Questions I'd Like Answered


I love my God
Nov 21, 2023
Los Angeles
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I have a few questions. Theres roughly 2 1/2 billion people in the world, who all profess to be Christian. roughly a third of our planets current population. But Jesus the Master over the Christian faith. and the one who would obviously know the truth of things, being that Hes the Son of the Most High God over the Heavens. Said only a few were actually finding eternity. (He didn't say there wasnt hope for the world. But in this Satanic System, few are getting past the deception and securing their eternity.)

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13-14

So do you think you are one of the people who has actually found life? Well your spirit will testify to you, if you have.

But do you truly understand the Christian faith?

If you do, can you answer some very basic questions for me? for starters...

What exactly is a sin? I mean, it seems like a pretty important thing to understand. Since Jesus said go and sin no more. It might be important to understand what it actually is, a sin is. Can anyone define what a sin actually is. (Saying a sin is something bad, or something God doesnt like, or any other ambiguous answer. Is basically a none answer)

Can any of you, tell me any of the things Jesus commanded?

"However, the 11 disciples went to Galʹi·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them to meet. When they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted. Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
Matthew 28:16-20

I mean Jesus is the King right, and what a King commands, becomes the law. Jesus didn't issue suggestions. He didnt go around and say, I suggest you do this and I suggest you do that. He's the Great King, and he issued Commandments. And instructed all his followers to observe all the things he commanded. Can any of you tell me all the things He command He issued. I mean the word disciple, (means one who subjects themselves to the discipline) Becoming a disciple of Christ, is subjecting yourself to his authority and what He instructs and Commands. So do you know any of the things he commanded all his followers to obey and observe.

Ive found, not one church, that has anything Jesus commanded, posted anywhere.

If a person is a Christian, these question seem like 101? entry level.


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I've been saved for 9 years. I do a lot of study, though perhaps not as much as I should.

We have some choices here but we will start with actual sin. Two Quotes here:

All people are sinful before God. Scripture testifies in many places to the sinfulness of mankind. "They have all gone astray, they are all corrupt" Psalms 14:3 In the New Testament Paul has an extensive argument in Romans 1:18-3:20 showing all people stand guilty before God. And John said "If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves" 1 John 1:8-10

So what is sin? Sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature. Sin is here defined in relation to God and His moral law. Sin includes not only individual acts, such as stealing or lying or murder, but also attitudes that are contrary to the attitudes God requires of us. We see this in the 10 Commandments, which not only prohibit wrong actions but also wrong attitudes. "You shall not covet your neighbors house. You shall not covet your neighbors wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor". Exodus 20:17 NIV Here God specifies that a desire to steal or commit adultery is also a sin in his sight. Paul also lists attitudes such as jealousy, anger and selfishness in Galatians 5:20 Therefore, a life that is pleasing to God is one that conforms to the moral law of God in act, attitude, and nature.

End Quote, attachment added at the end for edification.

We follow God's moral law because Jesus and the disciples told us this is good and the goal of every Christian.

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was Jesus answered by saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:34-40)

That's the same as saying, what's the greatest commandment? All of them! But everything in Scripture hinges on those two.

So Christians, enabled by the Holy Spirit, follow Gods moral law in our lives, and our marriages reflect Christ's love for the church and her love for Him.. showing the world in all we do the glory of God, reflected in our very beings.


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Aussie Pete

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I have a few questions. Theres roughly 2 1/2 billion people in the world, who all profess to be Christian. roughly a third of our planets current population. But Jesus the Master over the Christian faith. and the one who would obviously know the truth of things, being that Hes the Son of the Most High God over the Heavens. Said only a few were actually finding eternity. (He didn't say there wasnt hope for the world. But in this Satanic System, few are getting past the deception and securing their eternity.)

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13-14

So do you think you are one of the people who has actually found life? Well your spirit will testify to you, if you have.

But do you truly understand the Christian faith?

If you do, can you answer some very basic questions for me? for starters...

What exactly is a sin? I mean, it seems like a pretty important thing to understand. Since Jesus said go and sin no more. It might be important to understand what it actually is, a sin is. Can anyone define what a sin actually is. (Saying a sin is something bad, or something God doesnt like, or any other ambiguous answer. Is basically a none answer)

Can any of you, tell me any of the things Jesus commanded?

