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No, they are not.Hi, and appreciate your replies! Concerning Israel and Christians, they are separate entities.
Do you see what you just did there? You first used "Israel," and the switched to "Jews." The two, Israel and Jew, are not identical in scripture and I encourage and exhort you to pay greater attention to when others employ that bait and switch under the guise of scripture and logic.Most Jews don't believe in the Lord Jesus, and the two companies have nothing in common except God.
If you have a software Bible, then do a quick word search of "Israel." You'll see that the first time "Israel" is used is in Genesis 32, where it's used as a reference to Jacob, the covenant son of Isaac. Four chapters later we begin to read the phrase, "sons of Israel." and at the end of Exodus we read the first use of "house of Israel."
Now do a search for the words, "Jew" and/or "Jews." once that's done, you'll see that God never uses the word "Jew(s)" until 2 Kings 25 and Ezra 4
In other words, the sons of Israel existed centuries before Jews did. The house of Israel was established long before, centuries before anyone among the Hebrews were called "Jews." The word "Jew" developed long after the Hebrews entered the promised land. The word came from the fact that when the land was divided the tribe of Judah was the largest tribe and got the largest tract of the land, and that portion was in the southeast of the land, so the Judahites shared a border with more different neighboring countries than any other tribe. A "Jude" or a "Jew" was originally a Judahite, but the term became synonymous with all Jews only after Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem and carted all the Israelites off to Babylon.
Any Christian teacher who teaches anything different than what you just yourself looked up in scripture and objectively verified with your own eyeballs is teaching incorrectly. Do not use them or rely upon them anymore. They are all false teachers when it comes to ecclesiology.
Now let's look at the New Testament. Nothing in the Old Testament should ever be taken as is without first looking at what the New Testament says about that Old Testament text. In this case, one of the things we learn in the New Testament is that not all Israel is Israel
The next assignment will take much longer than a software word search. Read through the Bible again with the definition God gave us through the apostle Paul in mind whenever the word "Israel" occurs. Hebrew is an idiomatic language. Words have meaning connotative meaning in addition to their denotative meaning. The word, "Israel" literally means "God perseveres." That means every time we read the word, "Israel" in the Bible we should remember we are reading, "God perseveres."
Genesis 32:28
He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed."
Your name shall no longer be "Heel Grabber," or "Grifter." Your name will from no one be "God Perseveres."
Genesis 36:31
Now these are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the sons of Israel.
That subsequent list is a list kings that lived before any king reigned over the sons of God Perseveres.
Now let's do the exact same thing with Paul's definition of Israel.
Genesis 32:28
He said, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed."
Your name shall no longer be "Heel Grabber," or "Grifter." Your name will from no one be "God Perseveres," the son of promise who will live by faith.
Genesis 36:31
Now these are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the sons of Israel.
That subsequent list is a list kings that lived before any king reigned over the sons of God Perseveres, the sons of God's promise who lived by faith.
Anyone who teaches differently than what you just verified with your own reading of scripture is teaching incorrectly and should not be relied upon to teach Christian ecclesiology or Christian eschatology.
There is an Israel that is Israel, and there is an Israel that is not Israel. The Israel that is Israel has all the blessings of God promised to Abraham. So too do all Christians. According to Paul, the covenant was made with Abraham and Jesus, the one promised seed (Gal. 3:16). The descendants of Abraham who are not his children have no part in that covenant relationship, nor in the covenant promises made to Abraham and Jesus. The Israel that is Israel is the people of God perseveres; those who live by faith. Those people are not all Christians, nor are they all Jews. They are not even all Hebrews or Abrahamites. A selective list of them can be found in Hebrews 11, and that list begins with Abel and Enoch, not Abraham.
Two last points.
First, the word "Hebrew" means "from Eber." Eber was a region in Chaldea, which is in the region of Babel, or Babylon. The city of Ur was in the region of Eber. Therefore, Abram was a Babylonian, and all the Hebrews were known as Hebrews because they descended from Eber in Babylon. Therefore, the Old Testament is a record of the people of God Perseveres in whom God persevered. It is the record of those who lived by faith..... in juxtaposition of those who did not live by faith. It is the record of those in whom God persevered among those who lived by faith in juxtaposition to those who did not live by faith and in whom God did not persevere.
Just as there is no Jew or Gentile in Christ, there are no Jews or Gentiles among the damned. Neither bloodline nor geo-political nation-state status will have any merit when tossed into the fiery lake.
Second, comparatively speaking, very rarely is the word "Israel," used in reference to the geo-political nation-state of Israel. An entire reading of the Bible specifically for that purpose is required to understand when and where the word means the people of God perseveres and when and where it means a geo-political nation BUT what can be readily observed is the fact the "sons of Israel" and "house of Israel" existed long before the geo-political nation-state of Israel was ever established. If you did the word searches I just asked you to do, then you just verified that fact for yourself. Another quick way to verify this is to limit the word search to the book of Revelation. The word "Israel" is used only three times in that book and not a single one of them has anything to do with the geo-political nation-state Israel!
Again: Anyone who teaches anything other than what you yourself have just verified is not teaching what is taught in scripture. They are NOT to be considered veracious or efficacious sources (no matter what eschatology they teach). They are not to be relied upon for sound end times or ecclesiological doctrine.
Scripture says otherwise.Concerning Israel and Christians, they are separate entities.
Another study you might do to verify this is to examine all the many labels and attributes describing Old Testament Israel that are applied in the New Testament to believers in Christ. The word "saint" would be among the most obvious, but there are many others. Look also at the parallels between the qahal (the assembly) and the ecclesia (those who are called out). When the Hebrews translated the Jewish scriptures (Tanakh, or what we call the Old Testament) into Greek, the word they chose to replace the Hebrew qahal is the Greek word ecclesia. In other words, the Jews themselves consider the assembly synonymous with the ecclesia, and that is the word the New Testament epistolary writers (most of whom were Jews) chose when they wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.