The problem with this interpretation of the scripture is at the time it was written, men wore dress-like robes, as did women. There were differences in hats/veils/turbans, but for the basic dress, all people wore tunics. Also, I see no correlation between a razor not touching a woman's hair, and her being allowed to cut her hair. I can cut my hair and it still be long.
Mmm yes the time that this scripture was written.. that's what a lot of people say. Times change, but what God meant doesn't. How our we supposed to tell the difference between God's people and the world? If we all look the same? People can tell I am different by the way I am dressed and present my self. You don't see people walk up to a young lady that is wearing pants, make-up, jewelery, short hair(not that there is anything wrong with it unless a woman came to God like that and therefore doesn't cut it afterwards), a bad attitude and a fowl mouth and ask her "Are you Pentecostal?" No you don't. At least I haven't nor heard of it. But I have people come up to me and ask me all the time.
A razor referring to anything sharp. Not just an actual razor. Yes you can cut your hair and it still be long, but the point isn't just having long hair. It's to obey the scriptures by not cutting your hair period. I know plenty of girls who have never cut their hair but yet it is not long, due to their hair not growing fast or similar situations.
I have never in my life heard of a church (Pentecostal or otherwise) who say that their members are not allowed to watch TV. We should be very careful and thoughtful of what we watch, but there's no Biblical support for such a command.
Ahh but there is. "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside;
it shall not cleave to me." Psalms 101:3
People make up all sorts of excuses for that one. Like you did, "we should be very careful.... of what we watch". Yes we should, but why risk the chance you being tempted to watch the ungodly things on tv? Such as adultery, stealing, lying, fornication, fowl mouths, ungodly references(dirty talk), gossip, presentation(the way the look may tempt us to change ourselves), and all that. Almost every show has at least one of those things.
Sure we all sin, we aren't perfect, we make mistakes, but some shows such as soap operas, make it seem like it's ok, and perfectly natural. Actually same thing goes for computers. We are allowed to have them, but we should be careful what websites we go under. But i believe computers are not as bad, since you have to type in where you want to go. You have control of what websites you go under, unlike tv, whatever these directors throw out there, is there to watch.
I don't agree that this is a blanket ban on makeup. Of course, there's make up that enhances, and then make up that entices. Enhancing is okay; enticing is not.
You don't think make-up representing ungodly things, and evil things, makes it a ban? I'm sorry you feel that way.. But make up entices no matter how little you put on. It a facade. That's what it is, sort of a lie. No, not sort of. It is a lie.
I am glad that you are taking your walk with God so seriously at 17. The Lord knows that I was not so inclined at that age. But we must be careful not to be MORE restrictive on our lives than Jesus intended. He came to set us free, not put us in bondage to a bunch of rules and regulations. The Pharisees were big on rules, and Jesus denounced them.
So we are just to run around without any rules at all? And do whatever we please? No. the government has rules, Jobs have rules, Stores have rules, everything has rules. There needs to be boundaries. And the rules that we have aren't man made, they're the rules god set for us in the bible. We merely follow them. Sure God didn't say exactly in the bible, Thou shalt not watch television, because it wasn't invented back then. We have to adapt to the technology and new things that are coming out to what god means. There is scripture for everything, we don't just make up rules because we feel like it.
Jesus didn't denounce them for rules, he called them hypocrites. Cuz that's what they were. They didn't practice what they preached.
I would imagine that the fact I am a woman pastor would probably not sit well with your church, either. And that's okay. Our church concentrates heavily on inner holiness, not so much on the outward holiness. We do not encourage inappropriate clothing or makeup in our services, but "inappropriate" is in the eye of the beholder sometimes. We would rather a hooker come in and learn about God than for someone to turn her away at the door because her make up and clothing were not suitable.
No you probably wouldn't sit well. We don't believe that woman should hold that authority of a pastor. A pastor's wife, sure, but not a pastor. I am a girl myself, and I don't believe any woman should be given that position.
Yes there's another thing people make excuses for. "God says he loves you for the inside, not the outside. So it shouldn't matter how we look" Yes that's correct in some ways. God doesn't care what race we are, what color eyes, hair, and skin we have. whether we have a skin disease or anything.
We do not turn away visitors or even frequent visitors just because the way they are dressed. I never implied that. We welcome them with open arms, we love them just as we should, just as god loves them. But if one were to become a member and want to follow the ways of god, we wouldn't encourage them to look the same. we wouldn't condemn them, just merely show them the scriptures.
And god does look on outward holiness. He wants us to be modest and appropriate, not just inwardly wise, but also on the outward. If we are holy inside, should it not should on the outside of us? I read a website and this person makes a good argument, he says this.
Many people will say, "Well, God looks on the heart. God doesn't care what you look like on the outside. God just looks on the heart." That is true. God does look on the heart, but man cannot see the heart. Man can only see the outer. Not only that, the outer appearance is usually a pretty good indicator of what is in a person's heart. Although it is possible to look right on the outside and be wrong on the inside, it is well nigh impossible to look right on the outside and be right on the inside. What is on the outside comes from the inside. That is why Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh"
And I couldn't have said it better myself.
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works." 1 Timothy 2:10 KJV
"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do." NLT
Another words, dress modest, not wear immodest things that draw attention. So if you don't encourage inappropriate clothing or makeup in your service, does that mean you allow it to happen outside of your church? doesn't make sense. How are people to know the difference from the people in your church, your religion, than from the people of the world?(meaning the people who do not follow god) Seems like they're just playing the part. I don't dress and act one way at church, then dress and act differently outside of my church, I am the same. Just because my pastor isn't watching me, nor the people of my church, doesn't mean I do what I want. God is still watching me, I need to be an example for him.
Standing in a garage doesn't make you a car, anymore than going to church makes you a christian.