War with Israel

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Gee, who would have guessed the Apocalypse of John would contain an account of people in the end times attacking Christ's holy Church?

Yes, of course that is absurd. Therefore, the account in Revelation CANNOT be about an attack on a church. It is an attack against Israel.

Rev 16
[14] For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
[15] Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
[16] And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
[17] And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
[18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
[19] And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
[20] And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
[21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Armageddon is reckoned by most to be Megiddo in Israel. The great city is and has always been Jerusalem, and mention of "the cities of the nations" indicates that the revelator was speaking about earthly cities, not spiritual ones.
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Yes, of course that is absurd. Therefore, the account in Revelation CANNOT be about an attack on a church. It is an attack against Israel.

Rev 16
[14] For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
[15] Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
[16] And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
[17] And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
[18] And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
[19] And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
[20] And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
[21] And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Armageddon is reckoned by most to be Megiddo in Israel. The great city is and has always been Jerusalem, and mention of "the cities of the nations" indicates that the revelator was speaking about earthly cities, not spiritual ones.

That makes about as much sense as Revelation being about an attack on Tibet and the great city being Lhasa.
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That makes about as much sense as Revelation being about an attack on Tibet and the great city being Lhasa.


Dollarsbill and I have simply been reading the Bible to you, interpreting it in a way that seems quite obvious to us. If you read it differently, you are certainly welcome to your opinion. If you want to engage in doctrinal discussions about the scriptures like this, CF has provided you with boards for that purpose. As far as I am concerned, though, I intend to post on Current events here; and talk about the State of Israel is certainly current events. I believe the train you have engaged in here is straying off that subject, and I don't plan to pursue it.
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Dollarsbill and I have simply been reading the Bible to you, interpreting it in a way that seems quite obvious to us. If you read it differently, you are certainly welcome to your opinion. If you want to engage in doctrinal discussions about the scriptures like this, CF has provided you with boards for that purpose. As far as I am concerned, though, I intend to post on Current events here; and talk about the State of Israel is certainly current events. I believe the train you have engaged in here is straying off that subject, and I don't plan to pursue it.

I find it entertaining that you and dollarbill are apparently allowed to proclaim your doctrinal interpretations for all the world in News & Current Events, but when people disagree with you and opine that your interpretations are silly, they are "straying off" the subject.

Let me put it this way, lets talk about the Middle East conflict, and if you and dollarbill want to post essays on how and why everyone who opposes Israel's trigger-happy hawk government will roast in eternal hellfire or how Israel is some magic nation where you get salvation through Israeli citizenship without needing Christ, you can take it to a blog of the Eschatology subforum. I myself would be quite happy to discuss current events without bringing in theology. :)
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Here's the latest from Iraq:

Iraqi Kurds send troops to block road to disputed Kirkuk

Kurdish peshmerga troops are deployed on the outskirts of Kirkuk, some 250km (155 miles) north of Baghdad, November 24, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)​
The Iraqi Kurdish administration, in a standoff with the Iraqi army over disputed areas, has sent troops to block the roads to the city of Kirkuk, a Kurdish official has said.

The official from the Peshmerga Affairs Ministry of the Iraqi Kurdish region said the troops will not enter Kirkuk, whose control is a matter of dispute between the Kurdish administration and the Baghdad government, but that they will not allow the Iraqi army to enter the city either. The peshmerga troops were dispatched to the area on Saturday afternoon, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Anatolia news agency.

The Iraqi army troops, on the other hand, are deployed some 30 kilometers from Kirkuk, Anatolia also said.

The latest military buildup this year illustrates how far relations between Baghdad's central government, led by Shiite Muslim Arabs, and ethnic Kurds have deteriorated, testing Iraq's federal cohesion nearly a year after US troops left.

Baghdad and Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region earlier this week began sending troops to an area over which they both claim jurisdiction, raising tensions in a long-running feud over land and oil rights...

