On Poverty

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Feb 25, 2002
Your sure assuming a lot here about me aren't you? I can prove they were poor so who's right?

Quote the Word, not experiences and lifestyles. Read the Word.

He was talking about sin, not money. Do you think being poor is a sin?

Read Deu 28 again. Being poor is not a sin. But poverty is a curse.

See what? What are you talking about? When did I say that Jesus did notÊdie and rise, what does that have to do with what I posted?Ê

Things have changed since the cross, that's my point. dont put old wine into new wine skins, or you'll get confused.

Andrew, I respectfully disagree with the health and wealth gospel that is being preach today.

IOW, you disagree with the Gospel.

Pls provide scripture for your arguments too. eg: show me a verse which says poverty is a blessing of the Lord. Better still if you think you are so right -- 3 verses -- since 2 or 3 witnesses establishes a matter.
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14th February 2003 at 01:18 AM Andrew said this in Post #3

yeah, poverty is a curse!

"And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."  

 Matthew 8:20

"Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." 
  Luke 18:22

"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree."

 Galatians 3:13
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Aug 5, 2005
Yesterday at 10:16 PM Andrew said this in Post #38

health and wealth is part of the Gospel. There's no escaping this Biblical truth. I can prove it with scriptures but since you prefer to be poor, according to your faith be it unto you.

NOWHERE In the gospel does Christ promise health or wealth to his followers.  In fact his commands are to LEAVE comfort behind and to follow him denying your flesh and fleshly desires to follow him.  I guess According you anyone who does not have heath or wealth is not Christian.  I guess Christians only exists in the first world then and of course according to you any man that gives up position and wealth to go into the mission field is of course not Christian because God wants us to be rich.


What did Christ say about a rich man entering heaven? something about the eye of a needle??

poverty is a curse pure and simple. Read Deu 28 to understnd the diff betw a curse and a blessing. Or use a dictionary.


The passage from deuteronomy is a SPECIFIC curse against those under the covenant of the LAW for specific behavior. It is not way intend to be applied universally. :sigh: reading the bible shows that. :(

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Feb 25, 2002
I am not allowed to debate you in this forum so if you want to continue then the thread has to be moved.

I've already given you the scriptures and shown you that health and wealth is part of the redemption work of Christ. Even the NT word "saved" (sozo) encompasses all those things. But if you refuse to accept it and insist on believing that poverty can be a blessing, then all I can say is according to your faith be it unto you.

Rule: 3) Non-Protestant members (eg. Catholic members) can only post fellowship posts here or posts to ask a question regarding Protestant or Evangelical doctrine. Once the question is answered, there shall be no debate over the answer in this forum by the Non-Protestant. Any debate posts by Non-Protestants will be deleted or moved to the Interdenominational Doctrine Debate forum. In other words, only Protestant members can debate here.
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'Totus tuus'
Jan 11, 2003
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Today at 07:33 PM Andrew said this in Post #45

I've already given you the scriptures and shown you that health and wealth is part of the redemption work of Christ. Even the NT word "saved" (sozo) encompasses all those things. But if you refuse to accept it and insist on believing that poverty can be a blessing, then all I can say is according to your faith be it unto you.

Thank you Andrew but I will respectfully disagree. Thank you for your time.
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Feb 25, 2002
chelsi: just about everyone disagree with that stance except the TBN people and well . . . they are not known for being orthodox in their theology. . . .

That's becos you are pro-Catholic or Catholic. As far as many charismatic churches as well as this Forum are concerned, TBN/WOF is very much orthodox and accepted.

What is considered unorthodox though, among protestants in this protestant section, are the doctrines of the Catholics. So dont shoot yourself in the foot.
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'Totus tuus'
Jan 11, 2003
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Today at 03:52 AM Andrew said this in Post #49

That's becos you are pro-Catholic or Catholic. As far as many charismatic churches as well as this Forum are concerned, TBN/WOF is very much orthodox and accepted.

What is considered unorthodox though, among protestants in this protestant section, are the doctrines of the Catholics. So dont shoot yourself in the foot.


FYI...Catholics are Charismatic too.
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Mar 22, 2002
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I consider the health and wealth gospel to be a great heresy. It is an invasion of the occult into the church...and is parallel with teachings in Hinduism about caste. Read Dave Hunt's Occult Invasion to learn how using God like an ATM machine for endless cash and wealth and for selfish reason is akin to witchcraft. God is not a magic genie to be manipulated that way.

Ive been poorer then dirt. Im talking in the ghetto, no car, no phone, violent neighborhood, food negotiable, near homelessness for over 4 years. I worked hard, had been social worker but did not make money to survive and had gotten ill. Does this mean I was an evil person less deserving of Gods graces?

