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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

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Mar 20, 2016
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Just out of curiosity, did something happen that made you feel the need to punish yourself?

For what it's worth Colossians 2:23, Paul warns against practices that appear righteous but lack true spiritual value. He mentions things like "self-abasement" or self-imposed humility.
It was done as a means of using one fear to overpower the other. With OCD most know their fears are not realistic, but the fears are still present. I discovered if I used another means to challenge the fear though a greater fear from a vow I could get past the first fear, it just ended up spiraling
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Mar 20, 2016
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@LookingForward1, you cannot argue yourself out of OCD any more than you can argue yourself out of a bacterial infection.
  1. If you have not done so already, get a psychiatrist (not just a psychologist).
  2. Visit a church that is good at dealing with mental illnesses.
You’re not wrong, ironically I work in the mental health field, the ideal approach is usually exposure response prevention. I wouldn’t mind finding other forms of support though not sure about how much it would cost
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You’re not wrong, ironically I work in the mental health field, the ideal approach is usually exposure response prevention. I wouldn’t mind finding other forms of support though not sure about how much it would cost
Maybe as a natural strategy --which is an okay starting point-- but do you believe supernatural healing to be a valid ministry within the Church? The churches that I recommended practice such a ministry.
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Mike Kh

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Feb 12, 2024
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I’ve been diagnosed with OCD at an early age and struggled with it all my life. In high school I started to develop a category of OCD referred to as scrupulosity which usually has to do with intrusive thoughts of selling my soul to the devil if I do something or buy something I want. For example I might want to buy something and have the thought “I’d sell my soul for that” at which point I wouldn’t buy it out of fear. This also branched out to everyday actions and redoing things. At some point years later maybe in college, I discovered I could counteract the fear of selling my soul by making a vow to God to punish myself if I engaged in the first fear. For example I might have a fear that if I do a specific action I’ll sell my soul or agree to sell my soul, then to counteract this I’d make a vow to God stating if I don’t do specific action then I won’t let myself engage in some activity I enjoy for some period of time, or in extreme cases I’ll ban myself from certain things completely. As time went on the selling my soul fear dissipated to some degree but the vows became more and more common and more and more extreme in response to other anxiety to the point I’d say/think “God please hold me accountable to this vow” and proceed to say that if I do or don’t do something then I’ll ban myself from certain hobbies I enjoy for months at a time. This has led to recent struggles in which I made a vow to ban myself from hobbies of mine (exercise and/or gaming which I do to spend time with a friend and destress) for several months. I had anxiety about a situation then vowed and asked to be held accountable that if I failed to do something or did something then I wouldn’t exercise/workout for some timeframe of 1-3 months. I ended up accidentally breaking the vow and I also have other vows I’m struggling with trying to determine if I broke them or not as well. I understand the concept of grace but at the same time I feel like if I do not punish myself I would be engaging in willful sin and essentially saying I value these things more than being with God and I worry about being condemned to hell if I fail to fulfill the vows. Furthermore I see it as a daily repeating sin every day that I fail to not start the punishment since I vowed to not engage in the hobbies for a certain time and this breaks the vow every day I don’t start the punishment. Even when praying about it I’ve had thoughts pop in my head saying “do it” in regards to fulfilling the vows which add more anxiety. I would appreciate thoughts on the matter. I do receive medication for the anxiety but I still struggle. Apologies for the long paragraph I just wanted to add as much context as I can.
Hi - this all sounds exactly like OCD. There are several great resources for dealing with OCD as a Christian and I'd like to share them here. (This is my first post - if I break any rules by doing this, please let me know.) Mark DeJesus (MarkDeJesus.com), Jaimie Eckert (scrupulosity.com), and Dr Ian Osborn (OCDandChristianity.com) are the best resources in my opinion. Dr Osborn is a Christian, OCD sufferer and Christian. Also, I recently published a book called "Waging War Against OCD - A Christian Approach to Victory." You can see more details at WagingWarAgainstOCD.com
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Jun 17, 2017
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Not many outside of a few people I know, the vows actually spiraled to the point I couldn’t really keep track of them which ironically helped me let them go and not take them seriously. Outside of one new one that is slightly different from past ones
OCD can be so tough to deal with! I have had scrupulosity most of my life, and have dealt with quite a few different themes. I am happy to share some of the resources that have helped me, if you would like!
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Mar 20, 2016
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Maybe as a natural strategy --which is an okay starting point-- but do you believe supernatural healing to be a valid ministry within the Church? The churches that I recommended practice such a ministry.
I cannot say I’ve been to a church that practices that.
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Mar 20, 2016
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Hi - this all sounds exactly like OCD. There are several great resources for dealing with OCD as a Christian and I'd like to share them here. (This is my first post - if I break any rules by doing this, please let me know.) Mark DeJesus (MarkDeJesus.com), Jaimie Eckert (scrupulosity.com), and Dr Ian Osborn (OCDandChristianity.com) are the best resources in my opinion. Dr Osborn is a Christian, OCD sufferer and Christian. Also, I recently published a book called "Waging War Against OCD - A Christian Approach to Victory." You can see more details at WagingWarAgainstOCD.com
Appreciate the resources
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Mar 20, 2016
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OCD can be so tough to deal with! I have had scrupulosity most of my life, and have dealt with quite a few different themes. I am happy to share some of the resources that have helped me, if you would like!
I am open to resources and would appreciate it
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Jun 17, 2017
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I am open to resources and would appreciate it
I'm sorry about my late response! Here are some resources about scrupulosity, specifically:
Blog - Scrupulosity.com
Mental Health - ACCFS
Breaking Free of OCD: My Battle With Mental Pain and How God Rescued Me by Jeff Wells
Strivings Within - The OCD Christian: Overcoming Doubt in the Storm of Anxiety by Mitzi VanCleve
And a couple of general OCD resources:
The Noise In Your Head - 6 Episode Video Series – Anxieties.com
Overcome OCD: Recovery tips for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
And a private Facebook support group for Christians with mental health struggles: Log into Facebook

