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What do Christians do for fun?

Citizen of the Kingdom

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We were made to enjoy life in fellowship with Him, so when our minds are in union with Him, when love is our mode of operando and spirituality is in control then the joy and peace has replaced the fallen state that causes so much distress. That's the reason we are to keep our minds on Jesus. His example is for all of life, not in the world but of it, we can enjoy all things.
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As long as a believer remembers the Lord’s commandments for ourselves and others ( Romans 13:8-10 etc.)there are plenty of things that can be done. Go for pizza, visit the zoo, go bowling, go to a movie, ice skate, play or see a baseball game, go hiking etc. etc.
Being a parent helped me. They are all grown up now.
Caring for my chldren's balanced life I found helpful to myself as well.

Grandkids even more so is helping us.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Well you know as the saying goes, all work and no play... I guess the Christian definition of fun is that God has atoned for our sins. So God requires a blood sacrifice. Thanks to Jesus I don't have to go out of my way to get one, I can just accept his offering. That's nice. Yay. Then what? I haven't really wrapped my head around why he requires this. So I'm missing all the fun? Or my sins aren't big enough, for this to be enjoyable? I have to do more sins, to experience his forgiving grace? What am I missing?

There are way too many criss-crossing questions here in your post. What is your main concern in this thread, jonojim?

If life seems dull and you're wondering if you can do anything enjoyable, then let's talk about that. But if you're bringing in tangents that aren't necessarily relevant to that topic (like the purpose of "sacrifice"), then things begin to get a bit muddy and I have to question what it is exactly you're wanting to inquire about.
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There are way too many criss-crossing questions here in your post. What is your main concern in this thread, jonojim?

If life seems dull and you're wondering if you can do anything enjoyable, then let's talk about that. But if you're bringing in tangents that aren't necessarily relevant to that topic (like the purpose of "sacrifice"), then things begin to get a bit muddy and I have to question what it is exactly you're wanting to inquire about.
Well it's a trick question because Christianity is tricky. If I could just take a baptism, be convicted of my sins by the holy spirit, repent and continue in the holy and prophetic word of God, being in daily communion through the righteousness of Christ and not my own, I guess I would have no problems. But it doesn't work like that. I have to figure out for myself what to do and my head implodes because I can't come up with any answers. Or I have to wait for the answers and what exactly should I be doing in the mean time? Perhaps the title should have been "how to wait on the Lord without losing one's mind?".
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Orthodox Christian
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There is an actual joy in living by faith but the tensions in this world pose serious challenges ( John 16:33). There is a joy in actually giving thanks to the Lord for what He has done for us. In giving thanks we give back to others with basic charity ( Matthew 6:1-4, Isaiah 58:6-11 etc)prayer ( Matthew 6:9-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-6 etc.). We are now part of a royal priesthood ( 1 Peter 2:9) and we can at least pray for the salvation of souls & evangelization ( Matthew 9:36-38).

The Lord knows most of us are not philanthropists and whatever we can do as far as charity ( Acts 20:35), He approves. This is where works are the expression of living faith unto salvation by grace ( Ephesians 2:8-10).
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Daniel Marsh

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Well you know as the saying goes, all work and no play... I guess the Christian definition of fun is that God has atoned for our sins. So God requires a blood sacrifice. Thanks to Jesus I don't have to go out of my way to get one, I can just accept his offering. That's nice. Yay. Then what? I haven't really wrapped my head around why he requires this. So I'm missing all the fun? Or my sins aren't big enough, for this to be enjoyable? I have to do more sins, to experience his forgiving grace? What am I missing?
Sports, wood working and watching beautiful women walk by
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Well it's a trick question because Christianity is tricky. If I could just take a baptism, be convicted of my sins by the holy spirit, repent and continue in the holy and prophetic word of God, being in daily communion through the righteousness of Christ and not my own, I guess I would have no problems. But it doesn't work like that. I have to figure out for myself what to do and my head implodes because I can't come up with any answers. Or I have to wait for the answers and what exactly should I be doing in the mean time? Perhaps the title should have been "how to wait on the Lord without losing one's mind?".

