Need some advice

I recently moved to a new city to start a new job, and here I met a wonderful Christian girl. From the day I saw her I just knew -- or wanted to believe -- that she was "the one".

We became friends, I started going to her church, and things were going wonderful. But, as fate would have it, about a month ago she quit work, stopped answering my calls, and stopped going to church.

I was worried out of my mind, and soon found out that she was pregnant, and that's why she was acting so weird. Her last boyfriend had gotten her pregnant before they broke up.

As the dust is starting to settle now, I have spoken to her a couple of times, and found out that she does have feelings for me, but she is considering marrying her baby's father, who is also a "Christian", even though she doesn't love him anymore (her own words).

Even though this might seems like a teenie bopper story, it is not. I am 33 and she is 27. We are grown and mature adults.

The advice I need is whether I should pursue this relationship. I am deeply in love with her, and it really hurts knowing that she also has feelings for me, but is considering marrying some other guy because "it's the right thing to do".

I know I should leave this in the hands of God, but after praying about this for countless hours, God has not given me a sign to stop pursuing her.

She went back to church Friday night for the first time in a while, and she ignored me. Maybe because she's embarrassed, or maybe because she doesn't want people to think that the child is mine. I don't know what's really going through her head, and that's really bothering me.

Ideally, I would like to continue our friendship, and if everything works out, after she has her baby and she is ready to start dating, I would like to date her so we can start a romantic relationship.

I do not have a problem with what happened because she got pregnant before we started getting emotionally involved. I am willing to be a father figure to her baby, and I understand that she might want the baby's biological father to play that role also.

I am very flexible in all of this. I just don't want to lose her (even though she was never mine to begin with). Does anybody have any experience dealing with these type of situations? Any advice you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.


Defender of the Faith
Feb 23, 2003
Bowling Green, Ohio
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My advice would be to back off, at least for a little bit. I've found when dealing with relationships, if you try to change them to the way you like it (manipulate if you will) then they will blow up in your face. I would reassure her that if she doesn't love the guy then why marry him. But it is her decision.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2003
I would say this... Let her know completely that you still care about her and are willing to be there for her no matter what she decides, no matter how long that decision takes. And let her know that if she decides you, that you will love her and her child 100%. But tell her that you understand she is going through a lot right now and that you want to give her as much space as she needs. But that any time, day or night, you will be there for her. All she needs to do is ask and there you will be. That its her decision and you will love her no matter what she chooses to do. Then give her room and let her decide. It may take a while, but if she sees that you want to love both her and the baby and that you are not offended by the situation and that you accept it... and that you understand that its her decision and don't force her to choose in a certain time frame, she will see your sincerity and honesty. Which is a good thing :)
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2003
I agree with Metal and Dusted. I would add this: let her know that she must decide for herself only which is better: to marry a man she doesn't currently love for the sake of the child but risk divorce in the future, or to marry a man she truly loves (may or may not be you in the end) for the sake of the family, knowing the child will definately have questions about his/her real father. I would also urge her not to get married too quickly right now. That could be a disaster, even if she does find the 'right man'.
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