The day I met the Lord


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Aug 25, 2021
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I was raised Roman Catholic. I stopped going to church at around age 15. I stayed away from religion fearing that I would become brainwashed.

Fast forward to age 40.
Realizing that I didnt really have a choice as a child to look at other religions. I started to look into other teachings starting with Mormons. It took me less than four hours of research into that religion to determine it was not for me.

Working 3rd shift alone I had a lot of free time.

Still wanting to find a religion, I found myself on & listening to the Book of John narrated by Max. I listened to the entire book that night into the morning.
It was around 3am when I finally finished it and man it was really powerful.

I got up to goto the restroom and on my way a thought in my head said 'You can ask him a question and he will answer you'. Its hard to describe this thought as it wasnt my own, but it was so natural sounding in my head that I mistook it as my own thought or I didnt question it, its weird now but it wasnt then. So I answered that thought while I was still walking with "Lord I have a question I want to ask you." and immediately I sensed a presence above me and what seemed like a dimensional tunnel that I couldnt see opened above.
I froze in my steps. I could sense 'they' were waiting for my question. Thats when that thought in my head said 'quickly ask a question', my mind frantically raced but was blank, then the thought of 'Lord please recharge my Soul' popped into my head and I thought 'yes'. Right then the voice/thought alerted me that the security camera far across the building could see me and to move into the cut out that was 2 steps ahead. So I did.

What came next was amazing.

I felt a strong presence just behind me. Then I dropped to my knees in a high prayer. This is something I've never done before and being 280lbs not sure how I was able to. Something was guiding my body to do these things, I was like a puppet in a way.

As soon as I was in that position is when it started.

It was so overwhelming that I immediately bursted out crying hysterically, my nose had a river running through it. I was in the back of my mind thinking what is going on while in the front of my mind that thought/voice was chanting 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me Lord' over and over outloud, while the Lords love blasted into me. This lasted what seemed like 5 minutes. I was freaking out in the back of my brain, I was just along for the ride. I felt my inner self getting full of the Lord loving energy to the point where I couldnt take anymore, I felt like I was going to explode, and then just like that it stopped.
The presence and the thought were gone.

I was at the front and in control of myself again. My body slumped down into a low kneel and I picked myself up walked into the bathroom and leaned against the wall thinking what just happened!? What does this mean?! Holy smokes I just met the Lord & the Holy Spirit!!

That was the day I met the Lord.

When I think back of how pure the Lords love was that day my body radiates with goosebumps and tears start flowing. Its so powerful. His love is so pure it makes me want to be a better person.

God Bless
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Jun 5, 2017
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Welcome to being a Christian. I can relate to your experience in a dream I had one day meeting Jesus. It was like I was surrounded by love from all directions inside and outside of me with full peace and assurance of his forgiveness. I think I woke up crying as well. That was one dream I will never forget as it seemed so real at the time and I can remember it as if it was only yesterday. Thanks for sharing.

God bless.
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Feb 13, 2009
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I was raised Roman Catholic. I stopped going to church at around age 15. I stayed away from religion fearing that I would become brainwashed.

Fast forward to age 40.
Realizing that I didnt really have a choice as a child to look at other religions. I started to look into other teachings starting with Mormons. It took me less than four hours of research into that religion to determine it was not for me.

Working 3rd shift alone I had a lot of free time.

Still wanting to find a religion, I found myself on & listening to the Book of John narrated by Max. I listened to the entire book that night into the morning.
It was around 3am when I finally finished it and man it was really powerful.

I got up to goto the restroom and on my way a thought in my head said 'You can ask him a question and he will answer you'. Its hard to describe this thought as it wasnt my own, but it was so natural sounding in my head that I mistook it as my own thought or I didnt question it, its weird now but it wasnt then. So I answered that thought while I was still walking with "Lord I have a question I want to ask you." and immediately I sensed a presence above me and what seemed like a dimensional tunnel that I couldnt see opened above.
I froze in my steps. I could sense 'they' were waiting for my question. Thats when that thought in my head said 'quickly ask a question', my mind frantically raced but was blank, then the thought of 'Lord please recharge my Soul' popped into my head and I thought 'yes'. Right then the voice/thought alerted me that the security camera far across the building could see me and to move into the cut out that was 2 steps ahead. So I did.

What came next was amazing.

I felt a strong presence just behind me. Then I dropped to my knees in a high prayer. This is something I've never done before and being 280lbs not sure how I was able to. Something was guiding my body to do these things, I was like a puppet in a way.