So, are you just wondering if God will bless you in such a way as to bring you joy? Is that what you're wondering about?
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So, are you just wondering if God will bless you in such a way as to bring you joy? Is that what you're wondering about?
You can answer me this if you want to increase my joy:

Children who die go to heaven, right? Then why the HELL are we even alive beyond a certain age? To jepordize our eternity? Or how is it fair that some have to "persevere until the end" while others just get a free pass? Certainly the greatest one here would be the one who could kill everyone in their infancy :|
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Nov 11, 2022
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Well it's a trick question because Christianity is tricky.
You can always forget about the "ANITY" and just pursue Christ.
Go for the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to get to thoroughly know Him in an intimate way.

I mean rather than being so bogged down with traditional things of the "ANITY."
If I could just take a baptism, be convicted of my sins by the holy spirit, repent and continue in the holy and prophetic word of God, being in daily communion through the righteousness of Christ and not my own, I guess I would have no problems. But it doesn't work like that. I have to figure out for myself what to do and my head implodes because I can't come up with any answers. Or I have to wait for the answers and what exactly should I be doing in the mean time? Perhaps the title should have been "how to wait on the Lord without losing one's mind?".
You have to "eat". You have to nourish your innermost spiritual being.
You have to start each day with a time for this.

Yesterday is gone and under the blood. Tomorrow is not here yet.
We Christians have only "today." Each day we should build the habit to spend some time in His presence.
We can pray over some passages in the morning. The goal is here nourishment before excesssive mental analysis.
There is a time for study of course. But the milk of the word must be TASTED.

As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation,
If you have tasted that the Lord is good. (1 Pet. 2;2)

We can GROW if we taste and drink this guiless milk of the word of God.
It is best to develop the habit to start your day doing so.

Tasting the word and drinking in the sustenance of His word can lead to confesssion and petition.
But this is not the "ANITY". This is to taste that the Lord Himself as a living and available Person is really GOOD.

It is difficult to decide to give your whole life to God.
It is more manageable and practical to start EACH DAY with this kind of transaction.
Yesterday is gone and forgiven. Tomorrow with have its own worries. We have each day - TODAY - to consecrate to the Lord Jesus.
The word, the pure word is good for that. And it must be enjoyed before analyzed in the intellect. You first have to TASTE the Spirit
in the word and let it FEED your spiritual hunger. Light, truth, reality will follow.

Once you get a little light, you try not to forget to WALK in that little light that you have received.
That often means to stop thinking and speaking as you did before you received this light from God.

Once receiving some light try to walk in that light. Recall that God SPOKE. Remind Him and yourself - "Lord, You spoke to me about this matter. That is not cheap to me. Lord help me to walk according to what you spoke."

When God shines and speaks we must not treat that cheaply. We must treasure that speaking and light.
Some want to go back to self pity, self justifying, murmuring, complaining. I suggest you take the cross to that temptation.

If He speaks you have to cherish that speaking and drop your previous unbelief, negative speaking, and doubt as before.
When you have a little, Christ will grant you a little more, and a little more, and a little more. So we grow.

Repentance is not a promise to do better. It is a change in how you thought and spoke previously.
This is taking up the cross. But with all taking up the cross willingly there follows the power of resurrection life.
So we need the practice of this daily.

Also, we usually cannot make it alone. We need companions. We need one or two others who we trust to seek the Lord with.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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You can answer me this if you want to increase my joy:

Children who die go to heaven, right? Then why the HELL are we even alive beyond a certain age? To jepordize our eternity? Or how is it fair that some have to "persevere until the end" while others just get a free pass? Certainly the greatest one here would be the one who could kill everyone in their infancy :|

I offer my apologies here in advance since I'm not the one who is best fitted to answer these questions. I'm an existentialist, and I'm not here to increase your joy or anyone's joy any more than I can somehow, magically, increase my own.

You sound like you're a bit on the depressed side of things. I don't blame you if you are. Life is hard. It's painful for most of us and it's often a long road to have to haul our tired bodies over. This can especially be the case for single people these days since they're often so isolated.

Since you're obviously having difficulties, maybe you need to see a professional psychological counselor somewhere over there in Sweden? It couldn't hurt. I probably wouldn't have said anything in this vain here, but when I hear someone talk like my mom used to talk as you're doing here, it leads me to surmise that there's more going on in that person's mind than simply their apparent concerns over troublesome bits of theology.

As for your last question in your OP, I don't think it's a coherent one. It's a question that is clearly being asked by a person who needs some comfort and assistance in life. Try to get some. And maybe don't look for it on a public forum. It's usually not here to be found.

