What Is Happening That A lot Of People Are Not Aware Of Part 10


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Manipulating The Public

The Voice of God Weapon Returns


Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia


Army Yanks ‘Voice-To-Skull Devices’ Site


Physical Control of the Mind -- Toward a Psychocivilized Society (Harper Colophon books)

"The book focuses on the use of electronic implants to control one's thoughts and reactions. "This is a thoughtful, up to date account of remarkable experiments with electric stimulation of the brain, carried out in cats, monkeys, chimpanzees and a few human patients, as well as in that somewhat romantic experimental animal, the fighting bull." Philip Morrison, Scientific American."


Influencing Opinions, Thoughts Through Deliberate Manipulation Of The Media

THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D.

..“In the Pavlovian strategy, terrorizing force can finally be replaced by a new organization of the means of communication. Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern of thought in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind. Yet, the polls may only count what people pretend to think and believe, because it is dangerous for them to do otherwise.

Such is the Pavlovian device: repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions, diminish the opportunity of communicating dissent and opposition. This is the simple formula for political conditioning of the masses. This is also the actual ideal of some of our public relation machines, who thus hope to manipulate the public into buying a special soap or voting for a special party.

The Pavlovian strategy in public relations has people conditioned more and more to ask themselves, "What do other people think?" As a result, a common delusion is created: people are incited to think what other people think, and thus public opinion may mushroom out into a mass prejudice.




Marx and Satan (Book providing information on Karl Marx's connection to Satan)


The videos below will show more including about Christopher Columbus.

Hitler’s call to arms: How the Fuhrer had a photographer help him practice his extreme hand gestures and body language

"Adolf Hitler had a photographer help him practice extreme hand gestures and body language for his hate-filled speeches.

These pictures reportedly taken in 1925, give a behind the scenes look of the former leader of Nazi Germany rehearsing his emphatic gestures while listening to recordings of his speeches.

The images were captured by Hitler's private photographer Heinrich Hoffman and were taken so the dictator could review them later."...


Skull and Bones

"As opposite as George Bush and John Kerry may seem to be, they do share a common secret - one they've shared for decades, and one they will not share with the electorate.

The secret: details of their membership in Skull and Bones, the elite Yale University society whose members include some of the most powerful men of the 20th century."...


The Most Powerful Freemasons Ever

..."The one thing that is public about the masons is their member list -- and some of the most powerful people in the world were at one time part of the club. The following is a list of 13 powerful members -- some living, some not -- who took the secret vow"...

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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Influencing Opinions, Thoughts Through Deliberate Manipulation Of The Media

THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D.

..“In the Pavlovian strategy, terrorizing force can finally be replaced by a new organization of the means of communication. Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern of thought in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind. Yet, the polls may only count what people pretend to think and believe, because it is dangerous for them to do otherwise.

Such is the Pavlovian device: repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions, diminish the opportunity of communicating dissent and opposition. This is the simple formula for political conditioning of the masses. This is also the actual ideal of some of our public relation machines, who thus hope to manipulate the public into buying a special soap or voting for a special party.

The Pavlovian strategy in public relations has people conditioned more and more to ask themselves, "What do other people think?" As a result, a common delusion is created: people are incited to think what other people think, and thus public opinion may mushroom out into a mass prejudice.

Expressed in psychoanalytic terms, through daily propagandistic noise backed up by forceful verbal cues, people can more and more be forced to identify with the powerful noisemaker. Big Brother's voice resounds in all the little brothers.

News from Red China, as reported by neutral Indian journalists [See the "New York Times", November 27, 1954] tells us that the Chinese leaders are using this vocal conditioning of the public to strengthen their regime. Throughout the country, radios and loud speakers are broadcasting the official "truths." The sugary voices take possession of people, the cultural tyranny traps their ears with loud speakers, telling them what they may and may not do. This microphone regimentation was foreseen by the French philosopher La Rochefoucauld, who, in the eighteenth century, said: "A man is like a rabbit, you catch him by the ears."