As soon as I was in that position is when it started.

It was so overwhelming that I immediately bursted out crying hysterically, my nose had a river running through it. I was in the back of my mind thinking what is going on while in the front of my mind that thought/voice was chanting 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me Lord' over and over outloud, while the Lords love blasted into me. This lasted what seemed like 5 minutes. I was freaking out in the back of my brain, I was just along for the ride. I felt my inner self getting full of the Lord loving energy to the point where I couldn't take anymore, I felt like I was going to explode, and then just like that it stopped.
The presence and the thought were gone.

I was at the front and in control of myself again. My body slumped down into a low kneel and I picked myself up walked into the bathroom and leaned against the wall thinking what just happened!? What does this mean?! Holy smokes I just met the Lord & the Holy Spirit!!

That was the day I met the Lord.

When I think back of how pure the Lords love was that day my body radiates with goosebumps and tears start flowing. Its so powerful. His love is so pure it makes me want to be a better person.

God Bless

Wow. That's a powerful testimony. That sense of intense Divine love is so unmistakable. It has a way of touching your heart in such a profound way, that it transforms you. It reminds me of how I met the Lord.

I was about 5 years old, and had a carefree life. That came to a grinding halt as demonic spirits would attack me every night, and pin me down to the point that it was impossible to move. It was also hard to breathe, and there would always be a smell like hair burning, as well as a terrifying presence. Back then, I had no idea of what demons were. And also, sadly, who Jesus Christ was. So, finally, one day, starting primary school, someone tells us about Jesus, who He is, where He lives and how He is always there for us, and all we need to do is just ask.

That day, it felt like the chains fell from me, the constant depression faded away, and it was clear what was needed that night. So, as always, I get grabbed by my leg to wake me up, and then the usual thing happens. Only, it felt like the life was being squeezed out of me. And thinking back, it became incredibly hard to breathe. What I do remember, was that in my terror, it came to me to ask the Lord for help, which I did, and tried my best to explain what was happening - even apologizing for not talking, because I was paralyzed. Suddenly, powerful waves of energy start coursing through my body, up and down, left and right, giving the most intense joy I have ever felt in all of this life - even now, 44 years later. The next moment, I'm not in my room on my bed anymore, but standing in a place that is absolutely dark. And in front of me, stands a figure, taller than me, maybe 6 feet or so, radiating the brightest light I have ever seen. It was way brighter than the sun, but the light did not hurt my eyes at all. As my jaw dropped, I slowly realize that this must be Jesus who my teacher told me of. I felt the most wonderful love, and could actually feel the light shining right through me, warming me up from the inside. After some time passed, I felt a gentle tug from behind, and could feel myself being pulled backwards at a rapidly increasing speed. It became so fast that I had to close my eyes, and the next moment, I'm back in my room, and totally at peace, looking at the ceiling. The next moment, I heard a sound like many trumpets, blowing loudly, and gradually fading away. Then, a soft, gentle voice says "Rest, my child, it is over.". I fell asleep the next moment, and had a wonderful night's rest. I was so completely transformed, that it took me 12 days to realize that the attacks had stopped. So, I pray to the Lord, thanking Him for freeing me, and also apologized for taking so long to thank Him. It was like He re-created me and made me brand new. The attacks never happened again, and now, 44 years later, still no attacks. It did take time to try and piece together what happened. But decades later, it dawned on me that He pulled me out of my body, obliterated those spirits and filled me with His Spirit. Also, decades after the fact, it was possible to put 2 and 2 together. See, since then, I was always aware of an invisible friend who taught me all kinds of things, such as the importance of obedience to my parents, and truth. He also taught me about chasing away evil spirits. Every now and then, while playing on my own, I would be overcome with a sense of joy whenever feelings of loneliness would sneak up on me. So, eventually it came to me that this was not just an invisible friend, but the Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit of truth, and it's Him. That day, 44 years back, was the beginning of an incredible journey. I can only look back and praise our wonderful, great, awesome God for His infinite love and glorious grace.
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Aug 25, 2021
United States
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Wow. That's a powerful testimony. That sense of intense Divine love is so unmistakable. It has a way of touching your heart in such a profound way, that it transforms you. It reminds me of how I met the Lord.

I was about 5 years old, and had a carefree life. That came to a grinding halt as demonic spirits would attack me every night, and pin me down to the point that it was impossible to move. It was also hard to breathe, and there would always be a smell like hair burning, as well as a terrifying presence. Back then, I had no idea of what demons were. And also, sadly, who Jesus Christ was. So, finally, one day, starting primary school, someone tells us about Jesus, who He is, where He lives and how He is always there for us, and all we need to do is just ask.

