Urgent Prayer Request

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Thanks in advance to any and all who read this and pray!

I posted a message recently asing for prayer for the sale of my home. It has been a long journey that we are on, starting in February of 2001. We have the other place purchased, but this home is not selling.

We had a showing on Wednesday at 12:00 noon. And now today the same people are coming back at 4:30 PM

I believe that the wife is bringing her husband back. She likes the place, and she is looking for his approval of her choice.

Please pray that this works out for us. I know that the father has a plan, and that His will is all I want. I hope that this is His will today. I am asking that you would pray that He will close this deal for us today.

Thank you again. The prayers mean everything to me.
Thank you all for your prayers. The buyers did not show up, and they did not call.

I was frustrated, and surprisingly very angry with God. I was upset that he did not intervene, and stop the situation from happening. It took me a day to realize how stupid I was being, and then I came back to my senses. I know that God did intervene, he was there, and he did what was best for us. Still, I am disappointed that it did not work out that time. Maybe it will the next time. I do know for sure that your prayers, and mine, made it to the fathers ears and heart, and I know that it pleases him when we lift each other up. Thanks for the prayer support, and I hope that sometime soon, God's plan will be revealed, and I can share it with you. In the meantime, your prayers are so appreciated, and I know that it encourages me so much. Thanks again and God bless you!
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