Spider-Man: Rapture



SimCity is a powerful and successful video game franchise perhaps because it captures today's fascination with consumerism convenience --- a game that encourages players to strategize the profitable development of consumer-friendly cities and towns.

You know, today you can trade shares of Wendy's fast food franchise right from your Internet-enabled handheld mobile smartphone from anywhere around the world --- yes sir, consumerism convenience has become a hallmark of modern living.

In this atmosphere, it seems sensible that popular culture comic book avatars such as She-Hulk (a woman whose superhuman strength serves as a cautionary omen to those seeking to use illegal performance-enhancing steroids in sports marketing) and consumer iconography video games such as "Diner Dash" (GameLab) would parallel the lifestyle appeal of SimCity.

Spider-Man video games of late are of particular interest. Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) is a fictional comic book superhero whose ability to soar through the air with strength and agility on spider-webs and tackle ominous villains makes him symbolic of civilization jurisprudence. We all want to be "connected" with Spider-Man's spider-like sensitivity.

We can imagine Spider-Man's villains in a SimCity like video game: Dr. Doom (a scholar whose use of a steroids-like substance has given him incredible daring and ominously fascist ambitions), Dr. Octopus (a scientist whose experiments with physical agility have afforded him a special device that makes him ominously stealthy), and Venom (a man who ingested a special muscle-boosting toxin and became dangerously vicious in the process).

Spider-Man video games have sold well in the market, and this is probably because they capture a general reverence for archaeology-buffet Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Pleasantville" (1998).
