Views on the type of Music and if clapping, dancing, jumping was ok in worship?


Feb 9, 2008
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Tell me if you think it is a sin or not to do it.

It is not a sin. David danced before the Lord-naked. It was between him and his maker. Now while I do not have a problem with this type of spontaneous worship, I would discourage you from thinking that this is the only way to show God worship. However, if God has done something in your life that is so great, wonderful, and powerful that a simple Amen, waving of hands, and clapping is not enough to express your gratitude to HIM, that is between you and God. My Grandmother grew up a traditional SDA and I never saw her dancing or shouting ever. Unfortunately she got cancer and had to undergo chemo. The first time she got here results back and her cancer had been reduced significantly she shouted. She shouted on the phone when she called to tell me and then she shouted again at church that Sabbath. I had never seen her react in such away. She was prim, propper, and ladylike always. However what God had done for her was so great that when she talked about it and thought about it, she could not contain her praise. It was not about her liking the beat of the music, or that it was praise time, and she did not care what others thought about her actions. It was her offering before the Lord, and I will not judge her or others because I do not know all that the Lord has done in their life. I have a feeling there is going to be some dancing and shouting all over new Jeruselem when we get to Heaven.
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Jan 20, 2006
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Dude I know plenty of "adults" from the congregation that like christian rock and also some have introduced it into the main worship. So what is so wrong with it?

of course there are plenty of Adults who like Christian rock, my generation grew up with it and are now believe it or not "Adults" and they often don't just like it they love it. :) And you are dead right, they are intrumental in seeing that worship services are conducted according to their tastes.
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Jun 18, 2007
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David's dance before the Lord is described in 2 Samue16:14. This passage of Scripture may rank as one of the most misunderstood accounts in the Old Testament. Some seem to think that David danced practically in the nude before the Lord. But read the account in 2 Samuel 6 carefully: "And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." It doesn't exactly sound like David was naked, does it) An ephod was a close-fitting, armless outer vest commonly extending down to the hips. In Old Testament times it was used almost exclusively as a priestly garment and worn in connection with the worship of God. David was not naked when he danced before the Lord; he was instead dressed for worshipping God. David's leaping and dancing before the Lord was expressive of joy and praise to God. David's dancing (described in 2 Samuel 6:14) was a form of religious rejoicing, an expression of joy on the occasion of the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. King David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with trumpets, and David danced before the Lord. He took the place of a slave at the head of the procession to express honor to Jehovah God. His willingness to be the Lord's bondslave shows the true purpose and intent of his worship.
Michal, King david's wife, not understanding her husband's motive, and thinking he had lowered himself before the people, reproached him bitterly, and despised him in her heart. But David's motive for rejoicing was pure. Proponents of modern-day dancing often forget that Hebrew men and women did not dance together. David did not dance all over the streets of Jerusalem in the arms of another man's wife. Such activities held too many pagan connotations of sensuality. To the chosen people of God, dancing was not something to be performed for social amusement. The modern-day method of dancing by couples was unknown in Old Testament times. (And the word "dance" is never once used in the New Testament in connection with Christian worship). Surely 2 Samuel 6:14 cannot be used to justify present-day social dancing without lifting the text completely out of its context.
--Steve Wagoner​