That day, it felt like the chains fell from me, the constant depression faded away, and it was clear what was needed that night. So, as always, I get grabbed by my leg to wake me up, and then the usual thing happens. Only, it felt like the life was being squeezed out of me. And thinking back, it became incredibly hard to breathe. What I do remember, was that in my terror, it came to me to ask the Lord for help, which I did, and tried my best to explain what was happening - even apologizing for not talking, because I was paralyzed. Suddenly, powerful waves of energy start coursing through my body, up and down, left and right, giving the most intense joy I have ever felt in all of this life - even now, 44 years later. The next moment, I'm not in my room on my bed anymore, but standing in a place that is absolutely dark. And in front of me, stands a figure, taller than me, maybe 6 feet or so, radiating the brightest light I have ever seen. It was way brighter than the sun, but the light did not hurt my eyes at all. As my jaw dropped, I slowly realize that this must be Jesus who my teacher told me of. I felt the most wonderful love, and could actually feel the light shining right through me, warming me up from the inside. After some time passed, I felt a gentle tug from behind, and could feel myself being pulled backwards at a rapidly increasing speed. It became so fast that I had to close my eyes, and the next moment, I'm back in my room, and totally at peace, looking at the ceiling. The next moment, I heard a sound like many trumpets, blowing loudly, and gradually fading away. Then, a soft, gentle voice says "Rest, my child, it is over.". I fell asleep the next moment, and had a wonderful night's rest. I was so completely transformed, that it took me 12 days to realize that the attacks had stopped. So, I pray to the Lord, thanking Him for freeing me, and also apologized for taking so long to thank Him. It was like He re-created me and made me brand new. The attacks never happened again, and now, 44 years later, still no attacks. It did take time to try and piece together what happened. But decades later, it dawned on me that He pulled me out of my body, obliterated those spirits and filled me with His Spirit. Also, decades after the fact, it was possible to put 2 and 2 together. See, since then, I was always aware of an invisible friend who taught me all kinds of things, such as the importance of obedience to my parents, and truth. He also taught me about chasing away evil spirits. Every now and then, while playing on my own, I would be overcome with a sense of joy whenever feelings of loneliness would sneak up on me. So, eventually it came to me that this was not just an invisible friend, but the Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit of truth, and it's Him. That day, 44 years back, was the beginning of an incredible journey. I can only look back and praise our wonderful, great, awesome God for His infinite love and glorious grace.

wow! Nice write up. I felt like I was there with you. my eyes welled up and im covered with goosebumps. :)

Yes, 100% Christian. This encounter sealed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior.

I referred to the Spirit talking to me in my thoughts and controlling my physical body chanting for me in the high prayer position as the Holy Spirit. Maybe it was a guardian angel?

A week or so after this I called upon the spirit that controlled me that day and she showed herself to me. She was wearing a burlap material type hooded robe with a rope belt standing in an underground stone hallway that was dimly lit by a burning torch hanging on the wall. She was very old (late 80's), boney facial features, and gave off a stern authorative presence. She didnt speak with words but put the thought in my head to only call upon her in emergencies, and was gone.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2022
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A week or so after this I called upon the spirit that controlled me that day and she showed herself to me. She was wearing a burlap material type hooded robe with a rope belt standing in an underground stone hallway that was dimly lit by a burning torch hanging on the wall. She was very old (late 80's), boney facial features, and gave off a stern authorative presence. She didnt speak with words but put the thought in my head to only call upon her in emergencies, and was gone.
What exactly do you mean 'you called upon the spirit'? How?

Was this before you understood the Holy Spirit?
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
New York
United States
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wow! Nice write up. I felt like I was there with you. my eyes welled up and im covered with goosebumps. :)

Yes, 100% Christian. This encounter sealed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior.

I referred to the Spirit talking to me in my thoughts and controlling my physical body chanting for me in the high prayer position as the Holy Spirit. Maybe it was a guardian angel?

A week or so after this I called upon the spirit that controlled me that day and she showed herself to me. She was wearing a burlap material type hooded robe with a rope belt standing in an underground stone hallway that was dimly lit by a burning torch hanging on the wall. She was very old (late 80's), boney facial features, and gave off a stern authorative presence. She didnt speak with words but put the thought in my head to only call upon her in emergencies, and was gone.
What was said exactly?
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