-- Iraqi Kurds send troops to block road to disputed Kirkuk
I have said before, that Iraq is in a power vacuum since the departure of Allied troops. Iran will likely exert increasing influence in the south, and Turkey in the north. Syria is in a similar situation; and soon the nations of Iran (Persia), Turkey (Magog) and Israel will be confronting one another as described in Ezekiel 38.
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I find it entertaining that you and dollarbill are apparently allowed to proclaim your doctrinal interpretations for all the world in News & Current Events, but when people disagree with you and opine that your interpretations are silly, they are "straying off" the subject.

Let me put it this way, lets talk about the Middle East conflict, and if you and dollarbill want to post essays on how and why everyone who opposes Israel's trigger-happy hawk government will roast in eternal hellfire or how Israel is some magic nation where you get salvation through Israeli citizenship without needing Christ, you can take it to a blog of the Eschatology subforum. I myself would be quite happy to discuss current events without bringing in theology. :)

As Marshlewis has also noticed, Skarl, you have strayed all the way to Lhasa. I will leave you there.
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This article is interesting in the following respects:

1. Cyprus is pretty close to the action in the Middle East, bordering on at least two major players (Turkey and Israel), and deeply involved with another (Russia).

2. The deeper Russia gets involved with Cyprus, the deeper the rift between Russia and Cyprus' enemy, Turkey; and visa versa.

Other than that, the article is pretty tangential. I don't know how Cyprus figures in to end time prophecies, other than being one of "all the nations of the earth" (Zech 14).

Who will save Cyprus - Russia or EU?

Cyprus may lose financial support from the EU due to "suspicious ties" with Russian oligarchs. According to information published in Spiegel magazine, the German Federal Intelligence Service suspects that the loan, which the EU and the IMF may give the country, will only sweeten the life of Russian businessmen who keep their money in Cyprus.

It was written in Monday's issue of Spiegel magazine that "the report from the German Intelligence Service showed who would benefit most from the infusion of billions of euros of European taxpayers." First and foremost, it will be "Russian oligarchs, businessmen and mobsters," says the German publication. In addition, Spiegel criticized Cyprus for complicity in the "laundering of illegal money."

It was said that the German intelligence allegedly had information about 80 Russian businessmen who benefited from the loyal attitude of the Cypriot authorities and acquired local citizenship, which helped them to replenish their capitals illegally. The names of those tycoons and "mafia mobs" were not mentioned. However, German intelligence claims that there is a total of $26 billion on the accounts of Cypriot banks. This money belongs to Russian entrepreneurs and was supposedly obtained through dishonest transactions. According to German intelligence, this amount exceeds the GDP of Cyprus that makes up a bit more than 17 billion euros. There are 2,000 Russian firms officially registered in Nicosia, the capital of the republic.
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Any time, Marsh.

The following is interesting, in that the destruction of the critical M-1 radar site could presage the emplacement of a no-fly zone, airlifting troops or supplies from Jordan into Syria, or even an attack on Iran. I have seen video of the capture of the helicopter base, but no photos or videos of the supposedly destoryed radar.
Syrian rebels destroy Assad’s radar station facing Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 26, 2012, 9:05 PM (GMT+02:00)


Syrian rebels captured Marj al-Sultan miitary base
In a resounding blow to the combat capabilities of Bashar Assad’s army against external enemies, Syrian rebels destroyed their most important electronic warning radar station facing Israel – M-1 – Monday, Nov. 26, debkafile reports exclusively from its military sources.

This Russian-built station monitored Israeli warplanes' takeoff and landing activities at air bases in the Negev and Hatzerim in the south and tracked them up to the Syrian border. The facility was designed to guide Syrian missiles targeting any point on the Israeli map, in sync with air defense facilities south of Damascus and on the Golan Heights. The radar’s range also covered naval movements in Mediterranean waters off the shores of Israel and Lebanon.