(I am not poor any longer Thank you Lord, but even if I had stayed in object poverty or even if I was without anything now I would never look away from Christ)

Also I have serious health issues. I wake up knowing that even this last year was Gods gift. I am diagnosed with 7 health conditions. Does this mean I am an evil person racking up the sin meter. According to the health and wealth gospel I must be the most evil person on Planet Earth if one takes my multiple health challenes into account. I am a sinner and admit that but under the blood of Christ I am saved. Even if I ended up bedbound and housebound everyday instead of some days due to weather and dying on my deathbed, I would not see this as abandonment of God, I will not let my suffering have me look away from Christ either.

Ones bank accounts and money does not represent how close they are too God. My best friend who is an die hard atheist is going to be a millionaire when her mother dies. She has over $600,000 dollars in the bank with more to come. I have $600 bucks to my name and a husband that works hard at a working class wage albeit professional job (he is doing best to better himself and has a book being published later this year) Who is richer? I am richer Well I love my best friend but she does not have the richness of Christ in her life. I pray she does.

According to the health and wealth gospel my healthy and wealthy friend is closer to God. I am hellbound if one takes my mounting bills and health into account according to this logic.

It makes no sense.
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Veteran - Blue Bible Dude
Jan 13, 2002
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This is the point at which I think things get mixed up: Yes God does want to (and is very able to) bless you in finances and health, BUT financial prosperity and good health are not neccessarily "blessings." (Kinda like a square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square) Same with poverty... sometimes poverty is a curse placed upon people, but not all poverty is the evidence of a curse. Does that make sense?

The reason I don't always agree with TBN on their money stuff is that they tend to focus on the money stuff. Perfectly understandable sometimes seeing as that money is the main thing they need to run their ministry. But I hate hearing people focus on that so much. "Look at the blessings you are supposed to have" rather than "Look how great our God is and how He wants to bless you." There is so much difference is those two statements, and the latter should be how their message is presented.

Keep this in mind though, Jesus knew good and well that if He ever needed anything, (money, food, house, donkey, etc.) all He had to do was ask the Father and He could have it. Think about that... does it really mean that because Jesus wasn't out rollin the bills with 5 Swiss Bank accounts, that He was in poverty? If you truly know that whatever you need all you have to do is ask God and you can have it, you don't need all that! What good are 5 bank accounts gonna do you when the bank isn't open and your wallet is at home? Jesus just had to say it and Viola! He would have whatever He needed. That's prospering in my eyes.

It also says something about His humbleness. He knew He could have all the money and materials in the world because He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, He created the cattle and the hills that the cattle are on! but He didn't seek after all that. He lived humbly before the world, knowing all He had to do is ask.

Does that make these verses say anything different to you now:

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" -Matthew 6:26

"So then why do you worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:31-33

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him." -Matthew 7:11

Do you see the humbleness? He knew He could have it, but didn't want to show off... that's how we should be. And out of His good mercy, He gives us this promise as well as He had given of Himself:

"Jesus replied 'I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was dome to the fig tree, but you can also say unto this mountain "Go, throw yourself into the sea," and it will be done. If you believe you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer." -Matthew 21:21-22

Isn't God awesome!? :D
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
I consider the health and wealth gospel to be a great heresy.

Then you are simply saying that part of the Gospel is heretical.

Also, your entire post contradicts yourself. You talk about being poor and in bad health, yet you imply that it is heretical if God wants you to be in good health and not suffer lack. You really need to read your Bible.

According to the health and wealth gospel I must be the most evil person on Planet Earth if one takes my multiple health challenes into account.

You obviously do not understnd the work of the cross and insult it.

sbbqb, at least you make some sense. but can you see that health and (good) wealth is part of the gospel? once you can see that, all the argument stops. Do you know what the term divine exchange means?

The reason I don't always agree with TBN on their money stuff

whose talking abt TBN. Let's see what the Word says.
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Jan 24, 2003
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Andrew, a couple of questions for you.

First, if God wants us to be wealthy, then why doesn't He simply make it so? What is stopping us from becoming wealthy?

Taking it a step further, if God indeed does want us to be wealthy, is it our failure to live godly in Christ Jesus that prevents us from becoming wealthy? I'm asking because I want to be sure - because that's what it sounds like to me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Andrew, a couple of questions for you.
First, if God wants us to be wealthy, then why doesn't He simply make it so? What is stopping us from becoming wealthy?

Simply because its a choice thing. God does not force us to do anything. If he's a God that "simply makes it so", then why wld he ask us so many times to ask for it? Check all those sciptures on asking. And it's like you are asking me:"If God wants all to be saved, why doesnt he just zap all of us and get us saved?"

