Revealed - Book II: The Seven Kingdoms


If you give me a hand, I will help you hold on...
Jun 19, 2007
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I once lived in a place called Earth, alongside other humans. These humans constantly grew in their ideas, discovering and learning more as the days passed. One particular group of humans, known as scientists, discovered a peculiar phenomenon concerning magnetism. It was an amazing discovery, and a great achievement in their work. As most scientists would, they began testing it, studying its effects, and behaviour. News of this fantastic discovery spread quickly, and within weeks, the entire population of Earth knew about it, and everyone wanted to claim it as their own, because this phenomenon was more than a scientific advancement -- it was power.

About a year ago, things began to get out of control. More, and more scientists began to "test" the phenomenon, and this "testing" usually consisted of testing its strength. It wasn't until the first volcano was formed in the middle of a highway over a period of mere minutes, that chaos erupted. Soon enough, everyone wanted to prove their own control over the phenomenon, and began attempting more dangerous stunts. No one knows how, or why, but in one way or another, average people, who had never studied the phenomenon, themselves, suddenly gained some control over it. The situation became worse: volcanoes forming spontaneously in the centers of cities; tsunamis forming at random times; entire towns suddenly alight with fire; and four meteors crashing into Earth simultaneously.

No person on Earth survived, but I, and at least seventeen others did. We survived by escaping Earth. None of us knew what had happened, or where we were. All we know now is that Earth is gone, and we aren't. Only a day later, I, and several others were attacked by two people scientists known as Kaya, and William. We managed to fight them off, but some of us were injured in the process. The two scientists escaped, leaving us with a concept of their intentions. They, apparently along with some others, started by explaining that Earth was destroyed. They continued, telling us of another race that lives in this new world, and that we are the only humans left. This much we could accept as true, but the rest of their plan, we could not. Their claim was that humans were to be the only dominant race of the world, and that in order to rebuild Earth, humans would have to conquer the new world. It was for this reason, that they would be named Conquerors. The amount of existing Conquerors is unknown to us. Nevertheless, we, that is, the twelve humans who oppose the Conquerors, strive to prevent the Conquerors' intentions from ever being fulfilled.

Three kingdoms of this world have been conquered, two by William. In our first attempt against the Conquerors, Cole, Eli, Andrei, Alex, Myna, Wing, Landon, and I failed to prevent the kingdom of Dreicast from being conquered by a man named Victor. We were divided, and chased in opposite directions, Cole, Andrei, Myna, and Landon to the West, and Eli, Alex, Wing, and I to the East.

Still pursued, we four stumbled upon a place known as Monsaero Abbey, and were offered food, water, and shelter. We have stayed for four days now, but the threat of the small force sent to pursue us remains. Although they have not found the abbey yet, it is only a matter of time before we are forced to face them.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter I

Tag brought his right hand before him, palm facing forward, but slightly downward, his left hand behind that of his right, palm facing the immediate right. It was a relaxed position, but a ready one. He concentrated on his two opponents, Alex, and Eli, waiting for one, or both of them to make a move.

The abbess of Monsaero Abbey would not allow any form of violence within the walls of the abbey, so Tag, Eli, and Wing had had Alex level the ground, and create an area in which they could practice their skills. In this case, the area was being used as a sparring area, though Wing had decided to sit this one out. The arena mainly consisted of level ground, two trees, a stream of water that cut through the center of the area, and several, ten-feet-tall stone pillars that Alex had added.

((This is not an open rpg. To join, ask me via private message, along with a profile of the character you intend to role play as. Be sure to add an acceptably detailed history as to what your character has been doing since Earth fell.

If a character has a significant role in the plot of the story, but the owner of that character fails to post for that character within a week without a valid, given reason, that character will be taken over by a willing, active member.

Unlike the previous Revealed thread, this one does, in fact, have some semblance of a plot. Hopefully, everyone can stay active long enough to allow the thread to reach 2/3 into the plot. If/When it does, the thread will end.))