Western military sources told debkafile that the destruction of this vital facility has blinded the two eyes which Syrian air, air defense and missile forces had trained on Israel. It has therefore crippled, though not completely dismantled, Bashar Assad’s ability to got to war against Israel, Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

M-1 radar also swept all parts of Jordan and northern Saudi Arabia where the important Tabuk air base is situated. Deployed there in addition to the Saudi Air Force are French fighter-bombers ready to go to war against Syria.

M-1 also relayed current data on Israeli military movements to Hizballah and would have been a vital source of intelligence in a potential Lebanese Shiites offensive against the Jewish state.

The Syrian ruler and his spokesmen have frequently threatened since the eruption of the popular insurrection that if Assad had his back to the wall, the entire Middle East would go up in flames, especially Israel.

In the last two days, the Syrian rebels have made additional gains: They were able to capture areas abutting on the Jordanian border, excepting only the Ramtha border crossing. They also seized the Marj al-Sultan military air field southeast of Damascus and adjoining Syrian Army 4th Brigade bases.

Most of the men of the 82nd Infantry Brigade guarding M-1 were killed in the fighting, fled or were taken prisoner.

Our military sources notes that after M-1, the Assad regime still retains two key radar stations: M-2 in Shanshar south of Homs, which covers central and northern Syria; and M-3 near Latakia which keeps an eye on the northern region up to the Turkish border and the eastern Mediterranean up to Cyprus.

All three radar stations were linked to the Syrian general staff, air force, air defense, missile and navy operations rooms and fed them the essential real-time intelligence data needed for decision-making at the highest level. However, the loss of M-1 seriously hampers the Syria army’s capacity to take on Israel or Jordan.
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Monday, November 26, 2012
+++SOURCE: Jordan Times 26 Nov.’12:”Hamas arsenal hit but rocket know-how intact”

QUOTE:”Hamas has valuable technical knowledge at its fingertips which could be used to rebuild its arsenal”

EXCERPTS:GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories — The distinctive whoosh of a longer-range rocket leaving Gaza set sirens wailing in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem within minutes, as Hamas fighters broke new ground in the fight against Israel...

And although the Islamists’ firepower was hard hit during its eight-day
confrontation with Israel, Hamas has valuable technical knowledge at its
fingertips which could be used to rebuild its arsenal...

According to a report published... in Israel’s left-leaning Haaretz daily, Iran has over the past two years smuggled a number of Fajr 5 rockets with a range of up to 75 kilometres into Gaza via Sudan and Egypt.

“At the same time, Hamas and Islamic Jihad manufactured 200mm diameter rockets — whose range is close to 80 kilometres — in the strip, using know-how provided by Iran,” wrote the paper’s defence correspondent, Amos Harel.

“Until now, roughly 10 medium-range rockets have been fired towards the Tel Aviv area and the Jerusalem region. Most of these have been the improvised 200mm rockets produced locally in Gaza. Israeli intelligence believes that only a small number of these medium-range rockets remain,” he wrote.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief General Mohammad Ali Jafari said the same day that Tehran had not supplied Fajr 5 missiles to Gaza, rather had shared the “technology”, meaning that such missiles could be “rapidly produced” in the territory.”...
Sue Lerner - Associate, IMRA
These are NOT people who want to "live in peace" with Israel. They want war, and are preparing for it. While the world is sobbing over Israeli "atrocities", the Arabs are relishing every minute of it -- and getting ready for more.

There will be another war soon, and everyone knows it. So be sure to store up plenty of crocodile tears. The next "Israeli aggression" will begin just as soon as the Pals have made enough missiles to provoke it.
Poll: Palestinians reject 2-state solution
Sunday, February 12, 2012 | Ryan Jones


Israel is widely portrayed as the primary obstacle to peace in the Middle East, but a new poll reveals that Israelis may have very good reason for not trusting the intentions of their Palestinian peace partners.

Conducted by American pollster Stanley Greenberg and the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, the survey found that 61 percent of Palestinians do not accept the "two states for two peoples" formula that has thus far driven the peace process.

