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Kenneth E. Hagin
Word of Faith

(A Little Bit About... Kenneth Hagin Sr.)
Kenneth E. Hagin served in Christian ministry for nearly 70 years and was known as the "father of the modern Word of Faith movement. His teachings and books are filled with vivid stories that show God's power and truth working in his life and the lives of others.

Hagin was born on Aug. 20, 1917, in McKinney, Texas and was sickly as a child, suffering from a deformed heart and an incurable blood disease. He was not expected to live and became bedfast at age 15. In April 1933 during a dramatic conversion experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes, each time seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. In August of 1934, Hagin was miraculously healed, raised off a deathbed by the power of God and the revelation of faith in God's Word. Two years later, he preached his first sermon as pastor of a small community church in Roland, Texas.

In 1937, Rev. Hagin was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began ministering in Pentecostal churches. During the next 12 years he pastored five churches in Texas: in the cities of Tom Bean, Farmersville (twice), Talco, Greggton, and Van. In 1949, he began an itinerant ministry as a Bible teacher and evangelist. During the next 14 years, Jesus appeared to Rev. Hagin eight times in visions that changed the course of his ministry. In 1966, he moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he opened a ministry office. That same year, he taught for the first time on radio—on KSKY in Dallas. In 1967, he began a regular radio broadcast that continues today as Faith Seminar of the Air. Teaching by his son, Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin, is also heard on the program.

In 1968, Hagin published the first issues of The Word of Faith magazine, which now has a monthly circulation of more than 250,000. The publishing outreach he founded, Faith Library Publications, has circulated more than 65 million copies of books by Hagin Sr and, Hagin Jr., and several other authors worldwide. Faith Library Publications also has produced more than 9 million audio teaching tapes and CDs. In 1974, Hagin founded RHEMA Bible Training Center USA and in 1976 moved the school and ministry offices to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where they remain. To date, RHEMA Bible Training Center USA has 23,000 alumni, and RHEMA Bible Training Centers have opened in 13 other nations: Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Romania, Samoa, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand. Together, the 14 schools have more than 28,000 graduates worldwide.

Until shortly before his death in September 2003, Kenneth Hagin continued to travel and teach throughout the United States and into Canada conducting All Faiths' Crusades and other special meetings.

...A Vision of the END...

in which Kenneth Hagin was caught away and shown scenes of both heaven and hell, and in which an Angelic Messenger gave him a special message concerning events which are to transpire in the end-time.

While I was conducting a revival in Rockwall, Texas, during the latter part of August and the first part of September, 1950. I called the (people around the altar) for prayer at 10 PM, September 2. As I was praying... the (Spirit of the Lord) came upon me in a wonderful way, and I began to pray in other tongues. In a few minutes I heard a voice saying unto me “Come up hither.” I looked up and saw Jesus standing with a crown in His hands. He said, “This is a soul-winner’s crown.”

The crown was... most beautiful and human language could never describe it. He said... to me, “My people are so careless and indifferent. This crown is for every one of My children. I speak and say, ‘Go speak to this one’ or ‘pray for that one,’ but My people are too busy. They put it off, and souls are lost because they will not obey Me.” I webt before Him and repented of my failures. Jesus then said to me, “Come up hither,” and it seemed I went with Him through the air till I saw a beautiful City.

We did not go into the City, but beheld it at close range. How beautiful and indescribable it was. Jesus said, "My people are so selfish; they say they are ready and talk about their mansion and the glories of Heaven while many all around them are in darkness and have no hope. Share your hope with them and invite them to come with you."

Then... He took me down to Hell and as I beheld it, I said, “Lord, it looks just like it did when I saw it on April 21, 1933 at 7:30 PM when I died and my soul went to this place and You spoke and my soul came back into my body. I then prayed through and You saved me.

Only now I’m... not afraid nor horrified as I was then. I saw what seemed to be human bodies wrapped in flames. Jesus said to me, “Warn men and women about this place,” and I cried out with tears that I would. Then He brought me back to earth and as He stood by my side, He talked to me about my ministry and told me some things in general that He later explained in detail in another vision. Then... Jesus disappeared and I realized I was still kneeling on the platform. I heard people crying and praying around me.

About that time... the Holy Spirit (came upon me again) and I fell flat on face on the platform. As I lay under the power, I saw a horseman riding at full speed toward me. He held a scroll of paper high in his left hand. I was not conscious of my earthly surroundings, but seemingly I was in space somewhere. When the horseman came to me, he stopped; passed the scroll from his left hand to his right and handed it to me saying, “Take and read... I opened or unrolled it and saw at the top of the page in big, bold, black print these words: (“WAR-DESTRUCTION.)”

I was struck... dumb and unable to speak. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read in the Name of Jesus Christ,” and I began to read what followed on the paper; then I looked as the words "instructed", and saw what I had read about. I saw thousands and thousands of men (in uniform) marching to war. I saw many women, old, white haired, middle aged and even young women with babies in their arms bowed together in sorrow and weeping profusely. I saw the skyline of a (large city) and when I looked again... the skyscrapers were burned out hulls, the city in ruins... There was also written that not just one city would be thus destroyed, but many.

I continued to read the scroll. It was written in the first person and was just like Jesus Himself speaking. He said, “America is receiving her last call. Some nations have already received their last call and will never receive another. THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND,” was repeated at least four or five times. He said also that "this was the last great revival."

(Jesus) All of the Gifts... of the Spirit will be in operation in the last days and the Church will do greater things than even the early Church did, and have greater power, signs and wonders than were written in the Acts of the Apostles. He said... "we had seen and experienced many healings, but would now behold amazing miracles such as had not been seen before. More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead," He also said, “It is time for the Gift of Working of Miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous. Many of My own people will not accept the moving of My Spirit and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of Satanic origin. But (follow the Word of God) and the Spirit of God, and follow Me and you will not be deceived. I am gathering My own together and preparing them, for the time is short.” There were several exhortations to watchfulness, to awake, to pray and not be deceived.


Then Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. As I finally spoke to Noah and said yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth, so today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time."

"Many of My own people will not accept the moving of My Spirit and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Warn this generation as did Noah his generation for judgment is about to fall, and these things shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.” He said again, “This is the last revival and I am preparing My people for My coming. Judgment is coming but I will call My people away even unto Myself before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful; watch and pray,” were the concluding remarks, “For the Time of the End of all things is at hand.”