During the Second World War the Nazis showed that they too were very much aware of this conditioning power of the word. I saw their strategy at work in Holland. The radio constantly spread political suggestions and propaganda, and people were obliged to listen because the simple act of turning off one's radio was in itself suspicious. I remember one day during the occupation when I was taking a bicycle trp with some friends. We stopped off to rest at a cafe that, we later realized, was a true Nazi nest. When the radio, which had been on ever since we arrived, announced a speech by Hitler, everyone stood up in awe, and it was a must to take in the verbal conditioning by the Fuhrer. My friends and I had to stand up too, and were forced to listen to that raucous voice crackling in our ears and to summon all our resistance against that long, boring, repetitive attack on our eardrums and minds.

Throughout the occupation, the Nazis printed tons of propaganda, Big Lies, and distortions. They even went so far as to paint their slogans on the stoops of the houses and in the streets. Every week newly fabricated stereotypes ogled at us as if to convince us of the splendor of the Third Reich"...

Political Mind Manipulation

Political Conditioning

..."Political conditioning should not be confused with training or persuasion or even indoctrination. It is more than that. It is tampering. It is taking possession of both the simplest and the most complicated nervous patterns of man. It is the battle for the possession of the nerve cells. It is coercion and enforced conversion. Instead of conditioning man to an unbiased facing of reality, the seducer conditions him to catchwords, verbal stereotypes, slogans, formulas, symbols. Pavlovian strategy in the totalitarian sense means imprinting prescribed reflexes on a mind that has been broken down. The totalitarian wants first the required response from the nerve cells, then control of the individual, and finally control of the masses. The system starts with verbal conditioning and training by combining the required stereotypes with negative or positive stimuli: pain, or reward. In the P.O.W. camps in Korea where there was individual and mass brainwashing, the negative and positive conditioning stimuli were usually hunger and food. The moment the soldier conformed to the party line his food ration was improved: say yes, and I'll give you a piece of candy!


Politicians will purposely make the masses hungry in order to manipulate them. By preventing the masses from earning a living (being able to sustain oneself), and then by giving them food and other items freely in order to manipulate them. This is a very powerful psychological tool. That is why it is hard for many Jamaicans to break free from bad politicians. It is because they are being psychologically manipulated.

Your vote for 'curry goat'


Man Being An Animal Originates With Satan Himself

The Nine Satanic Statements

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

"Nothing is to be gained by denying oneself pleasure. Religious calls for abstinence most often come from faiths that view the physical world and its pleasures as spiritually dangerous. Satanism is a world-affirming, not world-denying, religion. However, the encouragement of indulgence does not equate mindless submersion into pleasures. Sometimes refrain leads to heightened enjoyment later, in which case patience and discipline are encouraged. Finally, indulgence requires one to always be in control. If satisfying a desire becomes a compulsion (such as an addiction), then control has been surrendered to the object of desire, which is never encouraged."...

****** Therefore persons who fornicate, commit adultery, become involved in homosexual relationships are actually practicing satanism. Although the above talks about self control, in reality there is no self control in Satanism. Jesus Christ gives us the ability to have true self control.

7. Satan represents man as just another animal...!

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all! Elevating the human species as somehow innately superior to other animals is blatant self-deceit. Humanity is driven by the same natural urges that other animals experience. While our intellect has allowed us to accomplish truly great things (which should be appreciated), it can also be credited with incredible and wanton acts of cruelty throughout history.

Satan himself says that man is just an animal. Animals act on instinct not self control.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins...!

..."Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! In general, the concept of “sin” is something that breaks a moral or religious law, and Satanism is strictly against such following of dogma. When a Satanist avoids an action, it is because of concrete reasons, not simply because dogma dictates it or someone has judged it “bad”. In addition, when a Satanists realizes that he or she has committed an actual wrong, the correct response is to accept it, learn from it, and not do it again, rather than mentally beat himself or herself up for it or begging for forgiveness."


Once again above, Satan represents all sins, sexual and other sins.

Man becoming an animal simply speaks to man becoming a beast, acting on instincts lust, not self control, not conscience.


