What would happen if same-sex marriage were legalised? (2)


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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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The change in the word happened over a decade ago (before 2001, when the first country legalized gay marriage). It doesn't matter that you don't like it, or don't feel it is linguistically valid, as the change has already occurred.

Not to mention completely misrepresenting positions, such as dishonestly stating I "so you condone nambla, serial killers, oppressive tyranical abusive men." Since you make those claims, you lose any credibility.

Sure I do. You would like that. I tell you what, you offered an A, B, then C argument. But you limited it to the gay couples, red herring of your conversation. So I applied the same position on that slippery slope you establish, and put the same reasoning you used, but in a less "liked" arena of relationships.

Isn't it funny, that what was acceptable for GLBT.... you are disgusted of with Nambla? If the principle is good for one, it's good for another. Since you don't like, the, (keyword here), CONSEQUENCES of the slippery slope you set in motion. Perhaps it's not a good idea.

Since you stuck to it, and presented it as good for glbt.... then it must be approved of for NAMBLA as they would be one of the groups to make a claim for it as well.

Did you ever have a logic class? Consequence is a very valid argument. As is slipper slope, etc...

I like how when the logic destroys your position, you resort to personal accusations. :|

Sorry I didn't better respond to the idea of NAMBLA but the points I made still stand,
Not until you refute the comments/arguments made against them. You don't get to self declare victory, sister.

In truth they are a very small group that has no political clout. There is no reason to believe this would change if gay marriage becomes legal.
Not much for studying law either. No clue about supreme court cases, appeals etc.. dictionary dot com and look up "PRECEDENT" I think you can get to Black's Law's Definitions there.

WHEN you set the Precedent the glbt community can change the meaning of the word marriage, you put the term in conflict and any group can make the same case. Of course it would depend on their arguments, etc... but as you put it, "no one likes them anyway, so the little support would keep it out, is totally irrelevant and emotional. We can't bind YOUR thoughts as a reason to deny their claim on the precedent you would set.

to suspect that marriage ages will not go lower, since age of consent laws (both for marriage and for sex) have tended to rise over the last half century (and sorry you didn't like that I used male/female -- which tend to be more acceptable -- to prove that idea), despite the start of groups that promote child sex (like NAMBLA) over the same time period. Trying to claim that things will get worse based merely on a slippery slope argument (which is exactly what you are trying to do) is a logical fallacy.

I feel like I'm hitting a 3rd grader here. :(

Do you know what the word logical fallacy means? Which logical fallacy did I violate? Explain how it was a violation. Show me the part that was the violation. Or did you just mean, I don't like that argument, so I'm going to throw it back at you.

You should read about slippery slope and how unforseen consequences are opened up and legalized based on one court decision. They have a given right to challenge for your new law and have it applied to them. They argue it and move to change consent laws, etc.. It would be all one movement. You are counting on emotions of the country denying them, but that has little to do with legal issues in court. At best you could hope it would take a while for them to break through and your children would be adults and free of that threat.

Also, sociological, and anthropological comments in recent years on slowing down marriages and births, they suggest people stay single longer with no offspring to not be held back.

Also that since the world is overpopulated this is a natural progression that marriages are older, and children's births have slown down.

But who cares about those two things, I merely wanted to show you there are counter aruments, even if you ignore all the main stuff above.

Your entire argument is that changing "male and female" is a major change because I say it is, period.

"If all else fails, LIE?" Or did you really not read all the rest of what I put with the argument? And you have to admit you are ignoring all etymological history, and linguistic science. So, yeah..... bcoughscough.. I'm making a petulant argument. rofl. I'm on record as not caring what word they use at this point, and have jumped the "RIGHT" for causing the dilemma in the first place, so OBVIOUSLY I'm ignoring the issue and running on emotions of what I want. :| That comment of yours is ludicrous to anyone that has read the exchange.

You offer no real defense when people talk about the major changes that occurred with marriage of the centuries,

Really, you offered a wiki article riddled with "NEEDS CITATION" in it, and posted the comments as if they were your arguments, and they dealt with homosexual relationships, more than the etymological history of the word Marriage. If you want to stand proud on plagiarism, and unsourced claims as your backing to support your comments, then I should refrain from talking until you realize that is bunk.

which while true does nothing to address the issue that the word marriage has changed over the decades.
HEY, knock knock knock, hello, MCFLY?
You made arguments that there were same sex couple relationships, NOT that they were considered what we'd make as a married couple with equal rights. I can see a potential conclusion of that assertion, but you have no sources from your source to show that even what they wrote, (which is obviously a one sided article)((but I don't care, still worth investigating)) is actually correct.

