Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation


Jumping Jack Flash

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation-also known by other names such as photoluminescence, hemo irradiation, photopheresis, photodynamic therapy-is a process of exposing blood to ultraviolet A or C rays to stimulate the immune system to destroy any and all pathogens, no matter if they are viral, bacterial, fungal, or cancerous cells/tumors. UBI (some researchers refer to it as UVBI) is a time tested therapy-in use for over 75 years by physicians all over the world. There are no known side effects and the therapy creates a strong immune response that is regarded as an "autogenous vaccine". An added benefit of this therapy is the elevation of blood oxygen levels-which in most cases remain optimized for over a month after the therapy. There is reason to believe that blood oxygen levels are perhaps the most important fundamental element in one's health. Viruses, bacteria, and cancerous cells can not sustain themselves in a well oxygenated environment-thus they are anaerobic, meaning they hate oxygen. They hate it because quite simply, it kills them. Not only are pathogens killed by UBI but biological toxins are also cleared. Toxins from microbes, plants, insects, and animals are all immediately cleared from exposing the blood to UV rays. Toxins from ricin, tetanus, botulism, snake venom, bee stings, bacterial invasions-are all rapidly cleared by UBI.

Around 1880 some clinics in England were using externally applied UV light to patients for treatment of disease with phenomenal success. (So much for that skin cancer caused by sunlight theory-more on that some other time). Actually-the Egyptians got the whole photosensitivity thing rolling thousands of years ago with a weed that grew on the banks of the Nile. They used photochemotherapy for the treatment of vitiligo. Apparently this weed contains a type of psoralen, which becomes active after ingestion and exposure to sunlight.

In 1928, one Emmitt K. Knott-a scientist in Seattle WA ran some experiments on exposing the blood to UVC rays in the treatment of women with severe bacterial infections due to back alley abortions. The local hospital wrote off many of these patients as they were not responding to the sulfa preparations-some had temperatures of over 108 degrees and death was certain. Knott was told to do as he wished with these patients-and after one and sometimes two UBI exposures the patients symptoms completely subsided within 24 hours. The mechanisms by which UBI worked then were not remotely understood-and actually today they are still not completely understood. The treatment is executed by a doc or nurse withdrawing about 100-180 ml's of whole blood from the patient. Using a venipuncture at the elbow or hand, the practitioner withdraws the blood as it flows through a clear pastic "cuvette". The blood then enters a small quartz glass chamber which includes a baffle to spread the blood thin enough where it sits in a small machine that exposes the blood to the UV rays. As the 30 or 60 ml syringe fills with blood, the nurse then returns the blood back through the machine and into the patient. The practioner will make several "passes" with the syringe-which has been loaded with about 5 cc's of 1000mg strength heparin to prevent coagulation.

It was originally thought the germicidal properties of UVC-which are well understood in science-was responsible for the miraculous cures of infection. But upon closer inspection that is not all that is going on-we are talking about photonic energy-a powerful thing indeed. It has been suggested that the irradiated portion-about 1/25th of the blood-carries the primary UV rays into the untreated portion of the blood and that the secondary radiation is produced in this way. The effect is physical, then chemical, and finally biological.

In 1939 Dr. George Miley, MD, made a study of the effects of 97 blood irradiation treatments given to people suffering from various diseases. His observations:

1. A 58% increase in the venous oxygen content in ten minutes.

2. A 9% decrease in venous oxygen after a half hour.

3. A 50% increase in venous oxygen one hour to one month after treatment.

Dr. Miley-a practitioner of thousands of UBI treatments in the 1940's-made this comment about Emmitt Knott. " I think personally that this is one of the greatest contributions to medicine ever made by a citizen of the United States." I have read several accounts by MD's that used this process and sent venous blood cultures to labs for testing where the labs actually thought they were receiving arterial blood as the color was deep red and the oxygen content was elevated. I have made it well known that I use this therapy just for this purpose-there is absolutely no doubt that blood oxygen levels are critical to health, and may actually decellerate the aging process. In fact I am doing a small experiment myself. I have declined treatment and all other oxygen enhancing therapies so that in 2 weeks I can take a picture of my own blood in the cuvette as I have UBI performed. I am absolutely sure my oxygen levels will be sub optimal and the blood will appear dark blue or purple, maybe even black. I will restart my oxygen therapies after the UBI session and have the procedure done again in 4-6 weeks and take a pic of my blood-I am absolutely sure we will be able to tell a visual difference in the color of my own blood as it will certainly turn bright red again from the elevated oxygen levels.