On top of this, my attempt at engaging a biblical view pertaining to living a so-called "joyful" life as a Christian isn't predicated upon expecting life to somehow be effervescent and teeming with bubbly good feelings at all times. It often and usually doesn't. But despite this, I think if you find some friends, then somewhere in there, you can create small moments of "joy" by participating in healthy ways in life with them. And in the interim, between today, tomorrow and our eventual deaths, we can each do our best to look to Christ to give us in the future what it is He said He came to give us -- eternal life and undo all of the junk we all have to put up with .... here.
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I offer my apologies here in advance since I'm not the one who is best fitted to answer these questions. I'm an existentialist, and I'm not here to increase your joy or anyone's joy any more than I can somehow, magically, increase my own.

You sound like you're a bit on the depressed side of things. I don't blame you if you are. Life is hard. It's painful for most of us and it's often a long road to have to haul our tired bodies over. This can especially be the case for single people these days since they're often so isolated.

Since you're obviously having difficulties, maybe you need to see a professional psychological counselor somewhere over there in Sweden? It couldn't hurt. I probably wouldn't have said anything in this vain here, but when I hear someone talk like my mom used to talk as you're doing here, it leads me to surmise that there's more going on in that person's mind than simply their apparent concerns over troublesome bits of theology.

As for your last question in your OP, I don't think it's a coherent one. It's a question that is clearly being asked by a person who needs some comfort and assistance in life. Try to get some. And maybe don't look for it on a public forum. It's usually not here to be found.

On top of this, my attempt at engaging a biblical view pertaining to living a so-called "joyful" life as a Christian isn't predicated upon expecting life to somehow be effervescent and teeming with bubbly good feelings at all times. It often and usually doesn't. But despite this, I think if you find some friends, then somewhere in there, you can create small moments of "joy" by participating in healthy ways in life with them. And in the interim, between today, tomorrow and our eventual deaths, we can each do our best to look to Christ to give us in the future what it is He said He came to give us -- eternal life and undo all of the junk we all have to put up with .... here.
Actually tried to apply once but couldn't even get in line because there were too many waiting :laughing:

We are promised a Counselor, aren't we? That being said, it's a Counselor that sure is going to point out your faults. I can be thankful that my mistakes pertain only to my own failures, and they are relatively petty. Problem is there's alot of them. And for each one that comes up it takes time to process it. Having the understanding that God can and will help one with new circumstances, and the circumstanses that one needs, is of course of great help. Despite this knowledge I have a habit of being discouraged. If God blessed me with circumstances before, he can do it again. There's still sadness to process, despite knowing that. Getting those beams out of your eye is a slow and painful process. I guess there's nothing else to do than to just suffer it out. The situation would be hopeless if I didn't recognize that spiritual forces are working behind the scenes to arrange things.

As for my question, what do you make of this?

Her testimony is also similar to this one:

It changes the definition of salvation. But I think it's clear from a lot of places in the Bible, that one needs to be spiritually cleansed, or ones energy levels need to be raised, as this will be reflected in the afterlife. That is, fearful or ignorant people are succombed by negative spirits, as it is here as well. I believe we overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb, but it's not a one time occurance, as every mistake has to be processed.
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Oct 20, 2023
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You can always forget about the "ANITY" and just pursue Christ.
Go for the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to get to thoroughly know Him in an intimate way.

I mean rather than being so bogged down with traditional things of the "ANITY."

You have to "eat". You have to nourish your innermost spiritual being.
You have to start each day with a time for this.

Yesterday is gone and under the blood. Tomorrow is not here yet.
We Christians have only "today." Each day we should build the habit to spend some time in His presence.
We can pray over some passages in the morning. The goal is here nourishment before excesssive mental analysis.
There is a time for study of course. But the milk of the word must be TASTED.

As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation,
If you have tasted that the Lord is good. (1 Pet. 2;2)

We can GROW if we taste and drink this guiless milk of the word of God.
It is best to develop the habit to start your day doing so.

Tasting the word and drinking in the sustenance of His word can lead to confesssion and petition.
But this is not the "ANITY". This is to taste that the Lord Himself as a living and available Person is really GOOD.

