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The people in my church are not singing!!!


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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I really appreciate all of your help, True Believers. Humbly, after asking God about this, please let me know your honest thoughts.

I. I am a Worship Leader of a certain church, for years.

Many pastors and people have told me I sing excellently, I am anointed, all glory and credit belong to our God because He empowers me. I alone am unworthy.
People constantly tell me they cry when I sing, or they are touched or blessed. In my heart, I do my best when singing heartfeltly in church. And my exhortations are brief but I try to make them deep and what the Bible really says (turn away from sin, etc.) and not just "Come on church, let's sing the Chorus!"

But the people are NOT SINGING. (only very few). Is it my responsibility to make them sing?

1. Aren't they so spoiled? They ARE RESPONSIBLE in worshipping God on their own, intimately. It's their relationship with God personally! There are I think many non-Christians allowed to enter the church, by the way. We are a big church.
2. Who knows, they could be worshipping God, just not through singing. I see some people raising their hands, closing their eyes in prayer. Why do I have to make them sing? They can just listen and soak in the lyrics, you know?

So I am a Worship Leader of the above church and it does seem to be an Apostate church.

So days ago, I finally talked to my Pastor and told him everything. Why does the church seem to be so afraid of offending the carnal churchgoers? Is it because they might lose the income? Why are Repentance and turning away from sins not preached?

Why are the exhortations always "feel good", to tickle the itching ears?

I told him the Truth in the Bible against OSAS and that God will be angry at those who continue in the practice of sin...

I told him a person who lusts after a woman in his heart is already committing adultery.

I was shocked! My Pastor listened! He will tell this to the other Pastors as I have detailed their words. And awhile ago at the service, my Pastor repented in front of everyone!!! And his preaching involved holiness and turning away from sin!!!

Also, before him, God was able to use me to convince some people in this very church to turn away from sin and live holy for Christ.

What shall I do? Can I stay in this church? I am happy using my singing abilities and God can use me to lead them towards Righteousness??

Thank you so much Brethren. Be continually blessed. I appreciate you.


Clara bonam audax
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Apr 25, 2016
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Is it my responsibility to make them sing?
No. But it might be good to see if you can find out why they're not singing, and if there's some barrier which can be dealt with (eg. are the songs technically difficult for the congregation, is the range not suited to their voices, are they not confident). Most commonly I hear people tell me they don't sing in church because they have bad voices and they don't want to make a sound which will be bad for those around them to listen to. Then maybe there are ways we can address that anxiety, if you see what I mean?
They can just listen and soak in the lyrics, you know?
Maybe, but there's probably a bigger question there about how we intend people to participate in worship. That is probably a conversation to have with the person in charge.
What shall I do? Can I stay in this church?
Well, sure. Whether it's the right thing to do right now probably involves a whole lot more than is in your post, though.
I am happy using my singing abilities and God can use me to lead them towards Righteousness??
Just be mindful of the boundaries of your role, and work in support of those leading the church. Be cautious about throwing around judgements like "apostate."
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Aug 17, 2003
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One of the truths that you could mention to the congregation is
We don't sing because we are happy ..........we are happy because we sing.

it does seems to help ....and it something they remember.
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Nov 21, 2008
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I really appreciate all of your help, True Believers. Humbly, after asking God about this, please let me know your honest thoughts.

I. I am a Worship Leader of a certain church, for years.

Many pastors and people have told me I sing excellently, I am anointed, all glory and credit belong to our God because He empowers me. I alone am unworthy.
People constantly tell me they cry when I sing, or they are touched or blessed. In my heart, I do my best when singing heartfeltly in church. And my exhortations are brief but I try to make them deep and what the Bible really says (turn away from sin, etc.) and not just "Come on church, let's sing the Chorus!"

But the people are NOT SINGING. (only very few). Is it my responsibility to make them sing?

1. Aren't they so spoiled? They ARE RESPONSIBLE in worshipping God on their own, intimately. It's their relationship with God personally! There are I think many non-Christians allowed to enter the church, by the way. We are a big church.
2. Who knows, they could be worshipping God, just not through singing. I see some people raising their hands, closing their eyes in prayer. Why do I have to make them sing? They can just listen and soak in the lyrics, you know?

So I am a Worship Leader of the above church and it does seem to be an Apostate church.

So days ago, I finally talked to my Pastor and told him everything. Why does the church seem to be so afraid of offending the carnal churchgoers? Is it because they might lose the income? Why are Repentance and turning away from sins not preached?

Why are the exhortations always "feel good", to tickle the itching ears?

I told him the Truth in the Bible against OSAS and that God will be angry at those who continue in the practice of sin...

I told him a person who lusts after a woman in his heart is already committing adultery.