No one has argued there were not same sex couples. The topic at that point was on the etymological defintion of marriage. Your "wiki paper with no citations" resource, proved there were homosexual couples, not that they were marriages.

The "major changes" are fictional, not supported by any science or research in peer reviewed print. I've spent months searching for it. I couldn't find any. You looked in a wiki article.

You didn't not show ONE instance of a culture that had homosexual marriages except from a documented perfert, Nero. (AGAIN, I'm not calling homosexual's perverts, at least not anymore than heteros have perverts.)

You totally ignore the fact that there is no reason marriage is required, based on the history of English, to remain only male vs. female other than you believe it. You offer no real evidence, just that you believe it is a major change.

1) do the words, etymological and linguistic science have no meaning to you?
2) if I have no reason, you never answered the call half the women men and the problem is fixed. NOR that with your "consistency" and position, to apply it to colors you could call red green. Do it for the colorblind, they are victims. blah blah blah. You denied to respond to the parts of that chat where you mentioned confusion is bad, above, and the examples you set precedent for cause much MORE confusion. :|

This is not an intellectually honest conversation. You ignore any potent point and are creating emotional appeals.

Last, you completely ignore that before gays ever really had "marriage" (but only civil unions in places like Denmark and Connecticut), people (not just gays) were already calling it marriage.

Sorry, Not many ever say I ignore anything, (see length of my respnoses)
I assure you it wasn't, but truly this is the first I've seen of it. The time frame of denmark and connecticut are events in the time frame of this debate. So after the hijacking began, finding people that used the words in this sense, is ummmm, expected, and is a circular argument. Those that want to change the word marriage, have already started using it, so therefore we should hijack the word and change it's 700 yr old meaning. :|

It wasn't gays who "forced" the changing of the word, marriage is the word most people adopted to refer to gay unions.

Seriously, I don't think you listen to what you say. People called Civil Unions, which were legal, a marriage. When two states or countries join together in a common cause, IT TOO is called a marriage. That is one of the NATURALLY DEVELOPED uses of the word.

The serious issue is the legal terminology was civil union per your own words. Thus proving my point is viable. If we legalized marriage between same sexes in the states, and the alphabet community was together and accepted same/equal rights for a legal union, then their problem is gone. And it's still a marriage in the sense of the word of being together, but you avoid the issue with the word marriage and it's done.

You realize GWB suggested this in his second year in office, and the glbt...... community rejected it in their demonstrations. Had they not fought it, the whole issue would be mostly resolved. I know some of the RIGHT who claim my faith would still be making bigotted issues. :(

While it is true that gays want legal marriage, they are not the ones forcing the change of the word "marriage" in the English language.

Is that a deliberate misrepresentation, or do you not know the history of the fight with the term marriage.

The glbt..... community are exactly the reason the word is changing. The movement started in the states, then europe, etc... Because the far right made so much noise anytime they went for equal rights, their plan shifted. Get ONE, just ONE state to legalize it. And, (I forget the name, but a legal respect where one state approves of other states, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, stuff like that.> Some sorta courtesy.) was the reason they went for legalized marriage. That's where it started. End of story. Go the library and look it up. This was occuring in the mid 90s in a serious sense. As you said, in the mid 2000s you see it occuring in Europe.

It doesn't matter that you don't like it, or don't feel it is linguistically valid, as the change has already occurred.

Which part of I'm indifferent is elluding you?

The fact they set it up in the netherlands to use the same word is irrelevant to what I said. To say otherwise would be like claiming, since Jim Bob sued a doctor and got a settlement I should to.

If you don't like that one, try this....The Netherlands set it up about 5-8 years after the glbt.... community started the chat on it in the states. We may not have been the first to start that chat, but we were the first to give it loud public attention.

To say after the organized hijacking was occuring someone made it legal by that name, does not defend your claim, "the word was already changing. Any changes that occur AFTER this dilemma went public, do not disprove the word is being hijacked.

It's not a matter of my like or dislike, it's the fact of the word, etymological history, linguistic science.

Let's march for the Color blind TOGETHER, and get to know each other, and change Green to Red so they aren't feeling awkward. K?
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Active Member
May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Are you going to have a fit over these words changing too?

I'll answer your argument, after you answer mine.

I've already stated words have a natural progression and ways they change in language studies. I used the example MOUSE. Cat food, or on your desk. There was a natural reason for that.

The other part of this topic, was not a natural progression, it was designed and orchestrated for the explicit purpose of redefining the word.

A poor example, since that decision was a legal posturing one, would be, I'm accused of Pandering, so I want to redefine pandering so it will become legally acceptable. (It's an analogy, I'm not comparing same sex culture as a culture of illegals.)
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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Wait, are the gays bratty children to you, or are they NAMBLA? You're mixing your hate metaphors.

