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Transgenderism Is A Real Threat To Christians

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Jun 25, 2018
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There is only one section open to non-Christians, and judging by the number of posts it has received (6.7 million!), it is very popular.

I was baptised in to the church of England (Episcopalian to Americans) as a child but it never took with me. I hope I am not bad to chit-chat with!

That brings me to why I post here. It is a good environment for the honest exchange of ideas and discussion of issues of the day without the more dreadful aspects of much of social media.

That's why I like it here too...

I'm a former Muslim, now Christian and Appalachian hillbilly... lol.. crazy world isn't it!?!

I have a small conservative bent, and I have explored whether that's me still carrying some of Islam with me over, but I have concluded that's not the case, from an internal point of view as my beliefs do appear to be quite in line with Scripture and various historical teachings.

But hanging out chit chatting is nice. Even when I get upset... Hahaha
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Jun 25, 2018
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I wouldn't say that, no. But I do not think you are suggesting that all this furore, the anger and fear expressed here is objecting to the sin of Vanity.

No... Far far far more issues than that at play.

And it first needs said that pretty much no one cares what adults do. This one is because of kids being shoved into this and being sterilized and permanently harmed in other ways.

Christian parents who refuse to transition their underage children are having their kids removed from their homes by CPS... Some parents actually fled the country to protect their kid from the state.

We are facing very serious issues. Even many from the LGB crowd are upset because it's probably gay kids who are being sterilized etc.

But anyone, literally anyone who speaks out about this is being silenced.

This isn't a small matter of leaving the adults alone. No one cares what adults do. But we are talking about minor children, religious freedom, and the ability to get to 18 without radical medical harm being done.
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Dec 8, 2018
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But anyone, literally anyone who speaks out about this is being silenced.
Absolutely nobody is being silenced on the issue of transitioning.

This is one of the most controlled forums in existence in - outside the old Sino-Soviet axis. You, for one, speak your mind about it here. (Me too.)
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Absolutely nobody is being silenced on the issue of transitioning.

This is one of the most controlled forums in existence in - outside the old Sino-Soviet axis. You, for one, speak your mind about it here. (Me too.)

That's not what I'm talking about... I'm not talking about forum censorship.

I'm talking about a general campaign by activists to try and stop scientific research from being published if it doesn't suit the trans activists agenda.

A general campaign by activists to discredit and character assassinate speakers who speak out, even speakers from the LGBTQ communities...

A general online campaign to harass people into staying silent or face false accusations and character assassination in scale who speak as being against medicalization of young gender dysphoric children in general.

It's nothing about the forum, just the issue with the topic as a whole in the world we live in.

As a result people, again world at large, only hear one side of the debate, which is neither a debate or a discussion. It's just presented as a set of facts as if there's no benefit to anything else.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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Every week you can find Christian news reports of people around the world losing their jobs, being arrested, or being tried for voicing opposition to, or even questioning the transgender cultural trend. What's surprising is that most of these cases involve individuals making comments on private websites. This alone should have any free speech advocate upset with both the intolerant accusing parties, as well as the government systems coddling to the cultural agenda.

For Christians here that think the whole self-gender identifying trend is foolish but trivial, it's time to wake up and see what's happening. It took 20-30 years of aggressive activism for the gay community to successfully and significantly change America's culture. The transgender advocates are making progress much faster. In both cases, the Christian implications are the same, involving a much more profound development than just sexual freedom.

The LGBT movement is an inevitable result of the post-modernism movement that started decades ago. In short, it's a battle against objective reality which Christians should recognize as the Bible and subjective reality which is loosely determined by individuals' feelings and preferences. Will Christians cave in to the pressure now as before, thus compromising the very foundation of truth? Or will we fight this cultural trend, understanding its significance.

I believe we're in a cultural war between those who embrace God, the Bible, and objective truth versus those who oppose God, reject the Bible, and pursue their own subjective beliefs and values. Might I suggest that the removal of the Bible and prayer from public schools, teaching of evolution over creationism, prohibition of posting the ten commandments or Christmas nativity scenes on public property, support of abortion, and LGBT movement are all part of the spiritual warfare Satan is enacting upon America and the world. We must choose our side. For Christians called to be salt of the earth, this means speaking up when the opportunity arises, but be prepared for the growing legal and financial repercussions.

Now, here are just 3 recent examples of the hundreds of individuals being persecuted for thinking that God created two kinds, male and female, or that biology defines a person's sex and gender.

As God and His word have been taken out of society and left a void it has been filled with other gods and idols. Thats what happens when people reject God. It happened even to the Isrealites in worshipping the Golden Calf.