I was shocked! My Pastor listened! He will tell this to the other Pastors as I have detailed their words. And awhile ago at the service, my Pastor repented in front of everyone!!! And his preaching involved holiness and turning away from sin!!!

Also, before him, God was able to use me to convince some people in this very church to turn away from sin and live holy for Christ.

What shall I do? Can I stay in this church? I am happy using my singing abilities and God can use me to lead them towards Righteousness??

Thank you so much Brethren. Be continually blessed. I appreciate you.
#1 -- try singing some of the best known songs -- that the congregation knows well - a Capella.
#2 Most of the time when I find people not singing it is because the music is blaring so loud there is no point in singing since the congregation can' be heard.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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I really appreciate all of your help, True Believers. Humbly, after asking God about this, please let me know your honest thoughts.

I. I am a Worship Leader of a certain church, for years.

Many pastors and people have told me I sing excellently, I am anointed, all glory and credit belong to our God because He empowers me. I alone am unworthy.
People constantly tell me they cry when I sing, or they are touched or blessed. In my heart, I do my best when singing heartfeltly in church. And my exhortations are brief but I try to make them deep and what the Bible really says (turn away from sin, etc.) and not just "Come on church, let's sing the Chorus!"

But the people are NOT SINGING. (only very few). Is it my responsibility to make them sing?

1. Aren't they so spoiled? They ARE RESPONSIBLE in worshipping God on their own, intimately. It's their relationship with God personally! There are I think many non-Christians allowed to enter the church, by the way. We are a big church.
2. Who knows, they could be worshipping God, just not through singing. I see some people raising their hands, closing their eyes in prayer. Why do I have to make them sing? They can just listen and soak in the lyrics, you know?

So I am a Worship Leader of the above church and it does seem to be an Apostate church.

So days ago, I finally talked to my Pastor and told him everything. Why does the church seem to be so afraid of offending the carnal churchgoers? Is it because they might lose the income? Why are Repentance and turning away from sins not preached?

Why are the exhortations always "feel good", to tickle the itching ears?

I told him the Truth in the Bible against OSAS and that God will be angry at those who continue in the practice of sin...

I told him a person who lusts after a woman in his heart is already committing adultery.

I was shocked! My Pastor listened! He will tell this to the other Pastors as I have detailed their words. And awhile ago at the service, my Pastor repented in front of everyone!!! And his preaching involved holiness and turning away from sin!!!

Also, before him, God was able to use me to convince some people in this very church to turn away from sin and live holy for Christ.

What shall I do? Can I stay in this church? I am happy using my singing abilities and God can use me to lead them towards Righteousness??

Thank you so much Brethren. Be continually blessed. I appreciate you.
They will sing after they have come to a true repentance. Then there will be something to sing about. Be blessed.
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Oct 13, 2014
home is where the heart is <3
United States
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Focus on the Lord and worship Him as you sing ....as unto the Lord. If your focus is on people and their response, perhaps there is an issue within yourself that you need to address. Don't expect everyone's worship to look exactly like yours or what you think it should be. You should be so focused on the Lord that you don't notice or care if others around you are doing this or that. God knows what's in their hearts. Just let Him flow through you as you worship Him.

I've had people misunderstand my weeping for something it's not. When I sing, I sing to Him and tears of praise and gratitude readily fall and often, my own words of prayer, worship, and intercession follows. People have often seen my tears and prayer to mean that I must be in distress or some sin, etc, etc ....and come lay hands on me and pray according to their carnal reasoning ...and they couldn't have been further from the truth. All they accomplished was to interrupt my worship and prayer time with the Lord. (Sigh.)

People need to be more focused on Christ than the people around them. Maybe someone isn't singing because they are in intense prayer .....it happens. Don't worry about it ....just worship Him. You're there to lead worship ...not to judge hearts.
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May 22, 2013
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There are times I don't sing because I am praying or I am worshiping deeper than words. Also, I might consider the words of the song to be untrue or not scriptural, or I might sing different words which I know are correct and truthful about myself.

And each person is unique; so you might talk with each one and hear what he or she has to say.

I would say do exhort them to stop sinning, but also talk about how we become conformed to the image of Jesus and how He has us relating in loving any and all people. Often, I find, where God's word confronts something which is wrong, He also brings in a strong encouragement to what is so good that God desires to do and share with us, instead.

And I would not only attack the more politically popular list of sins, but talk about how arguing and complaining can be a bad example so children can grow up not knowing how to relate in a family and other close relating > in Philippians 2:13-16 < and we can grow in Jeaus and how He has us loving, as we stop our arguing and complaining and unforgiveness.