It is difficult to decide to give your whole life to God.
It is more manageable and practical to start EACH DAY with this kind of transaction.
Yesterday is gone and forgiven. Tomorrow with have its own worries. We have each day - TODAY - to consecrate to the Lord Jesus.
The word, the pure word is good for that. And it must be enjoyed before analyzed in the intellect. You first have to TASTE the Spirit
in the word and let it FEED your spiritual hunger. Light, truth, reality will follow.

Once you get a little light, you try not to forget to WALK in that little light that you have received.
That often means to stop thinking and speaking as you did before you received this light from God.

Once receiving some light try to walk in that light. Recall that God SPOKE. Remind Him and yourself - "Lord, You spoke to me about this matter. That is not cheap to me. Lord help me to walk according to what you spoke."

When God shines and speaks we must not treat that cheaply. We must treasure that speaking and light.
Some want to go back to self pity, self justifying, murmuring, complaining. I suggest you take the cross to that temptation.

If He speaks you have to cherish that speaking and drop your previous unbelief, negative speaking, and doubt as before.
When you have a little, Christ will grant you a little more, and a little more, and a little more. So we grow.

Repentance is not a promise to do better. It is a change in how you thought and spoke previously.
This is taking up the cross. But with all taking up the cross willingly there follows the power of resurrection life.
So we need the practice of this daily.

Also, we usually cannot make it alone. We need companions. We need one or two others who we trust to seek the Lord with.
Well the thing is yesterday isn't really gone. I'm regretting failures I've done since 6 years of age, but for every thing that's processed, it loses grip. Trouble is when you're having an unending series of mistakes you have to regret. I can see an end to it. Knowing how to contain and build energy really helps. Low energy levels attract worser states/spirits, building energy does the opposite. It's a constant process, moment by moment.

I've been blessed with alot of great companions and opportunities for relationships. The weak link is always myself.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Actually tried to apply once but couldn't even get in line because there were too many waiting :laughing:

We are promised a Counselor, aren't we? That being said, it's a Counselor that sure is going to point out your faults. I can be thankful that my mistakes pertain only to my own failures, and they are relatively petty. Problem is there's alot of them. And for each one that comes up it takes time to process it. Having the understanding that God can and will help one with new circumstances, and the circumstanses that one needs, is of course of great help. Despite this knowledge I have a habit of being discouraged. If God blessed me with circumstances before, he can do it again. There's still sadness to process, despite knowing that. Getting those beams out of your eye is a slow and painful process. I guess there's nothing else to do than to just suffer it out. The situation would be hopeless if I didn't recognize that spiritual forces are working behind the scenes to arrange things.

As for my question, what do you make of this?

Her testimony is also similar to this one:

It changes the definition of salvation. But I think it's clear from a lot of places in the Bible, that one needs to be spiritually cleansed, or ones energy levels need to be raised, as this will be reflected in the afterlife. That is, fearful or ignorant people are succombed by negative spirits, as it is here as well. I believe we overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb, but it's not a one time occurance, as every mistake has to be processed.

I'm not a mystic, so asking me what I think of charismatically oriented videos probably won't elicit much of a response from me.

All I know is that the Holy Spirit isn't a genie-in-a-bottle to be summoned and used at will.
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Nov 11, 2022
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Well the thing is yesterday isn't really gone. I'm regretting failures I've done since 6 years of age, but for every thing that's processed,
I exercise my faith to take Jesus Christ as my entire past. I must insist to shut the condemning remorse and stand on Christ being
my history. Your legacy from six years old until today is Christ at Calvary. We need to stand upon this or like a dripping faucet
the murmering of regret will incessantly keep one in introspection.

Memory of past failures is often an attempt to relive the past, only this time do it right. As if this time you can stand the test.
Christ passed EVERY test. Our life alone is a failure at its best. Only His life can stand the tests. So turn this remorse and sorrow
towards the past instantly every time into praising the Lord Jesus that HE alone stood every test of life.
Trouble is when you're having an unending series of mistakes you have to regret. I can see an end to it.
I learned that I regret the past failures because I am disappointed in myself. That means I still have some confidence in myself.
I tell you, you and I are disppointed. But Christ knew what we were before we were born - that is abject failures morally.
So He came and made more than adaquate provision.

