Remodeling and Preparing Wedding


Apr 1, 2013
Nevada, USA
Marital Status
I had lots of little clips last night.

Like one time we lived in this huge house. One very lg room had a kitchen, dining rm, family room and living rm. When I walked in I saw a woman working on re-plastering a drywall plaster seam. She smiled brightly. Then when I looked over at the kitchen, the appliances and counter had been moved out of the way and workers were completely remodeling the entire room. It looked great. My husband was there smiling. It was his doing to surprise me. I said, "This must be costing you so much money." He pulled out a long receipt and the total was $2,995.00, however I knew it would be more and that the amount was actually for supplies, not the labor, but I was thrilled. [In real life we already have a nice kitchen that doesn't need remodeling]

We were renewing our wedding vows and the guests were being to show up. I saw some friends I hadn't seen in real life for years. In the bedroom my wedding dress was ready, a beautiful white frilly gown.

(later) ---------------------------------------------------

Walking into a room I passed a man by the door in a wheelchair. He had been in some kind of accident and his face and leg were healed but deformed. On the way out of the room I noticed he made a whimper sound so I asked him if I could pray with him . [This is unusual for me since my husband is wonderfully anointed for praying over the sick and he's normally the one to do so.] He was very eager. Then suddenly we were at our pre-wedding dinner celebration when this same man stood up out of his wheelchair looking completely healed. He announced his engagement with a woman who was also there. We gave her our table of deserts to take with her.

I noticed in this lg house we had so many pet! Dogs, cats and birds. All kinds, all domesticated. They stayed in different areas of the house and I was impressed how well-mannered they were.
Any thoughts?


that your faith might rest in the power of God
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Mar 22, 2011
United States
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A very positive dream. Fixing the seam supports renewing your wedding vows. This speaks of a deeper union between you and your husband, and ministering to the man speaks of sharing a greater anointing – for healing of the whole man, spiritual, physical, emotional and relational. The kitchen emphasizes a season of preparation, and the partial cost, only for supplies, speaks to the fact that the Lord, the master builder, will be doing the work for free. There is a cost to you, but it is only to present yourself to Him as a willing vessel – as the "supplies" for Him to work with.

The huge house speaks of largeness of scope. This is echoed in the presence of all kinds of pets. The key to having this work is to get them all in their proper place. If we are willing to govern ourselves, God can entrust us with much power and riches.
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Apr 1, 2013
Nevada, USA
Marital Status
Thank you so much Paul! Your interpretation spoke to me. I appreciate your time and sharing this with me :)

A very positive dream. Fixing the seam supports renewing your wedding vows. This speaks of a deeper union between you and your husband, and ministering to the man speaks of sharing a greater anointing – for healing of the whole man, spiritual, physical, emotional and relational. The kitchen emphasizes a season of preparation, and the partial cost, only for supplies, speaks to the fact that the Lord, the master builder, will be doing the work for free. There is a cost to you, but it is only to present yourself to Him as a willing vessel – as the "supplies" for Him to work with.

The huge house speaks of largeness of scope. This is echoed in the presence of all kinds of pets. The key to having this work is to get them all in their proper place. If we are willing to govern ourselves, God can entrust us with much power and riches.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2012
Seated in Heavenly Places
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Hi RiverDays,
I have some additional insight for you...
The kitchen is the place of preparation & often seen as the "heart of things" in the home. I believe the kitchen is symbolic of your heart and Papa is doing some inner renovations for you. I view your husband as representing Jesus your groom & it appears He is doing an inner work in your life which may include some inner healing. Plaster can speak of the Lord solidifying an area which you may feel had come apart at the seams and I view the lovely smiling woman as Holy Spirit, or perhaps an aspect of yourself who is helping to get this inner work done. A receipt speaks of the proof of something that has been 'paid for' and it is your groom Jesus who's paid the price for this inner renovation of your heart. The $2995 can be broken down like this, although I'm not 100% on the number part of it: The number 2 can speak of a double blessing; 900 biblically infers a full harvest or fullness; 9 may represent coming to fruition; and finally, the #5 is the number of grace.
A wedding dress laid out in dreams is indicative of the preparation of the bride. So what I'm seeing here for the entire interpretation is that Papa is preparing you to be a bride without spot or wrinkle as symbolized by the work He's doing on your heart... and there are some aspects of you (the friends you've not seen in awhile) which will come forward after a long time of being repressed.
God bless you I hope this speaks

I'll take a look at the other bit after
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