(Hagin) Those who were... present at the time of my vision said I read the scroll a loud for about thirty minutes. I cannot recall all of it at the present time, I handed the scroll back to the rider and he rode away in the same direction from which he had come. Then I was conscious of the fact that I still lay on the floor flat on my face. I lay there in the glory for a few minutes and then heard a voice saying, “Come up to the throne of God.” Looking up, I saw Jesus again and went to Him, it seemed, right through the air. We came to the throne of, God and I beheld It with all its splendor. I was not, able to look upon the face of God but only beheld His form. I saw the rainbow around about the throne. I saw the winged creatures on either side of the throne. They are peculiar looking creatures and have eyes of fire that look in all directions. I stood with Jesus in the midst and He talked with me for nearly an hour. I saw Him as plainly as I ever saw anyone in this life and heard Him speak. (I will not go into detail as to what He said to me for it concerns only me, and my ministry. The following account, however, covers the main points.)

He said that He had called me to a special ministry and had kept me through the years. Though Satan had tried to destroy my life many times, His angels had watched over me and cared for me. He talked to me about some things that the Holy Spirit had said to me almost two years before. He showed me where I had missed Him and doubted His dealings with me. I fell at His feet and repented with tears. Then He spoke about speaking to me again, this time by prophecy and also by that still small voice in my heart. He said that I had been (faithful and believed) and obeyed this second time and at that time entered into the second phase of my ministry. He said that I was (now to enter) into the third phase of my ministry.
And If I would... be faithful to what He had said to me;
"Believe and Obey Him" He would (appear) to me again and talk to me; then... I would enter in to the (fourth and final stage) or phase of my ministry. He laid His finger in the palm of each of my hands and then... laid His hand on my head and said, “Go, for I have called thee, sent thee and given thee, a special anointing to pray for the sick. ”My hands burned like I had fire in them." Then He said, “When you lay your hands on the sick, lay one hand on each side of their body. If you feel the fire jump from hand to hand, there is an evil spirit or demon in the body causing the affliction or trouble. Call him out In My Name. The demon or demons will have to go in My Name. If the fire does not jump from hand to hand it is a case of healing only. (Pray for them) in My Name; if they will believe and accept it, the fire will leave your hands and go into their bodies and drive out the affliction or sickness. When the fire leaves your hands and. goes into the body, you know they are healed.” I fell at His feet and cried out in tears, “Lord don’t send me; send somebody else. Please, don’t send me. Just give me a little church to pastor, but don’t send me; I’d rather not go, Lord, I’ve heard so many of our own ministers and folks criticize those who pray for the sick. Lord, just give me a common-place ministry.”

rebuked me and said, “I’ll go with you and stand by your side as you pray for the sick; and many times you will see Me. Occasionally I will open the eyes of someone in the audience and they will say, “Why I saw Jesus standing by that man as He prayed for the sick.”‘ I said, “All right, Lord, I’ll go if You’ll go with me: I’ll do my best and be as faithful as I know how.” There came a love that I had (never known) into my heart for those who criticize this type of ministry. I said, “Lord, I’ll pray for them, for they don’t know, or they would not say the things they do. Lord, I’ve said similar things, but I didn’t realize nor see as I do now, and neither do they. Forgive them Lord.”
Then He said,
“Go thy way, My son; fulfill the ministry and be faithful for the time is short.” As I walked away from the throne of God, Jesus said just another word or so "Be sure to give Me all the praise and glory for all that is done, and be careful about money, many of my servants whom I have anointed for this type of ministry have become money-minded and, have lost the anointing and ministry I gave them. There are many who would pay much to be delivered. Many parents in the world have children whose little bodies are twisted and they would give thousands of dollars for their healings. Many of them shall be delivered as you lay your hands on them, but you must not accept a charge for your ministry. Accept offerings as you have been doing. You must go your way; be faithful, for the time is short,” Jesus then journeyed with me back to the earth, and I realized that I still layed on my face on the floor, He talked with me there a moment and then disappeared.
My hands burned... for three days just like I had a coal of fire in them. Now, when I wait upon Him in prayer and fasting, the same anointing comes upon me again.

THE VOICE OF HEALING September 1953. Special thanks to... Kenneth E Hagin

Thank You Father!


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Bill Winston
Word of Faith

(A Little Bit About... Bill Winston)

Bill Winston
is a visionary Word of Faith leader with an insightful awareness of what people need to succeed and how he can empower them for success. Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, Bill credits the strong community and spiritual influences that surrounded him while growing up for the bold determination to be successful and to help others succeed.

As a young boy, he was influenced by the courageous examples and historic aviation accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen. As a young man, he attended the internationally known Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) where the spirit of invention and leadership permeated the environment.​

"Welcome...to todays end time awakening of the (Church of Jesus Christ) in the United States of America.​

Question: Just WHO are YOU (in Christ)? In Him... YOU are (here)..."No weapon formed against YOU shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against YOU in... judgment, YOU shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their (righteousness) is from Me,” says the LORD.
(Isaiah 54:17)

"Also... as for the Church of Jesus Christ... "

Behold, (whosoever) is of my church
"YOU" will I establish... upon this rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
(Mark 16:18)

...Fiery Trials...

Discouragement... is not something that usually happens in a split second. It is sneaky. It creeps up on you slowly. The devil will introduce a negative thought one day then another negative thought the next.

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you as though some strange thing happened unto you."

(1 Peter 4:12)​

We are not to think it is strange when the enemy comes (against us with fiery trials). We are not to see this as something unusual "because" he is evil and he doesn't like us. As a matter of fact, he hates us "because" we have (dominion over the Earth) and, as children of God, we bring the presence of God wherever we go. We release the (power of the Holy Ghost) and shut the devil out! If we see the devil or his demons doing something, in the authority of Jesus' name we (get rid of them). Therefore, he is going to do everything he can do to stop us.

As a born-again... child of God, the devil has (no spiritual hold) on you anymore, but... he still has access to your "soul" (mind, will, emotions). And your soul is where you make decisions. Therefore, he does everything he can to get control of your soul. If he can get control of your soul he can thwart the (purposes of God) in your life and affect the lives of everyone around you for evil instead of good.

