The Spirit of Grace has been Marred by exalting Men's Teachings over The Holy Spirit (Doctrine of Election/Monergism)

Grip Docility

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Nov 27, 2017
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This is Grip Docility's final post for some time to come. It is not righteous to marginalize the intention of Jesus Christ's Blood towards all humanity. Jesus flipped tables for a very similar reason. Paul likens those who empty the cross of it's power and frustrate the Spirit of Grace (The Holy Ghost of Jesus Christ) to Harlots, Temple Harlots of men with men and women with women, false currency, those he wished would be castrated, vileness so prolific that washes onto a beach as much foam. (This last one was Jude)

This is a post of conviction. It can sink, or be discussed. It won't be facilitated by myself, because my inner Spirit is sorrowful on this matter and this is my final words about it for a long while. Those who cling to extra biblical writings are missing out on the direct Revelations of the Spirit of Christ, who tabernacles within them, and that is sad. Those who create writings that are distributed far and wide which limit God's Grace and proport God to be everything that 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4 implicitly teach that He is not, will answer to their Maker, one day. I pray that God has more Mercy on them, than those that they deemed to be Reprobate.

Calvinism is Monergism.

Inroduction to Jehan Cauvin and the Origins of Church History.

The Doctrine of Election was contrived by the French Theologian Jehan Cauvin (John Calvin). Jehan had developed it by 1536AD, but continued amending and honing it all the way up to1556AD due to frequent scriptural rebuttal from biblical scholars like, Sebastian Castellio. Jehan was one of the final contributing voices to the Protestant Reformation, which is to say a fracture from the Body of Christ which intended to Reform the Biblical Canon as well as the doctrines and practices of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. To be "Protestant" has lost understanding, but it is to say that a person is Protesting against the Holy Roman Universal (Catholic) Church that was born from the Papal lineage of Peter. There is a second lineage that Protestants adopt, which is a "Scriptural Chain of Custody" Lineage. Whatever a persons stance on this matter, both Lineages of Doctrine are relevant to the validity of Canon and assert that Biblical Canon has remained genuine and intact.

Not so Sola Scriptura and Similarities between Reform and Catholicism

It is noted in history that Jehan's living influence was Martin Bucer. HIs deceased influences were based on the early church scriptural chain of custody, lineage. It was common practice for men like Irenaeus of Lyons to write extensive commentary on scripture. “The blessed apostles [Peter and Paul], having founded and built up the church [of Rome] . . . handed over the office of the episcopate to Linus” (Against Heresies 3:3:3 [A.D. 189]). This growing volume of Commentaries, by the time they arrived to Reformation Theologians like Bucer and Cauvin were prolific in nature. They had become a sort of prophetic extrabiblical addendum to scripture, in the minds of Reformed theologians, identically to how many Popes wrote on scripture, under the edict of Papal infallibility. Martin Luther was behind one of the 5 pillars of reform, Sola Scriptura, which is a proclamation against the Catholic church for utilizing extra biblical writings to generate Church Doctrine. However, Theologians like Jehan and Bucer, while claiming to be "Scripture Only", heavily drew from the writings of the custodians of scripture to create doctrine. One cannot claim to use The Holy Spirt to exegete scripture, while incorporating exegesis of extra biblical origins into their doctrines. This would be like saying one drinks water, only, but adds lemon, to their water.

Eusebius and Pegan Inspiration

Eusebius is one of the early men that was entrusted with Scriptural Chain of custody. He is known for DEEPLY infusing Plato's writings into his exegesis and summaries. We have direct evidence of this in books 11 (Book XI Eusebius of Caesarea), 12 (BOOK XII Eusebius of Caesarea) and lastly 13 (Book XIII Eusebius of Caesarea). This is no small doing. Eusebius absorbed the core elements of PLATO's Pegan musings about God, then ultimately utilized that knowledge to infuse into the concepts of God's Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence. Plato essentially created an Image of God that was incapable of experience through Plato's personal human musings about what it means to Know All Things. He fastened a very BLIND to experiential reality facet to the Omniscience aspect of God, which removed God's ability to be a Living, Breathing, Experiencing Being. Plato's private illusions which alluded to God's "Perfection", were void of "Benevolence". Plato, mused that Perfection was a state that was so precise, that the very deviation of Consciousness to one matter or another would topple the essence of perfection. Plato's musings seem to De-Anthropomorphize God. This is a severe issue, because YH-H's very name is not only "I AM That I AM", but the very 4 ancient Hebrew Characters are known to illicit a distinct Living Breathing sound that is poetically necessary to understand as Living and Breathing. To remove the Living, Breathing, Experiential aspect of God from God is very directly attacking the Sacred Name of God. This is not to say that Eusebius was a bad man. It is simply to say that men followed him, in doctrine, which is the issue. Eusebius wrote many beautiful things.

