Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?

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1 COR. 10:11; HEB. 1:2; HEB. 9:26,28; 1 PET. 1:20
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Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?​

by William Bell​

Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?

Posted by William Bell on October 30th, 2008

In seeking to answer the question, Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?, it is necessary to gather a bit of history of Israel.

Israel, the ancient nation of the Bible apostatized during the days of Jeroboam. After King Solomon’s death, God tore Israel (the 10 northern tribes) from the house of David.

Their crimes were are follows:

•Leaving the commandments of God,
•Making a molded image and two calves
•Making a wooden image
•Worshiping all the host of heaven (sun, moon, stars, etc)
•Serving Baal
•Child sacrifices
•Practicing witchcraft and soothsaying
•Selling themselves to do evil provoking God to anger

For these reasons, God was very angry with Israel and removed them from his sight until none of them were left but the tribe of Judah alone, (2 Kings 17:15–18).

In 722 BC, God delivered Israel into Assyrian captivity. At that time, the king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel. (2 Kings 17:24)

Samaria was the capital of Northern tribes. Israel was scattered among the Gentiles. Hosea prophesies that God would no longer have mercy upon Israel, (1:6), saying they were no longer his people, (1:9).

Yet, in fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, (Gen. 22:17; 32:12), God would make Israel as the sand of the sea and once again call them his people. He would again gather the nation together under one head with Judah and form them into one nation. (Hos. 1:10, 11).

Was 1948 the regathering of Israel in Bible prophecy? A recent article published in the front page of The Fiji Time Online titled “Divine Intervention” (Oct. 26, 2008), called the 1948 settlement fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Consider 7 Bible reasons 1948 cannot be the restoration of Israel in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

1.The prophecies of Israel’s regathering are quoted in the New Testament by the apostles and are said to be fulfilled in Christ through the gospel.Compare: Hosea 1:9, 10; 2:23; with Romans 9:25, 26; 1 Peter 2:9 Isaiah 10:20–23 with Romans 9:27, 28

2.The majority of the Jews who are settled in the land of Israel are not the descendants of Abraham.Consider:

The Ashkenazi Jews, (comprising the world’s largest population of Jews are of European German descent.

Ashkenazi, means German and German speaking. Ashenaz was the great grandson of Noah, through Japheth. (Gen. 10:3)

The indigenous or ethnic population of Jews in Israel is comparatively small.

The line of Jews who were descended from Abraham were the descendants of Noah through Shem. Thus, the Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically related to Shem, hence are not the seed of Abraham. (Gen. 11:10–27).

3.Sitivina Rabuka cites Jeremiah 31:10, as proof that God would protect Israel from those who would attack them and seek to destroy them.However, he overlooks the fact that God promised that Israel would never be attacked or have their land threatened on any of the three annual feast days. (Exod. 34:23)

Yet, Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur, 1973. In the Bible, each time ancient Israel was attacked on a feast day, it was proof that Israel had broken the covenant.

Don K. Preston of Preterist Research Institute in Israel 1948, Countdown to Nowhere, argues that Josephus (first century Jewish Historian and other Jewish sources) cite that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem during the feast of Pentecost in 586 BC., (p. 26)

Preston also points out that according to Josephus, an eyewitness of the A.D. 70 destruction of Jerusalem took place during Pentecost, one of Israel’s three special feast days for disobedience to the covenant, Matthew 23–24).

Modern Israel was attacked on the Passover on 3/27/2002. Each time in the past Biblical History, Israel is attacked on the feast days for disobedience to to the covenant.

Thus, rather than proving Israel’s protection, an attack on the feast days proved that God was in disfavor with Israel.

4.Through Christ, God created a new nation of Israel, i.e. descendants of Abraham through faith, not flesh, (Gal. 3:26–29).Romans 2:28–29, speaks of those who are Jews inwardly, versus according to the flesh. Later Paul says those of the flesh are not counted as the seed of Abraham, Rom. 9:5–6, but that Christians, comprised of believing Jews and Gentiles, are the new Israel of God, Gal. 6:16.

5.As a direct result of their unbelief and disobedience the Jewish nation would be cast off forever from God’s presence and covenant people. (Gal. 4:26) This means that modern Israel, unless they are believers in Christ, are not the people of God.Moses prophesied that all who would not hear the Christ would be cut off from Israel, (Acts 3:22, 23).