…”God made us different than the animals, which live by instinct. We are made in His image, and He breathed His Holy Spirit into man which became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Mankind has a conscious and can choose his morality. He chooses whether to produce life or to kill the life he conceived while the baby is still in the womb. Animals have sex by instinct, the way God made them for reproduction; but God gave man the ability to choose sex for pleasure (intimacy), as well as reproduction. The only restrictions placed on man concerning sex were to be within the confines of marriage and to be responsible for that act when a life is conceived (Psalms 127:3). Instinct vs. conscious, animal vs. man... two

different creatures made by the creator, totally different. Man to have fellowship with God, and animal to be used by man (Genesis 1:26-30). Throughout the Scriptures there are three fundamental crimes which bring a sentence of judgment upon a nation. All through Scripture the Lord warns His children not to mix with other religions nor worship their gods or pray at their altars and groves (Psalms 106:34-37). When we sin against God in this area, it is called Idolatry. Idolatry is anything we put in a higher priority than Jesus Christ. Religions, philosophies, mother earth, the forests, save the whales, etc. Humanism essentially is living a life by faith in oneself where man decides what is important instead of what God has already stated. Humanism is very selfish , which leads to greed, gluttony, arrogance, pride, strife, rebellion, fighting, etc. The second crime is Immorality. Immorality manifests its filthy lust in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, cross-dressing, incest, sodomy, rape, bestiality, prostitution, pornography, and so on. Immorality blasphemes marriage as an institution created by God to protect the sanctity of relationships and sexual intercourse. (Genesis 2:18,21- 25). Marriage has responsibilities toward one another so a person doesn’t become a beast, which is total insensitivity to the needs of anyone other than himself. Marriage keeps us on the human level instead of deteriorating to the animal kingdom. Sexual relations within the framework of marriage offers the greatest of benefits of the experience, as well as protection against diseases which attack

a person when they violate the personal constitution in which they were made. Immorality’s demonic purpose is to reduce man to a beast where only his own needs matter. In this way rebellion can lead to self- destruction, war, famine, and death. The third crime which mandates judgment upon a nation is Murder of the innocents by legal sanction (Psalm 106:38-41; Hosea 4:1-6; Lev. 20:4-5; Exodus 23:7). Murder attacks the helpless, the defenseless and the innocent. When people or nations commit this sin, it reflects the nature of a beast. It shows pride, selfishness, and insensitivity to the needs of other people. This is totally opposite of what a human was created for and should reflect (Mark 12:29-31). Humanism turns men into beasts with themselves as their first priority, thus devaluating their neighbor’s life and property. Jesus teaches that God values human life above all else and teaches us to consider others above ourselves (Matthew 10:29-31; Romans 12:3-10). The characteristics of humanism which create the attitudes, values, and actions of a beast are found in Galations 5:19- 21. The characteristics of what Jesus taught to mankind are found in Galatians 5:22-23. One treasures life and respects others, whereas the humanist devalues life and uses others. One produces peace on earth, wheras the other produces jealousy, envy, anger, strife, discord, poverty, gluttony, violence, conspiracy, oppression, slander, injustice, biases, divisions, death, etc. “


Marx and Satan (Book providing information on Karl Marx's connection to Satan)


The videos below will show more including about Christopher Columbus.

Thank you for this excellent and thought-provoking post.
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Manipulating The Public

Influencing Opinions, Thoughts Through Deliberate Manipulation Of The Media



…”God made us different than the animals, which live by instinct. We are made in His image, and He breathed His Holy Spirit into man which became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Mankind has a conscious and can choose his morality. He chooses whether to produce life or to kill the life he conceived while the baby is still in the womb. Animals have sex by instinct, the way God made them for reproduction; but God gave man the ability to choose sex for pleasure (intimacy), as well as reproduction. The only restrictions placed on man concerning sex were to be within the confines of marriage and to be responsible for that act when a life is conceived (Psalms 127:3). Instinct vs. conscious, animal vs. man...........
A blast from the past............

Forums > Theology (Christians only) > Theology (Christians only) > General Theology > Eschatology - Endtimes & Prophecy Forum

The Fall of Finland and the Beast

Sep 21, 2011

On May 10, 2000, the Lord gave the following word to Prophet
Jonathan Hansen:
"Finland, Finland a land of beauty and
might. You are one of the more beautiful
countries that I made, yet you are so far
from Me in true knowledge and
relationship. You do not know Me
personally as I made you to do, but you
only have heard about Me in song, dance
and ritual. You have been deceived, lied
to by pastor and priest, and now you
blame Me for your follies.
I, the Lord God, Jehovah Jireh your
provider, will never fail you, but you have
turned your back on Me. You have failed
Me through your idolatry. You have put
yourselves ahead of Me in your thoughts,
deeds, and words. You have blasphemed
My holy name through your traditions
and folklore, yet I have never turned My
back completely on you...........................
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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all conspiracy theorists think what they believe is fact. :wave:
tulc(is just sayn') :sorry:

Your opinion is always interesting. I always look forward to reading them, even if i don't always agree.. :D :wave:
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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A blast from the past............