Do you contribute anything to this chat, or just sit back and take pot shots.

I didn't confuse metaphors, I used different analogies for different points. If I used a different analogy for the same point 55 times, the point would remain, you would just have 55 different ways of expressing the same consistent thought.

Your assertions are getting higher and higher of a slanderous nature. To imply I am using hate metaphors insults YOUR intelligence.
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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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I dont think its like that..being that I have bratty children and I know very closely many gay and lesbien people..

Having said that..many adults have the propensity to be "bratty"... I dont think wanting equal rights and protection under the law is a temper tantrum..

Is your only issue the use of the "word" marriage?..


The word marriage has to be used by the glbt community now. The far right fanatics have forced their hand. My offense is the hijacking of the word, to a completely different meaning.

Much like "GAY" was hijacked. I can't even use that word anymore without causeing folks to start s[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]ing and making jokes.

It makes me mad the word being redefined for personal reasons out of principal, not bigotry. Relate that to I'm against establishing the slippery slope.

I compared it to the classic petulant child scene, where the child is on their back pounding their hands and feet saying DO IT MY WAY. That's really what it is. They have no choice legally. But the personal bigotry flows both ways, and if you don't embrace and support the glbt community's method, you are accosted. In here there has been no less than 84 arguments I made ignored and unanswered. There have been a dozen at least personal attacks, just because I didn't agree with someone and had a substantiated reason. GAYS are bigots too. Far right are Bigots as well. Many in the middle aren't, many are. Not all Gays are bigots, not all Far right are bigots. It's the bigotry I'm ticked at.

If we want to get into a "gay friends" contest, I doubt you win, but I can't make that claim with assurity.
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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Having to acknowledge that people can marry partners you don't approve of is not a real change--parents have been doing that for all of history. Actually, if there is any facet of marriage that has truly been present in every culture, for all of time, that may well be it! [/quote]

How is this change forced?
Are you guys doing this on purpose? I've answered this 85 million times already. The term in the STATES was chosen because they legally gain advantage. Originally there was no complaint over any word, the community activists just wanted the rights. Remember the same community demanded to be accepted as DIFFERENT 30 years ago, and took the name GAY and redefined it for cultural differences to be evident.
The community wants the word marriage so that in ONE state they could get married, and the way the law was set up, the other's would have to accept it. That's when the states started the move to outlaw it in each state to avoid being legally locked into that position. THEY CHOSE IT DELIBERATELY AND PUSH TO REDEFINE THE WORD MARRIAGE that has stood for 700 years.

That is clearly a forcing the word issue for personal gain. (AND I support their position, but I won't humiliate myself to just allowing injustice to be done on either side.)

Now, legalizing polygamy would actually change all marriage.

You had a man and woman make a union. In the man's case it was multiple times. But I believe the term POLYGAMY was made for a reason, and they don't use the word MARRIAGE to describe what they would be doing in your example. So, Ummmm, I don't see how the position flies?
Help me. I think I'm missing something. Long day.. etc..

Having to acknowledge that people can marry partners you don't approve of is not a real change--

There you go again. I've stated on record I could care less what word they use. I think they have no choice to change it to marriage from union now. blah blah, so my approval really doesn't fall either way based on the people involved. My argument is etymological and linguistic only. AND the fact that we set the precedent where anyone can redefine marriage to suit their needs. Or at least have precedent to try. That's a dangerous position. (Your best argument would be, we faced the same thing with interracial marriages years ago, where the church marched against it, and the Church and democrats created a group called the Ku Klux Klan to represent them. WHICH BTW, started off as goofy, but not violent.)

parents have been doing that for all of history. Actually, if there is any facet of marriage that has truly been present in every culture, for all of time, that may well be it!

I'm sorry, my head is sent in too many directions and I got myself lost, can you put this slightly different so I grasp the point better, please?
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Dec 21, 2005
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Legal Dictionary

Main Entry: hi·jack
Pronunciation: 'hI-"jak
Function: transitive verb
: to seize possession or control of (a vehicle) from another person by force or threat of force; specifically : to seize possession or control of (an aircraft) esp. by forcing the pilot to divert the aircraft to another destination

SELFISH: In a neighborhood celebration, every year for 700 years they have had apple pies for their celebratory dish. This year, BELK wanted Cherry, forgetting the tradition, the history, etc.. he wanted Cherry Pie so bad, he screamed and yelled and forced his way on the rest of the community.

Except now they had apple and cherry. Why is that wrong and why is adding to a tradition to include the desires of others selfish?
An exact representation of what is going on here.

HIJACK what is not owned.

I deny the presumption it's not owned. It would be owned to all English speaking peoples,

OK then, since they are English speaking peoples they are part owners of it yes? How can you hijack something you own?

with a meaning that has been consistent in our culture for 700 years.

