waggoner. I read special and beautiful truths in these books that are not even whispered in our church.

A.T. Jones also; The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection, 1891, 93, 95, 97 General Conference Bulletin.

God is waiting for US!!! dear brothers and sisters, not for certain prophetic events. Those certain prophetic events WILL happen quickly when we believe His prophet of a "most precious message."

What gave power to the former rain, on the day of Pentecost? What was that message?

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that sam Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ" (Acts 2:36).

"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for His firstborn" (Zechariah 12:10).

The latter rain and loud cry message will be the same message as the former on the day of Pentecost. Certainly we have an important prophetic message, but an absolute heart message of Christ Crucified will be the foundational premise for all those events to come quickly.

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