An even larger 66 percent said that while they would accept a "two-state solution" as a first step, they would want to eventually move on to replacing Israel with a single Palestinian state.

A full 92 percent said that even in a two-state solution phase, Jerusalem can be the capital of "Palestine" only, regardless of whether or not Israel retains control over the Jewish-dominated western half of the city.
Their intractable hard-line positions are the result of the fact that an overwhelming 72 percent of Palestinians reject any Jewish historical connection to Jerusalem and the land as a whole...

-- israel today | Israel News | Poll: Palestinians reject 2-state solution - israel today | Israel News

I'm all set.

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Air defense frigates to be integrated with Patriots


Turkish frigate TCG Gaziantep SOURCE: Turkish Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Four frigates will be built as part of a project to strengthen Turkey's air-defense system and then integrated with the Patriot missiles that Turkey recently formally asked NATO to deploy on its border with Syria.
The project had been suspended until lately due to financial difficulties; however, it has now been re-launched, with a plan to build four frigates costing $4 billion in total. The frigates, in which phased-array radars will also be installed, are to be integrated with the missile defense elements Turkey requested from NATO. Images radars obtain will be conveyed to the control centers of the missile defense system. In this way, missile attacks from neighboring countries will be detected at once.

The phased-array radars to be installed on the warships are to be purchased from the US.

The Naval Forces Command has sent a top secret document -- containing information about the features and sizes of the frigates the command requests -- to the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM). Feasibility studies have already begun. The project will be presented to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan next month for his approval. The goal is to have the first warship launched by 2016.

The Naval Forces Command is requesting a warship of 6,000 tons as part of the project. A high-ranking official, speaking to Today's Zaman on the issue, has said that one of the frigates will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. “If a missile is fired from Iran, Syria, Iraq or Israel, the radar installed in the frigate will see that and notify the air defense system control center at once. The frigate that will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea might carry Patriots or long-range missiles that Turkey purchases from the US, Russia, China or Europe. The aim here is to ensure safety in the sky. Being provided with such systems is of vital importance for Turkey if it wants to become a regional power.”

NATO member states have agreed to supply Turkey with an advanced Patriot missile system to defend against Syrian attacks, and talks on its deployment are in the final stage, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said on Nov. 20. Turkey has been talking to NATO allies about how to shore up security on its 900-kilometer (560-mile) frontier with Syria after mortar rounds landed inside its territory, increasing concerns about the civil war spilling into neighboring states.

There are currently German and American frigates in the Turkish navy. Some of these were purchased and some have been donated to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK).

-- Air defense frigates to be integrated with Patriots
Everything Turkey is acquiring today for "defense against Syria" can be used to support a "no fly zone" in that country; and ultimately, to attack Israel. Turkey's navy is modern, effective and HUGE.
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Two Iranian navy ships to visit Sudan again
Posted by fatemeh@iran on 11/26/12 • Categorized as Quoted

By Reuters
(Reuters) – Two Iranian navy ships will dock in Sudan this week to refuel, state news agency SUNA said on Monday, the second such visit in a month since Sudan accused Israel of bombing an arms factory.

Sudan blamed Israeli military planes for a huge explosion last month at the Yarmouk plant in Khartoum, the country’s biggest small arms and ammunition factory. Four people were killed during the blast, according to Sudan.

Israel has not commented on the accusations but Israeli officials have accused Sudan of funnelling weapons via the Egyptian Sinai desert to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Sudan has good ties with Iran and Hamas.
Sudan’s army spokesman al-Sawarmi Khalid told SUNA two Iranian navy ships would dock on Friday at the Red Sea port of Port Sudan to refuel and take “logistical provisions” on board.

“They will stay for three days as part of normal and routine work which the Sudanese navy is undertaking,” he said.

SUNA did not mention the ships’ names. Last month, an Iranian destroyer and a helicopter carrier docked at Port Sudan.

Sawarmi also said a Pakistani navy ship would dock at the port the day before for refueling.

