The prophet who speaks ...

Gregory Thompson

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Consider these words from scripture ...
Deuteronomy 13:1-6 NJB 1 'Whatever I am now commanding you, you must keep and observe, adding nothing to it, taking nothing away. 2 'If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, offering you some sign or wonder, 3 and the sign or wonder comes about; and if he then says to you, "Let us follow other gods (hitherto unknown to you) and serve them," 4 you must not listen to that prophet's words or to that dreamer's dreams. Yahweh your God is testing you to know if you love Yahweh your God with all your heart and all your soul. 5 Yahweh your God is the one whom you must follow, him you must fear, his commandments you must keep, his voice you must obey, him you must serve, to him you must hold fast. 6 That prophet or that dreamer of dreams must be put to death, since he has preached apostasy from Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the place of slave-labour; and he would have diverted you from the way in which Yahweh your God has commanded you to walk. You must banish this evil from among you.
Can this test be relied upon and can it be applied now?

This relates to people telling people to go back the the egypt of the letter of the law instead of living in the promise of holy spirit's nourishment .. keyword .. slavery .

And consider these words from God ...
Jeremiah 23:14-16 NJB 14 But in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen something horrible: adultery, persistent lying, such abetting of the wicked that no one renounces his wickedness. To me they are all like Sodom and its inhabitants are like Gomorrah. 15 So this is what Yahweh Sabaoth says about the prophets, "Now I shall give them wormwood to eat and make them drink poisoned water, since from the prophets of Jerusalem godlessness has spread throughout the land." 16 'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "Do not listen to what those prophets prophesy to you; they are deluding you, they retail visions of their own, and not what comes from Yahweh's mouth.
Can the words spoken by Jeremiah be relied upon and can they be applied now?

It is also written in Jeremiah "if a man has a word to speak from me let him speak, what is the wheat to the chaff?" i think the modifier in Jeremiah that defines a good prophet and a bad one is that the bad ones do not turn people back from ways that harm them .

And what of these words from God ...
2 Peter 2:1-3 NJB 1 As there were false prophets in the past history of our people, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and, by disowning the Lord who bought them freedom, will bring upon themselves speedy destruction. 2 Many will copy their debauched behaviour, and the Way of Truth will be brought into disrepute on their account. 3 In their greed they will try to make a profit out of you with untrue tales. But the judgement made upon them long ago is not idle, and the destruction awaiting them is for ever on the watch.
Can these words from Peter be trusted and relied upon and do they still apply to what happens now?

this seems to speak of legalists again

And then there is this, give thought to these words from God ...
Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NJB 20 But the prophet who presumes to say something in my name which I have not commanded him to say, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die." 21 'You may be privately wondering, "How are we to tell that a prophecy does not come from Yahweh?" 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and the thing does not happen and the word is not fulfilled, then it has not been said by Yahweh. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. You have nothing to fear from him.'
Can you rely upon the words above and can they be trusted now as they were in the past?

We wouldn't stone the person anymore because none have the right to pick up the first stone but what this teaches is to not be concerned when wrath preachers speak of coming disaster .. and it does not indeed come .

Finally consider these words from God ...
Ezekiel 13:1-9 NJB 1 The word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows, 2 'Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel; prophesy, and say to those who make up prophecies out of their own heads, "Hear what Yahweh says: 3 The Lord Yahweh says this: Disaster is in store for the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4 Your prophets, Israel, are like ruin-haunting jackals! 5 "You have not ventured into the breach; you have not built up the wall round the House of Israel, to hold fast in battle on the Day of Yahweh. 6 Theirs are futile visions and false predictions, who say: A prophecy from Yahweh, when Yahweh has not sent them; yet they expect their words to come true. 7 Have not the visions you see been futile, have not the predictions you make been false, although you say: A prophecy of Yahweh, when I have not spoken? 8 "Very well, the Lord Yahweh says this: Because of your futile words and false predictions, I am now against you -- declares Lord Yahweh. 9 My hand will be against the prophets who have futile visions and give false predictions; they will not be admitted to the council of my people, their names will not be entered in the roll of the House of Israel, they will not set foot on the soil of Israel; and they will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.
Is this true? Can you use this to judge the prophets who speak today?

key indicator here is "You have not ventured into the breach; you have not built up the wall round the House of Israel" prophets who speak all this negative tripe but do nothing to build the faith up .
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Some were converted, but not all.

Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” -Mark 3:28-30

Although, what is it that they charged Him with before executing Him?

Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?” The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.”
-John 10:32,33

Right, and what was it that was said of a certain synagogue?

... I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. -Rev 2:9

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Who is it do you think is in the synagogue of Satan?

Ever heard the jokes where the answer is in the question and nobody sees it?
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We wouldn't stone the person anymore because none have the right to pick up the first stone but what this teaches is to not be concerned when wrath preachers speak of coming disaster .. and it does not indeed come .

key indicator here is "You have not ventured into the breach; you have not built up the wall round the House of Israel" prophets who speak all this negative tripe but do nothing to build the faith up .

Michael, I appreciate your recent direction. Seriously do.

I would however tell you that in other camps not everything they say and promote is true or truthful either. I knew that before I got there. I also smell the flavor of certain camps. There is a camp of faith that denies there is a hell with occupants or that those therein are only in temporarily.

and that is not going to be the case.

Satan and his messengers are assuredly goners.

Don't ever forget it.

And God remains actively against those workers and workings unto their end.

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It's interesting that most posts on CF are against prophecy but v. 31 "For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged." I Cor 12 "20 Despise not prophesyings.21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I Thess 5

To do that foremost we have Holy Scripture, The Holy Spirit, prayer, hearing God’s voice for ourselves, spiritual discernment, confirmation (Acts 9;9-19 especially v 10-12; II Cor 13:1), and Godly counsel (Prov 11:14).
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
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It's interesting that most posts on CF are against prophecy but v. 31 "For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged." I Cor 12 "20 Despise not prophesyings.21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I Thess 5

To do that foremost we have Holy Scripture, The Holy Spirit, prayer, hearing God’s voice for ourselves, spiritual discernment, confirmation (Acts 9;9-19 especially v 10-12; II Cor 13:1), and Godly counsel (Prov 11:14).

1 Corinthians 12:31
And yet some of you keep competing for so-called "important" parts. But now I want to lay out a far better way for you.

It need not be seen as a command.
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
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Nathan Busenitz at the Strange Fire Conference said:
Well, good afternoon. My name is Nathan Busenitz and the title of our seminar this afternoon is A Word from the Lord? Evaluating the Modern Gift of Prophecy. That subtitle really defines our goal in this session. We want to look at prophecy in the contemporary Charismatic Movement and compare it to the Word of God.

Now as a side note, at the beginning, I want to note that much of the material that we’re covering this afternoon parallels what you’ll find in the Strange Fire book which you’ll be receiving tomorrow. And I’m mentioning that at the outset so that if you’re interested in doing further study on this important topic, you can do so by reading what Dr. MacArthur has published in that important resource.

Now before we begin this afternoon, it’s important for us to define several terms. And I realize that these terms have been defined and used throughout the keynote sessions so far. But I feel like it’s important from the beginning to define some key terms. One of those terms is Charismatic. The term “Charismatic” is very broad. It encompasses millions of people and thousands of denominations. In fact, according to the International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, there are more than twenty thousand distinct Charismatic and Pentecostal groups or denominations in the world. These groups are generally subdivided into three different categories or waves. The first wave began in 1901 in Topeka, Kansas, it really got started in 1905 or so here in Los Angeles and that would be classic Pentecostalism under the leadership of men like William Seymour and Charles Fox Parham.

The second wave is known as the Charismatic Renewal, began in the 1960’s and it represents really the influence of Pentecostal theology in the mainline denominations. Actually started in Van Nuys, California, just a few miles from here.

And then the Third Wave began in the 1980’s, really started under the leadership of two Fuller Seminary professors, C. Peter Wagner and John Wimber. Wimber, of course, associated with the Vineyard Fellowship and this is Pentecostal theology influencing evangelicalism and it’s called the Third Wave.

These three waves together represent the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement and in our seminar today, we’ll be using the term Charismatic I a broad sense to refer to all three of these waves, recognizing that it’s not possible to deal with all of the nuances and specifics in the hour or so that we have this afternoon.