If you think the meaning of marriage has not changed in the past 700 years I have some bad news for you.

NOW we take it out of it's normal growth, bend it to a minorities wills, for their purposes, for their satisfaction.

Explain the how one determines "Normal growth" for a word.
You tell me how it's not hijacking.

For the exact same reason that calling the union of interracial couples a marriage was not hijacking the word. For the same reason that calling the union of two commoners a marriage was not hijacking the word. Because as society changes the words we use reflect those changes.
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Jul 1, 2007
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The word marriage has to be used by the glbt community now. The far right fanatics have forced their hand. My offense is the hijacking of the word, to a completely different meaning.

Much like "GAY" was hijacked. I can't even use that word anymore without causeing folks to start s[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]ing and making jokes.

It makes me mad the word being redefined for personal reasons out of principal, not bigotry. Relate that to I'm against establishing the slippery slope.

I compared it to the classic petulant child scene, where the child is on their back pounding their hands and feet saying DO IT MY WAY. That's really what it is. They have no choice legally. But the personal bigotry flows both ways, and if you don't embrace and support the glbt community's method, you are accosted. In here there has been no less than 84 arguments I made ignored and unanswered. There have been a dozen at least personal attacks, just because I didn't agree with someone and had a substantiated reason. GAYS are bigots too. Far right are Bigots as well. Many in the middle aren't, many are. Not all Gays are bigots, not all Far right are bigots. It's the bigotry I'm ticked at.

If we want to get into a "gay friends" contest, I doubt you win, but I can't make that claim with assurity.

How is it that you are not yourself saying 'Do it my way!'? You are stamping your foot down and declaring that future generations ought not to add subtle variation to the meaning of the word as you've defined it, when any study of natural language reveals that this happens all the time. Meaning is not as fixed and stable as we imagine it to be. And we owe the flexibility of language to that fact. You argue that marriage should not be redefined because there is no 'linguistic reason' for it. Look around you. There is hardly ever a technical linguistic reason for redefining any word. If the only way of adding or subtracting meaning from a word was to posit a 'linguistic reason' then language would never evolve. And yet we can plainly see that it does, and it does so in spite of (or even in the absence of) apparent 'linguistic reasons'.
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Oct 20, 2007
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Sure I do. You would like that. I tell you what, you offered an A, B, then C argument. But you limited it to the gay couples, red herring of your conversation. So I applied the same position on that slippery slope you establish, and put the same reasoning you used, but in a less "liked" arena of relationships.

I'm sorry, what were these "A", "B", and "C" arguments? How were they red herrings? Where did I establish a slippery slope?

Isn't it funny, that what was acceptable for GLBT.... you are disgusted of with Nambla? If the principle is good for one, it's good for another. Since you don't like, the, (keyword here), CONSEQUENCES of the slippery slope you set in motion. Perhaps it's not a good idea.

Since you stuck to it, and presented it as good for glbt.... then it must be approved of for NAMBLA as they would be one of the groups to make a claim for it as well.

Wow, again what "slippery slope" did I "set in motion"? I explained why NAMBLA has no chance, how age of consent has been raised over the last century. I give valid reasoning (logic) why sex with children (male or female, though I used the female example since that is the less disgusting to society) is not going to happen.

There is no principle like you are trying to claim is "logical"; that if marriage is good for people of all sexes than marriage is good for children. To use your logic, alcohol should be allowed without restriction to people of all ages since we allow it freely to adults of both genders.

Did you ever have a logic class? Consequence is a very valid argument. As is slipper slope, etc...

I like how when the logic destroys your position, you resort to personal accusations. :|

I did though I'm not so sure about you. Instead you make vague claims backed up by nothing more than personal opinions (such as how I've made "A, B, then C argument"). And even more irony, you then do the exact thing you are claiming I've done. Personal attacks? In this same post you said things like, "Did you ever have a logic class?", "Not much for studying law either", "I feel like I'm hitting a 3rd grader here", "Do you know what the word logical fallacy means?", and "HEY, knock knock knock, hello, MCFLY?". So, I suppose we can safely conclude that you have no logical argument? After all, you stated that "when the logic destroys your position, you resort to personal accusations."

Not until you refute the comments/arguments made against them. You don't get to self declare victory, sister.

But that is it, I did destroy the position. What part of how the age of consent (both for sex and marriage) has INCREASED constantly over the last century do you not understand? It has nothing to do with whether NAMBLA wants sex with male or females and everything to do that they want sex with CHILDREN. And society has a variety of reasons that sex with children is forbidden -- and again have increasingly raised the age. There is no true movement to lower the age where adults can have sex with adolescents (though there is some discussion, based on misuse of some age of consent laws, to change the laws of one adolescent having sex with another).