There are many ways the enemy will come at you, and you need to guard your heart and mind from these strategies and traps. He can use other people or circumstances to snare you, but if you are not ignorant of his devices and your mind is renewed to the truth, you can keep from being deceived and led astray.


One of the most... powerful things the enemy uses to influence us is discouragement. God says throughout His Word that we are to have courage, and the opposite of courage is discouragement. The devil wants you to think that you don't have the (strength or the ability) to do what God has called you to do. He wants you to believe that you are (worthless and hopeless) when it comes to your marriage, your kids, your job, or whatever challenge you face.

Discouragement is not something that usually happens in a split second. It is sneaky. It creeps up on you slowly. The devil will introduce a (negative thought) one day then another (negative thought) the next day. After about a week of meditating on all this negativity you (begin to lose heart). You slow down. You are discouraged and you might not even realize it. All you know is you are sad and have no energy.

David showed us... how to deal with discouragement. He came back from winning a big battle only to find that the enemy had burned the city of Ziklag, carried off his and his men's wives and children, and (stolen all their possessions). Today it would be like coming in from a hard day's work to discover that somebody had stolen all the furniture in your house and had kidnapped your family. That would discourage you!

In David's situation, however, he faced not only the loss of his family and possessions, but also the wrath of his men. They began to take it out on him. They blamed him for everything and "turned" on him. Nobody was there to encourage David. He stood alone. No wife was there to lift him up. No children were there to love him unconditionally. He couldn't even watch Monday night football because his television was gone! LOL
David was greatly... distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself, and the only way to encourage yourself is in the Lord. Go to the Word of God. Get alone with God and say, "God, I need some encouragement. I don't have (anyone here) at the house. "Nobody" in the church seems to be reaching out to me. It looks like things are going wrong at my job, and my supervisor doesn't understand what I'm trying to say. Lord, show me in Your Word what I need to think about all this. Give me some encouragement."

The great thing... about turning to God for encouragement is that He will not only strengthen you and lift you up, but also, He will give you wisdom on how to handle the situation or circumstances that have tried to discourage you.

When you go to the Lord for encouragement in His Word, you are putting yourself in position to be transformed!

David enquired at the Lord, saying, "Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And He answered him, "Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all."
(1 Samuel 30:8)​

David completely defeated discouragement by getting a Word from the Lord. This Word from God lit up his spirit and renewed his mind with the truth that if God is for you who can be against you (see Romans 8:31). As a result, the Bible says in (1 Samuel 30:18-19) that David and his men went out and (recovered everyone) and everything the enemy had stolen from them.

David recovered... all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives.

And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great, neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor anything that they had taken to them:
(1 Samuel 30:18-19)

David recovered all. The lesson here for us is. The (next time) any discouragement tries to (capture your soul), stop it! Get your Bible, play a message on tape or CD, or turn on Christian television to get your mind renewed. Find out what God has to say (about your situation). The Comforter will (comfort you and teach you) what you need to know to (overcome and get the victory) in that situation. You will be transformed!

(Special thanks to... Bill Winston)
Thank you, Father!


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Larry Ollison
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Larry Ollison)

Dr. Larry Ollison is founder and Senior Pastor of Walk on the Water Faith Church and founder of Larry Ollison Ministries. With over forty years in the ministry, he is a very popular speaker nationally and internationally and ministers the Word of Faith through radio, television, Internet, and daily e-mail devotionals. As the author of eight books (including The Power of Grace, The Practical Handbook for Christian Living, Breaking the Cycle of Offense, Life is in the Blood, and recently released The Paradise of God), he is in frequent demand for radio/TV interviews, book signings, and magazine publications.

Dr. Ollison was raised a Southern Baptist. While majoring in theology at Southwest Baptist University, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For many years he traveled extensively speaking at Full Gospel Business Men's meetings and conventions. He later earned an M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. and Th.D. from Life Christian University.

Currently President of International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM), Dr. Ollison is also Vice-President of Spirit FM Christian Radio Network, Missouri State Director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), and a Trustee on the boards of several international ministries. He is also the host of The Cutting-Edge Radio Broadcast and authors The Cutting-Edge Daily Devotional.

As the owner of a marine dealership, his extensive business background brings a unique flavor to his teaching. He founded and served as chairman of the Missouri State Marine Board, President of the Marine Dealers’ Association, Vice-President of a bank holding company, along with holding several directorships in various corporations.

Dr. Ollison's strongest areas of teaching are the blood of Jesus, faith, relationships, the Hebrew language, the Holy Spirit, the end times, and heaven. During ministry, he operates freely in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. His use of humor and his ability to make a theological concept simple and makes it enjoyable and easy for everyone to understand. Countless testimonies have been received from people who say their lives have been changed after experiencing Dr. Ollison's unique ministry.

Dr. Ollison is a pastor, pilot, teacher, and author. His number one goal is to meet the needs of the people through the teaching of faith in God's Word. He and his wife, Loretta, have two children and six grandchildren.


"Welcome...to todays "end time awakening of the" (Church of Jesus Christ) in the United States of America.​

"This... is who YOU are..."​

1. "Question"... Just who are YOU... (in Christ)? In Him... YOU are (here ---->"No weapon formed against YOU shall (prosper), and every tongue which rises against YOU in judgment, YOU shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their (righteousness) is from Me,” says the LORD.
(Isaiah 54:17)
"Also...This... as for the Church of Jesus Christ..."

2. "Behold, (whosoever) is of My Church, "YOU"...will I establish... upon this rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.)"
(Mark 16:18)​

...Why I Am Word of Faith...

Years ago... when our church was new, many people asked, "What kind of a church are you?" Because my background was Baptist and I had attended a Southern Baptist University, but had become a "charismatic" minister, I usually answered, "Our church is a non-denominational, (Spirit-Filled, Full Gospel, Word of Faith, Charismatic, Pentecostal church.)" When people would look at me with one eyebrow raised after my answer, I would usually come back and say, "Pick one of those and we will be fine."

Later... when the yellow page man came to get our church advertisement, the only listing he could find for our church was under the "non-denominational" heading. As time went on, I began to realize that everyone's definition of "non-denominational" was not the same. In the phone book and in the newspapers, "non-denominational" had in its listings some churches that (believed in speaking in tongues) and some churches that did not. Some churches were liberal, and some were conservative. I also discovered that in many areas of the country Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, new-age organizations, and eastern religions were listed under "non-denominational."