It can be very popular now to criticize certain sins, but not to attack what helps break down children to do those sins. If you don't like the product, stop what is helping to produce it. And God uses prayer and good example.
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Dec 20, 2020
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I don't sing when I feel it's designed to be a 'show', when the music & leaders are drowning out the congregation & my voice & everyone else's is being drowned out by the 'leaders'. I also don't sing when the music is just repeating the same 5 words over & over.

I try to avoid churches like that.

But even churches teaching right can have music like that so it's not a sign the church in itself is wrong.

The singing s/ be designed to be for the congregation to sing, not the leaders pretending they're in a band. The leaders should be leading, not the focus.

It is not your responsibility to make them sing. The faithful don't need flashy shows or emotions to sing. You provide an opportunity for them.

Sadly I see many churches that don't teach the real message. I'm so happy you recognzie the church is doing that wrong & approached them on it! I am so happy to hear the church listened! Yes, stay in it. They are repenting. See if they will change the music style to better suit corporate worship & not just be a show & 'tickle the ears' messages.
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The Liturgist

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I don't sing when I feel it's designed to be a 'show', when the music & leaders are drowning out the congregation & my voice & everyone else's is being drowned out by the 'leaders'. I also don't sing when the music is just repeating the same 5 words over & over.

I try to avoid churches like that.

But even churches teaching right can have music like that so it's not a sign the church in itself is wrong.

The singing s/ be designed to be for the congregation to sing, not the leaders pretending they're in a band. The leaders should be leading, not the focus.

It is not your responsibility to make them sing. The faithful don't need flashy shows or emotions to sing. You provide an opportunity for them.

Sadly I see many churches that don't teach the real message. I'm so happy you recognzie the church is doing that wrong & approached them on it! I am so happy to hear the church listened! Yes, stay in it. They are repenting. See if they will change the music style to better suit corporate worship & not just be a show & 'tickle the ears' messages.

Indeed. In my experience only the organ among instruments along with certain percussive instruments used by traditional Christians such as the Chaldeans (but not the closely related Assyrians), the Copts, and the Ethiopic churches (Ethiopian and Eritrean) are really effective at promoting congregational singing. Also, acoustical guitars, but not electric guitars, however, I am not convinced the guitar is appropriately solemn for divine worship. I loathe to see a church where the apse is filled with electric guitars and drum kits, rather than being occupied by the altar and a pulpit or ambo, and in some older churches, a choir (I think it is better when a choir loft is positioned behind the congregation, for reasons that will become apparent if you sit in the front row of a church with traditional Protestant congregational hymns or in any row of a church with a rear choir gallery, but both configurations are traditional as long as the choir is not placed behind the altar but along either side of an aisle facing it, as in traditional Anglican churches, and it is also possible in the latter configuration to seat the people with the choir although the result looks amusingly like the seating arrangement of the British parliament). It is even worse when a church has a stage but no discernible permanent altar.

A capella singing can produce great results if the congregation is involved, but the trick is to get them involved, and if one does not do that, people will tend to let the choir do all the singing. It is not undesirable to have some pieces sung by the choir, for example, Biblical canticles and anthems, but getting the laity to sing the Psalms and various hymns such as the Chorales traditionally used in Protestant worship, and similiar systems, for example, the Carpatho-Rusyn Eastern European system of Prostopinije, or the Coptic system of chant known as tasbeha, is extremely desirable, for reasons of liturgical theology that trace back to Scripture (it is worth noting that in both ancient Judaism and in the early Church, and in certain ancient liturgical traditions that survive in some churches, including I would note for the benefit of @RedeemedtoManhood some Baptist churches, the Bible is sung in church rather than read, especially the Psalms. Indeed there is a long tradition of a capella Psalm singing in Baptist churches.
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May 28, 2014
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No. But it might be good to see if you can find out why they're not singing, and if there's some barrier which can be dealt with (eg. are the songs technically difficult for the congregation, is the range not suited to their voices, are they not confident). Most commonly I hear people tell me they don't sing in church because they have bad voices and they don't want to make a sound which will be bad for those around them to listen to. Then maybe there are ways we can address that anxiety, if you see what I mean?

Maybe, but there's probably a bigger question there about how we intend people to participate in worship. That is probably a conversation to have with the person in charge.

Well, sure. Whether it's the right thing to do right now probably involves a whole lot more than is in your post, though.

Just be mindful of the boundaries of your role, and work in support of those leading the church. Be cautious about throwing around judgements like "apostate."
I went to church for YEARS.....Most people in churches are wonderful people, trying to do their best... BUT we must face the fact. Fellowship ONLY happens with true believers, and WE can't identify who those people are.

Only God knows, that is why Paul says examine yourselves. This is also why Jesus said "NO" when the disciples said should we go tell them to stop, they are not part of us. Jesus said you might pull up the real along with the false.