Not much for studying law either. No clue about supreme court cases, appeals etc.. dictionary dot com and look up "PRECEDENT" I think you can get to Black's Law's Definitions there.

WHEN you set the Precedent the glbt community can change the meaning of the word marriage, you put the term in conflict and any group can make the same case. Of course it would depend on their arguments, etc... but as you put it, "no one likes them anyway, so the little support would keep it out, is totally irrelevant and emotional. We can't bind YOUR thoughts as a reason to deny their claim on the precedent you would set.

Perhaps you don't understand the law. I am sure plenty of people here will tell you I have a good grasp of the law and legal issues, as well as precedent, Supreme Court cases, etc.

You do realize anyone can take any case to court that they wish, for whatever reason. Granted, the may get rejected by the courts outright for things like a lack of standing (much like the Birthers) but they are entitled to bring the case.

And as for your slippery slope (so far as people thinking they can change the legal meaning of marriage), then you should blame interracial couples (Loving v. Virginia) who used the Supreme Court to change the legal definition of marriage nationally. I would say that you should blame the Mormons (Reynolds v. United States), but their case was not successful.

By your logic, the gay rights group pushing for marriage in the US is firmly built on Loving v. Virginia. And actually, not just your logic, since the majority opinion in Loving opened the door for the gays by stating, "Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man.'"

I feel like I'm hitting a 3rd grader here. :(

Do you know what the word logical fallacy means? Which logical fallacy did I violate? Explain how it was a violation. Show me the part that was the violation. Or did you just mean, I don't like that argument, so I'm going to throw it back at you.

You should read about slippery slope and how unforseen consequences are opened up and legalized based on one court decision. They have a given right to challenge for your new law and have it applied to them. They argue it and move to change consent laws, etc.. It would be all one movement. You are counting on emotions of the country denying them, but that has little to do with legal issues in court. At best you could hope it would take a while for them to break through and your children would be adults and free of that threat.

Yes, your slippery slope is that gay marriage would inevitably lead to allowing children to marry adults. I'm sorry that you can't see it and somehow actually believe you are right.

However, legally your problem is that children are not granted the full rights of citizenship. We deny children the right to vote, they are unable to enter contracts, they are limited in many ways. This is justified under the law by the fact they are not fully developed, not just physically but also mentally and socially.

And what makes your slippery slope a logical fallacy is the fact that none of those issues of children being denied the rights and privileges that adults have would not be touched by granting gays the right to marry. The closest your slippery slope might extend is to polygamy, though again there are binding Supreme Court rulings (again, Reynolds v. United States) that give reasons, not related to same-sex marriage, that again likely will keep same sex rulings from opening the door to polygamous marriages.

Also, sociological, and anthropological comments in recent years on slowing down marriages and births, they suggest people stay single longer with no offspring to not be held back.

Also that since the world is overpopulated this is a natural progression that marriages are older, and children's births have slown down.

But who cares about those two things, I merely wanted to show you there are counter aruments, even if you ignore all the main stuff above.

Except, again, I have shown why those arguments do not hold up.

"If all else fails, LIE?" Or did you really not read all the rest of what I put with the argument? And you have to admit you are ignoring all etymological history, and linguistic science. So, yeah..... bcoughscough.. I'm making a petulant argument. rofl. I'm on record as not caring what word they use at this point, and have jumped the "RIGHT" for causing the dilemma in the first place, so OBVIOUSLY I'm ignoring the issue and running on emotions of what I want. :| That comment of yours is ludicrous to anyone that has read the exchange.

Yes, you are. There is no requirement that words are required to hold to a historical definition. I've given one example with the word "fly", there was no historical reason to allow the word to be used in reference to people inside balloons or airplanes, yet the word expanded to include that. There are even better examples, such as awful. The original meaning of awful was "full of awe, or awe full" -- it still lists that as an obsolete meaning in dictionaries. Of course, not it is used to mean something disgusting. There has never been a requirement that a word keep a consistent meaning, rather words change as the way people use the words change.

Another great example would be the word "cool" (or "hot") as it has been changed by the slang usage to have a completely new and unrelated meaning. So are you going to accuse the youth of the 60 and 70s of hijacking the word, since their new usage has no etymological basis?

Again, it is a majority of people who have come to accept same sex couples can be "married".

Really, you offered a wiki article riddled with "NEEDS CITATION" in it, and posted the comments as if they were your arguments, and they dealt with homosexual relationships, more than the etymological history of the word Marriage. If you want to stand proud on plagiarism, and unsourced claims as your backing to support your comments, then I should refrain from talking until you realize that is bunk.