By the mid 1940's UBI had really begun to roll. Dr. Miley reported using UBI on viral pneumonias-still a big killer today-would cure this condition rather quickly. He reported:

1. Complete subsidence of toxic symptoms 24-76 hours after a single treatment.

2. Disappearance of cough in 3-7 days.

3. X-ray evidence of complete clearing of the lungs within 24-96 hours after a single treatment (Miley, American Journal of Bacteriology,45:303, June , 1943)

Dr Henry Barrett reported on 110 cases of UBI in 1940 (Medical Clinics of America, May, 1940) Most patients received one treatment-some as many as eight. He noted several patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis-these patients improved remarkably within a few hours. One case was of a patient suffering from serious bronchial asthma attacks for over four years. The patient was in the hospital, and despite medication , was having several asthma attacks per day. After one UBI treatment her doctor reported the next day that she had only one attack that day. After that she had 2-3 asthma episodes a week for 3 weeks. The attacks became fewer and fewer and became absent for months after a single treatment.

Barrett reported on his 110 cases:

1. No detrimental reactions from UBI.

2. Improvement is frequently immediate.

3. Increase in peripheral circulation (due to vasodilation).

4. Increase in oxygen combining power of the blood.

5. Inactivation of toxins in the blood.

Dr Miley also reported on 6 patients with herpes zoster infection-"shingles". Infection was nullified to the point that the patients became asymptomatic with no relapses. In January , 1942, Dr. Miley made the following observations-(NY State Journal of Medicine, Jan.1, 1942) " The detoxification effect of ultraviolet is generally not known by the medical profession and certainly has not been emphasized enough. The inactictivation of snake venoms and bacterial toxins are examples of what may be accomplished by ultraviolet. The increased of blood irradiated with ultraviolet to absorb oxygen has been demonstrated. As a rule, rather low dosages of externally applied ultraviolet radiations stimulate the general resistance of animals and human beings to infection."

The inactivation of bacterial toxins is quite amazing-and many lives have perished as a result of this technology being disregarded for pharmaceutical therapies. One such case that everyone may remember is that of Jim Henson-the creator of the Muppets. Henson died in 1990 of a particularly virulent strain of A Streptococcus-this organism will strike down an otherwise healthy person in a matter of hours from the onset of symptoms. What is particularly interesting about this particular bacteria is that it is not the organism that directly kills the victim-it is the lethal toxins the organism produces. There is no antibiotic that can clear these toxins-so even if Henson was given an antibiotic that would kill the organism Henson would have died from the toxemia. What is a shame is if the hospital that Henson went to had incorporated UBI these toxins would have been neutralized immediately and the organism would have been killed-and Jim Henson would probably be alive today.

The photodynamic effect can be increased by elevated blood oxygen content (enter h202, or ozone) and an alkaline blood /body environment. Conditions that respond to UBI are almost limitless-all acute and chonic viral episodes from Herpes to Polio to the flu and common cold, candid overgrowth, cancer, bacterial infections, allergies, rheumatism, asthma-virtually any and all disease states.

In regards to cancer-and I can cite many studies-but i will pick what i think is the most impressive one. On April 30,1969, Mrs. I.W., a fifty year old white female, entered the hospital for treatment with a large tumor of the uterus that proved to be cancerous. The previous year the patient was found to have cancer of the cervix and uterus and was given radium and cobalt treatments for a month. She was re-examined 6 months later. Her doctor told her the cancerous mass was too large to operate. She was "terminal". She sought out Dr. Olney and was given UBI therapy, 4 treatments the first week, and one treatment per week for one month. After the last UBI treatment she was re-examined by her oncologist and it was decided the cancer mass was reduced enough to facilitate surgery of the uterus. A hysterectomy was performed and a pathological examination of the organs revealed that there was NO CANCER TISSUE IN THE ORGANS. The patient made a full and complete recovery with no other complications.

