persecuted church


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Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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"Put on the whole armour of God, that you
may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against
the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

~ Ephesians 6:11-12 ESV

OCCUPIED UKRAINE: Priest Fatally Tortured; Others Facing Deportation​

Sources: Forum18, Centre for Journalistic Investigations​

A large monastery with gold domesis set in a wooded area.

An "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" monestary.
Photo: Wikipedia / Rbrechko (cc)

Members of the Russian occupation forces seized Father Stepan Podolchak on February 13th. The Christian leader had been serving as the abbot of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Kalanchak, a village located within the Russian-occupied Kherson Region. Taking him away with a bag over his head, the soldiers insisted that he go with them for questioning. Two days later, Father Stepan's battered body was found on the village street. Some reports state that he had also suffered a bullet wound to the head.
Russian officials now controlling the area have refused to take any action in response to the church leader's tragic death. When Forum18 representatives contacted the local police, they were simply told to "forget about it." The occupying Russians have frequently placed pressure on priests who refuse to leave the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and join churches under the Moscow Patriarchate. As a result, some priests have been abducted or taken into captivity by the Russian forces. (Reports on previous incidents are available here.)
For example, two priests from the Russian-occupied Donetsk Region, Father Khristofor Khrimli and Father Andri Chui, were both convicted of "conducting missionary activities" in September 2023 (learn more). As a result of their convictions, Russian officials ordered that the Christians be deported from "Russia." Since Russia now lays claim to Ukraine's Donetsk Region, the men are unable to return to their homes.
Father Khristofor and Father Andri are now caught in a situation where they are to be deported, but their destination has not yet been determined. Russian officials will send them to Latvia, if the two believers are in agreement. However, the Christian leaders have refused this option since they are Ukrainians. The men have also been offered Russian citizenships, which would allow them to return to Donetsk. Yet, wanting to retain their true citizenship as Ukrainians, they have refused this proposal as well. In the meantime, the Christian leaders are being held at a deportation centre in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don.
Please uphold the members of Father Stepan Podolchak's family and church community as they mourn this tragic loss, praying that they will sense the Lord's comforting presence especially near to them. May all our Christian brothers and sisters in this war-torn nation serve as agents of God's peace, demonstrating the love of His Son Jesus to those around them. Pray that the Lord will also provide protection, wisdom, favour and guidance to His people – especially those residing within the occupied regions of Ukraine – as they determine how to carry on their lives and ministries in the midst of the ongoing political conflict.

BURKINA FASO: Militants Kill At Least 15 Worshippers​

Sources: BBC, Al Jazeera, The Guardian​

A simple cross sits in the ground with buildings in the background.

Photo: Wikimedia / MartinGrandjean (cc)

At least 15 worshippers were killed when gunmen attacked a Catholic church in the village of Essakane, Burkina Faso, on February 25th. The assailants are believed to be Islamic militants who have been causing havoc throughout the country and surrounding nations.
In a statement released following the attack, the vicar of the local diocese called for prayer while denouncing "those who continue to wreak death and desolation in our country." This is only the latest atrocity to have been perpetrated by armed insurgents, who presently control almost half of Burkina Faso's territory. Over the past three years, churches have particularly been targeted in violent attacks by the country's militant Islamic groups. For more reports addressing persecution in this West African nation, view this list.
Pray for healing on behalf of those who were wounded during this recent attack, as well as comfort for those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. To prevent further atrocities, may a solution be found to the ongoing conflict so that the chaos and violence being perpetrated by militant groups throughout this region of Africa will come to an end. Ask the Lord to work mightily in and through His people as they seek to spread the message of the Gospel throughout Burkina Faso, leading many to repentance and faith in Him.

INDIA: Family Attacked for Refusing to Renounce Christianity​

Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Church in Chains​

Three crosses from different locations are accented by a blue sky.

Photo: Flickr / Nevil Zaver (cc)

Ayatu Ram Podiyami, a believer who lives in Gufanpal, Chhattisgarh, came to faith in Christ alongside his family in 2020. On February 6th, an opposing group of about 20 people from the village approached the Christian man and asked him if he would convert back to Hinduism. After Ayatu refused to renounce his Christian faith, a larger mob began to gather outside his house, further pressuring him to return to the Hindu religion. Fearing for his safety, the harassed believer fled into the jungle.
When Ayatu returned home a few hours later, his family told him that they had been given an ultimatum: either convert to Hinduism by February 12th or face the consequences. Ayatu called the police but was informed that they could do nothing. After filing a police report, village leaders were summoned to the police station on February 9th. Unfortunately, all efforts to diffuse the volatile situation failed.
On the morning of February 12th, a community leader named Ram Singh phoned Ayatu and told him that the villagers were coming to talk to him. Soon afterwards, three people arrived at Ayatu's house and asked if he was ready to renounce his faith. When the Christian once again refused to return to Hinduism, the villagers began beating him with rods. After Ayatu had been pulled away from the attackers by his mother and brother, the assailants then turned against his father, Mahngu Ram Podiyami.
Ayatu was forced to flee once more and, to his dismay, he found his father unconscious on his return. His brother had also been beaten during the attack. All three believers were admitted to the hospital, with Mahngu suffering life-threatening injuries. At last report, the three injured family members are still recovering from the ordeal.
Following the attack, a police report was filed. However, the authorities reportedly fabricated several details surrounding the case, claiming the incident was a "family feud" and that the victims received their injuries by accident. To review other reports on the persecution of Christians in India, go to our country report.
Pray that Ayatu and his family will fully heal from the injuries and trauma they experienced due to the attack. In the face of intense pressure from the opposing members of their community, ask God to divinely protect this targeted family and continue to sustain them with His strength, courage and peace. May these persecuted believers be so filled with God's Spirit that they will respond to the hostility of villagers with the love of Christ in both 'word and deed' – encouraging community members to likewise submit their lives to Him. At the same time, may the Lord's righteousness be upheld throughout India, so that the country's governing authorities would take incidents of persecution seriously and strive to hold accountable all those who wrongfully harm or harass Christians because of their faith.


Active Member
Feb 3, 2020
United Kingdom
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It is so important to have a heart for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, as they are our family!

I personally read the magazines from Open Doors, Release International and Barnabas Aid to pray for our persecuted Church family daily!

For Lent I am currently reading "When faith is forbidden" by Release International- for Christians doing Lent, if you have to read one book during Lent, make it this one, it even covers 40 stories, so it is made for Lent!
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