"However, the 11 disciples went to Galʹi·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them to meet. When they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted. Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
Matthew 28:16-20

I mean Jesus is the King right, and what a King commands, becomes the law. Jesus didn't issue suggestions. He didnt go around and say, I suggest you do this and I suggest you do that. He's the Great King, and he issued Commandments. And instructed all his followers to observe all the things he commanded. Can any of you tell me all the things He command He issued. I mean the word disciple, (means one who subjects themselves to the discipline) Becoming a disciple of Christ, is subjecting yourself to his authority and what He instructs and Commands. So do you know any of the things he commanded all his followers to obey and observe.

Ive found, not one church, that has anything Jesus commanded, posted anywhere.

If a person is a Christian, these question seem like 101? entry level.
One Bible definition of sin is whatever is not of faith. The Greek work translated sin was an archery term, so I am led to believe. It means to miss the target. The "target" is God's holiness and righteousness.

As far as the commandments of Christ are concerned, what Jesus had to say is recorded in the New Testament. Christians should be studying God's word. It is not necessary to plaster the walls of the church building with instructions, neither is it necessarily wrong to do so. Commandments are also what Jesus is saying to us right now. There is both general (love one another, for example) and specific instructions for us as individuals.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I have a few questions. Theres roughly 2 1/2 billion people in the world, who all profess to be Christian. roughly a third of our planets current population. But Jesus the Master over the Christian faith. and the one who would obviously know the truth of things, being that Hes the Son of the Most High God over the Heavens. Said only a few were actually finding eternity. (He didn't say there wasnt hope for the world. But in this Satanic System, few are getting past the deception and securing their eternity.)

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13-14

So do you think you are one of the people who has actually found life? Well your spirit will testify to you, if you have.

But do you truly understand the Christian faith?

If you do, can you answer some very basic questions for me? for starters...

What exactly is a sin? I mean, it seems like a pretty important thing to understand. Since Jesus said go and sin no more. It might be important to understand what it actually is, a sin is. Can anyone define what a sin actually is. (Saying a sin is something bad, or something God doesnt like, or any other ambiguous answer. Is basically a none answer)

Can any of you, tell me any of the things Jesus commanded?

"However, the 11 disciples went to Galʹi·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them to meet. When they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted. Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
Matthew 28:16-20

I mean Jesus is the King right, and what a King commands, becomes the law. Jesus didn't issue suggestions. He didnt go around and say, I suggest you do this and I suggest you do that. He's the Great King, and he issued Commandments. And instructed all his followers to observe all the things he commanded. Can any of you tell me all the things He command He issued. I mean the word disciple, (means one who subjects themselves to the discipline) Becoming a disciple of Christ, is subjecting yourself to his authority and what He instructs and Commands. So do you know any of the things he commanded all his followers to obey and observe.

Ive found, not one church, that has anything Jesus commanded, posted anywhere.

If a person is a Christian, these question seem like 101? entry level.
Jesus didn't know how many would be saved, and didn't have all-knowledge while he was here, but he hoped it would be many.

(Matthew 19:25-26) (Matthew 24:36) (John 14:28)

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Being saved is not dependent on how much factual information you might know, or might attain to, or might find, etc, but God knows and will judge the heart of each one, in His own good time, etc.

It is also not based on how hard you might try, etc.

You were either created or made or built for love, and it is going to inevitably show sometime before you die, or you were not.

And this is not based on how much factual truth you know or not, but is a matter of the heart.

God Bless.
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I love my God
Nov 21, 2023
Los Angeles
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Jesus didn't know how many would be saved, and didn't have all-knowledge while he was here, but he hoped it would be many.

(Matthew 19:25-26) (Matthew 24:36) (John 14:28)

God Bless.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the scripture state, that Jesus said, everything he was teaching was from The Most High God. Who does know all things.

"Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him who sent me." John 7:16
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Old Soul
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God's commandments are not very complicated, or complex, and we all fully already know them within, and even those who have never been exposed to the gospel already fully knows them, etc, and if you want to be fully following them, then get out there and help someone, and show just how much you truly care about others, etc, for that is the full extent of God's will, and God's love for everybody, etc, and it's not complicated, or complex, etc.

Have you mind set on how you can best show that you truly love others, and get out there and be doing it, or be helping somebody, etc.

