What Are Your Personal Experiences?

Apr 17, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
Marital Status
Greetings, peace be with you.

In the 15 years I've been earnestly trying to walk with Jesus, I've received hundreds of answers to prayers, signs and messages from God that come in the form of little "coincidences" in my daily life where I might say, "Lord, if it's your will that I do XYZ in my life, please give me a sign" and then something related to my petition will happen that could certainly be a coincidence... but there sure have been a whole heck of a lot of them.

(And by the way, when I've followed the "advice" of the "sign", it has never led me down the wrong path.)

That said, experience of the miraculous isn't a prerequisite for Christian faith. In fact, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
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moving as God wills
Nov 14, 2008
Marital Status
Do any Christians here have any personal experiences or testimonies of events, in which the ONLY possible explination was involvement from God? Maybe a miracle, or a prayer answered in a way that couldn't haven't been just a coincidence?

As I was preparing to respond, I noticed that your religious preference is deist. Although this will not affect my response, I want to make sure you know that I have at least some idea of where your question is coming from.

In all honesty, I think the answer to your question must logically be "no". More importantly, it must theologically be a "no".

Logical: In order for an explanation to be accepted as valid, it must be falsifiable. In other words, there needs to be an alternate explanation. This does not make a conclusion untrue, rather, it makes it provable (in the sense of strongly convincing). A circular or unfalsifiable argument has no basis for being convincing or not. In other words, it doesn't fit on the scale; there's no place to put it.

Theological: Now, this is a huge issue of debate within Christianity so there may be some with disagreements, but I'm going to go ahead and explain this from my point of view. Basically, true love requires free will. Free will requires some level of doubt, or at least room for an alternative choice. Thus, if God were to reveal Himself in an undeniable way, it would prevent an alternative option and therefore negate free will. Evidence foe God may be extremely convincing, but without a viable (however slightly) alternative, there's no free will and no true love (which is a foundational belief within Christianity).

When it comes to my life personally, Christianity is hands down the most convincing solution to all of life's big (and small) questions as I understand them from a holistic standpoint. Do I still have my doubts? Yes, from certain angles some aspects seem questionable, but no other worldview come as close as Christianity does to really making sense. I've had many experiences and witnessed and been a part of many testimonies that fit in perfectly with my worldview as a Christian and nothing else comes as close to explaining their origin both individually and as a whole as God does. I don't know if this answered your question in the OP, but perhaps it answered a deeper one that you weren't asking (at least not directly). If this was unhelpful, so be it; but I hope and pray that it was.

God bless,

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Apr 5, 2012
Marital Status
In Relationship
I covered for my girlfriend at work in Queens, and parked in a public parking lot. When I came back, I saw a sign on my windshield saying "the person who hit your car, their license plate number is @#%$." I looked on the other side of the car, and noticed the damage above my passenger side rear wheel. I went to get my girlfriend from the bus stop, and then I walked over to the police station, which as 2 blocks away. I showed them the note, they gave me the information about the person who hit me. 1) They had the same insurance company as I did, and 2) It was some sort of Van. I called my insurance company who took down the report. They said they were going to try to get in touch with other person, since i had their vin and policy number (wow, cops have a lot of info on you). Half hour later I reiceved a call back from the insurance company stating that the other person had admitted to the accident, and that I did not have to pay for anything. When my girlfriend got home, she told her father that someone hit my car, and her father stopped her and recounted the whole incident of how it happened. My girlfriend was shocked and her father how he knew. He said that he had a dream about someone hitting their child's car. This was why when he woke up, he was freaking out, and did not allow my girlfriend to take the car anywhere, hence why I had to pick her up from the bus stop. In the dream, he saw a van pull out and hit my car, and a bunch of people gathering and talking about the accident. The other interesting part is that he said "his child's car" My girlfriend and I are planning to get married soon, meaning that I would be her father's son-in-law. *Her father still doesn'tl ike me much, so this could be a sign from God telling him that I'm going to be his son-in-law, no matter what and he better get used to it."

Praise God!
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