Another important term that we need to discuss is the term “Continuationist.” The term Continuationist simply means that those who are continuationists believe that the gifts have continued, the miraculous and revelatory gifts of the New Testament have continued throughout the church age and are still operational today. Often the term, continuationist, is used to differentiate theological conservative Charismatics from those in the broader Charismatic Movement. And well-known continuationists would include Christian leaders like John Piper, Wayne Grudem, and Sam Storms, and I think it’s important at the outset to mention the fact that we have great appreciation and respect for much of what these men and their ministries represent.

I like how Bob Kauflin defines the term Continuationist. He says this, “The term Charismatic has sometimes been associated with doctrinal error unsubstantiated claims of healing, financial impropriety, outlandish and unfulfilled predictions, an over-emphasis on the speech gifts and some regrettable hair styles.” Then he says this, “That’s why I’ve started to identify myself more often as a continuationist rather than a Charismatic.” So I think it’s helpful for us to note the distinction there between those two terms.

And then finally, we have the term cessationist. The term cessationist refers to those who believe that the miraculous and revelatory gifts passed away in church history shortly after the apostolic age ended. Cessationists assert that phenomena like the gifts of apostleship, prophecy, tongues and healing are no longer operational in the church today. Once the apostolic age passed, and the canon of Scripture was complete, the primary purpose for these gifts was fulfilled and they passed away.

Now with those sort of basic terms defined, we can then define the term prophecy. When we speak about prophecy or the gift of prophecy, or a word of prophecy, we are talking about the human declaration of divine revelation. In fact, continuationists author Sam Storms defines prophecy exactly that way as quote: “The human report of divine revelation.”

Now, just to be clear, we are not talking about preaching, rather we are specifically talking about the reception of new revelation from God which is then articulated by a human prophet. And I think in terms of that very rudimentary definition of prophecy, I think most cessationists would agree, biblical prophets like Moses and Isaiah, they received new revelation from God which they then reported to people both by speaking the truth, declaring it, and by writing it down. Charismatics today similarly claim that they receive revelation from God and that they are then able to articulate words of prophecy to others.

Another term, the word prophet. The word prophet itself comes from the Greek, prophetes which means to speak in the place of or to be a spokesman. So a prophet is by definition a spokesperson for God.

I think this is an important point. When someone claims to be exercising the gift of prophecy, or claims to have received a word from the Lord, they are in essence claiming to be a spokesperson for God.

This brings up an important thing for us to consider, the need to test prophets. Throughout history there have been many people who claimed to be prophets, who claimed to speak for God. But all Christians, whether Charismatic, Continuationist, or Cessationist would agree that at least some, if not all, of these individuals were false prophets.

Now just for the sake of time, I’ll give you three quick examples. One example from the second century would be Montanus. Montanus claimed to speak for God. In fact, the Montanus Movement called itself the New Prophecy. He said that the world was about to end. He promoted extremely legalistic ethical standards on his followers. He claimed that God was going to establish the New Jerusalem not in Jerusalem, but in the town of Pepusa(?) in Phrygia(?). And needless to say his predictions of the imminent end of the world did not come true and he was declared a heretic by the early church.

Moving all the way up to the Reformation, Dr. Lawson yesterday talked about some of the radical Reformers who at times claimed to receive direct revelation from the Holy Spirit. One of those would be a man named Melchior(?) Hoffman(?) who claimed that the New Jerusalem was going to be established in Strasberg, Germany. And we have Yen(?) Mathis one of his sort of disciples. Mathis said the New Jerusalem would be established in Munster, Germany. At some point somebody is going to recognize that the New Jerusalem is going to be in Jerusalem, but in any case, he and his followers essentially took over the city of Munster, Jerusalem and were finally eradicated and declared to be false prophets. The predictions that they made did not come true.

And then another perhaps more well-known example in the nineteenth century would be Joseph Smith who, of course, claimed to receive direct revelation from God. In his case, it came in the form of some golden tablets which he allegedly translated and the result is the Book of Mormon. Smith, of course, is widely recognized, in fact in his own day was widely recognized as a con-artist. He was in imprisoned. In fact, he was killed while in prison by an angry mob who was offended by his doctrine of polygamy. And we would all regard Joseph Smith as a false prophet.