Except now peoples eyes are not turned outward but inward as to what represents all the aspects of life that we once attributed to God that was beyond us all and united people.

So we see the growth of ideologies about who we are and how we should order society based on human constructions. We are now the gods and can recreate just about anything including our biological sex.

But Gods order is also the truth and the truth cannot be denied or hidden forever. Nature and reality have a way of coming back to bite people. If its not a naturally evolving behaviour or idea that fits with what is actually going on then it begins to show and when its applied to real world situations it is exposed.

That is what I think we have been seeing the start of, the reality of how this gender ideology actually is unreal. WE have seen it with 'Go Woke Go Broke' where companies like Bud Light and Disney have lost millions with failed campaigns and movies.

Now I see Tom MacDonald and Ben Shapiro with a number one song which is almost an antham now for rejecting these ideologies. We see other movements like with crowd funding independent media which is fighting back against the dominance of this ideaology in mainstream media and its beginning to make a difference.

People are being educated about the reality of these ideas and how they are actually dangerous to society. They divide society into identity groups pitted against each other exaggerating the differences and denying individuality the very basis for which free societies were setup.

Actually its more the case that the unrealness of these ideas are exposing themselves and its only a matter of time before people see that. Its the same with other fads like eating disorders which come and go. Though the new Woke and Gender ideology seems to have deep roots because its tied to our identity.

Ideology is a cunning and powerful influence and people find other ways to push their beliefs and agenda so it won't die easy and in fact may take a new and dangerous form if left unchecked.

So this is a culture war but I think at its very foundation its a spiritual war about who is God, who is the authority over our lives. We use to be mostly united by a belief and respect for a power greater than ourselves. Now we are divided by self.
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Dec 8, 2018
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That's not what I'm talking about... I'm not talking about forum censorship.

I'm talking about a general campaign by activists to try and stop scientific research from being published if it doesn't suit the trans activists agenda.

A general campaign by activists to discredit and character assassinate speakers who speak out, even speakers from the LGBTQ communities...

A general online campaign to harass people into staying silent or face false accusations and character assassination in scale who speak as being against medicalization of young gender dysphoric children in general.

It's nothing about the forum, just the issue with the topic as a whole in the world we live in.
There is no such campaign. There is a debate - obviously heated at times, but nobody anywhere is being silenced.

Perhaps some pertinent examples would help your case.
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Jun 25, 2018
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There is no such campaign. There is a debate - obviously heated at times, but nobody anywhere is being silenced.

Perhaps some pertinent examples would help your case.

I've already presented two. The research paper I earlier linked and the former trans activist who was the whistleblower on the gender clinic where she used to work in St. Louis - that's the video.

I'm not here to provide proof until your satisfied. I'll present my argument for why I might hold a particular belief and even discuss it a little further but honestly, it's good to decide you care enough to do your own research and learn the truth for yourself.

It's a good thing to do.
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Jun 8, 2021
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it's good to decide you care enough to do your own research and learn the truth for yourself.

Just to throw in a pointless FYI, personally I don't care enough about transgenderism to go and read a bunch of biased opinions on the subject.

I'm a longstanding member of the Church of the IDM... It Don't Matter.

But hey, people have to get their ideological aggression out somehow... so feel free to slug it out. Just remember, it's just life... the sky's always falling... or so it seems.
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Dec 8, 2018
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I've already presented two. The research paper I earlier linked and the former trans activist who was the whistleblower on the gender clinic where she used to work in St. Louis - that's the video.

I'm not here to provide proof until your satisfied. I'll present my argument for why I might hold a particular belief and even discuss it a little further but honestly, it's good to decide you care enough to do your own research and learn the truth for yourself.

It's a good thing to do.
OK. I have taken another look at the research paper, which by its own admission was lacking in scientific rigour. I did not see any evidence of anybody being 'silenced'.

The whistleblower Utube video consisted of allegations of being silenced. It is clearly not evidence of what you termed a 'general campaign' to silence people. After all, the whistle-blower has made her points publicly.

I appreciate that you don't want to spoon-feed me with articles. I would probably not give them justice, especially if they are as long as the two you posted above!
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Hans Blaster

Bald Hill, 1864
Mar 11, 2017
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There's a lot MORE atheists who used to be conservative, fundamantalistic evangelicals.

I don't know about the demographics, but it would certainly seem that the loudest atheists are the ex-vangelicals. I think it has to do with the variation in the styles of worship and religion.