So, its an up to us thing. The promises and blessings of God are there -- made possible only thru the death of Christ -- but its up to us to go find out about it, believe in it, and walk in it. That's up to us. There's no condemnation if you dont want it, but dont condemn others for wanting it. In fact, those who want it are actually honoring the work of Christ. If God paid such a high price to make these blessings possible, why insult him by saying no thanks?

Taking it a step further, if God indeed does want us to be wealthy, is it our failure to live godly in Christ Jesus that prevents us from becoming wealthy? I'm asking because I want to be sure - because that's what it sounds like to me.

That's where all the heated arguments arise. ITS NOT A SIN TO BE SICK OR POOR. It does not mean you are not a good Christian. It simply means you dont know what actually belongs to you as a joint heir of Christ and as a child of God, or even if you knew abt it, perhaps you're simply not interested or dont see the need. Again, the choice belongs to the Christian. But dont condemn others and say they are heretics for wanting the blessings.

And why wld God want a Christian to prosper. Again, as I've said many times, the nature of every father is to bless his children. You want the best for your kids dont you? If you had the means, I'm sure you'd want the best education for them, nice clothes, good food, a nice bed for them, nice toys etc etc. So why do you think God the Father doesnt want to do the same? He already said that earthly fathers, evil as they are, know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more your Heavenly Father! Why is that so hard to understnd this simple truth?

Secondly, the reason God blesses people financially is so that we can finance the spread of the Gospel. It's common sense that you need money (while IN THIS WORLD) to print Bibles, rent auditoriums, support ministries, build churches, build Bible Colleges, feed and clothe the poor, etc, etc. Now, wld you be able to do all this more effectively if you had $1000 in your bank or $1 million?

but you are still missing the point -- and that is that health and wealth is in the redemptive work of Christ. IOW, Christ did not just redeem us from sin but also from sickness and poverty. Until you can see that, you'll always question this topic.
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Again, with the second question, are you saying that a failure to live godly in Christ, or a failure to walk in the promises of God will mean poverty and sickness? Will walking in the promises mean wealth and health? It seems like you almost answered that in your response, but didn't really finish it.

But further to that is my thought that Christ did not want us to seek earthly wealth - He implored us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven. The Old Testament says that the one who would be rich falls into "...many hurtful lusts...". Paul speaks of those who mind earthly things - saying "...their stomachs are their gods...". Nowhere in the bible do we see an encouragement of man to be rich. Yes, if we delight ourselves in the Lord then He certainly will give us the desires of our heart. But in the end, our delight in the Lord will bring us closer to Him and our desires will be Him. He will then give us the desires of our heart (more of Him) ... on and on until all we desire is Him.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Again, with the second question, are you saying that a failure to live godly in Christ, or a failure to walk in the promises of God will mean poverty and sickness? Will walking in the promises mean wealth and health? It seems like you almost answered that in your response, but didn't really finish it.

Proverbs says that if you dont work, sleep too much (ie lazy), are drunk often -- it leads to poverty. so yes, in that sense, failing to lead a Godly life (in this case work hard!) leads to poverty. The promises of God are many. Fo eg, honouring your parents leads to the blessing of long life. So if you want to live long, honour your parents. Tithing and offerings are also in God economic system. So if you want to prosper, you have to follow God's principles of sowing and reaping, receiving and giving. Failure to do so may or may not lead to poverty, for there are pagans who are rich who dont do these things.

Simply put, God has his principles and truths for us. If we follow them, it can only benefit us, if we dont, then of course, we are worse off in the long run.

But further to that is my thought that Christ did not want us to seek earthly wealth - He implored us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven. The Old Testament says that the one who would be rich falls into "...many hurtful lusts...". Paul speaks of those who mind earthly things - saying "...their stomachs are their gods...". Nowhere in the bible do we see an encouragement of man to be rich. Yes, if we delight ourselves in the Lord then He certainly will give us the desires of our heart. But in the end, our delight in the Lord will bring us closer to Him and our desires will be Him. He will then give us the desires of our heart (more of Him) ... on and on until all we desire is Him.

I think you are still missing the point. The Gospel or Good News, includes salvation from sin as well as from poverty and sickness. To a man who is sick and dying, or poor and hungry, the Gospel is good news to him simply becos it says that God can and wants to heal him, clothe him, feed him and make him walk in divine health and never suffer lack again. That too any sensible man is certainly good news. I'm not talking about get rich quick schemes or lusting after money. Money is not the problem but man is. Man can use it to glorify God or to destroy themselves.
btw: the OT is full of extremely rich, yet Godly people. And why wld God say "i will pour out so much blessings you have no room to contain it" in Malachi if he didnt want us to prosper. What about Paul saying "I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."?

now let me ask u a simple question: "What is the curse of the Law?"
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Mar 22, 2002
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Andrew, Are you rich?