Forums > Theology (Christians only) > Theology (Christians only) > General Theology > Eschatology - Endtimes & Prophecy Forum

The Fall of Finland and the Beast

Sep 21, 2011

On May 10, 2000, the Lord gave the following word to Prophet
Jonathan Hansen:
"Finland, Finland a land of beauty and
might. You are one of the more beautiful
countries that I made, yet you are so far
from Me in true knowledge and
relationship. You do not know Me
personally as I made you to do, but you
only have heard about Me in song, dance
and ritual. You have been deceived, lied
to by pastor and priest, and now you
blame Me for your follies.
I, the Lord God, Jehovah Jireh your
provider, will never fail you, but you have
turned your back on Me. You have failed
Me through your idolatry. You have put
yourselves ahead of Me in your thoughts,
deeds, and words. You have blasphemed
My holy name through your traditions
and folklore, yet I have never turned My
back completely on you...........................

you gotta admit that God ain't real pleased right now, amigo :D
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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you gotta admit that God ain't real pleased right now, amigo :D
For some reason, I never could really get into Bible Prophecy. But I do love the Bible and Jesus/GOD.....AMEN!


Proof that "Prophet" Jonathan Hansen lied about his own prophecy to America

Back in 1999, I came in contact with a "prophet" who prophesied that all sorts of horrible stuff would happen to America if there wasn't a move of repentance between 1998 and 2008. At that time I was intrigued by him because, compared with other professing prophets I had encountered, he was specific and willing to give a timeline for his prophecies. Furthermore, he posted his prophecies on the web and seemed to build his ministry around them. I couldn't imagine why someone would do that unless they were confident they had heard from God. For that reason, I kept an open mind through 2008 even though I found much of the content in his messages offensive.

  • When researching guys like this who used static content on their websites, its useful to use the "waybackmachine" (http://wayback.archive.org/web/) to look up old versions of their site and see how the site changed over time.
  • If you lookup the world ministries international site (www.worldministries.org and www.world-ministries.org) in the wayback machine you will notice that the 1998 - 2008 timeframe has only recently been framed as a period for delivering the warning.

For those of you are open to the possibility that Jonathan Hansen is prophet speaking for God, you need to be aware that he has been inconsistent in the way he represents 1998 - 2008 time frame in his prophecy to America. Today he says that, "The dates 1998-2008 were a time of mercy and grace to give the warning and sound the alarm for people to repent or all will eventually come to pass." (http://www.worldministries.org/america.html)
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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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For some reason, I never could really get into Bible Prophecy. But I do love the Bible and Jesus/GOD.....AMEN!


Proof that "Prophet" Jonathan Hansen lied about his own prophecy to America

Back in 1999, I came in contact with a "prophet" who prophesied that all sorts of horrible stuff would happen to America if there wasn't a move of repentance between 1998 and 2008. At that time I was intrigued by him because, compared with other professing prophets I had encountered, he was specific and willing to give a timeline for his prophecies. Furthermore, he posted his prophecies on the web and seemed to build his ministry around them. I couldn't imagine why someone would do that unless they were confident they had heard from God. For that reason, I kept an open mind through 2008 even though I found much of the content in his messages offensive.

  • When researching guys like this who used static content on their websites, its useful to use the "waybackmachine" (http://wayback.archive.org/web/) to look up old versions of their site and see how the site changed over time.
  • If you lookup the world ministries international site (www.worldministries.org and www.world-ministries.org) in the wayback machine you will notice that the 1998 - 2008 timeframe has only recently been framed as a period for delivering the warning.

For those of you are open to the possibility that Jonathan Hansen is prophet speaking for God, you need to be aware that he has been inconsistent in the way he represents 1998 - 2008 time frame in his prophecy to America. Today he says that, "The dates 1998-2008 were a time of mercy and grace to give the warning and sound the alarm for people to repent or all will eventually come to pass." (http://www.worldministries.org/america.html)

i don't necessarily gravitate towards "prophesies", per se, but am keenly aware of what the Bible does say quite emphatically about the "signs" of the end of times and how the "signs" will be quite clear and obvious to anyone paying attention. Jesus Himself spoke of this didn't He?