If a Catholic wants to be more religious they go to First Friday Mass, weekly rosary, prayer vigils, daily mass, pray more at home, weekly confession, perhaps read the bible. Largely more ritual. If you want to be less religious, just do less of that. Skip weekly mass, etc. Disconnection can happen so gently you don't even notice. Eventually you may realize that you don't actually believe in god anymore. (That's what happened to me. I would have never contemplated participating a forum like this as believer or non-believer until about 10 years after I left the Church and found this site while following a rabbit trail of posts about a particular bit of pseudo-cosmology.)

The evangelical style seems quite different (though I have no personal experience as I've never even been inside an ev. church, not even to vote) with the personal testimonies, the alter calls, the intense bible study (all concepts I went without knowing well into adulthood) and personal relationships to Jesus. From the stories I've heard, it sounds like a lot of former evangelicals often start with a conflict of some kind that results in a deep contemplation of faith and it sometimes breaks. There does seem to be a tendency to for ex-evangelicals to take that style into atheism.

Fortunately, I'm not one of them.
THere is still hope for you... :)
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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Yes, for humans in this forum.

Why are some who adamantly reject Christian beliefs actively posting here? Are they attempting to "evangelize" their secular atheism, or is it simply that misery loves company?
Not all the humans on this forum.

Only someone who was once Christian can reject it. Many people were never Christian and so have no reason to reject it; it was never on the table in the first place.

I hardly think people are here to 'evangelise' against Christianity. More so to discuss other opinions and to correct inaccuracies in the science and ethics forums.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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So those scientists who are biased against ROGD despite parental reporting are the only opinions we should hear from?
Did you not read what the link said? How you arrive at that conclusion when it clearly says that the parents could not be trusted to support the child for their eating disorder AFTER TWO YEARS! They referred to their child as a [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]. Their own child!

Religion is not an excuse for child endangerment.
There's a man on the Internet who goes to different places and tries to get people to play in his little experiments. He looks for people who strongly agree with a topic and then their opposite who strongly disagrees with the same topic.
Did you know there is a man on the internet who rides on the back of flamingos? That's as useful your 'man on the internet'. If this is the level of your discourse I think we can leave it there.
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Jun 25, 2018
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OK. I have taken another look at the research paper, which by its own admission was lacking in scientific rigour. I did not see any evidence of anybody being 'silenced'.

The whistleblower Utube video consisted of allegations of being silenced. It is clearly not evidence of what you termed a 'general campaign' to silence people. After all, the whistle-blower has made her points publicly.

I appreciate that you don't want to spoon-feed me with articles. I would probably not give them justice, especially if they are as long as the two you posted above!

Lol... While the first admits to having a particular slant it almost has to have it design.

First, there's no official recognition of rapid onset gender dysphoria.

It's brand new, clinics started seeing a massive increase 5 years ago in a completely different kind of "gender dysphoria", one that seems, or even claims in some instances, to have picked up the idea from the Internet or friends.

But it is something parents, mental health professionals as well as gender clinics are noticing.. there's several papers on the potential of this being social contagion out... Use that wording if you get curious.

For some of these workers it's a very real concern because if it is a social contagion, which a sizeable number of patients are presenting as, more of them then traditional gender dysphoria has ever presented, then we need to study that and immediately...

While we study that we need to stop medically treating the pre teen to teen crowd for gender dysphoria. Until we know for sure what's going on with what we are seeing we just can't even begin to risk it.

When I say "stop medically treating", I'm just intending to convey stopping the kinds of treatments that will risk permanent damage like the puberty blockers and hormone treatments. Together they sterilize. So first you block puberty and then later start hormones. It's a recipe for permanent sexual dysfunction and an exceedingly relationship high risk for permanent sterilization.

Also I am against performing mastectomies and various genital mutilations on underage children as well.

There's so much mess here we have no choice but to study it before it gets an official name.

We have to do this to answer questions:

Are we sterilizing and mutilating kids who are just confused kids who picked up something on the Internet and got coached by nefarious entities online?

Are we treating gay kids like they are transgender when they aren't?

I mean, they are removing children from people's homes if they don't push this single track program on their kids now .. CPS is.

It's in the realm of public policy now, they put it there and we need real answers before we go anywhere further with potentially harming our kids. And when I say our kids I mean our nations children.

They deserve that. Intentionally depriving a physically healthy child of a healthy adulthood is a crime against them.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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Some parents actually fled the country to protect their kid from the state.
Ah yes, this is a great expression of empowerment and personal choice.

"Arend Feenstra, decided that he’d had just about enough of the gay people existing in his country. So he decided to take his family to Russia instead."

"Unfortunately, no amount of kindness from strangers can make up for significant financial problems: something the Feenstras encountered because – who knew?! – Visa or MasterCard don’t work there, and authorities closed the Russian account they moved their money to due to it being a suspiciously high sum with no explanation of where it came from. Similar anti-money laundering laws exist in the UK and US."