Now what’s the point of these historical examples? Simply to demonstrate the truth that false prophets exist and that they represent a major threat to the church. Both the Old and New Testaments repeatedly warned believers about the danger of false prophets. And if time permitted, we could go through dozens of similar examples and dozens of passages in which God’s Word warns people to avoid anyone who claims to speak for God but in reality does not. So when a person claims to have received new revelation from God then, we might ask, “What criteria can we use to discern whether or not they are really speaking for God?” How can we recognize a false prophet? And I think that really is the key question that we have to ask even as we think about the modern Charismatic version of prophecy.

The Bible articulates three criteria for identifying a false prophet. And Tom Pennington hit on these quickly in his seminar just this morning. These three tests, I’m just going to state them briefly and then we’ll go through them in more detail. The first would be the test of doctrinal orthodoxy. God’s true prophets proclaim doctrines that are right and true. New Revelation is always consistent with previous revealed truth.

Second, moral integrity. God’s true prophets are characterized by personal holiness. Those who claim to speak for God must also live out that truth in their lives.

And then thirdly, predictive accuracy…predictive accuracy. God’s true prophets foretell future events or reveal hidden things with 100 percent accuracy.

We’ll go through these each in more detail.

Continues next post ...
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
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Dr Eby was a false prophet; in his books he claimed that Jesus would return before Dr Eby died. Dr Eby died 26th of December, 2002. Obviously Jesus didn't return before that date. So his prophetic statement was false. Ergo he was a false prophet.

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Dr Eby was a false prophet; in his books he claimed that Jesus would return before Dr Eby died. Dr Eby died 26th of December, 2002. Obviously Jesus didn't return before that date. So his prophetic statement was false. Ergo he was a false prophet.

Maybe Jesus did come back to get just him...;)

Never read his book. Probably some brief excerpts put up prior to his book selling tours.

Whattya make of NDE's anyway there Mr. Coffee?
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
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Maybe Jesus did come back to get just him...;)

Never read his book. Probably some brief excerpts put up prior to his book selling tours.

Whattya make of NDE's anyway there Mr. Coffee?

I do not doubt that some people experience quite vivid 'visions' when in a 'near death state' but the same kind of vivid visions are experienced by some who take Ketamine. I am disinclined to believe that people go to heaven and write truthful accounts in books about it.
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I do not doubt that some people experience quite vivid 'visions' when in a 'near death state' but the same kind of vivid visions are experienced by some who take Ketamine. I am disinclined to believe that people go to heaven and write truthful accounts in books about it.

You ever notice that no 2 NDE's are alike? It's almost like everyone has a specially tailored experience. Hindus experience Hindu things. Animal lovers see dogs and cats going to heaven with them (I know, all supposedly)

My brothers girlfriend had an NDE, tunnel of light, the whole outta body experience in the hospital one time. When she saw the being of light, questioning sort that she is, she asked 'Are you the God or the devil?'

The being of light said, "If you think I'm God, then I am. If you think I'm the devil, I am."

She promptly declared "That's bull - -- !!!" She was immediately back in her body.

No kidding. I still laugh about the statement from the being of light. Laughing funny.
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
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With all of this talk about false prophets, false prophecies and false experiences, I'm left wondering: how is one to experience real spiritual experiences, or learn how to prophesy correctly?

You already know how to experience real experiences from God because the sacred scriptures tell you how to do so. Repent and believe the gospel and you will find life in Christ that will have no end and receive the Spirit of God who will illuminate your mind and heart to enable you to walk with God in this world and so to come to God in heaven in the next.

You already know how to prophesy correctly by speaking forth the revealed words from God that are found in sacred scripture. Let them be the source of your doctrine and your preaching and you'll be prophesying truthfully. You won't be receiving new revelations but you will find the truth in the revelation of God given in the person of Jesus Christ.
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With all of this talk about false prophets, false prophecies and false experiences, I'm left wondering: how is one to experience real spiritual experiences, or learn how to prophesy correctly?