It is not a sin. David danced before the Lord-naked. It was between him and his maker. Now while I do not have a problem with this type of spontaneous worship, I would discourage you from thinking that this is the only way to show God worship. However, if God has done something in your life that is so great, wonderful, and powerful that a simple Amen, waving of hands, and clapping is not enough to express your gratitude to HIM, that is between you and God. My Grandmother grew up a traditional SDA and I never saw her dancing or shouting ever. Unfortunately she got cancer and had to undergo chemo. The first time she got here results back and her cancer had been reduced significantly she shouted. She shouted on the phone when she called to tell me and then she shouted again at church that Sabbath. I had never seen her react in such away. She was prim, propper, and ladylike always. However what God had done for her was so great that when she talked about it and thought about it, she could not contain her praise. It was not about her liking the beat of the music, or that it was praise time, and she did not care what others thought about her actions. It was her offering before the Lord, and I will not judge her or others because I do not know all that the Lord has done in their life. I have a feeling there is going to be some dancing and shouting all over new Jeruselem when we get to Heaven.
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Feb 9, 2008
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David's dance before the Lord is described in 2 Samue16:14. This passage of Scripture may rank as one of the most misunderstood accounts in the Old Testament. Some seem to think that David danced practically in the nude before the Lord. But read the account in 2 Samuel 6 carefully: "And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." It doesn't exactly sound like David was naked, does it) An ephod was a close-fitting, armless outer vest commonly extending down to the hips. In Old Testament times it was used almost exclusively as a priestly garment and worn in connection with the worship of God. David was not naked when he danced before the Lord; he was instead dressed for worshipping God. David's leaping and dancing before the Lord was expressive of joy and praise to God. David's dancing (described in 2 Samuel 6:14) was a form of religious rejoicing, an expression of joy on the occasion of the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. King David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with trumpets, and David danced before the Lord. He took the place of a slave at the head of the procession to express honor to Jehovah God. His willingness to be the Lord's bondslave shows the true purpose and intent of his worship.
Michal, King david's wife, not understanding her husband's motive, and thinking he had lowered himself before the people, reproached him bitterly, and despised him in her heart. But David's motive for rejoicing was pure. Proponents of modern-day dancing often forget that Hebrew men and women did not dance together. David did not dance all over the streets of Jerusalem in the arms of another man's wife. Such activities held too many pagan connotations of sensuality. To the chosen people of God, dancing was not something to be performed for social amusement. The modern-day method of dancing by couples was unknown in Old Testament times. (And the word "dance" is never once used in the New Testament in connection with Christian worship). Surely 2 Samuel 6:14 cannot be used to justify present-day social dancing without lifting the text completely out of its context.

--Steve Wagoner​

So David was half naked-his wife Michal states that he was uncovered. What ever his stae, he was not modest by the standards of the day and certainly underdressed as royalty. This commentary also supports praise dancing, which the OP was asking about. So I'm not sure of your point here. Are you for it or against it?
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Jun 18, 2007
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David's dance before the Lord is described in 2 Samue16:14. This passage of Scripture may rank as one of the most misunderstood accounts in the Old Testament. Some seem to think that David danced practically in the nude before the Lord. But read the account in 2 Samuel 6 carefully: "And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod." It doesn't exactly sound like David was naked, does it) An ephod was a close-fitting, armless outer vest commonly extending down to the hips. In Old Testament times it was used almost exclusively as a priestly garment and worn in connection with the worship of God. David was not naked when he danced before the Lord; he was instead dressed for worshipping God. David's leaping and dancing before the Lord was expressive of joy and praise to God. David's dancing (described in 2 Samuel 6:14) was a form of religious rejoicing, an expression of joy on the occasion of the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. King David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouting and with trumpets, and David danced before the Lord. He took the place of a slave at the head of the procession to express honor to Jehovah God. His willingness to be the Lord's bondslave shows the true purpose and intent of his worship.
Michal, King david's wife, not understanding her husband's motive, and thinking he had lowered himself before the people, reproached him bitterly, and despised him in her heart. But David's motive for rejoicing was pure. Proponents of modern-day dancing often forget that Hebrew men and women did not dance together. David did not dance all over the streets of Jerusalem in the arms of another man's wife. Such activities held too many pagan connotations of sensuality. To the chosen people of God, dancing was not something to be performed for social amusement. The modern-day method of dancing by couples was unknown in Old Testament times. (And the word "dance" is never once used in the New Testament in connection with Christian worship). Surely 2 Samuel 6:14 cannot be used to justify present-day social dancing without lifting the text completely out of its context.
--Steve Wagoner​

Bolding for clarification.
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