Non-denominational... tells what I am not. That's like having a business card that says, "I am not a plumber. I am not a carpenter. And I am not a car salesman." While it may be true that I am none of these, it doesn't tell what I am. So, I went on a quest. What kind of a church did we have anyway? Of course, as a Christian minister, I thought the best place to look would be in the Bible.

Once in a deacon's meeting years ago when I was the pastor of a Southern Baptist church, one of the deacons stood up and said, "I'm proud to be a Baptist, because the first Christian in the Bible was John and he called himself a Baptist." Looking back on this, it's actually quite funny. "First of all", the word Baptist is a word that was not translated from the Greek text. It was only transliterated. If it had been translated properly, John would have been called "John the Immerser," or "John the Dunker."

Actually... John the Baptist was never a Christian anyway. During his lifetime, the Church did not exist, and he was living under the Old Covenant. John died before the (resurrection of Jesus). There were No Christians on this earth until... Jesus put His blood on the (mercy seat in heaven) and became the (firstfruits) into the Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 15:20; Romans 8:29) "By this"... He made a (way for us) to follow Him and be a part of His body (the Church).

So, I studied Paul and the evangelists and pastors who were his contemporaries. In (Romans 10:8), Paul tells what kind of a preacher he was. And not only did he say what kind of preacher he was, but he told what he and the fellow Christian ministers of the day were preaching. (In his own words) he said he preached "the Word of Faith." That day I decided I was going to be like Paul and the first century ministers. I officially became Word of Faith minister, and our church officially became a Word of Faith Church. (Since that day), I know who I am, and I know where I stand. Word of Faith says what I am.

Interestingly... when you call yourself a Word of Faith minister, there are those who will point and ridicule. One man said to me, "Are you one of those ‘health and wealth' ministers?" It makes you wonder what people expect. Would they prefer to listen to a "sickness and poverty" minister? When someone asks, "Are you a part of the ‘name it and claim it,' ‘blab it and grab it,' ‘lip it and grip it' group?" my answer is, "Yes, of course I am" (We must) "Name" God's (promises) and "Claim" God's (promises) in order to receive God's (Promises). Name it... Claim it!

So, there you have it. When you look in the phone book or in the newspaper in our area and you see the church listings, look under "Word of Faith." That's where I am. "But what does it say?

"The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart' (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:8-10)

(Special thanks to... Larry Ollison)


Thank you, Father!

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Jerry Savelle
Word of Faith
(A little bit about... Jerry Savelle...)
Since 1969, Dr. Savelle has been traveling the world teaching people how to win in life. Dr. Savelle had become a prominate Word of Faith believer who ministered in more than three thousand churches and in twenty-six nations, and has overseas offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
God has used Dr. Savelle to (impact people) who are burned out on religion and who have backslidden in their walk with God, as well as Christians who have a need to hear the Word of God presented in terms applicable to their lives, dreams, and destinies. He is the host of the Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast which airs in (two hundred countries) worldwide.
Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can�t Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods and You're Somebody Special to God. He and his wife Carolyn also serve as founding Pastors of (Heritage of Faith Christian Center)... in Crowley, Texas.

...Get Ready, The Glory is Coming!...

The Body of Christ... has an (awesome responsibility) in these last days. God is about to manifest (His glory in the earth) in an unprecedented way! In (Haggai 2:6), we find the prophet speaking in God's behalf about some things that He intends to do. As we read it very closely, it becomes obvious that this prophecy is (being fulfilled in our midst today).

There is more Bible prophecy being fulfilled today than ever in the history of the world. "For thus saith the Lord of hosts, 'Yet once, it is a little while; and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory,' saith the Lord of hosts."

This was spoken... hundreds of years ago by the prophet Haggai, yet it sounds like the evening news. Entire nations are being (shaken to the core!) What was once the Soviet Union, no longer exists. Nations are being (ripped apart by civil war). Tensions are mounting (in and around) Israel. He said "when" we see nations (being shaken)... the next thing on His agenda is filling His house with glory!

The Glory is Coming!
Praise God! I know it (doesn't look like) the glory is coming. Sin is running rampant in the earth and there is no restraint where perversion is concerned. BUT, all God has to do to get rid of darkness is turn on the light and light dispels the darkness.

We need to... live like the glory is coming. It is time to get our houses in order. God is not going to entrust His glory to the lives of worldly, (carnal-minded Christians). God would not allow a priest in the Old Testament to enter the Holy of Holies if he was not properly prepared.

If he went into the glory of God without purifying himself, his life was taken. He could not stand in that kind of glory. There is going to be a greater manifestation of (God's glory in the days ahead) and our lives must be pure.

I sense in my spirit... that (something major is taking place) in the spirit realm. It is a time of (seriousness) and a time to stand boldly and (make sure) that the "spirit of the world" does not interfere and distract us from receiving the glory of God.
It has been prophesied that by the time God gets through shaking things, there will be a (financial inversion) in the earth. An inversion is a (reversal of order). In other words, (the control of wealth will be reversed).

That sounds like... (Proverbs 13:22), "The wealth of the sinner has been laid up for the just." God is... (positioning the Church for His glory and His wealth. What is the purpose of the wealth? So we can spend it on our lusts? NO! For the (publishing of the Gospel) to the nations... and then the end will come! (Matthew 24:14).

The (nations being shaken) is one indicator that the glory is coming. Another indicator is (darkness in the land) and gross darkness on the people. "When" we see these things taking place, the Lord says... that the (next thing) on the agenda... is GLORY! The glory of God! The power of God! The anointing of God... in unlimited quantity!

In (Isaiah 60:1) we read... "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness on the people: but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you."

Have you ever seen such darkness? Men's minds are full of darkness and evil, and it's getting worse!

However... in verse 3 the Lord is talking... about a time of (great evangelism) like the world has never experienced before. "And the Gentiles (heathen) shall come to your light. And kings to the brightness to your rising." They are literally going to see the glory on us. We won't be just talking about it. It will be ON US daily and those living in darkness will be drawn to the light. "Lift up your eyes of shine light round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to you: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at your side" (v. 4).