6.All Old Testament prophecy has now been fulfilled. According to Luke 21:20–22, Jesus said the A.D. 70, destruction of Jerusalem was God’s vengeance upon the nation for crucifying Christ and his followers.

7.The land promises to fleshly Israel were all fulfilled under Joshua, (21:43–45) and Solomon, 1 Kings 4:24, 25), to which Israel was allowed to return under Cyrus following the Babylonian captivity.The physical land of Canaan was never “ultimate” promise land of God’s people, but merely a shadow and type of the true heavenly land promised to the Patriarchs according to Hebrews 11:13–16; 12:22–23)

1948, offers nothing in the promises of God for Israel, the new spiritual nation reborn in Christ.

Was 1948 the Regathering of Israel in Bible Prophecy?


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Nov 16, 2014
Ezekiel’s Vision of the Rebirth of Israel Exactly, Amazingly May 1948
Ezekiel’s prophecy of the rebirth of Israel in 1948 and its precise fulfillment in our generation on May 15, 1948 is one of the greatest fulfillments of Bible prophecy in history. Twenty-five centuries ago, while he was a slave during the Babylonian Captivity, (606 – 536 BC), the Lord revealed to the prophet Ezekiel, the precise year – 1948 – when Israel would finally be restored to the Promised Land.. The Jew’s eternal relationship to the Holy Land is a major theme of Bible prophecy. In the Bible, times were specified in precise detail regarding the duration of the time when the Jews were to be exiled from the Promised Land and when God will allow them to return to the Holy Land.

The First Captivity – (Egyptian) – 430 years

The Lord prophesied to Abraham precisely when the Jews would return from Egypt from their First Captivity that lasted 430 years of captivity in Egypt (Genesis 15:13; Exodus 12:40-41).

The Second Captivity (Babylonian) – 70 years

Similarly, the Second Captivity of 70 years in Babylon, as prophesied in Jeremiah 25:11, ended precisely in 536 BC when the Jews returned to Jerusalem as decreed by the Persian king Cyrus the Great.

The Third Captivity (Worldwide) – 2520 years

The Scriptures contain numerous prophecies about the final return of the Jewish exiles to their Promised Land in the "last days." Ezekiel was taken to Babylon as a captive. Ezekiel was aware of Jeremiah’s prophecy (Jeremiah 25:11) that the Jew’s captivity in Babylon would last seventy years.

However, Ezekiel received another prophecy concerning God’s judgment upon the Jew’s disobedience and the precise duration of the remaining Jewish exile from their Promised Land. "This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year" (Ezekiel 4:3-6).

As Ezekiel lay on his right side for a few hours for 390 days and then for 40 days on his right side the Jews in Babylon learned of God’s remarkable prophecy. God revealed that every day stood for one biblical year. Therefore, Israel would be punished for a period of 390 years plus an additional 40 years as a result of their disobedience to God’s commands, totaling 430 years. God declared that Israel would be punished by a worldwide exile for 430 years (390+ 40 years = 430 years). However, as prophesied by Jeremiah, the seventy year long Babylonian Captivity, which began with Nebuchadnezzar’s capture of Jerusalem in 606 B.C., ended in the spring of 536 B.C., in the month Nisan (March/April), when only a small remnant of the Jews (42,360) returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1-3) under the decree of Cyrus the Great.

However, the vast majority of the Jewish exiles chose to remain in the pagan Persian Empire as colonists and tradesmen. Naturally, most Jews who were born and had grown up in Babylon had little desire to leave their farms and businesses to return to a desolate Jewish homeland. Most Jews in Babylon did not repent of their rebellion against God and chose to remain in the pagan Babylonian Empire.

Out of God’s total decreed future punishment of 430 years for Israel's and Judah's sins (390 years plus 40 years = 430 years). First, we must deduct the 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, which Ezekiel and the Jewish exiles were already enduring, which ended in the spring of 536 B.C. Therefore: (430 years minus the 70 years in Babylon = 360 years). This indicates that a further period of 360 years of additional exile remained for the Jews following the end of the Babylonian Captivity in 536 B.C.

Ezekiel’s Prophecy of the End of Israel’s Exile

However, a careful study of the history of Israel cannot reveal any significant event that corresponds to this period of 360 years of additional punishment, either at the end of the 430 years or at the end of the 360 years beginning from the end of the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC. The majority (95%) of the Jews never returned from Babylon to Israel. In fact, even the minority of the 42,360 Jews (Ezra 2:64) who did return did so with very little faith or true repentance. Most of the Jewish exiles failed to repent of their spiritual rebellion against God and they chose to remain in pagan Babylon.