All do prophesy when they witness nano:

Revelation 19:10
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

I prophesy every chance I get. It's quite enjoyable.

And we all also already know by prophecy that evil, sin and death will come to an end. What more do we really need to know other than the TIME?

Do you really want to know anyway? Do you really want to know anymore than what we know? Like when you might die or get rich or poor or anything else? And to what point?

I see no point in it for the most part. I mentioned earlier today about David Wilkerson prophesying on Wall Street, but you know what? Common sense can speak the same thing. I knew the home industry was going to collapse years before it happened. Told all my friends to. MARK MY WORDS...and sure enough, it happened. But I've been in the biz for 40+ years.

Ya don't need to be a prophet to have common sense. And I didn't claim to be one on that count. Maybe I could have scarred a few bucks outta people if I was thinkin' huh?

What was I thinkin?

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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
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With all of this talk about false prophets, false prophecies and false experiences, I'm left wondering: how is one to experience real spiritual experiences, or learn how to prophesy correctly?
I was thinking the same thing!
I'd say by practicing we can learn to do
all of the things God gives us to do.

Practice on your family lol.
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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
Under the Shadow of the Almighty
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If you want to be a prophet of God then speak his words. It is that simple. You'll find them in your bible. Even if your bible is only 66 books long. But you'd find more of his words if it was 73 books long.
AMEN to speaking HIS Words.

Phillip's 4 virgin daughters were "gifted with prophecy"
He had four virgin daughters gifted with prophecy.
Their words are not found in your bible, so it's "not that simple"

But it is this simple:"It will come about after this
That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams,
Your young men will see visions.
"Even on the male and female servants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.…

God WILL speak through anyone He cares to
He even speaks through a jackass.
(Was the jackass quoting Scripture?)
But I do agree that meditating on His Word
and hiding it in your heart helps you to
know WHEN you hear God speak.
Easier to recognize His voice if you've read
about the Author's and know His style.
His "ways".
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Oct 20, 2013
Consider these words from scripture ...
Deuteronomy 13:1-6 NJB 1 'Whatever I am now commanding you, you must keep and observe, adding nothing to it, taking nothing away. 2 'If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, offering you some sign or wonder, 3 and the sign or wonder comes about; and if he then says to you, "Let us follow other gods (hitherto unknown to you) and serve them," 4 you must not listen to that prophet's words or to that dreamer's dreams. Yahweh your God is testing you to know if you love Yahweh your God with all your heart and all your soul. 5 Yahweh your God is the one whom you must follow, him you must fear, his commandments you must keep, his voice you must obey, him you must serve, to him you must hold fast. 6 That prophet or that dreamer of dreams must be put to death, since he has preached apostasy from Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the place of slave-labour; and he would have diverted you from the way in which Yahweh your God has commanded you to walk. You must banish this evil from among you.
Can this test be relied upon and can it be applied now?

And consider these words from God ...
Jeremiah 23:14-16 NJB 14 But in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen something horrible: adultery, persistent lying, such abetting of the wicked that no one renounces his wickedness. To me they are all like Sodom and its inhabitants are like Gomorrah. 15 So this is what Yahweh Sabaoth says about the prophets, "Now I shall give them wormwood to eat and make them drink poisoned water, since from the prophets of Jerusalem godlessness has spread throughout the land." 16 'Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "Do not listen to what those prophets prophesy to you; they are deluding you, they retail visions of their own, and not what comes from Yahweh's mouth.
Can the words spoken by Jeremiah be relied upon and can they be applied now?

And what of these words from God ...
2 Peter 2:1-3 NJB 1 As there were false prophets in the past history of our people, so you too will have your false teachers, who will insinuate their own disruptive views and, by disowning the Lord who bought them freedom, will bring upon themselves speedy destruction. 2 Many will copy their debauched behaviour, and the Way of Truth will be brought into disrepute on their account. 3 In their greed they will try to make a profit out of you with untrue tales. But the judgement made upon them long ago is not idle, and the destruction awaiting them is for ever on the watch.
Can these words from Peter be trusted and relied upon and do they still apply to what happens now?