Iran said in June it had plans to build more warships and increase its presence in international waters, particularly to protect its cargo ships around the world.

Pirates in the Gulf of Aden in January hijacked an Iranian ship carrying 30,000 tonnes of petrochemical products to a North African country.
Israel's war with Iran has been underway for some time now, most notably with Iranian missile technology smuggled into Gaza and used against Israeli civilians. The focus of the international news media on Israeli "atrocities" (fewer that 100 total deaths, civilian AND military, from some 1500 airstrikes) has put a smoke screen around Iranian maneuvers. There are several flashpoints in this conflict bound to flare up in the next few months, and an Israeli attack on Iran is one of the less likely ones. Lately, my eye has been on Iranian surrogates Syria and Hizbullah; but it is always wise to keep a "sea eye" on the Iranian navy as well -- and cargo ships leaving Iranian ports, potentially laden with "logistical provisions".
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US-led NATO intervention begins in Syria war. Patriots in Turkey
DEBKAfileExclusive ReportNovember 27, 2012, 9:47 AM (GMT+02:00)
Read more:
US-led NATO intervention begins in Syria war. Patriots in Turkey

Tuesday, Nov. 27, the Middle East military spotlight swung around from Gaza to the Syrian war with steps for the start of US and NATO intervention in that conflict. Without spelling this out, a game changer began unfolding when a joint Turkish-NATO team began making a site survey for the deployment of Patriot Air and Missile Defense Systems, manned by American military teams. The team, said the statement from Ankara, will assess where to station the missiles and how many would be needed. It reiterated that the system is “for defensive purposes” and not for a “no-fly zone or offensive operations,” but just for use “against an air or missile threat from Syria.”
However, the Patriots in combination with already installed elements of the missile shield, will command an area beyond the Turkish-Syrian border - all of northern Syria up to and including the embattled towns of Aleppo and Homs, debkafile’s military sources report.

Their presence will impede the operations of Assad’s most effective and lethal means of war against the rebels in that region – air force bombardment.

The positioning of US anti-missile missiles in Turkey coincides with the rebels’ success in destroying the Assad regime’s key air and radar stations in southern Syria and along the Jordanian border. The two thrusts add up to a coordinated military effort in northern and southern Syria to seize control of the skies in both regions from Assad’s control and push his forces back into central Syria.
You can't say I didn't say as much -- the taking out of the radar sites NE of Damascus sounded more as though it were directed at NATO, Israeli and GCC air movents than about directly helping the rebels. The French bombers in N Saudi Arabia were within range of that radar. Also, it was noted that the Patriots being stationed in Turkey were more useful for covering a no-fly zone than for protecting Turkey.

One might also note that I called the Gaza operation a "red herring". Another good word for it would have been "smokescreen", because it effectively drew the attention of the world (especially of some posters here) away from the center of the action.

A NATO-Arab intervention in Syria is not important in itself. It is mainly important, in the Biblical scheme of things, because:

1. It is a first step in deploying Turkish forces immediately next to Israel,

2. With Assad out of the way, the main obstacle to good Turkish-Iranian relations will have been removed, and

3. With Hizbullah's main sponsor taken off the scene, Turkey will become the undisputed leader of the "Northern Alliance" of Iran-Turkey-(vestige of) Iraq & Syria-Lebanon-Gaza.

I'm sure Turkey would like Egypt as an ally as well, to complete the stranglehold on Israel, but I don't believe Egypt will be an effective help to anyone in the near future.