Now I am at a place in my life, where I do not go to church. What we practice at churches is NOT first century/book of Acts, kind of church. In fact I would ask people to consider Hebrews CH 10:25 and really focus on the word "OURSELVES"

You see fellowship can ONLY happen between 2 or more people who are truly believers..

It's not just a room full of people at a building called "a church", this would be similar to thinking that when you walk into a safeway grocery store. that you could have fellowship with people there.

Fellowship is also not a potluck, a prayer gathering, an all night service. Fellowship is a "spiritual event"

What do I mean believers? (these are ones that God knows, these are not the ones who everyone thinks is a believer, who also do wonderful works in His name, yet God says "I don't know you", to which they reply, "Lord didn't we...")
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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Ephesians 5:15-20 NIV

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
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I used to sing, but now not so, now I find the songs in the churches too feminine, I dont feel comfortable singing those songs no more, I now find that as a grown adult man, men should be more masculine, singing emotional songs is against masculinity in my opinion, I some how grew out of singing, kinda like a adult who grew out of playing with their favorite toy for example. Thing is, God does not need our singing, God isnt so needy for our singing. I think God made singing for people who need this and love to sing, especially for the women, they are more emotional than men, some people genuinely love to sing, some people need to sing, I don't like to sing nor do I need it now. I go to the gym for relaxation and stress reduction.
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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I used to sing, but now not so, now I find the songs in the churches too feminine, I dont feel comfortable singing those songs no more, I now find that as a grown adult man, men should be more masculine, singing emotional songs is against masculinity in my opinion, I some how grew out of singing, kinda like a adult who grew out of playing with their favorite toy for example. Thing is, God does not need our singing, God isnt so needy for our singing. I think God made singing for people who need this and love to sing, especially for the women, they are more emotional than men, some people genuinely love to sing, some people need to sing, I don't like to sing nor do I need it now. I go to the gym for relaxation and stress reduction.

I say this in love. Brother, please ask God if you are doing right. God clearly commands in the Bible that we "sing unto Him". That we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

Not singing is tantamount to disobedience...
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
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I dont think so, God doesnt need our songs of worship, nor is he
I say this in love. Brother, please ask God if you are doing right. God clearly commands in the Bible that we "sing unto Him". That we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

Not singing is tantamount to disobedience...t
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
Marital Status
I say this in love. Brother, please ask God if you are doing right. God clearly commands in the Bible that we "sing unto Him". That we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

Not singing is tantamount to disobedience...
Those verses are for those who love to sing, as u know some love to sing, some dont. And if the songs are feminine u cant force full grown man to sing against his feeling. God does not need our songs and worship, he aint so emotional needy.
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B Griffin

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Sep 4, 2011
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Many pastors and people have told me I sing excellently, I am anointed
People constantly tell me they cry when I sing, or they are touched or blessed. In my heart, I do my best when singing heartfeltly in church. And my exhortations are brief but I try to make them deep and what the Bible really says (turn away from sin, etc.) and not just "Come on church, let's sing the Chorus!"
Aren't they so spoiled? They ARE RESPONSIBLE in worshipping God on their own, intimately. It's their relationship with God personally!
Why do I have to make them sing? They can just listen and soak in the lyrics, you know?
So I am a Worship Leader of the above church and it does seem to be an Apostate church.
Why does the church seem to be so afraid of offending the carnal churchgoers? Is it because they might lose the income?
Why are Repentance and turning away from sins not preached?
Why are the exhortations always "feel good", to tickle the itching ears?
I told him the Truth in the Bible against OSAS and that God will be angry at those who continue in the practice of sin...
I told him a person who lusts after a woman in his heart is already committing adultery.
Also, before him, God was able to use me to convince some people in this very church to turn away from sin and live holy for Christ.
I am happy using my singing abilities and God can use me to lead them towards Righteousness??
If this is not a fake testimony, then I would suggest introspection is in order.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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I dont think so, God doesnt need our songs of worship, nor is he
His commanding us to sing does not necessarily mean He needs our worship.

He commands us to worship Him. But that doesn't necessarily mean He needs it.
Same breath of line.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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Those verses are for those who love to sing, as u know some love to sing, some dont. And if the songs are feminine u cant force full grown man to sing against his feeling. God does not need our songs and worship, he aint so emotional needy.
Who says so? What is your basis for your interpretation?

We interpret the Bible as what it's written. There's no saying there that this command is only for those who love to sing. If it's a command, you have to follow it, if you're a true follower of Christ
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

B Griffin

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
United States
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I am doing introspection. But what wrong things do you see?

Yes, all of what I wrote is true.
I see a brow-beating music minister preaching down to everyone around him and complaining that none of the beaten feel like singing. The things you said are a caricature of Christians that seem to be self-righteous in the eyes of the lost. That's why I thought maybe this was a parity instead of real.
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