HEY, knock knock knock, hello, MCFLY?
You made arguments that there were same sex couple relationships, NOT that they were considered what we'd make as a married couple with equal rights. I can see a potential conclusion of that assertion, but you have no sources from your source to show that even what they wrote, (which is obviously a one sided article)((but I don't care, still worth investigating)) is actually correct.

No one has argued there were not same sex couples. The topic at that point was on the etymological defintion of marriage. Your "wiki paper with no citations" resource, proved there were homosexual couples, not that they were marriages.

The "major changes" are fictional, not supported by any science or research in peer reviewed print. I've spent months searching for it. I couldn't find any. You looked in a wiki article.

You didn't not show ONE instance of a culture that had homosexual marriages except from a documented perfert, Nero. (AGAIN, I'm not calling homosexual's perverts, at least not anymore than heteros have perverts.)

1) do the words, etymological and linguistic science have no meaning to you?
2) if I have no reason, you never answered the call half the women men and the problem is fixed. NOR that with your "consistency" and position, to apply it to colors you could call red green. Do it for the colorblind, they are victims. blah blah blah. You denied to respond to the parts of that chat where you mentioned confusion is bad, above, and the examples you set precedent for cause much MORE confusion. :|

This is not an intellectually honest conversation. You ignore any potent point and are creating emotional appeals.

Again, my sources were not "Wiki". The research was done some time ago and I don't have the reference materials at hand anymore. The Wiki was something quick and easy I can reference. The fact that you completely ignore the Native American aspect tells me you are less than honest about the research you have done.

Further, of course we can't prove things about ancient Egypt and China as there are no records of marriages, or even what a marriage really was in those cultures. Anthropologists make interpretations, largely based on the same burial chambers that same sex couples have been found in. So, yes, we don't know that the same sex couple was "married", but we also don't know that (at least for most) the opposite sex couples in the chamber were "married" either, or what "marriage" meant exactly in those cultures. You are making negative assumptions based on zero evidence -- I at least am honest enough to admit that we really don't know, either way.

As for confusion, I hardly see that as an issue. It reminds me of racists back in the 60 who argued that allowing interracial marriage would lead to "confusion". Though there argument was not just the confusion of meeting a White woman and being shocked by having a Black husband (which would seem to be equal to the confusion you are talking about) -- but they warned of the terrible consequences of these poor children who will grow up not knowing what race they are. The confusion issue is nothing more than a smokescreen, just as it was for interracial marriage. Of maybe to try it a different way, since where in the Constitution does it say that we can treat people with different standards because it might result in confusion?

Continued in my next post....
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Ugh why did protestants have to hijack the word "christian" ugh

Isn't it worse then that? The very word "Christan" was hijacked by the original Christians!
Acts 11:26 said:
26And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
Here we took a word meant to ridicule us and hijacked it for our own! :sorry:
tulc(likes words a lot) ;)
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Jul 1, 2007
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To think of changing words meanings that have stood for 700 years, just to make you included, is petulantly preposterous. So, what's your point? it's not a psych attachment, it's a linguistic and etymological reality.

All comments like this, lack any logic or argument, and appeal to emotions only. Fallacious by definition.

But the meaning of the word 'marriage' has not remained stable for the past 700 years. If I said 'marriage' to someone 500 years ago they would have a very different idea about what that entailed, what the roles of the participants were, and intend the proper means of actualizing the proposition. Even if I said 'marriage' 80 years ago, people would have a very different idea of what that statement entailed. It wouldn't be true to say that the meaning has 'stood' for 700 years; it would be more precise to say that it's been changing for 700 years, and that same-sex marriage is merely the latest step in that natural change. Obviously there was no 'linguistic reason' for re-conceptualizing marriage as being between one man and one woman (as opposed to many women). Likewise there was no apparent 'linguistic reason' for re-conceptualizing marriage to mean that the man and the woman were equal partners in the institution (a relatively novel ideal). The reasons for redefining what we mean by marriage, throughout its history, have never been linguistic. Why then do we need a linguistic reason now?
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Oct 20, 2007
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... continued from my previous post.

Sorry, Not many ever say I ignore anything, (see length of my respnoses)
I assure you it wasn't, but truly this is the first I've seen of it. The time frame of denmark and connecticut are events in the time frame of this debate. So after the hijacking began, finding people that used the words in this sense, is ummmm, expected, and is a circular argument. Those that want to change the word marriage, have already started using it, so therefore we should hijack the word and change it's 700 yr old meaning. :|

So I trust that you are going to lead the charge to return "awful" to its historical meaning? While you are at it, you need to fix words like "demagogue" and "democrat", too. There are also the words "cool", "hot", and many other slang words for you to tilt at.