God Bless.
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I love my God
Nov 21, 2023
Los Angeles
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Being saved is not dependent on how much factual information you might know, or might attain to, or might find, etc, but God knows and will judge the heart of each one, in His own good time, etc.

It is also not based on how hard you might try, etc.

You were either created or made or built for love, and it is going to inevitably show sometime before you die, or you were not.

And this is not based on how much factual truth you know or not, but is a matter of the heart.

God Bless.
I'm listening, can you do me a small favor, can you show me the scriptures that back up what your telling me. I would like to look into everything your telling me. Thank you @Neogaia777
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Old Soul
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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the scripture state, that Jesus said, everything he was teaching was from The Most High God. Who does know all things.

"Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him who sent me." John 7:16
Doesn't mean He fully revealed all things to Jesus during the time that he was here.

The scriptures I gave you are very plain, and that is that Jesus himself was not as great or as high as the Father while he was here, and did not know absolutely all things, etc.

He might know now though.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I'm listening, can you do me a small favor, can you show me the scriptures that back up what your telling me. I would like to look into everything your telling me. Thank you @Neogaia777
The easiest way to do or research what I am saying nowadays is a good Bible program, or Google, etc.

Try looking up anything that entails God judging the heart, or judging men by their hearts, or other such things. Or maybe will God judge people according to their hearts, or maybe how they loved, or other such things.

Here is two that I know right now off the top of my head, but there are others.

Luke 2:35, Romans 2:16.

That verse in Romans says "the secrets of men's hearts" in some translations.

And there is also then of course, 1 Corinthians 13, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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What are the secrets of your heart? Have you checked or searched your own heart lately?

I'm hoping mine will reveal one that had been damaged in or by this world, but that still always wanted to love people in such a way that he would die for them, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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God's commandments are not very complicated, or complex, and we all fully already know them within, and even those who have never been exposed to the gospel already fully knows them, etc, and if you want to be fully following them, then get out there and help someone, and show just how much you truly care about others, etc, for that is the full extent of God's will, and God's love for everybody, etc, and it's not complicated, or complex, etc.

Have you mind set on how you can best show that you truly love others, and get out there and be doing it, or be helping somebody, etc.

God Bless.
This applies to hearing God's voice as well, etc. Everyone is always hearing it, etc. Even the atheist and non-believers are always hearing it, etc. Just get yourself out there and look around and be having your mind set on how you can be best helping people, and you will all hear it, etc. It's that voice that says you "Go talk to that person", or "Go help this or that person", etc, and that's pretty much it, etc. It's not complicated, etc. And when you do, He will speak to you in other ways after that, giving you the words to say, or the ideas on how you can best help that person, etc, and that's pretty much it, etc. And after you've done it, or been doing that for a while, or get in better practice, etc, then He may begin to start speaking to you when your not helping people, or when your not doing anything, or in other ways, etc, once you get accustomed to doing this first, etc, and then might come some special revelations, or some other things, etc, and you'll be well on your way to a deep personal intimate relationship with Him, etc, but you gotta do the first things first, etc, and get used to doing that and hearing from Him in that way first, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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This applies to hearing God's voice as well, etc. Everyone is always hearing it, etc. Even the atheist and non-believers are always hearing it, etc. Just get yourself out there and look around and be having your mind set on how you can be best helping people, and you will all hear it, etc. It's that voice that says you "Go talk to that person", or "Go help this or that person", etc, and that's pretty much it, etc. It's not complicated, etc. And when you do, He will speak to you in other ways after that, giving you the words to say, or the ideas on how you can best help that person, etc, and that's pretty much it, etc. And after you've done it, or been doing that for a while, or get in better practice, etc, then He may begin to start speaking to you when your not helping people, or when your not doing anything, or in other ways, etc, once you get accustomed to doing this first, etc, and then might come some special revelations, or some other things, etc, and you'll be well on your way to a deep personal intimate relationship with Him, etc, but you gotta do the first things first, etc, and get used to doing that and hearing from Him in that way first, etc.

God Bless.
We all already know God's will, and hear His voice, etc, we've just all gotten way, way too used to blocking it out, and/or ignoring Him/it, etc.

And believe you/me, I am just as guilty as the rest of you are of doing this, etc. But that doesn't mean His voice isn't coming through very, very clearly all of the time just the same, etc.

