Told I had a mental illness when talking about Jesus and how God speaks to people.


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Jan 15, 2009
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I once told people I had heard God speaking to me so some psych doctors and they said that I had a mental illness. The result that occured was they gave me medications that caused me to have severe headaches for about 7 hours out of the day. I had no choice in the matter, because the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Since I had that on my record, the second time I visited a hospital under advice from family they thought I was crazy and made me take medications for the same mental illness again, accept this time they caused me ED. Still, the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Perhaps the fact that I had talked about Jesus everyday during this time and even in places like a pornography shop had caused my parents to believe I was ill. Needless to say I fell into sin watching pornography trying to alleviate my erectile dysfunction, which the doctors where quick to deny I had even though I had said so. I wanted seven months for the drug in my system to go away. I hope that is not too vulgar for the church regulations.

My advice is not to tell psych doctors in a hospitable anything about your faith, especially if you live in a country where being a Christian is seen as a minus. Because of the seriousness of my testimony and the fact it casts a black shadow on my name that will forever haunt me I will not post my name. I wish I could of held on longer like the suffering of Job but unlike the painful headaches I would get, the constant reminder of the fact I may never have an enjoyable relationship with any significant other and the wierdness my body felt would get to me. I would be in tears by now if I could only cry because for some reason as I got older it is harder and harder for me to shed any tears.
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Jan 18, 2009
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hi, how you doing?

I wish I had something to suggest but all I can say is pray. The more you talk about jesus the more you will be persecuted and the bible says that you should take joy in your persecution, but I dont suppose thats much help to you. Plus you might be the doctors only chance to here the gospel, if you endure they'll eventually see that the drugs have no effect on you talking about jesus, however drugs for mental helth can have awful side effects like the headaches so you have pray and ask god what to do. Where do you live by the way?
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Jan 15, 2009
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Im doing fine right now. The events im talking about took place on 3/14/06. Let that be a lesson to any Christians that at any time you have to make a major decision on faith, that decision can last with you forever.

I couldn't find any bible verses on ed, so I had no idea as to what to do when faced with this problem. All I could find is those concerning eunuchs, and it says let those that are able to receive it receive it. I take that to mean it is a great evil to force someone to choose a life of being non sexual, or having a damaged sex drive like I did. I also remember that Jesus's sayings on sex where hard according to him as well. It could only be even more difficult to force something like that on someone who is abstaining for as long as I have been. My doctor's never taught me any technique for my erectile dysfunction, or prescribed medications. They acted like it didn't exist. I know now that my problems where complicated with my belief that masturbation in and of itself was a sin, so I couldn't do that without thinking I was sinning in order to see if how bad my sex drive was. After telling myself it isn't a sin I still believed it was. I live in Chicago.
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Jul 11, 2008
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I know what you mean. I know what some of the psychologists I've had has thought about Christianity, so they are quick to just label any sign of faith as a kind of mental disorder. So I agree to not talk about it, unless it is clear that people can respect the faith of others.
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Jan 15, 2009
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You may not have any friends that talk about Jesus in porno shops, but there are christians who's ministry revolves around that very sort of thing. It wasn't the porno shop person that tried to harm me by the way, it was mental health doctors and people that I am close too. The doctors never knew I had been talking about Jesus there. My initial diagnosis happened before I had ever step foot in a porno shop to talk about Jesus. This isn't about fame and attention, its about doing what Jesus said, proclaming the gospel to every creature. Also this area of the forum is Christians Only. You stated that your not a christian, but an agnostic kev. I do understand your concern though. I don't talk or recommend talking to people in those types of places anymore , and when I do evangelize its with a church group and not by myself.

