Social media; not so much anymore...


Sleepless 300 miles from Seattle
Jun 30, 2015
The Pacific Northwest
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I'm not sure if my recent experiences on social media are an indictment of most of social media or just a reflection of a sharp decline in the hearts of man.

I've been on an American firearms forum for over 18 years. Since February of 2000. It was made up of a majority of white conservative males. Mostly Christian, mostly blue collar, mostly like me.

There were very little insults or flaming. People that showed up that were rude or insulting were shown the door.

Then it began changing. It became more agnostic and more progressive. Sexual innuendos and attacks on Christians became tolerated.

It has grown to over 80k members and is no longer a place where mutual respect is shown and rude people are shown the door. The most rude, crass, sexually depraved, and insulting bullies are the most popular and allowed to attack and insult others.

I left the site a couple of years ago for about a year. I felt God led me back to be an example of Christ's love and to be somewhat of a missionary.

I am now leaving again. The personal insults and attacks are just overwhelming. I just am unable to ignore the insults like others.

For some reason, people revel in the anonymity of the social media structure and use it to say things they would never say to someone in person.

I am a big guy; 6'2" and muscular. I am not accustomed to random strangers coming up to me and saying the most foul and provoking things. But on social media, it is a near daily occurrence.

Perhaps it is just a personal flaw that I am unable to not let attacks by random strangers affect me.

So while I will no longer frequent the former site, I wonder if my experiences there are typical of social media sites across all types.

Are people getting more and more insulting and mean on social media?

Is that a reflection of humanity in general?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2015
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Yep people are getting worse on social media. Part of it is the power of being anonymous online. You feel more at ease being mean because the person has no way to know who you are. The other part is obviously the world, or at least america is going down the tubes and people can't get along. Even simple conversations end up turning into fights. You could talk about loving banana pie and someone will no doubt find a way to make it about something else for a fight.

I'm only on Facebook but never really use it. Just there because my wifes family is overseas. It is nice for seeing what old friends are up to. But I just don't post anything anymore. If computers all died tomorrow I wouldn't lose any sleep. Granted thats a complex subject since some computers are actually useful.
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Greg J.

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Mar 2, 2016
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I'm not sure if my recent experiences on social media are an indictment of most of social media or just a reflection of a sharp decline in the hearts of man.

I've been on an American firearms forum for over 18 years. Since February of 2000. It was made up of a majority of white conservative males. Mostly Christian, mostly blue collar, mostly like me.

There were very little insults or flaming. People that showed up that were rude or insulting were shown the door.

Then it began changing. It became more agnostic and more progressive. Sexual innuendos and attacks on Christians became tolerated.

It has grown to over 80k members and is no longer a place where mutual respect is shown and rude people are shown the door. The most rude, crass, sexually depraved, and insulting bullies are the most popular and allowed to attack and insult others.

I left the site a couple of years ago for about a year. I felt God led me back to be an example of Christ's love and to be somewhat of a missionary.

I am now leaving again. The personal insults and attacks are just overwhelming. I just am unable to ignore the insults like others.

For some reason, people revel in the anonymity of the social media structure and use it to say things they would never say to someone in person.

I am a big guy; 6'2" and muscular. I am not accustomed to random strangers coming up to me and saying the most foul and provoking things. But on social media, it is a near daily occurrence.

Perhaps it is just a personal flaw that I am unable to not let attacks by random strangers affect me.

So while I will no longer frequent the former site, I wonder if my experiences there are typical of social media sites across all types.

Are people getting more and more insulting and mean on social media?

Is that a reflection of humanity in general?
It may be a sign of purity in your heart—or if you don't want to think of yourself that way—an effect of having spent a lot of time in the presence of God. The more like God you become in your nature, the more sensitive you may become to goodness and evil and their effects. If you find yourself moved to tears when you find out someone sacrificed something to help another, perhaps even watching a movie, then that would support that idea. Another sign would be how successful you have been being obedient to God, which, over time, gives you a deeper relationship with Jesus and transforms you more into his likeness.
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2017
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I'm thinking about just not using the internet at all very soon.

The only thing it has been helpful for me is for researching The Book of Enoch, Christian History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catch Wrestling / Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Submissions and ordering stuff on Amazon.
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
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I'm not sure if my recent experiences on social media are an indictment of most of social media or just a reflection of a sharp decline in the hearts of man.