And then there is this, give thought to these words from God ...
Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NJB 20 But the prophet who presumes to say something in my name which I have not commanded him to say, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die." 21 'You may be privately wondering, "How are we to tell that a prophecy does not come from Yahweh?" 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh and the thing does not happen and the word is not fulfilled, then it has not been said by Yahweh. The prophet has spoken presumptuously. You have nothing to fear from him.'
Can you rely upon the words above and can they be trusted now as they were in the past?

Finally consider these words from God ...
Ezekiel 13:1-9 NJB 1 The word of Yahweh was addressed to me as follows, 2 'Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel; prophesy, and say to those who make up prophecies out of their own heads, "Hear what Yahweh says: 3 The Lord Yahweh says this: Disaster is in store for the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4 Your prophets, Israel, are like ruin-haunting jackals! 5 "You have not ventured into the breach; you have not built up the wall round the House of Israel, to hold fast in battle on the Day of Yahweh. 6 Theirs are futile visions and false predictions, who say: A prophecy from Yahweh, when Yahweh has not sent them; yet they expect their words to come true. 7 Have not the visions you see been futile, have not the predictions you make been false, although you say: A prophecy of Yahweh, when I have not spoken? 8 "Very well, the Lord Yahweh says this: Because of your futile words and false predictions, I am now against you -- declares Lord Yahweh. 9 My hand will be against the prophets who have futile visions and give false predictions; they will not be admitted to the council of my people, their names will not be entered in the roll of the House of Israel, they will not set foot on the soil of Israel; and they will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.
Is this true? Can you use this to judge the prophets who speak today?

The whole posting is based on a self deceptive mind set espoused by many who think that they are upstanding and righteous in their own sight.

I will explain to you where this double standard fallacy exists. A double standard fallacy is tied to false premises that are initially made in the person's mind in order to arrive at the faulty conclusion(s).

Firstly if we look at a false prophet the initial false premise that is made is that he is just one person. So the mindset has a particular individual in mind and never a group or a collective as the false prophets.

The above is very important to discern because the following false premise places a collective religious group as not the false prophets.

Ultimately the presumption that a collective religious group that all follow ecclesiastical authorities are safe in numbers as far as deception is concerned and this is the third false premise.

So the faulty conclusion that arises from these three faulty premises is that a false prophet is one that is a single man/women who declares that he/she knows something that the ecclesiastical collective does not know, therefore because that INDIVIDUAL does not strike a cord with the ecclesiastical authority, then he/she must be a false prophet and evil in the sight of the denominational collective.

This pretty much sums up the inquisitions and all religious persecutions that have happened at the hand of prophesying Christians who did exactly the same thing that the pharisaical authority did to all the prophets of God in their days.

Matthew 23:34
Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:

For today's ecclesiastical authority to say that they are not guilty of this crime that Jesus pointed to is bordering in blatant ignorance of the self deceived masses of the congregation. Hence the inquisitions happened because the masses believed in their mind that they were stamping out evil.

I will turn around the original posters point of view against all the ecclesiastical authorities by saying that the probability of chance, that today's ecclesiastical authority HAS BECOME the false prophet, according to two biblical premises and historical events with Jezebel and her false prophet ecclesiastical collective and at the time the fact that Jesus stated that he needed to send the end day Elijah to restore all things couples with Saint Paul's comments that the Great Falling Away happens towards the end time religious collective group pretending to hold the office of authority just like Jezebels priests assumed this role when the Holy Prophets were slaughtered and many scattered for fear of persecution and death.

It is with reason to believe that the end day Elijah will be accused by the false prophets of the ecclesiastical religious authority in the same manner Elijah the prophet and the true prophets were chased out and replaced by the counterfeit false prophet ecclesiastical BAAL system of Jezebel.

Astonishingly enough God views the end time religious collective authority as the mystery Babylon and the mother harlot Jezebel who deceives the masses to receive her mark rather than Christ's.

100% full proof method of knowing who is a true prophet is a repeat of the past Old Testament. The false ecclesiastical prophets will take a more direct role to aggressively defend against the true false prophets by first sending the little serpents as their first line of defence to first bite and accuse the true prophets and to have them banned from forums and church congregations then ultimately if this doesn't work, it will lead to another inquisition. Once the small serpent ankle biters can no longer defend the larger serpents (false prophets of Jezebel) within the false religious system, then they will mandate a direct persecuting role by banishing and exterminating the threat by introducing ecclesiastical decrees that will bring the masses to attack the true prophets. Basically it will be all hands at war against the true prophets. Then you will certainly know that those that are being accused as false prophets and being persecuted and condemned are in fact Christ's true prophets.