Augustine and Gnosticism

By the time the Line of Eusebius's Plato infused writings reached Augustine, Platonic Christianity had become the norm. Most, all of Christendom, or to say Tongue and Cheek wise, ALL (In terms of Limited Atonement) of Christendom had adopted Pegan musings into their lens of viewing God. Augustine's volumes of Commentary were even greater than Eusebius's. A matter of fact is that Augustine subscribed to and then openly RECANTED of a known Heresy of his time. Manicheanism was the name of the Heresy which consisted of Zoroastrian Dualism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and some small and superficial, additions of Christian elements. The most prominent aspects of Manicheanism are that God and Satan are Pre-eminent and Pre-existing. God did not "Create" Satan in Manicheanism. This was a cleaver way of saying that Good and Evil are 1, yet separated, though the Pre-Eminence and infusion of all that exists. Manicheanism taught about Aeon's the term appropriated by Gnostic heresiarchs to designate the series of spiritual powers evolved by progressive emanation from the eternal Being, and constituting the Pleroma or invisible spiritual world, as distinct from the Kenoma, or visible material world. This is to say that all that exists is derived from Good and Evil. As all Heretical Gnosticism taught, Knowledge is our Salvation. This is to say that God isn't our savior, but instead that knowledge is our savior. Though Augustine wrote vehemently against Manicheanism, his doctrine of original sin incorporated the idea that flesh itself carries "Sin". This is a direct take from Gnosticism in this way; " The only hope for humankind, while locked in this evil shell of a body is to spiritually transcend this world and deny the body." This almost sounds like Paul saying "Oh Body of Death", but Paul, when speaking of The Old Man and The New Creation in Christ is paralleling the condemnation of the Law (Old Covenant Man) with his Faith in Jesus (New Covenant Man). The war within Paul is most specifically, but not scripturally limited to... Trusting the Work of Christ which yields the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit or trusting his ability to Follow the Covenant of Stone, which yields death. The Battle is within Paul's mind and NOT AGAINST his Flesh. It is unmistakable that Paul is also emphasizing that we fail, sin, goof up, yet Christ's Grace is MORE THAN SUFFICIENT... but Paul isn't teaching Gnosticism that assumes Creation itself, including our flesh, is evil. Augustine asserted that Sin itself was evidence of free will, yet struggled to separate the Pre-Existing Nature of God, from the Dualism of Manicheanism... and would speak of God punishing, yet doing so justly... and then Augustine's writings would struggle to reconcile the Love of God with the presence of Evil. Augustine, unknowingly painted a picture of God that was Good and Evil, but NOT Evil, because we can never ascribe evil to God, therefore what appears Evil by God is actually "Justice". Augustine said MANY beautiful things! He had many wonderful points and perspectives. This was simply a matter of fact within Augustine's writings.

The Distillery of Election

Now, with all of this being read and regurgitated, gurgitated, then regurgitated... from Augustine to Jehan, these two discussed matters of Pegan Platonism and Gnostic Duality were stoutly distilled into a very Potent form of these ideas, infused into Christendom. It is exactly here, with Jehan, that both the idea of Pegan Omniscience and Gnostic Dualism get infused into a very popular doctrine of Election, now discussed under the Umbrella of Predestination, which in Layman's terms presents forth the following idea;