It is written, those who have ears to hear......

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everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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Thanks brinny! :wave:
tulc(thinks you're one of the reasons he sticks around CF!) ;)

Well, you DO likes coffee...i gots ta gives ya' credit fer dat :D
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
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I think we are actually getting more of this tin foil haberdashery after the creation of the conspiracy forum then we did prior to it being here.
Isn't conspiracy just something to make fun of?

...Just can't forego that little drop of dopamine we get when we insult someone?
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not so new
Jun 23, 2011
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For some reason, I never could really get into Bible Prophecy. But I do love the Bible and Jesus/GOD.....AMEN!


Proof that "Prophet" Jonathan Hansen lied about his own prophecy to America

Back in 1999, I came in contact with a "prophet" who prophesied that all sorts of horrible stuff would happen to America if there wasn't a move of repentance between 1998 and 2008. At that time I was intrigued by him because, compared with other professing prophets I had encountered, he was specific and willing to give a timeline for his prophecies. Furthermore, he posted his prophecies on the web and seemed to build his ministry around them. I couldn't imagine why someone would do that unless they were confident they had heard from God. For that reason, I kept an open mind through 2008 even though I found much of the content in his messages offensive.

  • When researching guys like this who used static content on their websites, its useful to use the "waybackmachine" (http://wayback.archive.org/web/) to look up old versions of their site and see how the site changed over time.
  • If you lookup the world ministries international site (www.worldministries.org and www.world-ministries.org) in the wayback machine you will notice that the 1998 - 2008 timeframe has only recently been framed as a period for delivering the warning.

For those of you are open to the possibility that Jonathan Hansen is prophet speaking for God, you need to be aware that he has been inconsistent in the way he represents 1998 - 2008 time frame in his prophecy to America. Today he says that, "The dates 1998-2008 were a time of mercy and grace to give the warning and sound the alarm for people to repent or all will eventually come to pass." (http://www.worldministries.org/america.html)

Jonathan Hansen is not a false prophet. From my personal experience God will delay events from happening if he wishes. For e.g on more than one occasion God specifically told that a particular person is going to die, and I have to pray for that person so they don't die, begging God to spare their life. When God was going to destroy Sodom, Abraham begged God and was negotiating on behalf of the people of Sodom. God made him know that if he found a certain amount of righteousness he would not destroy the city as he said he would. Yes America is coming under judgement. I remember distinctly persons here saying how much of a false prophet I was, because of saying San Francisco was going to get an earthquake as well as other things.
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Unapologetic Apologist
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Dec 8, 2007
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Admin Hat...

The content of this thread is suited better to conspiracy theories, so it will be moved to that forum. I will, however leave a one week redirect so everyone can find it there.

CF Admin
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Are you saying that there are no conspiracies?

Sure there are! I conspired with my kids to throw a surprise birthday party for Mrs.tulc. But things like this? Not so much. It would almost be nice to believe there were people somewhere behind the scenes who were in control. But there isn't. The sooner people realize that the sooner things can change for the better. :wave:
tulc(is going to need more coffee soon) :sigh:
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Sep 2, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
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You shouldn't be so quick to throw out any and all conspiracy theories just because they sound like Hollywood material.
You'd be a fool to think that governments don't experiment with all kinds of things including mind and weather control, to try to gain the upper hand on their adversaries. You'd also be a fool to think that governments tell us everything they're up to or that they always tell the truth. And you'd especially be a fool to think that absolute power, which governments have, does not corrupt.

So if you look at things objectively you're left with powerful people, who lie to us and secretly do things they know we would not approve of in order to achieve their own objectives, regardless of your opinion or mine. That's a recipe for all kinds of conspiracies.

In fact history has proven many such conspiracy theories which you now so easily dismiss, to in fact be true. How many more have never been proven, but are still true?
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


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This is my original post (I will soon add the videos)


Influencing Opinions, Thoughts Through Deliberate Manipulation Of The Media

THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D.

..“In the Pavlovian strategy, terrorizing force can finally be replaced by a new organization of the means of communication.Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern of thought in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind. Yet, the polls may only count what people pretend to think and believe, because it is dangerous for them to do otherwise.