Ezekiel’s unusual prophecy revealed the precise duration of the Jewish exiles worldwide Diaspora and the actual time of their prophesied return to the Promised Land in May 15, 1948. The solution to this prophetic mystery was found in a divine principle revealed to Moses and recorded in Leviticus 26. In this chapter the Lord established definite promises and punishments for Israel based on Israel’s subsequent obedience or disobedience to His Divine commands. In four separate but repeated passages recorded in Leviticus 26, God warned Israel that: if, after being punished for her sins, she still failed to repent of her rebellion, the punishments previously declared by God would be multiplied seven times more (the number of divine completion).

Moses declared God’s Divine principle of judgment if the Jews would not repent from their sinful rebellion against God after already experiencing His Divine punishment: "And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins" (Leviticus 26:18; 26:21, 23-24, 27-28).

In other words, if Israel did not repent of her sins after enduring God’s initial prophesied punishment; the punishments previously predicted would now be prolonged or multiplied seven times: The biblical record reveals that, tragically, even the 5 percent of the Jewish exiles who returned to Israel did not truly repent of their rebellion.

Therefore, according to the Divine principle of multiplying the previous Divinely declared punishment by seven times due to the Jew’s lack of repentance, God’s previously prophesied exile of 360 additional years to the unrepentant Jewish exiles, as recorded by Ezekiel, would now be multiplied seven times more (Ezekiel 4:4-6; Lev. 26:18).

360 years of Exile x 7 = 2,520 biblical years of additional Exile for the Jews

The Biblical-Prophetic Year of 360 Days

The length of a biblical – prophetic year is 360 days: not the 365.25 days of our modern Julian calendar solar year. In ancient biblical times, the Jewish year was a lunar-solar year, with 12 months of 30 days each, which contained only 360 days. The modern solar-calendar year contains 365.25 days. An article on Chronology in the Encyclopedia Britannica, states that Abraham continued to use the 360-day year of his Babylonian homeland when he migrated to Canaan.

The Genesis account of Noah's flood confirmed that the ancient peoples of the Middle East, including the Hebrews, used a lunar-solar year of only 360 days with 12 months of 30 days each. Genesis recorded that the five months from the beginning of the Flood on the 17th day of the second month till the day the Ark rested on dry land, on the 17th day of the seventh month, lasted precisely 150 days. The five months (30 days each) while the flood waters prevailed confirmed that the Bible used a 12 month year of 360 days. (Genesis 7:11; 8:3-4).

Sir Isaac Newton confirmed that the ancient biblical year of the Hebrews, Babylonians, and Egyptians had only 360 days. Newton wrote in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (6th ed) that “all nations, before the just length of the solar year was known, … in making calendars for their festivals, they reckoned thirty days to a lunar month, and twelve lunar months to a year, taking the nearest round numbers, whence came the division of the ecliptic into 360 degrees.”

To understand the precise fulfillment of prophecy, we need to calculate using the biblical lunar year of 360 days. For example, in the book of Revelation John described the last three-and-one-half years of the seven year Tribulation period when the Antichrist will persecute the “woman” (Israel) as lasting precisely 1,260 days (Rev. 12:6). John also described this period as: “a time and times and half a time” (Rev. 12:14).

A “time” equals a year of 360 days; “times” equals two years; and “half a time” equals half a year Similarly, “forty-two months” of 30 days each equals the same 1260 days (Rev. 13:5). The book of Revelation and Daniel’s prophecies (Dan. 7:25; 9:24-27; 12:7; 12:11) both confirm that the biblical year contained 360 days. Therefore, Ezekiel’s prophecy revealed that the Jew’s final restoration to their Promised Land would occur precisely 2,520 biblical years (of 360 days each) after the end of the Babylonian Captivity in the spring of 536 B.C.

The end of the captivity in Babylon, according to the Bible and other historical sources – including Flavius Josephus, occurred in the month of Nisan in the spring of 536 B.C. This date is the starting point for our calculations: 2,520 biblical years x 360 = 907,200 days. Converting this period of 907,200 days into our calendar year of 365.25 days: we divide the 907,200 days by 365.25 days and we calculate a total of 2,483.8 calendar or solar years. In these prophetic calculations we must keep in mind that there was only one year between Passover in 1 B.C. and the next Passover in A.D. l.