How have you been doing lately?
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Mar 20, 2016
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I'm sorry about my late response! Here are some resources about scrupulosity, specifically:
Blog - Scrupulosity.com
Mental Health - ACCFS
Breaking Free of OCD: My Battle With Mental Pain and How God Rescued Me by Jeff Wells
Strivings Within - The OCD Christian: Overcoming Doubt in the Storm of Anxiety by Mitzi VanCleve
And a couple of general OCD resources:
The Noise In Your Head - 6 Episode Video Series – Anxieties.com
Overcome OCD: Recovery tips for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
And a private Facebook support group for Christians with mental health struggles: Log into Facebook

How have you been doing lately?
Thank you for the info, I spoke with someone who actually spoke at our church who understands both scripture and mental health and from his perspective I need to just let it go. That is what I am trying to do, I also apologize for responding late I have not logged in for awhile.
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Jun 17, 2017
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Thank you for the info, I spoke with someone who actually spoke at our church who understands both scripture and mental health and from his perspective I need to just let it go. That is what I am trying to do, I also apologize for responding late I have not logged in for awhile.
I'm glad you could talk to someone who understands! I hope that you continue to get better. Please feel free to reach out at any time!
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Feb 2, 2024
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I understand what you mean though maybe I did not explain well in my initial post. Usually the vows themselves are not pertaining to sin or deeds of the flesh. It can be anything as simple as loading clothes into the laundry which was a vow I broke because I vowed to load them all in but missed one. I made the vow because I had anxiety/intrusive thoughts. The biggest challenge I face is that by not punishing myself I feel like I’ve drifted from God but I also recognize it is me telling myself this rather than it being the reality. I wish my faith was stronger but it is a journey not an instant arrival. OCD leads to doubt in many ways and often I have many questions.
Brother I’m dealing with super similar things. I am almost positive it’s sin related.
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Feb 2, 2024
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Thank you for the info, I spoke with someone who actually spoke at our church who understands both scripture and mental health and from his perspective I need to just let it go. That is what I am trying to do, I also apologize for responding late I have not logged in for awhile.
If we get deliverance but keep going back to the same sin (as I shamefully have done in the past) this is what seems to worsen our condition
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Mar 20, 2016
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If we get deliverance but keep going back to the same sin (as I shamefully have done in the past) this is what seems to worsen our condition
OCD does not tend to worsen with sin, but with dwelling on the issue. Since speaking with the person just letting it go rather than sit and dwell on punishing myself a significant weight has been lifted for me. The vows still come but no longer hold any weight as they once did.
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Who am i

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Jun 16, 2024
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I have similar thoughts. I have developed as a child thoughts that are not acceptable, and if i do think them, i will get punished or i have to punish myself. As a child i thought i would never think them, easy as that... but then they came out of blue to my mind. I felt horrible. I never wanted to think them and of course i got this fear '...oh no, now it's in my mind and i can't get rid of it...'. Resisting thoughts only makes them get stickier. Thinking the thought makes me feel horrible and scared. I know this is pretty common OCD and i know a lot about OCD and treatments and i have had good therapy but then i got bullied again as an adult and i have started to feel guilt about these thoughts, again....
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
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I have similar thoughts. I have developed as a child thoughts that are not acceptable, and if i do think them, i will get punished or i have to punish myself. As a child i thought i would never think them, easy as that... but then they came out of blue to my mind. I felt horrible. I never wanted to think them and of course i got this fear '...oh no, now it's in my mind and i can't get rid of it...'. Resisting thoughts only makes them get stickier. Thinking the thought makes me feel horrible and scared. I know this is pretty common OCD and i know a lot about OCD and treatments and i have had good therapy but then i got bullied again as an adult and i have started to feel guilt about these thoughts, again....
I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling! These are some of the resources that I have found helpful:
Blog - Scrupulosity.com
Mental Health - ACCFS
Breaking Free of OCD: My Battle With Mental Pain and How God Rescued Me by Jeff Wells
Strivings Within - The OCD Christian: Overcoming Doubt in the Storm of Anxiety by Mitzi VanCleve
Christianity and Anxiety Disorders (private Facebook support group)
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