Im curious.

Im working class. I am in the class where people cant afford computers except my brother built this one for me and I pay for hookup with ebay sales.

To have someones Christianity connected to their level of wealth is messed up. Reminds me of churches where people are into status and show up wearing the fanciest clothes.

Also, your entire post contradicts yourself. You talk about being poor and in bad health, yet you imply that it is heretical if God wants you to be in good health and not suffer lack. You really need to read your Bible.

No it doesnt. God is not my magic genie on my call; I may ask God for health and more money but God can say Yes or No. It is Gods choice.
You are perfoming witchcraft when you approach God as a genie with endless riches.

You obviously do not understnd the work of the cross and insult it.

I will have endless riches in heaven with Christ. You somehow think thats to happen on earth. Christ lived and died as a poor man.

Taking it a step further, if God indeed does want us to be wealthy, is it our failure to live godly in Christ Jesus that prevents us from becoming wealthy? I'm asking because I want to be sure - because that's what it sounds like to me.

So all Good Christians are rich Christians? Geez I guess my working class church is not keeping up then. They must be doing something wrong :rolleyes

I guess TV evangelists rolling in money must be the holiest of us all!

That's where all the heated arguments arise. ITS NOT A SIN TO BE SICK OR POOR. It does not mean you are not a good Christian. It simply means you dont know what actually belongs to you as a joint heir of Christ and as a child of God, or even if you knew abt it, perhaps you're simply not interested or dont see the need.

Everyone gets called home to the Lord sometime. Christ never promised a $80,000 a dollar year job and a mansion. Theres Christians now living on nothing that make even the poorest Christian in America look rich. How much has the New Age influenced your thinking...you sound like the HUman Potential movement--think and be rich except this time Christ or a false Christ is getting thrown into the mix.

The Prayer of Jabez and all this connection to riches via Christ is using a false Christ in witchcraft. Manipulating God to do your bidding and reward you with wordly blessings. God said do not be of this world. This is being taken up with the riches of this world and worldly success.

Again, as I've said many times, the nature of every father is to bless his children. You want the best for your kids dont you? If you had the means, I'm sure you'd want the best education for them, nice clothes, good food, a nice bed for them, nice toys etc etc. So why do you think God the Father doesnt want to do the same?

Christ never said I will make sure your bank accounts are full, I will give you a graduate education and a cruise to Tahiti. Christ offers riches IN HIMSELF! God will give us everything in heaven. But whatever He gives us will be HIs choice.

Secondly, the reason God blesses people financially is so that we can finance the spread of the Gospel. It's common sense that you need money (while IN THIS WORLD) to print Bibles, rent auditoriums, support ministries, build churches, build Bible Colleges, feed and clothe the poor, etc, etc. Now, wld you be able to do all this more effectively if you had $1000 in your bank or $1 million?

Greed and money actually destroy more ministries, Think Oral Roberts when he told the world hed die without a set amount of donations. Its not about making money. Sure money can help in getting word of God out there, But greed and love of money is something that leads people away from the Lord. Many missionaires and others will live poor so they have more to give others.

. IOW, Christ did not just redeem us from sin but also from sickness and poverty. Until you can see that, you'll always question this topic.

Every Christian dies. How do you explain that. You too will sicken one day. Will you think Christ has abandoned you? Do you expect to live forever in this physical body on this physical earth, then you truly have misunderstood the gospel.

Proverbs says that if you dont work, sleep too much (ie lazy), are drunk often -- it leads to poverty. so yes, in that sense, failing to lead a Godly life (in this case work hard!) leads to poverty. The promises of God are many. Fo eg, honouring your parents leads to the blessing of long life. So if you want to live long, honour your parents. Tithing and offerings are also in God economic system. So if you want to prosper, you have to follow God's principles of sowing and reaping, receiving and giving. Failure to do so may or may not lead to poverty, for there are pagans who are rich who dont do these things.

There are things that can help. But you equate wealth with goodness and that is scary in a society that considers itself a meritocracy and already abuses the poor by saying they are more morally deficient or lesser human beings. This fits more Hinduism and the caste system then Christianity and you still didnt answer my question about my wealthy atheist friend. She makes fun of God, --it hurts me to hear this stuff but she does do it but $200,000 just got added to her accounts.

Proverbs may have advice on taking responsiblity in life but there are many people that become poor through no fault of their own. Many sacrifice wealth to help others. I went for teaching and social work career, when I was healthy I knew there was less money in it but it was a concisous choice at the time.

This prosperity gospel stuff is scary to me. I actually think it is the MOST hereitical thing in Gods church.

You need to realize that earthly riches do not equal spiritual riches.
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