Something very peculiar to me is the treatment of leukemia. In leukemia (cancer of the blood) the white cell counts are too high-after UBI these white cell counts return to normal. And in AIDS where white cell counts-the CD-4 "helper t-cells" are very low-these cell counts will return to normal. Concerning AIDS it may appear that UBI reduces the number of HIV viruses in the body. There is more and more compelling evidence-and I agree wholeheartedly-that this "HIV entity" does not cause AIDS. Actually, the HIV virus probably does not even exist. However-AIDS does exist-it exists in far greater numbers of people than those deemed "HIV Positive". In true AIDS these CD-4 cells are low and predispose the patient to severe infection. UBI brings these cell counts to normal levels.

I will be making a huge post in the near future regarding what is called HIV, HIV antibody testing, and AIDS. I guarantee not to disappoint. What appears to happen in the blood with UBI is that the white cells are "damaged" by the UV light-this damage causes the immune system to regenerate new "null" cells in explosive exponential numbers. These null cells-cells with no antigen present-are like young warriors that come out with a vengeance and destroy whatever pathogen is in the body. UBI is used at the prestigious Yale university by Dr. Edelson in the treatment of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma-a rare skin cancer. Edelson terms the process "photopheresis" and instead of using whole blood he incorporates exotic and expensive filters that filter out the white cells so they are the only component irradiated. This process is totally unnecessary as whole blood works just fine. There is speculation that Edelson did this to acquire a patent. Edelson has also made significant contributions in the field of photochemotherapy.

I read about and investigated UBI starting in 1999. I stumbled across this amazing therapy by accident-after learning about it I called several clinics around the US to inquire about it's effectiveness. I was met with nothing but positive feedback. I had read how UBI would cure the flu in a matter of HOURS -so I decided the next time I got sick I would call an MD that practiced UBI about 2 hours away.

As I mentioned above, I got the flu on my birthday no doubt-in Jan of 2000. I called the clinic and made an appointment the next day. I arrived at the clinic at about 3 pm. I had fever, runny nose, body ache, cough-the whole nine yards. I had the treatment done-it only took about 10 minutes. it was totally pain free-except for the 20 gauge venipuncture-and the blood began to flow. it was amazingly simple. I remained at the office for another 2 hours-as i also received an IV of hydrogen peroxide. I ended up getting home around 8pm. On the way home I experienced severe chills for about an hour-a sure sign my immune system was in high gear. My nose was runny. Fever too. After an hour I felt much improved. I settled in at home and watched the Duke -Carolina basketball game. No cough, chills, fever,-nothing. All my symptoms had vanished. I was cured. I woke up the next day perfectly normal. I was so impressed with the therapy-and so overwhelmingly convinced that UBI elevates blood oxygen levels-that I decided to have the therapy done about every 10-12 weeks as a preventative. In the 4 years that I have used UBI I have noticed some profound improvements in my health. I noticed all of the following after my very first treatment. A few warts-caused by a viral infection-that I had from childhood mysteriously disappeared.

Jumping Jack Flash


I had suffered from allergies-most notably poison ivy eruptions-for years with my landscaping business. The Poison ivy outbreaks were so bad not even caladryl lotion would work on the blisters-I had to use Chlorox. Since my first UBI treatment I have not had so much as a blister-much less an outbreak. The most incredible aspect of my health has been an improvement in my vision-not only is my eyesight improved but colors are so much more vivid. I had not read anything about vision improvement in my studies of UBI. A year after I began my UBI protocol I received literature from Germany where UBI is widespread-they use it in many eye diseases such as macular degeneration. I have not been sick in over 4 years now-despite having at least 2 colds a year before UBI and living the BBing "lifestyle" with immune suppressing agents (at least thought to be immunosupressive). Not even a sniffle.

There are about 40-50 MD's here in the US that practice UBI. I am fortunate to be on good terms with one of them. The cost for a single UBI treatment is anywhere from $75 to $135. Unbelievably cheap. The spectrum that UBI could be used in is enormous. We could save billions upon billions by eliminating research grants on such viral diseases as SARS, West Nile, etc. There is NO viral disease that can withstand the wrath of UBI. None. And it has no side effects. Our government will not consider such methods. No disease, well no money. Big pharma would be in the soup line in a matter of weeks. We can take all of this vaccine research, HIV research, SARS, West Nile, Herpes, etc research-and bury it in a huge crater and save the tax payers tons of money. Every hospital and doctors office should have such "photoluminescent" devices.....these machines cost all of 1000 dollars.