Remember: There is NO Year Zero B.C.

Therefore, Ezekiel prophesied that the end of Israel's worldwide captivity would occur after a period of 2,483.8 calendar years had elapsed following the beginning of the prophesied period of the Jewish exile in the Spring of 536 B.C.

I agree with the above wholeheartedly, but the day-year theory can be taken too far as is seen in this link so as to overlook some facts,

"And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days" (Dan. 12.11). 30 days more is needed for Jesus to judge the nations when he steps down on the Mount of Olives on the 1260th day.

The daily sacrifices are not recovered after 688 AD (Dome on the Rock), presumed to be the 1290th year from 583 BC so therefore, it cannot be pointing to 688 AD, but the cessation of worship and sacrifice does end when Jesus returns on the 1260th day. So while it is true 2023 begins the millennial kingdom 1335 years from 688 AD and 1948 is 1260 years from 688, our focus should be on the Tribulation itself since the day-year theory is problematic.

I believe Satan is using the day-year theory to deceive man, to take the implant under their skin used to financially control people to be able to buy or sell and be deceived by the Antichrist. To them the beast is Islam rather than a person. The European Union is the powerhouse, not Islam, for the EU has by far the greatest GDP of any group of nations. The day-year theorist will take the implant under his skin against God's will because they didn't see the primary application of the 1260 days is 42 thirty day months.

The timeline better hurry up, though, because 1) the Temple must be completed by 2023; 2) millions of people would have to be taking the implant under their skin; and 3) the US Dollar Index would need to drop to below 50, possibly closer to 30 or 40.

The abomination is the Antichrist and the idol of him set up in the Temple. Without a Temple, you can't set the idol up in it. Many evidences the abomination of desolation (search the term "abomination") are that he the Antichrist and his image the False Prophet sets up in the Temple (not the Dome of the Rock).
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Partial Preterist
Jun 16, 2014
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Out of God’s total decreed future punishment of 430 years for Israel's and Judah's sins (390 years plus 40 years = 430 years). First, we must deduct the 70 years of the Babylonian captivity, which Ezekiel and the Jewish exiles were already enduring, which ended in the spring of 536 B.C. Therefore: (430 years minus the 70 years in Babylon = 360 years). This indicates that a further period of 360 years of additional exile remained for the Jews following the end of the Babylonian Captivity in 536 B.C.

This appears to be some of Grant Jeffrey's silliness. What the author refuses to acknowledge is that the punishments were separate for Israel and Judah. Therefore adding them together means nothing, except ignorance (or deceit) on the part of the author.

Israel's iniquity began about 930 BC shortly after they split from Judah, and continued with one evil king after another until they were invaded by the Assyrians around 720 BC. Subtract 390 years from 930 BC and you get 540 BC, which was about the time of Cyrus. There was also about 40 years between the taking of the last captives of Judah by the Chaldeans, and Cyrus. Therefore, Ezekiel 4 refers to Lord's pardon of the two houses of Israel, which was closely followed by the return from exile and restoration under Cyrus.

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Nov 16, 2014
What the author refuses to acknowledge is that the punishments were separate for Israel and Judah.
The author doesn't deny this. Consecutive and separate. Just as Israel was enslaved for 430 years as well by Egypt.

"This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year" (Ezekiel 4:3-6).
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Partial Preterist
Jun 16, 2014
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Consecutive and separate. Just as Israel was enslaved for 430 years as well by Egypt.

That is a false and, frankly, bizarre claim. It is so easily disproved, I cannot imagine why you would make such a claim.

They were not consecutive punishments. Are you familiar with the books of the Kings and Chronicles?

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Nov 16, 2014
That is a false and, frankly, bizarre claim. It is so easily disproved, I cannot imagine why you would make such a claim.

They were not consecutive punishments.
Imagine how bizarre and false I find your claim. It's true, Israel was enslaved 430 years. Do you not read your Bible?

"And at the end of four hundred and thirty years, on that very day, all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt" (Ex. 12.41).

The passage treats the punishment as consecutive.

"This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year" (Ezekiel 4:3-6).