With Sudan and Libya completing the picture, we will then have, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, the complete Ezekiel 38 alliance against Israel.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :crosseo:

There is every reason to believe that these end-times prophecies will be fulfilled SHORTLY, WITHIN THE COMING DECADE:

1. The main actors of Ezekiel 38, followed by Zechariah 14, are all lining up on cue;

2. With the world economy spiraling out of control, and headed for a world-wide political crisis, a major Middle East War, followed by a major World War, are inevitable;

3. The sharp rise in Antisemitism around the world coincides with the need for a universally accepted "Infidel" to blame all its troubles on. Expect The Beast, starring as Pope Urban, and the False Prophet, co-starring as Peter the Hermit, to unite the nations in this Crusade Epic -- which will play in theaters literally everywhere; and finally,

4. What goes around comes around. God is not mocked: What a man sows, so shall he also reap. The people of the world believe they have discovered the free lunch, wherein they can choose any conduct they please without consequences. The world is wrong.


By the way, you might want to look back at the "population" graph I posted a short while ago. Notice that the graph begins with a continuous, exponentially rising curve; but around 2012 it splits into three widely divergent scenarios. That is because the world has reached a crisis point in FOOD PRODUCTION.

Mankind has gone through two true "revolutions", each of which has resulted in an exponential increase in population. The first was the Neolithic Revolution, that brought about the domestication of plants and animals. This led to a marked increase in FOOD PRODUCTION. The second was the Industrial Revolution, which has now spread into the entire world. This revolution brought about a marked increase in FOOD PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION.

We can now produce all the food the world needs, and distribute it anywhere on earth in near-fresh condition. There is really nowhere to go from here. The production of food, and therefore the sustaining of life, requires three things: air, water and sunlight, which is to say, acreage. We are rapidly approaching scarcity of water. Desalination, the only real alternative, depends on energy -- which, in turn, depends ultimately on sunlight (acreage), which is renewable but finite and approaching a limit, fossil fuels, which are requiring exponentially more energy to extract, and nuclear energy, which requires long lead times to get on line and is, amazingly, being opposed and pared back in many parts of the world.

The stage is set for the Great Debacle; and interestingly, there is a prevalent attitude among the world's godless movers and shakers, that belief in the Bible is the primary obstacle to a solution (That is, we are the "infidels", the "Goldsteins" and the boogeymen of the world).

All this spells Armageddon, in a very few years.

Shalom Shalom :wave::wave:
Seeing double? The Bible says, "The double-minded man is in all ways unstable"
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There are about 130,000 Jews of Ethiopian descent in Israel today. By March
2014, the immigration of Ethiopia's Jews to Israel is expected to finish,
closing an ancient chapter of Ethiopia's history.
One by one, the countries of the world are emptying out of their Jews. Today, 82% of the world's Jews live in Israel (which has the world's largest Jewish population) and the United States of America. In total, Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the population. In the US, they make up about 1.7%. In all other countries, they comprise less than 1% of the total.

WORLD 13,701,306 100%

JEWISH COUNTRIES 5,996,100 44%

1 Israel 5,996,100 44%


2 United States 5,275,000 38%

3 France 483,500 4%
4 Canada 315,120 2%
5 United Kingdom 292,000 2%
6 Russia 205,000 1%
7 Argentina 182,300 1%
8 Germany 119,000 1%
9 Brazil 107,300 1%
10 Australia 97,300 1%
11 Ukraine 71,500 1%
12 South Africa 70,800 1%
13 Hungary 60,600 0%
14 (26 others) 386,330 3%


22 (5 countries) 39,456 0%

SRC: Jewish population by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(estimate 2012)

In 1900, Jews comprised the following percentages in countries of the greatest concentration:


Poland 16.2

Romania 5.0
Austria 4.7
South Africa 4.5
Hungary 4.4
Russian Empire (Europe) 3.2
Netherlands 2.0
Suriname 2.0
United States 2.0
the Balkans 1.6
Germany 1.0
Ethiopia 1.0


Palestine 12.0

Tunisia 4.2
Libya 2.3
Morocco 2.1
Algeria 1.0

The Jewish communities in Poland, Austria and Hungary were mostly exterminated. Those in Muslim countries were largely driven out in the aftermath of their independence. Most Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian Jews migrated to Israel after the breakup of the Soviet Union. At the time of Columbus, Jews could be found throughout the world:

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