When I am nagged by the enemy reminding me of some failure, some falling, I have learned to immediatly turn to praising the Lord.
His life stood and stands EVERY test. I am dejected because I still have a foolish hope in myself- "I'm not too bad. Next time I will do better."
So we relive in our mind past fallings. Forget it jonojim1337.

Your past = Jesus Christ PERIOD!
Your legacy = Jesus Christ and all He IS and all He accomplished on Calvary.

Consecrate your past to praising the Lord Jesus the Victor for His pristine passing of EVERY test and EVERY temptation.
Only Christ didn't flunk. Only Christ didn't fail. Make Him your entire past life as He came to be.

I think you still have a disappointed hope that you can do it. That you COULD have done it right.
Before you blew it, even before you were born, God knew you thoroughly. He knew that He had to make
provision for you and I on the cross on our behalf completely.

Here is a song I sing on overcoming the accuser by the blood of the Lamb from Revelation.

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I'm not a mystic, so asking me what I think of charismatically oriented videos probably won't elicit much of a response from me.

All I know is that the Holy Spirit isn't a genie-in-a-bottle to be summoned and used at will.
Well then explain the whole process of using the name of Jesus Christ for healing etc. Not that I ever have, and not sure I ever will, but some do and the Bible speaks of using it's power like that, although there is no promise of salvation for using it.
Christ is not weak. And Christ is in you. Right ?

My life is ruined, and I'm trying to get through the ruins, because of my children. I have had favorable circumstances and failed despite of that, since the circumstances in my head haven't been alright. I don't know the will of God. I can only see that my life could've been alright if I didn't miss out on every opportunity and did unnecessarily stupid things. So I can't blame my circumstances, and therefore I don't blame God. Since my only task is to be here for my children, I can do that in and out of jail :laughing: God's will or not. I don't require much so I'm perfectly content with that :laughing: I have some ideas and opportunities currently. Maybe it is God's will, maybe not. Maybe I will succeed, maybe I won't.
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My life is ruined, and I'm trying to get through the ruins, because of my children. I have had favorable circumstances and failed despite of that, since the circumstances in my head haven't been alright.
I think you are going to have to make a decision. God said He is able to engineer ALL THINGS for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

You have to come to a decision whether God can do this or He cannot. He said He can.
You may have read about the life of Jacob?
The Bible is full of real life people who did horrendous things in thier past.
You read about David, a man after God's own heart? He stole a man's wife and arranged to have him murdered.
In the end of the Bible the Son of God STILL refers to Himself as the Root and Offspring of . . . David (of all people).

Many people used by God blew it. Peter the leading disciple of the twelve, blew it bad.
He swore he would be faithful to Jesus. Then he denied Him three times. And that before a young maiden.

The best thing you could do for your children is to consecrate your entire past life on the altar of trust.
And holding God to His promise - He is able to WORK . . . ALL THINGS (yes those things too) TOGETHER for good.
Why because you now love God. And though you may not be completely clear of His purpose for you, He is crystal clear.

I must suspend and continue latter.

I don't know the will of God. I can only see that my life could've been alright if I didn't miss out on every opportunity and did unnecessarily stupid things. So I can't blame my circumstances, and therefore I don't blame God. Since my only task is to be here for my children, I can do that in and out of jail :laughing: God's will or not. I don't require much so I'm perfectly content with that :laughing: I have some ideas and opportunities currently. Maybe it is God's will, maybe not. Maybe I will succeed, maybe I won't.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Well then explain the whole process of using the name of Jesus Christ for healing etc. Not that I ever have, and not sure I ever will, but some do and the Bible speaks of using it's power like that, although there is no promise of salvation for using it.
There isn't a "process" for healing. And I don't think we can take the the Gospels or the 5th chapter of the letter of James as some sort of hard currency on getting guaranteed results. We can pray and ask God for healing, but for the most part, physical healing isn't a guaranteed expectation, even by those who have "big faith." As I've listed elsewhere, and where healing is a concern, I go generally with what what the late Ron Dunn has said about all of this in his book, Will God Heal Me? There are other, additional scholarly considerations to the overall exegesis and hermeneutics involved in reading the Bible and forming any sort of reasonable expectations for healing, but Ron Dunn covers, I think, most of the essentials. As a skeptical, existentially minded person myself, it's hard for me to believe, but I think Ron Dunn has done a decent job of laying things out in a reasonable way.
My life is ruined, and I'm trying to get through the ruins, because of my children. I have had favorable circumstances and failed despite of that, since the circumstances in my head haven't been alright. I don't know the will of God. I can only see that my life could've been alright if I didn't miss out on every opportunity and did unnecessarily stupid things. So I can't blame my circumstances, and therefore I don't blame God. Since my only task is to be here for my children, I can do that in and out of jail :laughing: God's will or not. I don't require much so I'm perfectly content with that :laughing: I have some ideas and opportunities currently. Maybe it is God's will, maybe not. Maybe I will succeed, maybe I won't.