Or maybe you can learn to accept the fact that English is a living language and words change meaning over time, there is no requirement to stick to historical definitions.

Seriously, I don't think you listen to what you say. People called Civil Unions, which were legal, a marriage. When two states or countries join together in a common cause, IT TOO is called a marriage. That is one of the NATURALLY DEVELOPED uses of the word.

The serious issue is the legal terminology was civil union per your own words. Thus proving my point is viable. If we legalized marriage between same sexes in the states, and the alphabet community was together and accepted same/equal rights for a legal union, then their problem is gone. And it's still a marriage in the sense of the word of being together, but you avoid the issue with the word marriage and it's done.

You realize GWB suggested this in his second year in office, and the glbt...... community rejected it in their demonstrations. Had they not fought it, the whole issue would be mostly resolved. I know some of the RIGHT who claim my faith would still be making bigotted issues. :(

Actually, I'd love to see you prove that. In particular, show how civil unions had any chance of being passed nationwide in 2002. As evidence, let me state the Vermont was the only state in the union to have allowed civil unions at that point, that happened in 1999. Connecticut became the second state to allow them, but that did not happen until 2005. Where was the support going to come from to allow civil unions in other states?

In truth, what occurred in 2002 is that Congress (from what I recall, endorsed by the Bush Administration) sought to pass a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. This appears to be the complete opposite of what you are claiming. Now, in 2004 Pres. Bush came out in support of civil unions (which may be what you are thinking of) but at the same time Pres. Bush was endorsing another attempt to pass a marriage amendment.

Is that a deliberate misrepresentation, or do you not know the history of the fight with the term marriage.

The glbt..... community are exactly the reason the word is changing. The movement started in the states, then europe, etc... Because the far right made so much noise anytime they went for equal rights, their plan shifted. Get ONE, just ONE state to legalize it. And, (I forget the name, but a legal respect where one state approves of other states, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, stuff like that.> Some sorta courtesy.) was the reason they went for legalized marriage. That's where it started. End of story. Go the library and look it up. This was occuring in the mid 90s in a serious sense. As you said, in the mid 2000s you see it occuring in Europe.

I disagree the movement started in the states. At best, I think you can claim that the movements happened together and, even then, I think the conclusion would be that the American gay rights movement was very ineffective. Denmark created civil unions a decade before Vermont (the first US state) allowed them. The Netherlands was the first country to allow same sex marriage, again a few years before any US state allowed it -- and only one US state (Vermont) had even granted civil unions at that time. Connecticut, the second state to allow civil unions, did not allow them until 2005 (the year after same sex marriage became legal in Massachusetts). In the time that it took to get three states to allow gay unions, of any kind, in the US, four countries had already passed same sex marriage and 10 more allowed civil unions.

As for the US, it started in Hawaii (likely inspired by Denmark). Three same sex couples went to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license and were denied, after which they sued that they were being denied equal protection under the law. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed in response, to stop all states from having to recognize gay marriages based on the Full Faith and Credit clause in the Constitution (and since it is a common law attempting to trump the Constitution, it's legality is questionable at best).

The problem with your claim that this was the gay rights group strategy is that, despite the fact they were later successful in Vermont -- where they got civil unions --and finally marriage in Massachusetts is that they have never really attacked DOMA. In fact, the main current legal challenge by gays to DOMA is actually a derivative of Prop. 8. You would think, if there strategy was as you claimed, that they would have attacked DOMA much sooner and much stronger. Or, you may just be remembering what the right wing was claiming as "gay strategy" when they were trying to gain support for DOMA.

I will state there is a second attack on DOMA but it is by the state of Massachusetts. Basically, they are suing because they are forced by DOMA to maintain two different databases of married people, one using the state definition, that allows gay marriages, and a second using the federal definition per DOMA. Additionally they assert that the marriage is a power granted to State governments, and that the Federal government does not have the right to restrict marriage per the Constitution.

Now, I'll admit that I might be mistaken on some parts of this. I can't claim to have been paying much attention to what was going on in Hawaii at the time as I was too busy with my own marriage/family to care (and, yes, I was legally married and we have 3 children). Perhaps you'll refrain, in the future, from trying to make claims about my personal life, as you did in a previous post.

Which part of I'm indifferent is elluding you?

The fact they set it up in the netherlands to use the same word is irrelevant to what I said. To say otherwise would be like claiming, since Jim Bob sued a doctor and got a settlement I should to.

Not sure how that relates to anything I said. My point was that the same groups that claim now to not like the "hijacking" of the word marriage were calling the civil unions in Denmark "marriages". It seems disingenuous when a decade ago they help redefine the word marriage to include same sex couples (in their papers about the evil of "gay marriage" in Denmark, despite Denmark not allowing same sex marriage) and now, just in the past couple of years, they are claiming the word is currently being hijacked.