I've been on an American firearms forum for over 18 years. Since February of 2000. It was made up of a majority of white conservative males. Mostly Christian, mostly blue collar, mostly like me.

There were very little insults or flaming. People that showed up that were rude or insulting were shown the door.

Then it began changing. It became more agnostic and more progressive. Sexual innuendos and attacks on Christians became tolerated.

It has grown to over 80k members and is no longer a place where mutual respect is shown and rude people are shown the door. The most rude, crass, sexually depraved, and insulting bullies are the most popular and allowed to attack and insult others.

I left the site a couple of years ago for about a year. I felt God led me back to be an example of Christ's love and to be somewhat of a missionary.

I am now leaving again. The personal insults and attacks are just overwhelming. I just am unable to ignore the insults like others.

For some reason, people revel in the anonymity of the social media structure and use it to say things they would never say to someone in person.

I am a big guy; 6'2" and muscular. I am not accustomed to random strangers coming up to me and saying the most foul and provoking things. But on social media, it is a near daily occurrence.

Perhaps it is just a personal flaw that I am unable to not let attacks by random strangers affect me.

So while I will no longer frequent the former site, I wonder if my experiences there are typical of social media sites across all types.

Are people getting more and more insulting and mean on social media?

Is that a reflection of humanity in general?

I can relate. I am a member of one other social media site. And all things are tolerated except someone putting forth that they are a Christian and don’t believe in evolution. (it’s a science/electronic site). It was amazing to watch the knifes come out. Nobody wanted to hear anything and just the fact that I thought I had the right to say such things itself was affront. I’m still a member and I just try to “kill them with kindness” as the scripture says. Just put forth righteousness to the best of my ability and trust the Lord to work whatever He’d like to work.

I do happen to think that the two camps are being manifested more. Those that love righteousness on one side and those that love unrighteousness on the other.

Much love and prayers, Not me
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The walking accident
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Feb 11, 2018
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I'm not sure if my recent experiences on social media are an indictment of most of social media or just a reflection of a sharp decline in the hearts of man.

I've been on an American firearms forum for over 18 years. Since February of 2000. It was made up of a majority of white conservative males. Mostly Christian, mostly blue collar, mostly like me.

There were very little insults or flaming. People that showed up that were rude or insulting were shown the door.

Then it began changing. It became more agnostic and more progressive. Sexual innuendos and attacks on Christians became tolerated.

It has grown to over 80k members and is no longer a place where mutual respect is shown and rude people are shown the door. The most rude, crass, sexually depraved, and insulting bullies are the most popular and allowed to attack and insult others.

I left the site a couple of years ago for about a year. I felt God led me back to be an example of Christ's love and to be somewhat of a missionary.

I am now leaving again. The personal insults and attacks are just overwhelming. I just am unable to ignore the insults like others.

For some reason, people revel in the anonymity of the social media structure and use it to say things they would never say to someone in person.

I am a big guy; 6'2" and muscular. I am not accustomed to random strangers coming up to me and saying the most foul and provoking things. But on social media, it is a near daily occurrence.

Perhaps it is just a personal flaw that I am unable to not let attacks by random strangers affect me.

So while I will no longer frequent the former site, I wonder if my experiences there are typical of social media sites across all types.

Are people getting more and more insulting and mean on social media?

Is that a reflection of humanity in general?

So bunch of stuff here.... bunch of different answers...

1. It's not just on social media, it is literally everywhere. Our entire culture as a nation, built on Judaeo-christian values, has been completely eliminated. It has fallen apart everywhere... meaning... absolutely everywhere.

Every aspect of society has rather quickly come apart, all the way down to basic common decency. The most basic ideas of mutual respect, have given way to shear foolishness.

2. This is made worse on the internet where people hiding behind their computer screens, can feel as though they stuck it to someone else, knowing you can't find them. Truth is, most bullies are cowards, which is why they strike behind avatars and screen names.

Anyone of them faced with the most pathetic of people, would wither into a crying ball on the ground. That is in fact exactly why they act like bullies on the internet play ground. Because in real life, they are entirely wimps.

3. We happen to be in a period of time where hate and evil, is celebrated by the media, especially in relation to guns. You said you were on a gun forum, so I have no doubt you have people there specifically to attack law abiding people who exercise their rights.