"This caused a fairly significant tantrum, posted on YouTube by Anneesa Feenstra and then deleted. “I’m very disappointed in this country at this point,” she said – about a snag that could have easily been solved in advance with a quick Google search. “I’m ready to jump on a plane and get out of here”. We’ve hit the first snag where you have to engage logic in this country and it’s very, very frustrating,” she complained."

"It seems that criticism caught the eye of their Russian handlers, and they presumably had their knuckles wrapped, as they soon issued a clarification, with Arend saying, “After reading an article that said we were ‘disappointed with Russia’ we decided to remove our video. We are not disappointed with Russia — in fact the opposite is true. What Anneesa actually said was ‘I am very frustrated IN this country right now.’ This was a reflection of her inner frustration with not being able to speak and understand.”

"All ten of the family are currently living in a two bedroom apartment after failing to find a farm."

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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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I'm talking about a general campaign by activists to try and stop scientific research from being published if it doesn't suit the trans activists agenda.
It was withdrawn by the authors.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Oct 28, 2006
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I don't know about the demographics, but it would certainly seem that the loudest atheists are the ex-vangelicals. I think it has to do with the variation in the styles of worship and religion.

If a Catholic wants to be more religious they go to First Friday Mass, weekly rosary, prayer vigils, daily mass, pray more at home, weekly confession, perhaps read the bible. Largely more ritual. If you want to be less religious, just do less of that. Skip weekly mass, etc. Disconnection can happen so gently you don't even notice. Eventually you may realize that you don't actually believe in god anymore. (That's what happened to me. I would have never contemplated participating a forum like this as believer or non-believer until about 10 years after I left the Church and found this site while following a rabbit trail of posts about a particular bit of pseudo-cosmology.)
I've come across stories that fit that bill, like Jenny McCarthy's account, for instance, in her book, Bad Habits: Confessions of a Recovering Catholic (2012). It's a good little read.
The evangelical style seems quite different (though I have no personal experience as I've never even been inside an ev. church, not even to vote) with the personal testimonies, the alter calls, the intense bible study (all concepts I went without knowing well into adulthood) and personal relationships to Jesus. From the stories I've heard, it sounds like a lot of former evangelicals often start with a conflict of some kind that results in a deep contemplation of faith and it sometimes breaks. There does seem to be a tendency to for ex-evangelicals to take that style into atheism.
Yes, where ex-vangelicals are coping and working through their deconstructions of faith, prompted and bolstered as they have been for the last 25 years---and now by Youtube and whatnot---their prior emotional programming is often taken with them and then turned in the opposite direction. Even though ex-vangelical atheists tend to irritate me, I can understand their psychological breakage, and in some cases their depression or trauma and anger, of having their minds bounced repeatedly like a basketball against the pavement.
THere is still hope for you... :)

Unfortunately, my philosophically inclined psychology and personal history make tucking my tail and running from Jesus a very difficult thing to do ... ;)
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May 20, 2021
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"Arend Feenstra, decided that he’d had just about enough of the gay people existing in his country. So he decided to take his family to Russia instead."
To paraphrase Churchill, "It has been said that the United States is the worst country in the world except for all the others."
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Nov 11, 2015
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Yes, for humans in this forum.

Why are some who adamantly reject Christian beliefs actively posting here? Are they attempting to "evangelize" their secular atheism, or is it simply that misery loves company?

I rarely post here. Mostly because others often say what I might in much better and more concise ways.

I have never had a desire to "evangelize" anyone to my beliefs. Besides, parts of my belief/worldview has been in a state of change for a time now.

I do like the forums here as I have learned a lot from various posters from various backgrounds. When I first signed on here I was initially hostile to all Christians. I can see that was a wrong and unkind attitude to have. In my short time here I've come to see a large variety of outlooks not only in Christians but in non-Christian as well.

I am neither a conservative nor a liberal. I am not necessarily even a moderate. Some of my views on some issues are held by conservatives and on other issues they are held by liberals. That may frustrate some conservatives and liberals (depending on the issue/view), but that is not my problem.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
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To paraphrase Churchill, "It has been said that the United States is the worst country in the world except for all the others."
By many metrics it's middling as best for most Americans.
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God's ways and mans ways are in opposition with one another .... has been that way since the fall of Adam and Eve and will continue (and worsen) as time goes on.

I stand with XX and XY which aligns with the Word of God ... and if I'm persecuted for that ... so be it.
Yep. And XX and XY is supported by geneticists. So, even the scientists agree there is only male and female. :)
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