All Israel will become a nation again which they did May 14, 1948, not just half a nation. Ezekiel prophesied not to just the year 1948 but the month of May as well. Amazing!
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Persons from the twelve tribes did return to the land of Israel following WWII and the nation of Israel was born in a single day fulfilling Isaiah 66:7-8 and the reuniting of the northern and southern kingdoms.

The complete lands once held by the two former kingdoms was not realized until after two wars with the Arabs in 1967 and 1973.

The complete regathering of all persons of the twelve tribes with none missing will not take place until Jesus returns.
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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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Posted on another thread but seems apropos here:

How exactly is today's Multi ethnic secular democratic nation state "Israel" the re institution of the pre desolation Hebrew theocracy "Israel"?

It bears no resemblance whatsoever - they don't share the same religion as the pre desolation Hebrew Theocracy, they don't share the same government as the pre desolation Hebrew Theocracy, they don't share the same DNA as the folks who made up the pre desolation Hebrew Theocracy, and they don't exist in any covenant relationship with God as the pre desolation Hebrew Theocracy did.

What then is it, that makes them the same Israel as the one that was desolated?
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My dog Micah in the pic
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Jul 3, 2012
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Ezekiel’s Vision of the Rebirth of Israel Exactly, Amazingly May 1948
Ezekiel’s prophecy of the rebirth of Israel in 1948 and its precise fulfillment in our generation on May 15, 1948 is one of the greatest fulfillments of Bible prophecy in history. Twenty-five centuries ago, while he was a slave during the Babylonian Captivity, (606 – 536 BC), the Lord revealed to the prophet Ezekiel, the precise year – 1948 – when Israel would finally be restored to the Promised Land.. The Jew’s eternal relationship to the Holy Land is a major theme of Bible prophecy. In the Bible, times were specified in precise detail regarding the duration of the time when the Jews were to be exiled from the Promised Land and when God will allow them to return to the Holy Land...
The problem with your whole view is you ignore what Ezekiel is speaking of in the "Valley of Dry Bones".

The land God gave to Israel lays waste by God's judgment...HOWEVER...if you do not follow what Ezekiel is saying you will miss what the REAL POINT of this prophecy is!


You MUST let Ezekiel "set the table" for you to follow this prophecy correctly! Ezekiel 1:1-3:
1 Now it came about in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month, while I was by the river Chebar among the exiles, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.
2 (On the fifth of the month in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s exile,
3 the word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and there the hand of the Lord came upon him.)

Why do you JUMP OVER the regathering of Israel that we read in Ezra and Nehemiah?

Clearly from what Ezekiel has told us THEY ARE IN CAPTIVITY at the time of his prophecy!

What you have done is ignored the decree of Cyrus as well as Artaxerses which allowed the rebuilding of the temple (Cyrus), and the city (Artaxerses), and jumped ahead to 1948.

What do you think Daniel is referring to as he prayed about Jeremiahs prophecy of the 70 years captivity of Judah???

Why do you ignore Zechariah as God calls Joshua and Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple?

Why do you ignore that Israel is the nation Jesus walked?

Why do you ignore Jeremiah 31:23-37, which is repeated in Hebrews 8?

You've manufactured 1948 in your way..not the way scripture does. Scripture IS NOT referring to 1948!

Israel is still unbelieving for the most part...that's the MAIN reason your view is flawed!
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Partial Preterist
Jun 16, 2014
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Imagine how bizarre and false I find your claim. It's true, Israel was enslaved 430 years. Do you not read your Bible?

That was Egypt. What does that have to do with Ezekiel's prophecy? Absolutely, positively NOTHING!

Ezekiel was a post-exile prophet.

Grant Jeffrey, on the other hand, was a charlatan and a quack. Good riddance!

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Nov 16, 2014
Israel is a nation again May 14, 1948. It is done. Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 430 days projected the time in years with 7x punishment to when Israel would be a nation again. Israel as enslaved in Egypt was for 430 years. That's where Ezekiel knew to make his prophecy from because the punishment would be 7x that in length of years. God's judgment is commensurate with Israel's sin.

536 - 1 + 1948 = 2483. It even calculates to the month of May (0.8). Truly amazing. Could Israel have known this ahead of time and consciously took over Israel at that time. Perhaps, but it doesn't matter because the prophecy fulfilled.

The same can be said about the Tetrads (Rev. 6.12). Did Israel know the 6th feast Tetrad since Christ would be when Israel took over Israel and the 7th when Israel took over Jerusalem and the 8th 2014/15 today (Rev. 6.12)which must be completed before the Tribulation can start. I am not sure if they had that cosmological knowledge, but it is fulfilled nonetheless.