We literally had a dumb student on national TV, imply that a sitting member of the Senate was responsible for mass murder, and no one stopped him. No questioned him. Cruelty, and hate, and personal attacks, are not only fashionable, but praised.

Oddly, it means we need people like you more than ever, to show decency in our country.

4. The experience with your forum is actually rather typical of not only forums, but almost any group of people at all. You can apply this to any club, group, or organization. Companies, churches, small villages, all go through this.

Any time you start off with a small group of people, you end up with a tight knit family of friends. People are kind and decent, because it is a small group of people and everyone knows everyone.

But as with most such things, if the place grows, then the culture will change. The faster it grows, the bigger the change.

I had the same thing with a gaming club I was part of. We had about 20 to 30 people. Everyone knew everyone. Everyone was nice, and friendly. Everyone played together, and were very social.

Then the club got new management. The new management wanted to grow the club. So all the rules about being decent and nice, were removed. They started adding people without vetting them. Dozens joined every week.

Same thing happened. Tons of sexual jokes, tones of crud talk. Jerks and bullies joined. Drama started all over the place. It was ridiculous and I left. In roughly 6 months, the club I had been in for years, was completely gone, and a new club that had nothing appealing for me, was in it's place.

The only way to keep the same culture, is to vet people joining carefully, teach people consistently, and assimilate people into the culture. (ironically a good bit of advice for national immigration debates).

If a church grows too fast, the entire culture of the church will change. If a village grows too fast, the entire culture of village will change. If the nation allows too much immigration too fast, the entire culture of a nation will change.

But back to you.... what should you do?

Well, there are a few answers. First, because you said it, I have to mention this.

You yourself said "I felt God led me back to be an example of Christ's love and to be somewhat of a missionary."

A: If that is true, then you need to think clearly about what it means to be a missionary. Missionaries are abused, and keep going. They are hated, and they keep working.

This is the 'pick up your cross and follow me' directive. This is what being a missionary is all about. I don't know what you thought it meant to show the love of G-d to people, but if Jesus is any example, it means being almost pushed off a cliff, almost stoned to death, and ultimately spit on, beaten, and crucified. All for the love of others.

So you simply have to think about that. That's something only you need to wrestle with, because you are the one who thinks they were called to be a missionary to those people on that forum.

B: On the other hand, maybe you need to leave. I never felt I was called to be a missionary to that gaming club, so I simply left it. There was no point to staying in that toxic anti-social environment, where my existence was not valued.

Getting out of a toxic situation is sometimes what you have to do, so you can be a value in other situations.

C: Maybe you simply continue doing what you do, but filter out the trash. Bottom line, there is trash out there. Sorry, but there is. There are people who have only one purpose, and that is to make you crazy. They don't care what you have to say, don't care what problems they cause, they get all their fun by driving other people nutz.

I've been on the internet since 1997. What do you do? You mute. Or ignore. If you don't know, on this forum, and most others... you click on the persons name, find the "ignore" button. Then refresh the page, and that person ceases to exist. I'm pretty quick to ignore people. I'll talk with absolutely anyone, who honestly talks back.

But people start acting insane, and I put them on ignore. I just don't have much tolerance for blatant stupidity. And honestly, after a few weeks, I forget these people even exist.

So ignore them. And keep talking, and doing what you think you should with the decent people that are left.

Don't let them get to you, just ignore them. Their posts cease to exist once you ignore them.

D: And lastly, maybe you do need to learn to build some resistance to people like this. Maybe the real lesson G-d wants you to learn is to not let these people drive you crazy with their coward chatter. I don't know. Lots to think about. Lots to ask the Lord about.
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anna ~ grace

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May 9, 2010
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I'm thinking about just not using the internet at all very soon.

The only thing it has been helpful for me is for researching The Book of Enoch, Christian History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catch Wrestling / Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Submissions and ordering stuff on Amazon.
I had the same thought, but there's still good on the internet. I go to about four or five websites max. One is CF.

Social media can be crazy. Like other have said, we say things we'd never say in public. Myself included. It can get weird, and shallow, mean, and creepy.