If you don't like that one, try this....The Netherlands set it up about 5-8 years after the glbt.... community started the chat on it in the states. We may not have been the first to start that chat, but we were the first to give it loud public attention.

And when did the conversation start in the Netherlands? Or are you trying to claim that one night the gays said, "We want marriage" and so the next day a law was passed? Again, the truth is more along the lines that the same sex marriage debate worldwide started with Denmark allowing civil unions. The difference in timing with the word marriage has more to do with the European countries using legislative avenues, whereas in the US largely used the courts to make claims of unequal protection under the law -- which immediately brings marriage into the debate. Even in Vermont, which ended up with civil unions, it was an equality issue forced by the courts.

To say after the organized hijacking was occuring someone made it legal by that name, does not defend your claim, "the word was already changing. Any changes that occur AFTER this dilemma went public, do not disprove the word is being hijacked.

It's not a matter of my like or dislike, it's the fact of the word, etymological history, linguistic science.

Let's march for the Color blind TOGETHER, and get to know each other, and change Green to Red so they aren't feeling awkward. K?

And again, the etymology of a word does not matter in the current meaning. it can provide insight into the word and historical background but, as with words such as awful, it has little to do with the c
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Jul 1, 2007
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(Posts huge walls of text, repeating same arguments having to do with linguistics)

"...and thats why same-sex partners shouldn't have hospital visitation rights!"

To be fair, I don't think that's what he's saying at all. He did acknowledge that homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals, but that (for some linguistic reason) that equivalent set of rights shouldn't be called 'marriage' in the homosexual case. The disagreement here is not what those rights should be, but whether or not they should fall under the term 'marriage'. Heterodoxical maintains that they should not. Others, including myself, argue that they should, if for no better reason than parsimony.
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Mystically signifying since 1985
Feb 25, 2007
Northern Illniois
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Language shifts and changes all the time. I've had my nose rubbed in this fact repeatedly over the years, because I used to one of the great language purists of all time.

I went to the mat insisting that the word grey is spelled with an "e" and not with an "a". Also, it's "hiccough" not "hiccup" for heaven's sake. One thing can be different from another thing. It absolutely cannot, under any circumstances be "different than another thing.

Don't even get me started on flaunt & flout.

And the worst, most horrible, most disgusting, stinkiest piece of linguistic wrongness ever to be perpetrated - and it happens right here on CF every single day - using the word "man" when you mean "people".

Language shifts & changes all the time. The word "marriage" is going through a change - don't fear it. Embrace it.

Oh, and Heterodoxical - the constitutional principal you forgot the name of, it's "full faith and credit." Article IV, Section 1. It's the reason that DOMA is unconstitutional on its face, and the reason that all of those stupid stupid State Constitutional Amendments trying to "define marriage as between one man and one woman" are destined to get thrown on the same manure pile as the Texas anti-sodomy laws.
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May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Ugh why did protestants have to hijack the word "christian" ugh

Umm, errr, I have to admit, it's a valid question.

As a Protestant that did the NON LEMMINGS approach to studying Apostolic Authority, and still not of the Catholic bent, I'm a rarity in that I defend Apostolic Authority as what the Bible teaches, and the early Church fathers understood.

My name is a fair representation. :)
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Active Member
May 8, 2011
dallas tx
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Language shifts and changes all the time. I've had my nose rubbed in this fact repeatedly over the years, because I used to one of the great language purists of all time.

I went to the mat insisting that the word grey is spelled with an "e" and not with an "a". Also, it's "hiccough" not "hiccup" for heaven's sake. One thing can be different from another thing. It absolutely cannot, under any circumstances be "different than another thing.

Don't even get me started on flaunt & flout.

And the worst, most horrible, most disgusting, stinkiest piece of linguistic wrongness ever to be perpetrated - and it happens right here on CF every single day - using the word "man" when you mean "people".

Language shifts & changes all the time. The word "marriage" is going through a change - don't fear it. Embrace it.

Oh, and Heterodoxical - the constitutional principal you forgot the name of, it's "full faith and credit." Article IV, Section 1. It's the reason that DOMA is unconstitutional on its face, and the reason that all of those stupid stupid State Constitutional Amendments trying to "define marriage as between one man and one woman" are destined to get thrown on the same manure pile as the Texas anti-sodomy laws.


Let me ask you this, do you really so no difference to words that change meaning, rather ADD meanings through the natural progression of things, vs a group that wants to delare a new meaning on a word to suit their needs?

One is natural.

One is dictated, or demanded, either way it's orchestrated for selfish reasons.

Again, I really don't care if they use the term marriage or not. I don't think they have an issue because of those that delcare they share my faith.

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