Praise the Lord!
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Partial Preterist
Jun 16, 2014
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Israel is a nation again May 14, 1948. It is done.

Do you really think God would consider a bunch of rich communists to be His "Chosen People?" The words of the New Covenant tell you who God's chosen people are:

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." -- Gal 3:26

In other words, Christians are the Chosen People.

Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 430 days projected the time in years with 7x punishment to when Israel would be a nation again. Israel as enslaved in Egypt was for 430 years. That's where Ezekiel knew to make his prophecy from because the punishment would be 7x that in length of years. God's judgment is commensurate with Israel's sin.

536 - 1 + 1948 = 2483. It even calculates to the month of May (0.8). Truly amazing. Could Israel have known this ahead of time and consciously took over Israel at that time. Perhaps, but it doesn't matter because the prophecy fulfilled.

The same can be said about the Tetrads (Rev. 6.12). Did Israel know the 6th feast Tetrad since Christ would be when Israel took over Israel and the 7th when Israel took over Jerusalem and the 8th 2014/15 today (Rev. 6.12)which must be completed before the Tribulation can start. I am not sure if they had that cosmological knowledge, but it is fulfilled nonetheless.

That is pure, 100% BALONEY!

While we are on the subject of Baloney, you need to be aware that Grant Jeffrey was a false prophet and a charlatan, much like his buddy and fellow false-prophet, Hal Lindsey.

Praise the Lord!

Platitudes are unhelpful. A humble, contrite heart is recommended.

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Livin' in yesterday's tomorrow
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Feb 24, 2002
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Israel is a nation again May 14, 1948. It is done. Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 430 days projected the time in years with 7x punishment to when Israel would be a nation again. Israel as enslaved in Egypt was for 430 years. That's where Ezekiel knew to make his prophecy from because the punishment would be 7x that in length of years. God's judgment is commensurate with Israel's sin.

536 - 1 + 1948 = 2483. It even calculates to the month of May (0.8). Truly amazing. Could Israel have known this ahead of time and consciously took over Israel at that time. Perhaps, but it doesn't matter because the prophecy fulfilled.

The same can be said about the Tetrads (Rev. 6.12). Did Israel know the 6th feast Tetrad since Christ would be when Israel took over Israel and the 7th when Israel took over Jerusalem and the 8th 2014/15 today (Rev. 6.12)which must be completed before the Tribulation can start. I am not sure if they had that cosmological knowledge, but it is fulfilled nonetheless.

Praise the Lord!

Your math sure is is nifty, but it still doesn't answer my question in post #12 Above.
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My dog Micah in the pic
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Jul 3, 2012
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Israel is a nation again May 14, 1948. It is done. Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 430 days projected the time in years with 7x punishment to when Israel would be a nation again. Israel as enslaved in Egypt was for 430 years. That's where Ezekiel knew to make his prophecy from because the punishment would be 7x that in length of years. God's judgment is commensurate with Israel's sin.

536 - 1 + 1948 = 2483. It even calculates to the month of May (0.8). Truly amazing. Could Israel have known this ahead of time and consciously took over Israel at that time. Perhaps, but it doesn't matter because the prophecy fulfilled.

The same can be said about the Tetrads (Rev. 6.12). Did Israel know the 6th feast Tetrad since Christ would be when Israel took over Israel and the 7th when Israel took over Jerusalem and the 8th 2014/15 today (Rev. 6.12)which must be completed before the Tribulation can start. I am not sure if they had that cosmological knowledge, but it is fulfilled nonetheless.

Praise the Lord!
It's not the Israel God is concerned with though. God's Israel are those who have circumcised hearts by the Holy Spirit. These are the things you don't consider.

Incline your heart to 1 Peter 2:9, 10 for instance as he writes to Christians:
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

How about Paul is Romans 9:6-8:
6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel;
7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham’s descendants, but: “through Isaac your descendants will be named.”
8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.

So...INDEED...PRAISE GOD, :clap: because His People are from EVERY NATION UNDER HEAVEN.