p.s Just to let you guys know don't medicate kev. He is an agnostic guy in the wrong area of the forum though. Maybe he was looking for Outreach or somewhere else where non christians meet.
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Jan 15, 2009
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No I said don't medicate you because your in an area you don't belong in but that doesn't mean your mentally ill. I said that because you had said something about christians in an area like a porno shop where you believe they probably don't belong talking about Jesus, so Im just relaying that back to you concerning where you belong talking about your own beliefs. It doesn't matter if your agnostic, its just that this is the christian only area of the website. Read the very top of your page it says edification (christians only).
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Jan 15, 2009
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I think what I wanted to point out is that as a man and not having to bear the burden of carrying and delivering a child I never expected for something of this nature to happen to me that could damage me reproductively and it totally stunned me this way because it had to do with my ed. Like I said before if I had an headache it wouldn't of caused me to handle my problems the way that I did. I don't think if I had an eye, hand, chest, or leg injury it would of seemed very logical at all to heal myself by doing something that could be considered sinful. I don't worry about this too much though, because even some of these medications impair judgement as well and maybe I just wasn't thinking straight.
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Jan 15, 2009
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I also feel bad because there is no sexual temptation in the Bible where a person is tempted when they have a sexual disorder. All the sexual temptation has to do with people who where in perfect health. We need christian people to step up and help with this. There's no bibilical remedies for erectile dysfunction christians need to know this so they can outreach to other christians for weak areas.

Do you imagine how horrible it could be to constantly be reminded of your brain about sex because you have a erection problem. Every day your brain is constantly saying to you sex problem sex problem. People that know the brain also know that this comes out to a human as saying sex, sex, sex, every day of your life.

I think there's also a very small amount of resources devoted to christians with ED as opposed to other problems.

People in medical field ignore erectile dysfunction. The attitude is yes, this medication may cause erectile dysfunction, but why should I do anything about it? I think these are problems that should be solved, and now that we are closer to universal health in States care maybe they will be easier to fix than in the past, but I also worry about other countries.
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My husband drew this cartoon of me.
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My uncle had a similar experience. He does happen to have a mental illness, and when he mentioned to his psychiatrist (an atheist) having attended a church service with me, and the prayer and praise that was going on, the doctor answered, "It sounds like they all need Haldol injections."

Christianity is not a mental illness!

I agree, it might not be wise to tell a psychiatrist that God speaks to you. I have in the past gotten away with saying such, by making it clear that I mean it spiritually, not literally; I do NOT hear God speaking audibly, nor do I hear any other voice in my head. Most of the time a competent psychiatrist will understand the difference between "God speaks to my spirit" and "I hear voices in my head." Unfortunately, some are not competent.

PS: I'm sorry I cannot address your other issue. I have no experience or expertise in that area.
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Not so new...
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Jul 28, 2008
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I had some minor psychological problems that caused me to retire early, but I solved these problems through my belief in Jesus. I was able to retire early partly because I told the psychiatrist that I could feel the Holy Spirit, that I talked in tongues and that I knew the Devil and demons were after me. So she declared me unfit for work, and I'm now happily retired!
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I know what you mean, every time I talk about being healed and/or receiving a word from the Lord some people think I'm crazy for thinking so. There's one person in particular who doesn't believe that people get healed or receive a word from the Lord or anything like that at all anymore. To him it's like all that just occurred in the Bible days and that's it, not anymore. So, when I mention these things he pretty much the same as tells me I'm crazy and that it never happened.
I got stung by a bee once and I'm allergic to it, so the spot was all red and a red line started going up my leg. I began praying about it, asking God to heal me, and less then a minute later it was gone and you couldn't even see the spot where I got stung. So, I say, I was healed and he says something like I don't think so, your body just healed itself. I'm like, uh...I'm allergic to bee stings and the last time I was stung I nearly passed out and felt like I was going to vomit the rest of the day after that...this time I pray and it is immediately gone and I wasn't one bit sick feeling so I know I was healed. And, that's just one of the things that's happened. Reminds me of the Pharisees and how they saw miracles and such, but still never believed.
I just don't let people get to me when they tell me I'm crazy. I'm like, "You can say I'm crazy all you want, but I know what the Lord has done and I will praise Him and thank Him for it" and I do. I still believe even if everyone says I'm crazy for it. There's just going to be people who don't believe that who will think that just because you do you're crazy. But, you can't allow that to stop you. We can't allow them to stop us from talking about what the Lord has done.
Just today I was talking about my tooth being swollen and my gum feeling like a piece was messed up. I then said something like, well I need to say (pointing toward Heaven to indicate I was referring to God) Help, heal me. I'm broken...well my gum is and I need you to heal me and fix it. Then less then an hour later the swelling had gone down and it felt as if that piece that was messed up was normal again. So, I said, it worked, He healed me...and he said something like, uh...whatever and sort of laughed, giving me a weird look. I said, I know I was healed, it happens. I just say it anyway and let people say and think what they will. They aren't going to stop me from declaring what the Lord has done and thanking Him/worshiping Him for it. We just have to press on, keeping our believes, declaring what the Lord has done, and not allow anyone to stand in the way of that.
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Being a mom is God's gift 2 me
Sep 27, 2007
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I once told people I had heard God speaking to me so some psych doctors and they said that I had a mental illness. The result that occured was they gave me medications that caused me to have severe headaches for about 7 hours out of the day. I had no choice in the matter, because the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Since I had that on my record, the second time I visited a hospital under advice from family they thought I was crazy and made me take medications for the same mental illness again, accept this time they caused me ED. Still, the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Perhaps the fact that I had talked about Jesus everyday during this time and even in places like a pornography shop had caused my parents to believe I was ill. Needless to say I fell into sin watching pornography trying to alleviate my erectile dysfunction, which the doctors where quick to deny I had even though I had said so. I wanted seven months for the drug in my system to go away. I hope that is not too vulgar for the church regulations.