We just don't want to be doing it most of the time, and that is just the truth of it, etc.

And maybe that just due the way my heart has been damaged, with most of it, etc.

God Bless.
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Jun 12, 2019
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“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13-14

Take a look at this:

Matthew 19:24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

When Jesus comes back he is going to establish the kingdom of heaven (God) here on Earth. How many Christians will be around to enter this kingdom? Well, not many.


Matthew 25 explains what we have to navigate in order to enter the kingdom of heaven:

1. In the parable of the talents, we learn that harvests (nuclear wars) will take out many. Our hapless lazy servant is tossed into hell because he is too lazy to get out of the way. But the description of hell looks a lot like the effects of a fatal dose of radiation: weeping, lots of intense pain, gnashing of teeth due to the intense pain, thirst, general torment. In 3 days to 3 weeks a person dies.

Rich man really means anybody living in rich lands in Matthew 19:24. The rich lands (the West and some friends) will be specifically targeted for the harvests. And almost no one is willing to get out of the way.

2. In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, the fake Jesus (false prophet) fools half the Christians and almost everybody else. They take the mark of the beast. They are rejected by the real Jesus when he comes.

The number of Christians waiting for Jesus when he arrives could number in the thousands or possibly a few million. They would be hiding out in the wilderness.
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Old Soul
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There is something very, very wrong with being happy with the mindset that you are going to be one of the one and only, very, very few chosen people who is going to get to go to heaven, or is going to be saved, while everyone else won't, or is going to die, etc, or, even worse, is only going to get to go to hell for all eternity, etc, even if it turns out to be true in or by the end of it, etc.

Something very, very wrong with being happy with that mindset, etc. It's not very "christ-like", and is something we should all avoid in or by the end, lest we be condemned for all eternity, etc.

Jesus was not at all happy or satisfied with it, and so nor should we be, etc. If it even turns out to be true that is, etc. Because even Jesus didn't know for sure while he was here with 100% absolute certainty, etc.

Because I 100% guarantee you that even if it does turn out to be true, it will not be among the ones who were at all happy with this mindset, etc, but they will be among the ones who will not be being saved, etc.

I 100% guarantee you, Jesus does not at all know those ones, etc, but their hearts are, first of all, full of every kind of disgusting to God thing, and then secondly, are entirely, entirely wicked underneath, etc.

These are the wolves among the sheep that are ever, ever entirely ok with this, etc.

And I'm very, very sure that Jesus is going to tell them that he never ever knew them, etc.

God Bless.
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Nov 11, 2022
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So do you think you are one of the people who has actually found life? Well your spirit will testify to you, if you have.
Yes, by His mercy. If you doubt that you have found divine life He is the Lord Jesus.
Continually praise and tell the Lord that He is your life.
But do you truly understand the Christian faith?
Yes. But there is much doctrinal understanding which must still be subjectively experienced.
Probably unto eternity we will see deeper and deeper into God's dispensing of Himself into man.

For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and guide them to springs of waters of life; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Rev. 7:7)
If you do, can you answer some very basic questions for me? for starters...
I'll give a reply. But I don't promise give thorough answer without perhaps referring you to a book.
Here we just write posts and not books.

If the question is too hard for me I will tell you.
What exactly is a sin?
Read Romans chapter 7 with prayer - musing and turning over in your praying spirit each verse.
For all intents and purposes SIN [singular] there, as a nature is Satan operating in your body.

Please read Romans 7 for a thorough diagnosis of what we need to know about the nature of SIN [singular]
There are sins [as individual acts] and there is the nature of SIN as like a personified parisite doing things in our body
like warring, deceiving, revising, taking opportunity, killing, enslaving working out, dwelling, etc.

In Romans 7 sin is Satan operating in the members of our body and warring against the better intentions
of our mind, let alone the law of God. But in Romans 6 and 8 the way of victory over this nature of SIN [singular] is in
a stronger Person, Christ, in the regenerated believer. He is stronger than the strong man operating in our fallen body a SIN [a nature].

I mean, it seems like a pretty important thing to understand. Since Jesus said go and sin no more. It might be important to understand what it actually is, a sin is. Can anyone define what a sin actually is. (Saying a sin is something bad, or something God doesnt like, or any other ambiguous answer. Is basically a none answer)
That sin, as in "Go and sin no more" is a verb meaning committing specific sins [a plural noun].
The book of Romans deals with sins as transgressions and offenses done. "Go and sin no more" would related to actions.
Sin as a singular noun in Romans 7 particularly deals with the underlying parisitic nature of Satan joined to man.