Just as was said of Jesus in John 1:11-13
11 He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,
13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

Think about that...:thumbsup:
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Nov 16, 2014
Of course God is concerned with Israel. For Jesus returns to reign over the nations for 1000 years on earth from Israel in the 3rd Temple. So much so God recognizes Tisha B'Av when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed. Every 7 out of 19 years there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. God concerns Himself with the world, all saved and the Church, the nations especially the nation of Israel and overcomers who return (Jude 14,15) with Him to reign over the nations with a rod of iron for 1000 years. This may be too distasteful for you so you are excluded. The true Jew is a Christian, because the ancient Israelites who accepted their Messiah accepted Christ. This is not mutually exclusive of the body of Christ. Just as all the nations that are good remain, so shall Israel the nation.

Think about that.
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1 COR. 10:11; HEB. 1:2; HEB. 9:26,28; 1 PET. 1:20
Dec 10, 2013
Riverside California
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Of course God is concerned with Israel. For Jesus returns to reign over the nations for 1000 years on earth from Israel in the 3rd Temple. So much so God recognizes Tisha B'Av when the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed. Every 7 out of 19 years there are 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. God concerns Himself with the world, all saved and the Church, the nations especially the nation of Israel and overcomers who return (Jude 14,15) with Him to reign over the nations with a rod of iron for 1000 years. This may be too distasteful for you so you are excluded.

Matthew 24:3​

End of the World

sunteleia tou aiōnos


Strong's Concordance

sunteleia: a joint payment (for public service), joint action, spec. completion
Original Word: συντέλεια, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: sunteleia
Phonetic Spelling: (soon-tel'-i-ah)
Short Definition: a completion, consummation, end
Definition: a completion, consummation, end.
HELPS Word-studies

Cognate: 4930 syntéleia (from 4862 /sýn, "close together with" and 5055 /teléō, "complete, consummate") – culmination (completion), i.e. when the parts come together into a whole ("consummation") – "an end involving many parts" (B. F. Westcott). See 4931 (synteléō).

4930 /syntéleia ("culminating end, finish") is not strictly "termination" but rather "consummation" (completion) that ushers in a new time-era/age (Mt 13:39,40,49,24:3, 28:20).

[The KJV is misleading by rendering 4930 (syntéleia) as "the end of the world" (i.e. when it occurs with aiōn, "age/epoch"). This expression actually means "at the "consummation of the age," i.e. when it reaches its intended climax (consummated conclusion).]

Strong's Greek: 4930. ????????? (sunteleia) -- a joint payment (for public service), joint action, spec. completion

Strong's Concordance

aión: a space of time, an age
Original Word: αἰών, ῶνος, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: aión
Phonetic Spelling: (ahee-ohn')
Short Definition: an age, a cycle of time
Definition: an age, a cycle (of time), especially of the present age as contrasted with the future age, and of one of a series of ages stretching to infinity.
HELPS Word-studies

165 aiṓn (see also the cognate adjective, 166 /aiṓnios, "age-long") – properly, an age (era, "time-span"), characterized by a specific quality (type of existence).

Example: Christians today live in the newer age (165 /aiṓn) of the covenant – the time-period called the NT. It is characterized by Christ baptizing all believers in the Holy Spirit, i.e. engrafting all believers (OT, NT) into His mystical body (1 Cor 12:13) with all the marvelous privileges that go with that (Gal 3:23-25; 1 Pet 2:5,9).

Strong's Greek: 165. ???? (aión) -- a space of time, an age

Jesus and the Apostles were living in the Last Days, the Last Times, the End of the Age, when God was going to bring an end to the Jewish Age. There isn't going to be a 3rd Temple and Jesus ruling from it. Jesus Himself is the 3rd Temple and Jesus Himself inhabits and rules from New Jerusalem now.

Daniel prophecied that God would raise up an everlasting kingdom during the time of the kings (of Rome). Dan. 2:44

God has a deadline to beat in order to fulfill this prophecy, and that deadline was A.D. 476 with the fall of the Roman Empire.

Did God beat this deadline, of course He did, it occurred on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit's ministry on this day marked the time the Apostles witnessed the coming power of the Kingdom of God see Mark 9:1/Luke 24:49/John 7:39/Acts 1:8/Acts 2:1-4,30-36,39.

The power Jesus spoke of in Mark 9:1 was the power of the Holy Spirit's ministry on the Day of Pentecost (Luke 24:49/Acts 1:8), but the pouring out of the Holy Spirit's ministry could not occur until AFTER Jesus was glorified, exalted, and crowned King in heaven first (John 7:39/Acts 2:1-4,30-36).
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