the holy grail

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2003
Hi there!


I'm just skimming that lengthy text, and my first question is...

We are all familiar with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - but what about the other Gospels: those of Philip, of Thomas, of Mary and of Mary Magdalene? What of all the numerous Gospels, Acts and Epistles that were not approved by the Church councils when the New Testament was compiled? Why were they excluded when the choices were made?

They were excluded for various reasons, because they carried false doctrines, because their authorship is not proven, because they were "fakes"... etc. etc. et.c

And so, throughout the Mediterranean world, numerous unapproved books were buried and hidden in the 5th century

Are you aware that "buried" books are considered to be "tainted" in Jewish tradition... bad manuscripts were buried.

It was, in fact, a wholly sexist regulation which precluded anything that upheld the status of women in Church or community society. Indeed, the Church's own Apostolic Constitutions were formulated on this basis.

I just viewed a video last night on a "biography" of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and one of the items brought to light was that she probably could not read or write because education for women was restricted except for the very rich.... so is there an indication here that Mary Magdalen was "rich enough" to be educated and that her "gospel" is actual written in her hand? Proof please.... that "sexist regulation" was the precluding reason, and not the fact that she probably was illiterate, and therefore, the text was not derived from her hand.

So, why were these and other apostolic Gospels not selected? Because there was a second, far more important criterion to consider - the criterion by which, in truth, the Gospel selection was really made. It was, in fact, a wholly sexist regulation which precluded anything that upheld the status of women in Church or community society. Indeed, the Church's own Apostolic Constitutions were formulated on this basis. They state, 'We do not permit our women to teach in the Church, only to pray and to hear those who teach. Our master, when he sent us the twelve, did nowhere send out a woman; for the head of the woman is the man, and it is not reasonable that the body should govern the head'.

This was an outrageous statement with no apparent foundation, but it was for this very reason that dozens of Gospels were not selected,
There were other reasons also... the statement is pure "sensationalism" because "sensationalism" sells.

The Church of Rome was so frightened of women that it implemented a rule of celibacy for its priests - a rule that became a law in 1138:
really? Is there proof of this statement?

But this rule has never been quite what it appears on the surface, for it was never sexual activity as such that bothered the Church. The more specific problem was priestly intimacy with women. Why? Because women become wives and mothers - and the very nature of motherhood is a perpetuation of bloodlines. It was this that bothered the Church: a taboo subject which, at all costs, had to be separated from the necessary image of Jesus.
but there were priests who married, and even popes.

And, even today, if one is selected to the priesthood and is already married, then the wife of the laymen becomes the wife of a priest... (need modern-day examples?)

The books of Joshua and 2-Samuel both refer to the importance of the more ancient book of Jasher. But where is this book? Like so many others of equal importance, it is not to be found in the Bible!

I do believe that the Lord God Almighty said He would preserve His word. "importance" is not a consideration for canonization.

Does the book of Jasher still exist? It certainly does

I can't wait to read the follow--up on this comment... next page...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2003
Hi there!


(citing the time of the Exodus...)
At that time, the Jews had never heard of Jehovah; they worshipped the goddess Asherah and their spiritual leaders were largely female. Indeed, Miriam posed such a problem for Moses in his attempt to create a new environment of male dominance that he imprisoned her, whereupon the Israelites rose up against Moses to secure Miriam's release. This is in the book of Jasher, but it is not in the Bible.

I think I've read enough....

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Radio-Free Gnosis

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Nov 22, 2003
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Serapha said:
They were excluded for various reasons, because they carried false doctrines, because their authorship is not proven, because they were "fakes"... etc. etc. et.c
The authorships of the four that made it were never proven, either. And just because a doctrine didn't agree with Constantine and his Nicene Council toadies does not make it false.
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Stirred, not Shaken
Dec 17, 2003
Serapha said:
They were excluded for various reasons, because they carried false doctrines, because their authorship is not proven, because they were "fakes"... etc. etc. et.c

Now, I wonder who decided that, and how?? ;)

Serapha said:
Are you aware that "buried" books are considered to be "tainted" in Jewish tradition... bad manuscripts were buried.

And Jewish/Christian faith and principles are in complete accordance with respect to Christ as the Savior?

The article noted may be sensationalistic, but the premise is quite valid..
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