My advice is not to tell psych doctors in a hospitable anything about your faith, especially if you live in a country where being a Christian is seen as a minus. Because of the seriousness of my testimony and the fact it casts a black shadow on my name that will forever haunt me I will not post my name. I wish I could of held on longer like the suffering of Job but unlike the painful headaches I would get, the constant reminder of the fact I may never have an enjoyable relationship with any significant other and the wierdness my body felt would get to me. I would be in tears by now if I could only cry because for some reason as I got older it is harder and harder for me to shed any tears.

Don't take this as me not having any compassion but I think you are blessed. Nothing is wrong with you and you are RIGHT ON TRACK. The more they insult you and call you names, the more I believe the Lord is proud of you. I get called a witch, Satanist, a devil, and much worst. Even in the church I am not allowed to speak about some things. I was so angry because what I speak about is in the Word, who I am in the Spirit, that is all God’s doing. I want to Praise God with you and celebrate because this is good news.

The medication, flush that down the toilet, I did plenty of times and nothing is wrong with me. Continue going to a porno store or wherever you’re led to go and speak about God's goodness. I wouldn't even worry about it. I have people who try to harm me physically just because of the face that the Holy Spirit lives in me. I do not even say anything to some of these people. This is a spiritual world and battle we are dealing with. We have authority to call out evil sprits and cast them away from our presence. Rejoice, you are highly favored.

The Lord told me that the ministry He gave me would be discreet. I doubt it because the things I will do and the things I have done in Christ name, people scattered all around me like I was Christ Himself (creepy), and latched on, big eyed, ooo ahh, and lol its not fun honestly. I will never deny His name but I know for 2009 purposes I can’t show myself like some ministries do. God has been talking with me since I was 17, I’m 24 now. The hardest thing in this walk with God is KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW, THAT YOU KNOW, YOU HEARD WHAT YOU THOUGHT YOU MAY OF HEARD BUT MAYBE ITS NOT GOD BUT IT IS, FOLLOW HIS SPIRIT AND YOU WILL NEVER GO WRONG. Lol, we have to be confident in the Lord and don’t be moved by what people think, say, do, or whatever. I love you I hope this help a little.
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Jan 15, 2009
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If you simply tell a doctor that Jesus has spoken with you they WILL NOT prescribe you medication for that.

How about you give the whole story?

I did. To be honest I don't know what my parents may have told them, but all I said was those things I had said earlier, and they gave me medications that gave me headaches so severe I couldn't even walk in a straight line.
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I did. To be honest I don't know what my parents may have told them, but all I said was those things I had said earlier, and they gave me medications that gave me headaches so severe I couldn't even walk in a straight line.

People can think you are imbalanced if all you do is talk about Jesus.

What concerns me here is your focus on "ED", however. That does not sound healthy.

Various psychiatric medication has dangerous side effects. New ones have been found in the wild. Permanent side effects should be very rare, if ever.

Side effects are never a guarantee.

If you are married, then ED could be a problem. If not then how would you even know if you have it?