The Lord is saying... there will be revival in our young people, a revival in our children. If your children have had the Word of God planted in their hearts but have strayed from it, God says, "I'm bringing them home!" If your children have never been saved, God's mercy and love can cause them to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to be translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light! Be encouraged, God's Word says... "that they shall come from far."

"Then", the Lord brings up the (subject of wealth) again in Verse 5. "Then you shalt see, and flow together and your heart shall swell with joy; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto you, the forces (wealth) of the Gentiles shall come unto you."

The word "forces" in (Hebrew) is translated as "wealth." You cannot separate His glory from the wealth. When the glory comes, the wealth is released. Wealth is coming into the Church for the publishing of the Gospel. Only the pure in heart can handle that type of responsibility.

God is calling on us... to be pure of heart. He will be calling on us to be (more responsible) for greater resources than we have ever been responsible for before. Non-tithers will not be considered responsible. Very recent statistics show us less than 15 percent of the Body of Christ are tithers. Not even 15 percent of the Body is carrying the load for publishing the Gospel to the world. That's sad.

We Must Get Ready
God needs some (faithful people) that He can fill with His glory and trust with His wealth. He wants to reach the lost while there is still time. That's the reason that I sense such an urgency in this message. We must get ready and in "position" (for the glory of God...) to be manifested.

I believe that one... of the greatest battles the Church will face is resisting the "spirit of conformity." (Romans 12:2) instructs us to "be not conformed to this world." There is going to be such a strong pull to conform to the world because it is fashionable. The Philips Translation says, "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its mold" (Romans 12:2). (1 Corinthians 2:12) says, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God."

What are the (characteristics or traits) of the "spirit of the world?" (1 John 2:15-16) gives us the answer. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."

The three main characteristics of the spirit of the world are:
1) the lust of the flesh
2) the lust of the eyes, and
3) the pride of life.

Every (worldly desire)... comes under one of these three above categories. That's a picture of our society! How do you resist and overcome such a seductive, powerful spirit?
In (2 Timothy 2:22 (Living Bible) we see these instructions, "Run from anything (that gives you evil thoughts), but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right. Enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord and have pure hearts."
"Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace with them that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart"

RESIST the (spirit of the world with every ounce of faith) that is in you! Be on guard, be diligent and serious about your (walk with the Lord). He wants His glory to fill the earth and He wants it to come on you! GET READY, THE GLORY IS COMING!
(Special thanks to... Jerry Savelle)

Thank You, Father!


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Hilton Sutton​

Word of Faith

(A little bit about Hilton Sutton)

Dr. Sutton... was one of the world's foremost authorities on the prophetic Scriptures, including the majestic book of Revelation. Even after his passing, Dr. Sutton's publications and messages continue to teach Bible prophecy without doom, gloom, or speculation in an edifying way that inspires victory, joy, peace, and hope, setting believers free from unscriptural fear of the future. Over sixty years of studying and preaching the prophecies of the Scripture qualified Dr. Sutton as the senior prophetic teacher during his lifetime.

Following... his military service during World War II, Dr. Sutton studied music at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. Then, upon accepting the call to ministry, he attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Dr. Sutton received his Doctorate of Theology from Cornerstone University in Jerusalem, Israel. Centreville Bible College of the American Baptist bestowed on him a Doctorate of Divinity for his research, studies, and writing concerning the book of Revelation. An honorary Doctorate of Christian Ministries was bestowed in 1989 by El Seminario Teologico Misionero of Guatemala, C.A.

Dr. Sutton... personally addressed members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Military, members of the Israeli Knesset, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. He was acquainted with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and personal friends with President Shimon Peres, Yitzak Shamir, the late Yitzak Rabin, and Menachem Begin.

Dr. Sutton... authored numerous books, including his masterpiece, a verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation entitled Revelation Revealed. The Revelation Teaching Syllabus is a companion piece to Revelation Revealed that serves as a teaching guide to his fourteen-hour study of the book of Revelation, available on CD and DVD. The in-depth Revelation study brings this timeless, essential book to life.

The Revelation... Revealed study on DVD has been used for curriculum in many Colleges, Bible Schools, study groups, and churches around the world, and all who sit under this teaching come away with a greater understanding of "God's Grand Finale."

His legacy... will be remembered for many generations as the foremost authority on Bible Prophecy. Allow the heritage of faith from this "General in the Faith" to impact your life and the lives of those around you for many years to come.


The Events Of The Rapture

Although the word... "rapture" does not appear in our Bible translations, it is perfectly usable. Rapture simply summarizes all the biblical phrases identified with this event; such as: "Received unto the Lord..." (John 14:3); "Caught up to meet the Lord in the air..." (1 Thess. 4:16); and "Gathered together with the Lord..." (2 Thess. 2:1).

However... if one does not wish to use the word rapture, then use the biblical phrases that describe the event. Satan, our adversary, has sown more confusion within the Christian community over this prophesied event than any other. It is evident that he does not want anyone to believe in this biblical event. If he cannot keep one from believing, then he attempts to keep them in a state of confusion.

Among Christians... there are those who are pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, no-tribulation, a-millennist and pan-millennist. Confusion abounds!

Who is the author... or source of all this confusion? (Ist Corinthians 14:33) clearly establishes that it is not God! Therefore, Satan, our adversary, is the source. Wouldn't you know it, everybody has scripture for their favorite position. Think with me. Satan has always used scripture, out of context, to either have his way or prevent one from knowing the truth.

Jesus said... "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Satan used scripture, out of context, in his attempt to confuse Jesus in Matthew 4. Christians must not allow themselves to be misled simply because a minister may use scripture. A cardinal rule of theology is never take scripture out of context. This rule has been violated again and again by sincere ministers and theologians.

There can only... be ONE position on the event of the rapture that is absolutely biblical. All others will be the result of satanic confusion. One of several reasons confusion is rampant among Christians is because we "pick and choose" from the scripture whatever seems to agree with our personal ideas and opinions.

When scripture... is left in context and allowed to relate to the subject in both Old and New Testaments, one discovers God's absolute position on the subject. Now let us allow God's Word to speak in context for itself.

