People from Finland, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Norway, etc...please chime in


Senior Veteran
Mar 8, 2006
At Sea
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Yes dear, but if you read the article, the stats come from the European Commission and the UN. The Daily Mail just reported it. So I wouldn't be so quick to trash the source.

The original stats were from the European Unuion but unfortunately right wingers are notoriously unable to do difficult things like maths ;) so they - the Tories - made a complete mess of the statistics

More right wing incompetence regurgitated by people who will believe anything if it fits in with their prejuidice

Here is a good explanation of how the Tory apparatchiks went wrong:

Himmelgarten Café: How Tories conned the Telegraph and bloggers on crime

And here is a mainstream media outlet reporting on there Conservative lying/incompetence:

Anyone who knows anything about the world would realise that trying to claim that the UK has a higher violent crime rate than South Africa - where rape is endemic and murder nearly the highest rate on earth - is talking nonsense.

Hilariously the tories believed there own incompetent maths rather than simple common sense. The other explanation is they cooked up the statisrtics to deliberately mislead people.

Of course the right wing press like the Mail lapped it up without checking.

The Tories have refused to apologise
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2006
Up your nose....wid a rubbah hose.
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Well, there's always trade-offs. Nearly all these countries with socialized medicine also have higher per-capita crime rates than the US:

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609.
Quick! Start talking about crime in a thread about health care! That'll show them for creating a substantive argument you can rebut!!!

One has to wonder: If Britain is so durned unsafe, how come America
has 6 times the number of prisoners per capita? Are the English just not that willing to report crimes or press charges?

But, given your desire to discuss crime stats, are you then admitting that you have no argument regarding health care?
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