Election and The Double Child of Predestination

Due to God's Platonically defined Sovereign Omniscience, God is INCAPABLE of creating a system of Creation in which, just as God has Sovereign Moral Agency, His creations have Sovereign Moral Agency. It now becomes apparent that by this Human Logic, No matter how God creates a Being, He will know that Beings every decision... and upon inception, has already decided the Salvic fate of that created being. I don't have Jehan's debate notes, but I can already surmise by kindergarten level logic that his initial Doctrine based itself upon the observation of the life of each human being, and by merit of the life lived by each human being, chose some to become ELLECTED unto salvation. What was the war-cry of Luther, that started the Reformation? As Luther was intentionally inflicting recompense upon his flesh, by walking up stairs on his knees, he heard the words... "The Just Shall Live By Faith". A Single Predestination doctrine would be heresy, under the most stringent guide of all of the reformists, because Luther's demand that the Just shall live by faith is erased, by the idea that in reverse evaluation, the Elect aren't saved by Faith, but by merit of their Good and Godly lived life, that God pre-selected them by. How do we defend this idea? We can Double Pre-Destine Mankind. One set of people are randomly selected per Divine Lottery for salvation, while the other set of people are selected for the purpose of Eternal Damnation and pain. Why is this done? Only God's great, perfect Sovereignty is to be demonstrated in doctrine... so this is to Glorify God. God demonstrates his Sovereignty by creating Reprobates that serve the purpose to guide and teach the Elect the utter wickedness of not being according to God's ways. The Gnosticism and Pegan Platonian Strong Drink assist in this being true, because we can then say, By God's Magnificent Sovereignty, He has demonstrated His PERFECTION by creation it's self. Remember, Perfection binds God to a flatline of emotive demonstration or experience. To God, He is merely Doing what He has Already done, and humanity is just a tool to Demonstrate God's Majesty, to God.

This is all and well, but there is a specific doctrinal issue with Single and Double Predestination, which has to functionally exist for Election to be true.

It rests on the Hebrew of the matter. The most imperative word within all of the above work of John Calvin is Sovereignty. This word denotes that God is fully capable of doing as He pleases in the matter of Election through the mechanism of Double Predestination (Random widgets to Heaven and Random widgets to Eternal Hell). If a theist uses the term "Free Will" the idea of Sophism combined with Semantics is employed. The argument will then become... there is no such thing as "Free Will". If a person were to as ad nauseum as it is in discussion about God's inability to instill genuine free will into His creation, instead define and combine the terms Individual Autonomous Free Moral Agency... the term would express God giving His creations Agency that is independent of His agency, thus a form of Self Sovereignty that has genuine, non-illusionary choice.

Enter Genesis, Daniel and Colossians: In Genesis, God does far more than just provide Sovereignty. God BLESSES mankind with Sovereignty, which by the very Hebrew word used for "Dominion", is Sovereignty. Daniel Talks about Jesus Christ's Sovereignty that is established Post Ascension. This passage in Daniel Echo's Colossians 1 where it again, Denotes all authority to Christ post Ascension.

The Passage in Daniel affirms the legitimacy of the implication in Genesis... and Echo's the exact rhythm of Adam being the First, while Christ is the Second "Adam". The interlinking of Genesis 1 and Colossians 1 are Poetic by Hebrew nature. While Jesus is Given Heavenly and Earthly Sovereignty in Colossians, Adam and Eve are BLESSED with Earthly Sovereignty in Genesis 1.

This is how this looks in the verses and in the Hebrew.

In Daniel the word for Dominion is the NOUN Sholtan (A Sultan), while in Genesis the word for Dominion is the Active VERB Radah (A Raja) to give Sultan (The Noun) ), BUT, Raja is a Verb, in this case which would indicate that (Sultan), was given, via the active Hebrew Verb (Raja.)

To respect ALL scripture... The passage indicates that Y-WH Barak (Blessed) them actively "Raja verb" which would then imply the Masculine Noun Sultin has been given as a gift to Adam and Eve. This matches the Biblical account that the First Adam was incapable of restoring Dominion. This then goes forward to show that Christ (The Second Adam) Could and Did Restore Sultan to God.
Daniel 7:14 (This Hebrew word is Sholtan) Noun
Daniel 7:14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign (Dominion is the render of Sovereign in the Hebrew interlinear, because it is again Sultan) power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion (Sultan) is an everlasting.