A Scriptural Study Of The Rapture
A careful study... of the scriptures reveal a total of seven "catching away" events. The first in Genesis 5 reveals the (catching away of Enoch). This supernatural event occurred prior to the flood of Noah's day. (Hebrews 11:5-6 provide additional insight to Enoch being caught up to Heaven.

The second event... involved the (catching away) of Prophet Elijah. The record of his experience is found in (2 Kings 2). An interesting point with Elijah's experience is that (he knew he was going) prior to the catching away. He simply did not know where along the way the event would occur.

Elijah was faithful... and obedient and ready for the event. Interestingly enough both Jesus and Paul teach us to stay obediently ready, because like Elijah, we do not know the day and hour of the appearing of our Lord Jesus Event.

The catching away... number three was none other than the taking up of our Lord Jesus from the Mount of Olives. (Acts 1) provides the story of His ascension, with similar wording of the taking up of Enoch. Keep in mind Jesus is our example.

The fourth... (catching way) is the one (referred to by Jesus) in (John 14:3); by Paul in (Romans 5:9), (Colossians 3:4), (1 Thessalonians 1:10) and (4:16-18). It is the resurrection and (catching away) of all the righteous, which is...(us) to meet Jesus in the air.

This rapture must... occur prior to the beginning of the Tribulation. The Tribulation begins with a massive act of God's wrath. God has always provided for the complete removal of the righteous before an act of His wrath. See (Genesis 6 and 19), (Exodus 14), (Nahum 1:2) and (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11). A (thorough study) of the Holy Scriptures (firmly establishes) the catching away of the (righteous prior to) the beginning of the Tribulation.

(Catching away)... number five is the Great Multitude of (Revelation 7:9). This event occurs at the mid-point of the (Tribulation). The description of this Great Multitude is quite different from that of the righteous who were previously caught up.

The (catching away)... of Number six is revealed in (Revelation 14:1-5). It is none other than the 144,000 young Jewish men who have served as God's ministers during the Tribulation until their catching away.

The last catching away... number seven are the (Two Witnesses) of (Revelation 11). After lying dead for 3½ days, they are resurrected, on camera, for all the world to witness and then caught up to Heaven. This is the (seventh—and final—event) of the rapture.

For more than... 150 years, preachers of evangelical backgrounds have been preaching "Jesus is coming soon." Occasionally one hears someone say they have changed their mind and no longer believe in the catching away. Such a person has allowed their intellect to overrule their spirit and enter into unbelief of scriptural teachings.

Often the question... is asked, "When is Jesus coming?" The answer is found in (John, Chapter 17). There Jesus is praying to our Father and asking that "we become one, even as They are one, that the world may know that the Father sent Him."

It becomes our... responsibility as Christians to get to know one another and have wonderful fellowship. Together—in unity—we will cause an immense harvest of souls; the greatest in history! Although we do not know the day or hour of Jesus' coming to catch the Glorious Church away, we have a clue. This important clue is found in the teachings of Jesus recorded in (Matthew 24:44-47).

Here is the clue... "Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find him so doing." Doing what, you may ask? Simply learning how to get along with fellow Christians and in unity winning the lost to Jesus.

At the peak... of this harvest, Jesus will step out of Heaven and shout, "come up here!" I strongly recommend you begin to get along with fellow Christians, even though we may differ on some points of theology. Generally, our theological disagreements have nothing to do with God's gift and plan of salvation.

Jesus is coming soon! Get ready!

(Special thanks to Hilton Sutton)

Thank You, Father


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Jesse Duplantis
Word of Faith
(A little bit about Jesse Duplantis...)

Jesse Duplantis is a dynamic evangelist who has traveled throughout the world since 1978 preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries (JDM), which has its International Headquarters in America and additional offices in the United Kingdom and Australia.

A favorite program for many seeking to know more about God, Jesse Duplantis' television program can be seen on major networks in the United States such as ABC, NBC, CBS, TBN, Daystar, and World Harvest Television. His program is also broadcast throughout Australia, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, the United Kingdom, Israel, and the Middle East. A bestselling author, Jesse Duplantis' books have been translated into many languages, including Braille, and are impacting millions of lives all over the world.

In 1997, he and his wife, the Reverend Cathy Duplantis, founded Covenant Church, a local outreach of JDM on the International Headquarters property in Destrehan, Louisiana, a suburb in the New Orleans area. In recognition of his many years of effectively sharing God's message of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world, Jesse Duplantis was awarded an honorary doctorate of divinity degree from Oral Roberts University in 1999.

Today, Jesse Duplantis is one of the most unique and beloved ministers of our generation. He has been sharing his memorable mix of strong, biblical preaching and hilarious life lessons for in thousands of churches and convention centers. Through television programs, revival meetings, books, magazines, web and local church outreaches, and his many inspirational teaching products, Jesse Duplantis is spreading the Gospel of Jesus in a way that is reaching people and changing lives all around the world.


...Prophesy Unto These Dead Bones...
One time, I was invited to go preach at a church that I'd never visited before. I didn't even know the pastor, but a very well-respected preacher told me I should preach there. Now, usually I don't go to just any church, but I've always honored this well-respected preacher because he's such a fine man. (He's a blessing sent from God), and since he suggested I go preach at this church, I went on his suggestion.

When he recommended it... though, I noticed he had a little smirk on his face. It was like he was laughing inside, Heh, heh, heh. Well, I didn't ask him what that smirk was all about. I just wondered why he said, "Jesse, you need to go preach at this church."

Later, when I was thinking about going to preach there, I called the pastor of that church. But like a big fool, I called the pastor (before) I prayed about it. The pastor told me he wanted me to come, and I agreed. I told him when I would be there and hung up the phone.

I should've... (prayed more about that before) I just agreed to go, but I didn't. I took the word of the power-packed, Holy Ghost-filled preacher who told me about it. What a mistake that turned out to be!

So when the time came, I flew to that city, and the pastor of that church picked me up at the airport. He introduced himself, and we got into the car and drove off. As we were driving, I started to tell him how glad I was that the Lord had allowed me to come and preach. After I said that, he turned and said something that blew my mind.

"I'll tell you what..." he said. "I want you to beat these people. I hate these people. I hate the people in my church!" I heard that, and it shocked my socks off. I was thinking to myself, Goodbye. I'm out of here. He kept going, "I hate them, and they hate me. I hate every one of them! I want you to beat them up. Beat them, man. Do you understand?"