The End!
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
Near the flying spaghetti monster
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The whole posting is based on a self deceptive mind set espoused by many who think that they are upstanding and righteous in their own sight.
I'd thank you except I am fairly sure that you just insulted the original poster. Was that your intention?
I will explain to you where this double standard fallacy exists. A double standard fallacy is tied to false premises that are initially made in the person's mind in order to arrive at the faulty conclusion(s).

Firstly if we look at a false prophet the initial false premise that is made is that he is just one person. So the mindset has a particular individual in mind and never a group or a collective as the false prophets.

The above is very important to discern because the following false premise places a collective religious group as not the false prophets.

Ultimately the presumption that a collective religious group that all follow ecclesiastical authorities are safe in numbers as far as deception is concerned and this is the third false premise.

So the faulty conclusion that arises from these three faulty premises is that a false prophet is one that is a single man/women who declares that he/she knows something that the ecclesiastical collective does not know, therefore because that INDIVIDUAL does not strike a cord with the ecclesiastical authority, then he/she must be a false prophet and evil in the sight of the denominational collective.

This pretty much sums up the inquisitions and all religious persecutions that have happened at the hand of prophesying Christians who did exactly the same thing that the Pharisaic authority did to all the prophets of God in their days.
Did you know that the sect of the Pharisees was formed not long before the time of Christ and that no Pharisee ever directly persecuted an old covenant prophet because no Pharisee existed when the Prophets were most evident in ancient Israel's history?
For today's ecclesiastical authority to say that they are not guilty of this crime that Jesus pointed to is bordering in blatant ignorance of the self deceived masses of the congregation. Hence the inquisitions happened because the masses believed in their mind that they were stamping out evil.
One hesitates to cut your prose apart by inserting a comment in the middle of your eloquent condemnation of ecclesiastical authority but I wondered if you realised that this thread was started by an ordinary Christian Forums member and not by some vast ecclesiastical organisation?
I will turn around the original posters point of view against all the ecclesiastical authorities by saying that the probability of chance, that today's ecclesiastical authority HAS BECOME the false prophet, according to two biblical premises and historical events with Jezebel and her false prophet ecclesiastical collective and at the time the fact that Jesus stated that he needed to send the end day Elijah to restore all things couples with Saint Paul's comments that the Great Falling Away happens towards the end time religious collective group pretending to hold the office of authority just like Jezebels priests assumed this role when the Holy Prophets were slaughtered and many scattered for fear of persecution and death.

It is with reason to believe that the end day Elijah will be accused by the false prophets of the ecclesiastical religious authority in the same manner Elijah the prophet and the true prophets were chased out and replaced by the counterfeit false prophet ecclesiastical BAAL system of Jezebel.

Astonishingly enough God views the end time religious collective authority as the mystery Babylon and the mother harlot Jezebel who deceives the masses to receive her mark rather than Christ's.

100% full proof method of knowing who is a true prophet is a repeat of the past Old Testament. The false ecclesiastical prophets will take a more direct role to aggressively defend against the true false prophets by first sending the little serpents as their first line of defence to first bite and accuse the true prophets and to have them banned from forums and church congregations then ultimately if this doesn't work, it will lead to another inquisition. Once the small serpent ankle biters can no longer defend the larger serpents (false prophets of Jezebel) within the false religious system, then they will mandate a direct persecuting role by banishing and exterminating the threat by introducing ecclesiastical decrees that will bring the masses to attack the true prophets. Basically it will be all hands at war against the true prophets. Then you will certainly know that those that are being accused as false prophets and being persecuted and condemned are in fact Christ's true prophets.

The End!
I may be missing your point - in truth I could not really see a point to the post - but has it occurred to you that the bulk of the Original Post is quotations from the bible? It is not as if the quotes were edited or heavily commented upon. Perhaps you had not noticed that?
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