So, jail or no jail, start where you are. You, like any of us, can admit personal defeat as we all have to do as we live out our lives in an unfair world system.

Your choice now is to look around, existentially, and decide each day to follow Jesus Christ and to do so ... whether you succeed by the world's standards or not. The important thing here is to grab the Hand of the Lord so you can realize who you are in Christ going into the inevitable future, and to continue to do so whether or not your body is healed and whether or not all things are mended between you and your family and/or children.
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Nov 11, 2022
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So, jail or no jail, start where you are. You, like any of us, can admit personal defeat as we all have to do as we live out our lives in an unfair world system.

Your choice now is to look around, existentially, and decide each day to follow Jesus Christ and to do so ... whether you succeed by the world's standards or not. The important thing here is to grab the Hand of the Lord so you can realize who you are in Christ going into the inevitable future, and to continue to do so whether or not your body is healed and whether or not all things are mended between you and your family and/or children.
I concur. The real healing is the transformation of the soul.
Too many care too much for the healing of the body to the neglect of the soul's dire need for the Spirit's transformation.

You take a cup of hot water. You place a teabag in it. By stirring and mixing the water changes into tea water.
The tea flavors the water. The water actually becomes "tea."

We put Christ in our heart. Christ is the tea bag and our lives including our soul is the hot water.
God's purpose is to permeate the water of our soul with the flavor of the divine "Tea" of Christ.
So some mixing and some stirring and some commotion achieve this. That is the "flavor" of the Son of God
is infused into the personality. And that regardless of past chaos or mistakes.

This is a decision of the will. The Christian has to decide that God is able to engineer all of our
past so as to "steep" us in the "tea" of Christ's nature.

Biographies are an encouragement. Even more so the Bible's many figures who passed through this are
an ecouragement. Jacob is perhaps my favorite.

The Life Study of Genesis by W. Lee is tremendous on the transformation of Jacob into Israel.
Just look at the table of contents.

  1. Having Natural Weakness as Abraham and Living in the Natural Life as Jacob [847]
  2. Being Chosen [859]
  3. Being Dealt With (1) [871]
  4. Being Dealt With (2) [881]
  5. Being Dealt With (3) [891]
  6. Being Dealt With (4) [903]
  7. Being Dealt With (5) [915]
  8. Being Dealt With (6) [927]
  9. Being Dealt With (7) [937]
  10. Being Dealt With (8) [949]
  11. Being Broken [961]
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Active Member
Oct 20, 2023
Eastern Orthodox
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I think you are going to have to make a decision. God said He is able to engineer ALL THINGS for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

You have to come to a decision whether God can do this or He cannot. He said He can.
You may have read about the life of Jacob?
The Bible is full of real life people who did horrendous things in thier past.
You read about David, a man after God's own heart? He stole a man's wife and arranged to have him murdered.
In the end of the Bible the Son of God STILL refers to Himself as the Root and Offspring of . . . David (of all people).

Many people used by God blew it. Peter the leading disciple of the twelve, blew it bad.
He swore he would be faithful to Jesus. Then he denied Him three times. And that before a young maiden.

The best thing you could do for your children is to consecrate your entire past life on the altar of trust.
And holding God to His promise - He is able to WORK . . . ALL THINGS (yes those things too) TOGETHER for good.
Why because you now love God. And though you may not be completely clear of His purpose for you, He is crystal clear.

I must suspend and continue latter.
Well I envy Jacob in the sense that he was thrown down in a well and then taken into captivity for a number of years where he could meditate and focus on God's will. Out in the open you need to have an economy and make descions left and right, which is the thing that isn't working for me. I have the option of comitting crime and ending up in jail, where I can focus on a number of things. Like I said I have other options, from God or not impossible to tell, but daily stresses and confusion comes in the way.
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