I'm not exaggerating... I was thinking, Whoa, God. What did I get myself into? And he kept on going. He said again, "I hate them all!" He even cussed a little bit. He said, "And blankety-blank, I hate 'em all!"

I thought, Oh, Jesus!... What am I doing? Then I thought of that preacher with the smirk who told me to come. Ohhhhhh, God, I thought, what did he get me into? I started going, "Bububu-bububbububu," praying in the Holy Ghost. I was praying, Oh, Jesus, get me out of this. Translate me. Move me, God. Get me out. Get me out. Get me out of here!

When we got... to the church, I saw something else that shocked me. No sooner had we pulled into the parking lot than we saw two of that pastor's deacons having a fistfight. They were really going at it, bam! bam! punching each other! I thought, Why does the pastor want me to beat up his people? They're doing a good enough job themselves.

"Those are my two blankety-blank deacons," the pastor told me. "I hate those deacons." He started screaming, "I wish they'd leave my church!"

I couldn't believe... what I was seeing. And that's not the half of it. I looked over at the front door of the church. Coming out was a woman trying to drag a pew out of the church! She was saying, "I paid for this pew. My name's on this pew, and I'm taking it home!" I found out later that this woman lived in a mobile home. How was she going to put a pew inside a mobile home?

I was looking at all this, thinking, God, we have made a mistake. God said, Jesse, we did not make a mistake. I called Cathy and said, "Cathy, there are two guys fistfighting in the parking lot. And there's a woman (dragging a pew) out of the church." That wasn't all! They also had to change the locks on the church because somebody was trying to get a piano out, claiming he had paid for it and wanted it back.

The pastor was... cussing. He hated his congregation, and they hated him. I was saying, Oh, gloom and despair and agony on me. Oh, deep, dark depression excessive misery. Then, God said to me, You're on your own, Jess.

I prayed most of that night, "O, Lord, if it be Thy will - and I just know (it has to be) - So... I'll just (sneak out tonight). I'll leave the church door open so (that man) can get the piano if he wants to. I've got to get out of here, God! I can't stay here."

I'll never forget... what happened that next morning. This church sat 1300 people - and it had (only 45 people) in it. The pastor stood up and announced he had a guest speaker from New Orleans, Louisiana. He told them that another minister had told him that if he could get Jesse Duplantis to come to this church, then... Jesse could help them.

I heard that and thought, Thanks a lot, guy. You're really helping me out here. Why don't you just shut up and give me the mike. I looked out across that congregation and didn't see how any help could come to these people! As I stood up there, I noticed I had sweat running down the backs of my legs. I was getting really ticked at these people. I thought about starting out by saying, "You've been weighed in the balances and been found wanting. You're all going to hell! You're going to burn, you bunch of honkies!"

And I wanted to... conclude by saying, "I'll see ya. Bye!" Out the door is where I (wanted to go). I'd had enough. I was getting mad just being in the place. You see, when you get around people like that, they can rub off on you. But instead of saying any of that, I stood up before those people, and I heard the (Spirit of the Lord) say, Can these things be?

I went, What? You're asking me! Look at them. They're a bunch of heathens. God asked me, Can these bones live? I said, Only You know, God. It's not clear to me. These are a bunch of Draculas. This is the (living dead) here. They've been killing and eating each other, as far as I'm concerned. Oh, God!

He said, Prophesy... unto these bones. (This is how I got my message.) I thought, Prophesy? Prophesy what? I'm going to prophesy my getting out of here, that's what I'll prophecy. Bye-bye. I'm out of here. I'll say, "You understand, people, 'Thus saith Jesse, "Preacher get out of here."'" I'm gone. I'm out of here. I wanted to leave. I was finished, but (God)... was just getting started.
He asked me again, Can these bones live? Can these things be? And when I opened my mouth, I began to spit and prophesy for (forty-five minutes). I mean, I prophesied, bless God! And when it was over, I stopped and said, "Now, who wants to get saved?"

I heard someone... shouting over and over, "I want to get saved! I want to get saved!" It was the pastor! Then his wife stood up and said, "We have sinned a great sin. We're full of bitterness and malice."

Before I knew what was happening, both the pastor and his wife came to the front and knelt down. And after they came up to the front, every single one of those 45 people in the congregation (stood up and followed). It was the first time in my life the whole church came forward and got saved! That much harvest came from the simple words, Prophesy to these bones.

That church today... is running over a thousand members. I'll never forget that story as long as I live. I got back and called my minister friend who had recommended me to that church, and I said, "Hey, buddy, this is Jesse." When he heard it was me, he just laughed: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Was that a hellhole, or what?" he asked me. "Why did you ask me to go?" I asked.

"Jesse," he said, "I figured if anybody could bring revival to that place, you could. I didn't think there was any devil in hell who could wipe your smile off your face!" ("Well, it's gone right now," I told him). I sure learned a lot from that experience. Those people were acting like spoiled little babies. They were having temper tantrums. They hadn't even gotten out of the diaper stage of Christianity.

I've seen babies... right after they were born. Most babies are not very pretty right then. Their parents think so, but nobody else does. If asked about their babies, we all lie like dogs. We see a picture of a kid with his eyes swollen shut. It looks like he's been fighting with Mike Tyson or something. The baby's got blue bruises on its head where the forceps had to pull him out, and he's ugly. There's no other way to say it.

But the mother sees that baby and says, "Oh, look how pretty." The dad is standing there saying, "Uh, can we put this back? What is this?" What am I trying to say? I'm saying that a baby needs help when it's young. You can't just neglect a baby like that pastor neglected his congregation. What good is it to have a baby if you're not going to parent it?

Jesus is coming soon! Get ready! i

(Special thanks to Jesse Duplantis...)

Thank You, Father!


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Marilyn Hickey
Word of Faith

(A little bit about Marilyn Hickey)

Marilyn Hickey is a prominate Word of Faith teacher encouraging, optimistic, always upbeat, and energetic at the young age of 91, Marilyn Hickey actively ministers internationally, most recently in Sudan, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, India, China, and Pakistan, as well as domestically in the United States through Bible Encounters and speaking engagements. Marilyn has had audiences with government leaders and heads of state all over the world. She is the first woman to join the Board of Directors of the largest church in the world, Dr. David Yonggi's Church Growth International in South Korea.

