The sensitive seeking friendly Church 10 years later


Jan 6, 2014
Marital Status
Early in 2000, there was much discussion of the “sensitive-seeker-friendly” churches, and I have wondered how far they have established themself in other churches through subtle means. Lately I have noticed some of the Spirit-filled churches seem to have slipped into as being one of ease and comfort and free from conflict, and all injuries and illnesses will be healed.

There seems to be something wrong here, and how could this be. To me, it’s certainly not the life expected by a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ in 200AD, 1,900 years ago. Our Messiah said to us: “In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33), “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you” (Matt. 5:11-12), and “If the world hates you, you know that it hated ME before it hated you” (John 5:18), which is all on account of us following Him.

Our Yeshua said “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of ME” (Matt. 10:38) and it’s no doubt that our Lord expect us to be willing to give up our life in order to follow Him. How believers feel like as Paul did, as he was flogged, beaten, stoned, imprisoned and run out of the country, many times for His love of our Yeshua HaMashiach? And yet this devout servant of our Lord Jesus Christ still said: “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). In Philippians 3:14, Paul continued teaching us to: “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14).

On all of that, has the sensitive-seeking dogma slid into many churches through the back door over the past decade as the Body of Christ seems to be struggling with many emotional, physical, and spiritual problems. The possibility that many of the churches don’t have the answers to their problems anymore, because I believe they sold their soul to a worldly method of counselling that looks to the world for the answers for their problems instead of the supernatural through the Spiritual Gifts. Many churches have allowed worldly and new age practices to infiltrate the Church on the basis of practicality, and making people feel comfortable.

Sadly, some Christian counselling ministry have developed a practice that embraces worldly practices of emotionalism, self-enhancing objectivity, popular expressions and lingo of the day, and self-seeking goals of psychotherapy, using a recovery method, that borders on psychiatry, psychology, and new age practices of charlatans. Ministries now look elsewhere to satisfy the people, rather than look only to our Lord Jesus Christ and God’s Word.

I’ve noticed some churches use a sales and management methods of the world, as they move their churches into the field of practicality, and promoting their church like the sales pitches of network marketing and multilevel marketing

These churches have incorporated the world’s best methods and in America they produced a multi-million dollar industry of self-help for Christians. Some churches in my country believe that this method is a good as a counter measure against the school system, the new age movement, the media, and worldly movies and TV programmes that promote anti-Christianity. They have handed the key of their church to the forces of evil, and have closed down the healing and deliverance ministries. I am led to believe that ministries now charge people for their services.

Oh well, I guess this is part-and-parcel of worldly syndrome “Practicality and Compromise Syndrome (PACS)” that has engulfed the Body of Christ in many churches since the turn of the century.

Has anyone seen this?
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Sep 4, 2011
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The corporate nature of it is not hidden. When a church begins to grow, the pastors and elders immediately turn to professionally-proven experts in the needed fields. (Accounting and finance; marketing communications; counseling; music.)

That in itself is not a bad thing, as there are Christian professionals -- but as you say it can turn into a state where keys are handed over. And Christians might take jobs that are not a good fit for them spiritually.

In my early church days I was young, and loved the freedom of being handed authority to get involved anywhere, take charge of committees and take them as far as the budget could handle. Our church loosely spoke about not wanting people involved in the things they were good at -- which at the time seemed to get carried to far, but that outlook opened up so much freedom for people! They loved being involved in church, because there were so few critics, so much less perfectionism.

The accomplishment was our own personal and spiritual growth, not the numbers of people in the door. (Although the growth rate was incredible, sometimes doubling in a year).

In line with your question, yesterday CBA (booksellers) put out some statistics that confirm your suspicions. People have not responded well to churches that have lost their personal warmth and put on the corporate suit.

You might be interested in the next trend growing: go to Youtube and search "Pope, Copeland." The predicted ecumenical movement has begun.
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Sep 4, 2011
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I also agree with you that Charismatic churches have lost their oomph and become soft. I wonder if some of it happened after painful realizations and events in the larger international Body-- leading to more caution or more careful management of the people.

And yes, WOF has increased in some to a point that people are focused on themselves instead of other needy people.

I have heard people point out that seeker-friendly and WOF churches have some influence not just from New Age doctrine, but also Mormonism, eastern religions, and Theosophy (that hadn't occurred to me).

The connection was in being so reliant on speaking things into existence that we left prayer out, and sometimes left God out. Being little gods instead of children of God.
Leaving out repentance and the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and replacing it with a broader grace over everything -- as though there are no standards to be met.

I hope this is not going against the new rules for the Spirit-filled forums... I didn't memorize the list. If so, just remove my post please.
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Jul 14, 2009
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I think the latest trends these days are things like "unchurch" and "emergent" church. There are all sorts of alternatives out there for people who are tired of the mold. Most of the folks drawn to these newer movements are people who have been believers for a long time (not newbies or seekers) and are tired of the petty nonsense, lukewarm deadness, casual selfishness, and arrogance wed to ignorance that proliferates in churches these days. They don't want any of that junk negatively impacting or getting in the way of their faith journey and who can blame them? Whoever came up with the idea that constant conflict, friction and having to deal with stupid things like cliques and popularity contests was somehow "God's design" (e.g. iron sharpens iron or stones tumble together and get polished) for a faith community, was clearly just trying to scam increased revenue by guilt-tripping people into voluntarily subjecting themselves to spiritually, socially and emotionally toxic environments presumably because it's their duty to God.
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