My advice? Stick to a few, core sites that edify, and help you as a Christian.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
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You will be attacked online if you are Christian and conservative. Anyone who 1. is against abortion, 2. acknowledges that there are only 2 genders, 3. does not support same sex marriage 4. believes Jesus is the only way to heaven 5. Or anything else supported by common sense or facts is going to be attacked and called names. Do you want to talk about how Islam is causing a lot of problems in Europe? That's hate speech! Of course everything is great over there! Do you want tighter border control? That's hate speech, and you're racist, too. Do you think that if you're born female, you can't change to male and should get some psychiatric help? You're a bigot! Don't believe that all white people are evil? You're ignorant and you have to get "woke." There is only one truth, but now different things are true for everyone. That's your truth....blah blah blah. The world is priming up for the second coming. We were told that in the last days it would be as in the days of Noah. I don't know if we have reached that limit now, or if it has to get much worse (I hope not). The media is brainwashing even very intelligent people who think that they are being tolerant and using their brains. Evil is called good, and good is evil. People will say anything on social media, but you have to be careful because there are SJWs out there who will hunt you down because you hurt their feelings or because they perceived racism.
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Feb 7, 2018
United States
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The media is brainwashing even very intelligent people who think that they are being tolerant and using their brains. Evil is called good, and good is evil."

I've noticed that a lot of these people are only tolerant of ideals that match their own, and pretty rabid about attacking those that do not.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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I don't consider forums part of social media. I have a username and an avatar here; my Facebook has my name and my picture. What I say here is unlikely to follow me to Facebook, and thus my actual life, because I am careful about what I share here.

Now, not all forums are like the one you described, there were some nasty ones in 2000 as well, I remember some of them. Forums/comment sections and the anonymity they provide seem to be open invitations for saying all kinds of socially unacceptable things to other people. What I find interesting is that a percentage of the people on Facebook use it the same way (especially the older generation), and their comments can get easily traced back to them.
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Dec 31, 2017
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I only consider Facebook as social media and am not on that, but I am on a couple of forums that share my interests.

I think what we are finding everywhere is a reflection on what society is in general.

The internet itself can be used for great things and searching for things has never been easier.
However the capacity for evil and finding likeminded people has enabled horrific things. I don't see that things can continue like this forever as things are just waxing worse and God will only allow things to go so far....
I do think it is a reflection of society in general and perhaps we see it even better because, as posted previously, people on social media ( or forums for that matter) say things that they wouldn't normally say in person.
This shows us really what is in their HEART.
And that is scary because the time will surely come when they won't even feel the need to hide it.
Whether or not you stay on the site you mentioned is up to you and if you are finding it has adverse effects on you perhaps you need to leave.
Most importantly pray and trust God to direct you in all your ways.

It is normal as Christians to be ridiculed and persecuted, the time to worry would be if the world liked us.;)
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Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
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Most importantly pray and trust God to direct you in all your ways.

It is normal as Christians to be ridiculed and persecuted, the time to worry would be if the world liked us.;)

The Lord Jesus said: "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." Luke 6.26

Yes indeed; being popular would more of a curse than a blessing. (I can't understand people known as evangelicals wanting and expecting to be popular.)
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Active Member
Jan 8, 2018
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You will be attacked online if you are Christian and conservative. Anyone who 1. is against abortion, 2. acknowledges that there are only 2 genders, 3. does not support same sex marriage 4. believes Jesus is the only way to heaven 5. Or anything else supported by common sense or facts is going to be attacked and called names. Do you want to talk about how Islam is causing a lot of problems in Europe? That's hate speech! Of course everything is great over there! Do you want tighter border control? That's hate speech, and you're racist, too. Do you think that if you're born female, you can't change to male and should get some psychiatric help? You're a bigot! Don't believe that all white people are evil? You're ignorant and you have to get "woke." There is only one truth, but now different things are true for everyone. That's your truth....blah blah blah. The world is priming up for the second coming. We were told that in the last days it would be as in the days of Noah. I don't know if we have reached that limit now, or if it has to get much worse (I hope not). The media is brainwashing even very intelligent people who think that they are being tolerant and using their brains. Evil is called good, and good is evil. People will say anything on social media, but you have to be careful because there are SJWs out there who will hunt you down because you hurt their feelings or because they perceived racism.

Thanks, glad that it's not just me. Don't know many Christians where I'm at and many don't meet outside of church and church activities. Of course I'm not sure what that would look like if they did. This seems to be a good site so far but I didn't realize how bad social media had become until I saw this post. I hope things get better for you.
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