I have been to Russia to investigate UBI over there. UBI was discovered here in the US-but it was dropped out of favor in the 1940's with the discovery of penicillin. Antibiotics were supposed to cure infections, cortisone was supposed to rid of us of allergies-NONE of this has happened. What has happened is the Pharma Cartel has gotten rich while our health has gotten poor. Thanks to antibiotics we now have Superbugs that are antibiotic resistant, a new epidemic - Candidaisis-the overgrowth of a yeast turned fungus that runs amok after antibiotics kill off a patients intestinal flora. I heard recently-last week-of a new form of Herpes that is drug treatment resistant. I will be visiting the Pasteur Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia-this is where advanced research takes place on UBI. In Russia they actually Irradiate a persons bloodstream via laser technology. I visited Moscow, Russia, and Volgograd , Russia this past winter. I had friends there and tried to set up a meeting with one or more docs over there to learn about their techniques. I found a doctor-but could not arrange a meeting. All I can say is travel, business, and life in general in Russia is much different than here. Totally different. This next winter I will be better prepared-now that i have a feel for how life is conducted over there.

I will close with a quote by Dr. William Cambpell Douglass, MD, about UBI. He is the MD that is responsible for reviving the therapy 20 years ago as it was lost from medical practice for about 25 years or so. I consider Dr. Douglass the finest MD in American history. Some of his accomplishments are :Graduate of the Miami School of Medicine, Graduate of the Naval School of Aviation and Space Medicine and National Health Federation "Doctor of the Year 1985." He worked alongside scientists at the Pastuer Institute for 1 year in Russia and set up and operated an AIDS clinic in Uganda , Africa. Many terminal stage AIDS patients made full recoveries using his UBI protocol. He was also the past president of the Florida College of ER docs-many ER techniques in every hospital in America were invented by Douglass.

Dr. Douglas' quote concerning UBI: " If you knew of a procedure that could save thousands-maybe millions-would you cover it up? It is unthinkable that what could be the best solution ever to stopping the world's killer diseases is being ignored, scorned, and rejected. But that is exactly what is happening right now. The procedure is called "photoluminescence (UBI)". It is a thoroughly tested, proven therapy that uses the healing power of light to perform almost miraculous cures. This remarkable treatment works its incredible cures by stimulating the body's OWN immune responses. That is why it cures so many ailments-and why it has been especially effective against AIDS. Yet, 50 years ago it virtually disappeared from the halls of medicine."

For more info on Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation please go here-http://www.proactivehealthnet.com/healthBB/f81

I have used it myself over the years for treatment of colds and flu , and allergies as well. It is totally non toxic and very effective-
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Dr. Douglas' quote concerning UBI: " If you knew of a procedure that could save thousands-maybe millions-would you cover it up? It is unthinkable that what could be the best solution ever to stopping the world's killer diseases is being ignored, scorned, and rejected. But that is exactly what is happening right now. The procedure is called "photoluminescence (UBI)". It is a thoroughly tested, proven therapy that uses the healing power of light to perform almost miraculous cures. This remarkable treatment works its incredible cures by stimulating the body's OWN immune responses. That is why it cures so many ailments-and why it has been especially effective against AIDS. Yet, 50 years ago it virtually disappeared from the halls of medicine."

<<<my insert: while i was in pharma schoool in the 1980's i asked several health care 'pros' and drug co reps if they would at least let doctors know what the drug companies know about
the proven cures for cancer, heart disease, asthma, arthritis et al.
they always said 'no'. when asked why, they always said, verbatim, "it(the cure) can't be patented" (as if that was okay to cover up the cure to keep getting a lot of money) !!!
[they NEVER DENIED the cure worked]

in the last 3 years, in several bible studies at churches and homes
no one else seemed to know the cures even existed - and a lot of
church members, including doctors, got mad and offended that the ama has covered up the cures along with the pharma and gov. ;end insert>>>

For more info on Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation please go here-http://www.proactivehealthnet.com/healthBB/f81

I have used it myself over the years for treatment of colds and flu , and allergies as well. It is totally non toxic and very effective-

re "Amazing Medicines the Drug Companies Don't Want You to Discover" about 5 to 10 d on the web
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