The Truth About Abortion


for love is of God
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May 24, 2019
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If it is factual and you have no emotional attachment to it nor wish to appeal to the emotions of others. why do you refuse to use the acceptable term used for this act? Why not just say Abortion instead of killing? You do wish to create an emotional tie to the reader to make them feel a certain way if they agree or disagree with you. You are trying to transfer your beliefs to the reader by stating your belief as fact when you write.... and you speak negatively of anyone who disagrees.
How does this help the unborn?

Yet you place a subliminal subconscious trigger in the minds of readers that would say "I am a murderer if I abort," by your clever use of the words you use.. It is known that if you say this act is killing, or murder.....the one who commits it, is a killer or murderer. If you cant understand this in my words.....lets see if you can see this in your own:

are you able to see the link here?

Or how about in this next argument concerning one who is raped but feels they can not carry the child:

Can you see the relationship to the rape victim and killing here?

You dont have to call name.....because they are implied. How does transferring your thoughts of immorality on others, helpful to the unborn?

Pointing out the killers and the murderers can only make one feel bad about themselves.....or good, if they agree with you.

I feel it better to, instead, suggest alternatives. Tell one who would do this, that they have other better opposed to "You are a killer if you do this"
I totally agree with you on the idea of presenting options. From what I've seen in working with women, the reality is that some women, even when presented with options, still decide to murder their unborn children. Even when presented with a reasonable option of adoption, some women would prefer to kill this child than give him or her away to a family wanting a child. Some pro-life groups have provided ultrasounds so that a woman can see for herself that what she is thinking of "terminating" is indeed a baby, not just a "pregnant condition," and it has been a successful strategy in some cases. So, to answer your question how this terminology helps the newborn: in some cases it saves the life of the unborn to use the term "murder" or "killing" because it puts the definition in an appropriate light BEFORE the woman murders or kills the baby. I'm not sure many women can escape the guilt of their own thoughts AFTER the abortion, a situation I've also seen in working with women. I don't think social engineering (by removing any sense of guilt by using the word "abortion" to "terminate a pregnancy") will alleviate that post abortion guilt because I honestly believe deep down we know that life is precious. So the post abortion anguish is an understandable and unfixable situation, one that I'm more than game to prevent by being very clear and straightforward while there is time to save that unborn life.

It was a couple decades back when this story happen. A young lady was on her way to the abortion clinic later that day when I decided to call her and ask her about it. She said her psychiatrist told her she would be a child abuser if she had a child, that it was an established fact and that he recommended that she abort. I challenged this professional remark and asked her if she honestly thought she could ever be free of her mental conditions if she added this unborn death to her situation. She'd been in my home so much she was like one of my own kids. I offered to adopt the child or help her find someone who wanted another child - I knew someone even then who did. It was a difficult conversation to be sure. I didn't want to crush her, but I didn't want anyone else to crush her either. She didn't abort, and she raised her child, who is extremely bright and talented. She did a great job of loving her child (now grown) and the subsequent 2 children as well, especially given her difficult background. Two of them have been in my home for various periods of time and were a joy to be around. I don't think she ever regretted NOT aborting her beautiful child.

I'm all in favor of women not becoming pregnant until they are very healthy, emotionally ready, and financially secure, but it doesn't always work out that way. Still, at no time is it ever the child's fault when a woman becomes pregnant. Since we don't go after the responsible parties to kill them, why in the world would we think it OK to kill this unborn child?
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
If I was the only person in thousands of years of Christian history to think morality worked in a way that seemed to contradict everything ever taught.... I might question whether or not I was interpreting Scripture correctly.
No worries for you. You apparently accept Scripture. THe one you replied to said they don't. 'nuf said ?
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
If all the Laws and ways of God was followed
by all of society, there would not be any need
or want for any planned abortions.
Great Big "IF".... there'd then be (and in heaven won't be) and we are to pray heaven on earth? ...
then there'd be no divorce, no outside marriage activity in lust, no lust in the heart, no greed, no flipping houses, no extortion (medically, corporately, politically, socially, ... ) or of any kind ....
no war, no killing, etc etc etc
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2016
United States
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There are far more spontaneous murders of innocent children than there are planned murders. Any thought of lobbying for the advancement in prenatal studies to prevent the murders of the greater number if unborn children? Is it still ok to call it murder when it is an act of God? Would we say that God didnt know about it, or didnt plan it.....? Because if He is all knowing, it would fit the same criteria for murder that you give the parents.....wouldnt it?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2017
United States
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There are far more spontaneous murders of innocent children than there are planned murders. Any thought of lobbying for the advancement in prenatal studies to prevent the murders of the greater number if unborn children? Is it still ok to call it murder when it is an act of God? Would we say that God didnt know about it, or didnt plan it.....? Because if He is all knowing, it would fit the same criteria for murder that you give the parents.....wouldnt it?
You’re a smart guy Raymond, you surely recognize the difference between God permitting something to happen and a person intentionally choosing to kill an unborn human.

That’s not even close to analogous.

The entrance of sin into the world has resulted in all human beings experiencing death. Yes, even you will actually die unless Christ returns during your life.

What God doesn’t give us is the authority to intentionally and purposefully kill another human being for convenience reasons.

“Natural” miscarriages are not comparable to the intentional and purposeful killing of a n unborn human being.
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