Such is the Pavlovian device: repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions, diminish the opportunity of communicating dissent and opposition. This is the simple formula for political conditioning of the masses. This is also the actual ideal of some of our public relation machines, who thus hope to manipulate the public into buying a special soap or voting for a special party.

The Pavlovian strategy in public relations has people conditioned more and more to ask themselves, "What do other people think?" As a result, a common delusion is created: people are incited to think what other people think, and thus public opinion may mushroom out into a mass prejudice.

Expressed in psychoanalytic terms, through daily propagandistic noise backed up by forceful verbal cues, people can more and more be forced to identify with the powerful noisemaker. Big Brother's voice resounds in all the little brothers.

News from Red China, as reported by neutral Indian journalists [See the "New York Times", November 27, 1954] tells us that the Chinese leaders are using this vocal conditioning of the public to strengthen their regime. Throughout the country, radios and loud speakers are broadcasting the official "truths." The sugary voices take possession of people, the cultural tyranny traps their ears with loud speakers, telling them what they may and may not do. This microphone regimentation was foreseen by the French philosopher La Rochefoucauld, who, in the eighteenth century, said: "A man is like a rabbit, you catch him by the ears."

During the Second World War the Nazis showed that they too were very much aware of this conditioning power of the word. I saw their strategy at work in Holland. The radio constantly spread political suggestions and propaganda, and people were obliged to listen because the simple act of turning off one's radio was in itself suspicious. I remember one day during the occupation when I was taking a bicycle trp with some friends. We stopped off to rest at a cafe that, we later realized, was a true Nazi nest. When the radio, which had been on ever since we arrived, announced a speech by Hitler, everyone stood up in awe, and it was a must to take in the verbal conditioning by the Fuhrer. My friends and I had to stand up too, and were forced to listen to that raucous voice crackling in our ears and to summon all our resistance against that long, boring, repetitive attack on our eardrums and minds.

Throughout the occupation, the Nazis printed tons of propaganda, Big Lies, and distortions. They even went so far as to paint their slogans on the stoops of the houses and in the streets. Every week newly fabricated stereotypes ogled at us as if to convince us of the splendor of the Third Reich"...

Political Mind Manipulation

Political Conditioning

..."Political conditioning should not be confused with training or persuasion or even indoctrination. It is more than that. It is tampering. It is taking possession of both the simplest and the most complicated nervous patterns of man. It is the battle for the possession of the nerve cells. It is coercion and enforced conversion. Instead of conditioning man to an unbiased facing of reality, the seducer conditions him to catchwords, verbal stereotypes, slogans, formulas, symbols. Pavlovian strategy in the totalitarian sense means imprinting prescribed reflexes on a mind that has been broken down. The totalitarian wants first the required response from the nerve cells, then control of the individual, and finally control of the masses. The system starts with verbal conditioning and training by combining the required stereotypes with negative or positive stimuli: pain, or reward. In the P.O.W. camps in Korea where there was individual and mass brainwashing, the negative and positive conditioning stimuli were usually hunger and food. The moment the soldier conformed to the party line his food ration was improved: say yes, and I'll give you a piece of candy!


Politicians will purposely make the masses hungry in order to manipulate them. By preventing the masses from earning a living (being able to sustain oneself), and then by giving them food and other items freely in order to manipulate them. This is a very powerful psychological tool. That is why it is hard for many Jamaicans to break free from bad politicians. It is because they are being psychologically manipulated.

Your vote for 'curry goat'


Man Being An Animal Originates With Satan Himself

The Nine Satanic Statements

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
"Nothing is to be gained by denying oneself pleasure. Religious calls for abstinence most often come from faiths that view the physical world and its pleasures as spiritually dangerous. Satanism is a world-affirming, not world-denying, religion. However, the encouragement of indulgence does not equate mindless submersion into pleasures. Sometimes refrain leads to heightened enjoyment later, in which case patience and discipline are encouraged. Finally, indulgence requires one to always be in control. If satisfying a desire becomes a compulsion (such as an addiction), then control has been surrendered to the object of desire, which is never encouraged."...

****** Therefore persons who fornicate, commit adultery, become involved in homosexual relationships are actually practicing satanism. Although the above talks about self control, in reality there is no self control in Satanism. Jesus Christ gives us the ability to have true self control.