Genesis 1:28 (This Hebrew word is Radah) Verb
Genesis 1:28 says They were given Dominion over EVERY LIVING THING ON EARTH.
Daniel 7:14
Hebrew word for Dominion
Genesis 1:28

sholtan: dominion
Original Word: שָׁלְטָן
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: sholtan

Phonetic Spelling: (shol-tawn')
Definition: dominion
radah: reign
Original Word: רָדָה
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: radah
Phonetic Spelling: (raw-daw')
Definition: to have dominion, rule, dominate

Now, that we understand this reference... the defensive response could insinuate that Adam and Eve weren't given full Rule, Dominion, Domination, Sultan of themselves and the earth.... However, this would immediately defame the Supremacy of Christ, as the very rhetoric God used towards Adam and Eve in Genesis 1, in reference to Adam and Eve's Rule over the earth is identically echoed towards Jesus Christ, though towards Heaven and Earth as Creator is added in Reference to God the Son.

Genesis 1:27
27 So God created humankind in his own image;
in the image of God
he created him:
male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.”
Colossians 1:5-6 This Good News 6 has made its presence felt among you, just as it is also being fruitful and multiplying[a] throughout the world
Colossians 1:10 being fruitful in every good work and multiplying in the full knowledge of God.
Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.[i]
16 For everything was created by Him,
in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dominions
or rulers or authorities—
all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Continued on post number 2
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Grip Docility

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Colossians 1:13 He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.

14 It is through His Son that we have redemptionthat is, our sins have been forgiven. 15 He is the visible image of the invisible God. He is supreme over all creation, 16 because in connection with Him were created all things — in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, lordships, rulers or authorities — they have all been created through Him and for him. 17 He existed before all things, and He holds everything together.

18 Also He is head of the Body, the Messianic Community — He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He might hold first place in everything. 19 For it pleased God to have his full being live in His Son 20 and through His Son to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace through Him, through having his Son shed his blood by being executed on a stake (The Cross).

Colossians 1:16

Text Analysis
Go to Parallel Greek
3754 [e]ὅτι
1722 [e]ἐν
846 [e]αὐτῷ
2936 [e]ἐκτίσθη
were createdV-AIP-3S
3588 [e]τὰ
3956 [e]πάντα
all thingsAdj-NNP
1722 [e]ἐν
3588 [e]τοῖς
3772 [e]οὐρανοῖς
2532 [e]καὶ
1909 [e]ἐπὶ
3588 [e]τῆς
1093 [e]γῆς,
3588 [e]τὰ
3707 [e]ὁρατὰ
2532 [e]καὶ
3588 [e]τὰ
517 [e]ἀόρατα,
1535 [e]εἴτε
2362 [e]θρόνοι
1535 [e]εἴτε
2963 [e]κυριότητες
1535 [e]εἴτε
746 [e]ἀρχαὶ
1535 [e]εἴτε
1849 [e]ἐξουσίαι·
3588 [e]τὰ
3956 [e]πάντα
all thingsAdj-NNP
1223 [e]δι’
846 [e]αὐτοῦ
2532 [e]καὶ
1519 [e]εἰς
846 [e]αὐτὸν
2936 [e]ἔκτισται·
have been created.V-RIM/P-3S
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Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Colossians 1:20

Text Analysis
Go to Parallel Greek
2532 [e]καὶ
1223 [e]δι’
846 [e]αὐτοῦ
604 [e]ἀποκαταλλάξαι
to reconcileV-ANA
3588 [e]τὰ
3956 [e]πάντα
all thingsAdj-ANP
1519 [e]εἰς
846 [e]αὐτόν,
1517 [e]εἰρηνοποιήσας
having made peaceV-APA-NMS
1223 [e]διὰ
3588 [e]τοῦ
129 [e]αἵματος
3588 [e]τοῦ
of theArt-GMS
4716 [e]σταυροῦ
846 [e]αὐτοῦ,
of Him,PPro-GM3S
1223 [e]δι’
846 [e]αὐτοῦ
1535 [e]εἴτε
3588 [e]τὰ
the thingsArt-ANP
1909 [e]ἐπὶ
3588 [e]τῆς
1093 [e]γῆς
1535 [e]εἴτε
3588 [e]τὰ
the thingsArt-ANP
1722 [e]ἐν
3588 [e]τοῖς
3772 [e]οὐρανοῖς.
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