Without question to take in the words of the Lord Jesus in spirit empowers us to change in living.
Without the power of His life we cannot go and sin no more.
Without the faith in His word to usher us into His presence I see no way for us to go and sin no more.

You see, the non-sinning one is Christ Himself. Take "go and sin no more" as "Come and be organically united to Me at all times."

Can any of you, tell me any of the things Jesus commanded?

"However, the 11 disciples went to Galʹi·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them to meet. When they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted. Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."
Matthew 28:16-20
Mainly - "Abide in Me and I in you." (John 15:4a)
I did not say this is the only command Jesus said. I suggest that it is the main command

Look now at the whole verse.
Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.

This covers much.

1.) It implies that He is alive and availiable. How can we abide in Him if He is not alive and available?
So He is in resurrection and can be known.

2.) It includes the truth that He is enterable. We can enter INTO the available living Person of the Son of God.

3.) It indicates that IF we live in the sphere and realm of Him He will in turn live in and through us.
If we abide in Him He will move, live, and be expressed in our living.

It implies that all His riches of life can flow into us in a vine branch relationship. We derive our health, life, supply only
from being grafted into Him. Without this relationship we can do nothing. Or we may do a lot but it will
eventually all amount to nothing. So we need to abide in Him that He abides in us.

That is all I feel to write now. I tend to be very verbose. So I hope some concise reply here might help.
Have you met this Lord Jesus? Do you love the Lord Jesus?
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May 6, 2021
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Welcome to CF my friend. You seem to be active in your faith, your questions illustrate this.

I was saved as a naive teenager in a Baptist church. And I thought I was good to go and didn't need to work my faith. Luckily God seemed to carry me thru twelve years of alcoholism before He inspired me to get sober. Yet for 25 more years I still didn't read the bible or work my faith. I decided to read the bible during the covid pandemic when things slowed down or shut down completely. It was the best decision I ever made. I am one of those people who came to work in the parable at noon, but still receive the same pay as those who arrived in the morning. The pay is obviously salvation for our souls.

The laws given by Moses were merely guidelines that showed us what sins we need to avoid. The law is part of the Old Covenant. We still use the law to determine who obeys His commandments. Yet for salvation we have thankfully been graced with the New Covenant. Faith determines whether we qualify for salvation, not our works. This New Covenant doesn't abolish the Old one, but it does seem to utilize the Old Covenant to determine which of us is following His commandments and demonstrating faith in God and Jesus. If we honor the New Covenant we will simultaneously be trying to honor the ten commandments and demonstrating our faith through our actions. My faith before reading the bible wasn't active and living faith. Therefore I believe my soul was in peril before I began to actually work my faith. I feel the Holy Spirit in my being now. Those who have a little will be blessed with more. Amen

Jesus said to love God with all our heart and strength as the first commandment. And to love our neighbors as we love ourselves as the second highest commandments. In combining these two commandments Jesus says in Matthew 22:40 "On these two commandments hang all the law and prophets." Likewise throughout the books of John we are reminded that when we love God and keep His commandments, we demonstrate that we also love our neighbors. And that we are in fact abiding in God's love. John 15:10. I agree with Maria. LOVE. Romans 13:10.

I already love you for asking questions and inspiring me to read my bible more this morning haha. Seriously. I occasionally feel like I can do more to grow my faith and folks like you challenge me to put up or shut up. Thank you my friend. Have a great day.
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Christoph Maria

Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return...
Sep 10, 2022
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35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:35-40


Welcome to Christian Forums!

LORD, those who know you will trust in You.
You have never deserted those who look to You.
Psalms 9:10


"Here is what I am commanding you to do:
Be strong and brave.
Do not be terrified.
Do not lose hope.
I am the LORD your God.
I will be with you everywhere you go."

Joshua 1:9


"Judah, listen to me!
People of Jerusalem, listen to me!
Have faith in the LORD your God.
He'll take good care of you.
Have faith in his prophets.
Then you will have success."

2 Chronicles 20:20


Some trust in chariots.
Some trust in horses.
But we trust in the LORD our God.

Psalms 20:7


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