That is what concerns me about your post.
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Jul 1, 2008
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I once told people I had heard God speaking to me so some psych doctors and they said that I had a mental illness. The result that occured was they gave me medications that caused me to have severe headaches for about 7 hours out of the day. I had no choice in the matter, because the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Since I had that on my record, the second time I visited a hospital under advice from family they thought I was crazy and made me take medications for the same mental illness again, accept this time they caused me ED. Still, the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Perhaps the fact that I had talked about Jesus everyday during this time and even in places like a pornography shop had caused my parents to believe I was ill. Needless to say I fell into sin watching pornography trying to alleviate my erectile dysfunction, which the doctors where quick to deny I had even though I had said so. I wanted seven months for the drug in my system to go away. I hope that is not too vulgar for the church regulations.

My advice is not to tell psych doctors in a hospitable anything about your faith, especially if you live in a country where being a Christian is seen as a minus. Because of the seriousness of my testimony and the fact it casts a black shadow on my name that will forever haunt me I will not post my name. I wish I could of held on longer like the suffering of Job but unlike the painful headaches I would get, the constant reminder of the fact I may never have an enjoyable relationship with any significant other and the wierdness my body felt would get to me. I would be in tears by now if I could only cry because for some reason as I got older it is harder and harder for me to shed any tears.

Bless You! Everyday is Good and God is greater.

All The Glory Belongs To God!
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Jan 25, 2010
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I've gotten it to. I went to my therapist and I was told I was out of my mind for accepting Christian doctrine over psychological treatment(s). I REFUSE to take medication because I do not need it, I will listen to what I'm told, but I won't necessarily follow directions. But rest assured, you're not alone there.
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I, the LORD, ...test the mind (Jer 17:10)
Jan 15, 2010
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I once told people I had heard God speaking to me so some psych doctors and they said that I had a mental illness. The result that occured was they gave me medications that caused me to have severe headaches for about 7 hours out of the day. I had no choice in the matter, because the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Since I had that on my record, the second time I visited a hospital under advice from family they thought I was crazy and made me take medications for the same mental illness again, accept this time they caused me ED. Still, the doctors had complete authority regarding the medication they would prescribe me and made me take it while I was in the hospital.

Perhaps the fact that I had talked about Jesus everyday during this time and even in places like a pornography shop had caused my parents to believe I was ill. Needless to say I fell into sin watching pornography trying to alleviate my erectile dysfunction, which the doctors where quick to deny I had even though I had said so. I wanted seven months for the drug in my system to go away. I hope that is not too vulgar for the church regulations.

My advice is not to tell psych doctors in a hospitable anything about your faith, especially if you live in a country where being a Christian is seen as a minus. Because of the seriousness of my testimony and the fact it casts a black shadow on my name that will forever haunt me I will not post my name.

Dear friend,

Thankyou for sharing this testimony with us, I for one am enlightened by it. Since I myself have had the exact same treatment for talking about Christ from family/friends and doctors/ nurses/mental health professionals for a long time now. I am still in the system and on meds.

In my personal 1-to-1's they call my interaction with God a 'delusion' and have labelled me with a sickness called 'Schitzo-effective-disorder', when Im perfectly normal and everything can be explained in a biblical context in ONE DAY. But for the large part I am done fighting for myself. This stigma prevents/disables me from getting a good job/woman etc, any hopes of a decent life is out of the window in relation to material goods. I have accepted this predicament. But I count this loss, a glory unto Christ for his name sake. Ofcourse there is nothing worng with me, I have dislike and likes, ups and downs this is normal. The rest if you are willing to accept it, is explainable also.

Like yourself I had fallen into sexual sin, but am free from it now and I hope you find freedom there too. Dont give up trying to become clean.

However I disagree about your advice on telling doctors. Still its a testament to them regarding whats happening in your Life and the WORD of God. Some endured courts for Christ, We have Hospital (this is our court of examination)...

However my life now is somewhat a lot better (though not how I imagined it) becuase God is still in my Life. He works for me...for my own Good, I And i see the bible more clearly as a result. I have forsaken all as a result....

Know that if we suffer with Him, we will also Reign with Him. Praise God.
Worry not but God is with You. My peace I leave you....
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