7. Satan represents man as just another animal...!
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all! Elevating the human species as somehow innately superior to other animals is blatant self-deceit. Humanity is driven by the same natural urges that other animals experience. While our intellect has allowed us to accomplish truly great things (which should be appreciated), it can also be credited with incredible and wanton acts of cruelty throughout history.

Satan himself says that man is just an animal. Animals act on instinct not self control.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins...!

..."Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! In general, the concept of “sin” is something that breaks a moral or religious law, and Satanism is strictly against such following of dogma. When a Satanist avoids an action, it is because of concrete reasons, not simply because dogma dictates it or someone has judged it “bad”. In addition, when a Satanists realizes that he or she has committed an actual wrong, the correct response is to accept it, learn from it, and not do it again, rather than mentally beat himself or herself up for it or begging for forgiveness."


Once again above, Satan represents all sins, sexual and other sins.

Man becoming an animal simply speaks to man becoming a beast, acting on instincts lust, not self control, not conscience.


…”God made us different than the animals, which live by instinct. We are made in His image, and He breathed His Holy Spirit into man which became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Mankind has a conscious and can choose his morality. He chooses whether to produce life or to kill the life he conceived while the baby is still in the womb. Animals have sex by instinct, the way God made them for reproduction; but God gave man the ability to choose sex for pleasure (intimacy), as well as reproduction. The only restrictions placed on man concerning sex were to be within the confines of marriage and to be responsible for that act when a life is conceived (Psalms 127:3). Instinct vs. conscious, animal vs. man... two

different creatures made by the creator, totally different. Man to have fellowship with God, and animal to be used by man (Genesis 1:26-30). Throughout the Scriptures there are three fundamental crimes which bring a sentence of judgment upon a nation. All through Scripture the Lord warns His children not to mix with other religions nor worship their gods or pray at their altars and groves (Psalms 106:34-37). When we sin against God in this area, it is called Idolatry. Idolatry is anything we put in a higher priority than Jesus Christ. Religions, philosophies, mother earth, the forests, save the whales, etc. Humanism essentially is living a life by faith in oneself where man decides what is important instead of what God has already stated. Humanism is very selfish , which leads to greed, gluttony, arrogance, pride, strife, rebellion, fighting, etc. The second crime is Immorality. Immorality manifests its filthy lust in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, cross-dressing, incest, sodomy, rape, bestiality, prostitution, pornography, and so on. Immorality blasphemes marriage as an institution created by God to protect the sanctity of relationships and sexual intercourse. (Genesis 2:18,21- 25). Marriage has responsibilities toward one another so a person doesn’t become a beast, which is total insensitivity to the needs of anyone other than himself. Marriage keeps us on the human level instead of deteriorating to the animal kingdom. Sexual relations within the framework of marriage offers the greatest of benefits of the experience, as well as protection against diseases which attack

a person when they violate the personal constitution in which they were made. Immorality’s demonic purpose is to reduce man to a beast where only his own needs matter. In this way rebellion can lead to self- destruction, war, famine, and death. The third crime which mandates judgment upon a nation is Murder of the innocents by legal sanction (Psalm 106:38-41; Hosea 4:1-6; Lev. 20:4-5; Exodus 23:7). Murder attacks the helpless, the defenseless and the innocent. When people or nations commit this sin, it reflects the nature of a beast. It shows pride, selfishness, and insensitivity to the needs of other people. This is totally opposite of what a human was created for and should reflect (Mark 12:29-31). Humanism turns men into beasts with themselves as their first priority, thus devaluating their neighbor’s life and property. Jesus teaches that God values human life above all else and teaches us to consider others above ourselves (Matthew 10:29-31; Romans 12:3-10). The characteristics of humanism which create the attitudes, values, and actions of a beast are found in Galations 5:19- 21. The characteristics of what Jesus taught to mankind are found in Galatians 5:22-23. One treasures life and respects others, whereas the humanist devalues life and uses others. One produces peace on earth, wheras the other produces jealousy, envy, anger, strife, discord, poverty, gluttony, violence, conspiracy, oppression, slander, injustice, biases, divisions, death, etc. “


Marx and Satan (Book providing information on Karl Marx's connection to Satan)



I added new articles in the first thread to prove I was speaking facts *************
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