Welcome to the slippery slope


and I am A W E S O M E !!
Jul 31, 2005
Marital Status

From the article:
"The college’s submission to the inquiry states: “We would like the working party to think more radically about non-resuscitation, withdrawal of treatment decisions, the best interests test and active euthanasia as they are ways of widening the management options available to the sickest of newborns.” "

"The college’s submission was also welcomed by John Harris, a member of the government’s Human Genetics Commission and professor of bioethics at Manchester University. “We can terminate for serious foetal abnormality up to term but cannot kill a newborn. What do people think has happened in the passage down the birth canal to make it okay to kill the foetus at one end of the birth canal but not at the other?” he said."

We're falling fast. 35 years ago those radical, too-extreme pro-lifers warned about the power given to the medical elite. 10 years ago those nutty evangelicals warned about the authority given to doctors to prescribe "death with dignity." Next stop: euthenasia of special needs children "For the Good of Society."


I think when people decide to have a baby they should consider all things possible. I would never have decided to terminate my dd if I had known that she'd be "special needs". If I did know, I would have done even more to ensure her safety and developmental health (maybe they should start research on what can help if you find out before birth - an early, early intervention)
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