She has traveled to 146 countries and plans to visit many more in the years to come. She and her late husband Wallace were married for over 50 years, and have two children and four grandchildren. Marilyn holds the following degrees of education: a Bachelor of Arts in Collective Foreign Languages, from the University of Northern Colorado, and an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Oral Roberts University.

2015 Marilyn was honored at Oral Roberts University with the prestigious Lifetime Global Achievement Award. This award recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant impact in the history of ORU and in the world in positive ways as an extension of the university and its mission.

Does God Give Second Chances?
Here are some... questions for you: Does God give second chances? How about third and fourth chances? If God gives second chances, should we give second chances to others? Who hasn't blown it at some time in our lives? We've all missed it at some time and repented. The important thing to remember is that when you blow it and fall, you stand up and try again; you don't have to stay in defeat!

God can really... bring even the most extreme defeats into situations of triumph. Let's consider for a moment a person who blew it worse than anyone, but the end of his life was glorious because God gave him (another opportunity), and he took it. I'm talking about the life of Samson, and if anyone ever needed a second chance, he did!

God can give you... a second chance too, but if you lie down in defeat, nothing will be accomplished at all. God has big things in store for you, just as He did for Samson. You don't have to miss it the way he almost did!

Preparation For God's Deliverer
Even Samson's birth was miraculously foretold in (Genesis 49). One of these tribes was the tribe of Dan, and this was the tribe into which Samson was born. In (Genesis 49:16), Jacob prophesied of one from that tribe who would judge his people, and according to the Old Testament, the only judge who came from the tribe of Dan... was Samson.

Indeed, Samson was... to become a very important part of Israel's destiny. Samson's name means, "sun-like," and he was to shine as a light, as (one set apart) to serve his people. Before his mother ever became aware of his conception, his birth was foretold by an angel, to prepare her for this miraculous child. In (Judges 13:4), she was instructed to take the Nazarite vow of consecration, and it was to last for the duration of her pregnancy. Essentially, the Nazarite vow could be taken by men or women and involved a time in which they were to (set their lives apart)... unto God, usually for a period of 60-90 days.

During this time, they were to take nothing from the vine (grape juice or wine, etc.), their hair was not to be cut, and they could not touch the dead. (Our equivalent to this vow today would be a time set apart for fasting and prayer in order to seek the Lord.)

A Lifelong Consecration
Samson's mother... was to live by the Nazarite vow for a period of time which (extended beyond) the usual span, but the Lord (required even more) of the child whose birth was impending. Samson was to take the Nazarite vow also, but his vow was to be one of (lifetime consecration). He was meant to be "Nazarite unto God" forever. (Judges 13:7) Why was Samson's birth and life to be entirely consecrated? Because he was born for the wonderful purpose of beginning to (deliver his people) from the hand of the oppressing Philistines!

(Immediately), Samson's mother told her husband, Manoah, about her angelic visitation, and I have to laugh about Manoah's reaction. It is so wonderful, and I think all fathers-to-be should do what he did: Then... Manoah entreated the Lord, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born. (Judges 13:8)

He said, "Oh my!... This is a miraculous child God is giving us, and we need to know how to raise him. Lord, will You please teach us how to raise our child?" We all need to know how to raise children by the (wisdom of God). If you've ever felt that you (needed wisdom), wait until you experience children who are growing up. Just when you think that you have all the answers, everything seems to fall apart, and you have to ask the Lord again, "Teach me how to raise my children."

Then... the angel of the Lord appeared to Manoah, and rather than instruct him about the child, he reemphasized the necessity of the mother's Nazarite vow: …Of all that I said unto the woman (let her beware). She may not eat of any thing that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor... eat any unclean thing: all that I commanded her let her observe. (Judges 13:13-14).

What was happening? The importance of Samson's consecration was becoming increasingly vivid as the angel placed the emphasis on the mother's observance... of the vow! This setting apart was to take place in the womb of his mother before he was even born! Can you imagine? His birth was prophesied in (Genesis 49); then an angel visited (his parents twice) to tell about his birth and to give instruction for the way in which he was meant to be raised. He was to be (really special) in God's plan, so God made a great deal of preparation for him.

Because... there was such an amazing prelude to his birth, one would think Samson was destined to be a near-perfect man. So it's really interesting to note how Samson struggled with various things... later in his life. It's interesting to read how he managed the various tests and trials that came his way. Some he passed. Some he didn't. However, even after his death (Judges 16), it's important to remember that he began his life (in the Spirit), and he ended (in the Spirit).

True, he got into... the flesh in the interim, but God gave him a second chance, and he ended his life being (in the Spirit). That's important.

Will God Remember Your Faith?
You may see Christians who begin in the flame of the Word: they love God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, but then they blow it at certain times in their lives. That doesn't have to mean that they must end that way. By staying in the Spirit and making God your Master, you can prevent a lot of tragedies. Samson is in the "hall of fame" of faith in Hebrews 11. God didn't list any of Samson's mistakes. Samson had repented of them. What did God remember? His faith!

Faith—that is what God... remembers about you. You will be in God's "hall of fame" of faith when you (confess your sins) and take advantage of the second chance which He gives you. Samson... may have made a lot of mistakes, even worse than yours, but God gave him another chance. I want to encourage you—if you feel that you've really missed it, make God your Master today. He loves you, and it is the desire of His heart to set you in paths of new beginnings!

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

(Special thanks to Marilyn Hickey)

Thank You Father!


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Creflo A. Dollar
Word of Faith

(A little bit about Creflo A. Dollar)​

Creflo Dollar is a founder and senior pastor of Word of Faith World Changers Church International (WCCI). He's a world-renowned Bible teacher, sought-after conference speaker, and bestselling author with hundreds of books, CDs, and DVDs in distribution worldwide. Recognized for his cutting-edge revelation and humorous, pragmatic approach, he enables thousands to experience grace, restoration, healing, and financial breakthrough by applying simple, biblical principles to their lives.

He is the author of such game-changing books as "The Radical Life of Grace" and "Why I Hate Religion", and his award-winning Changing Your World television broadcast reaches nearly 1 billion homes. His ministry includes an app available on mobile devices and smart TV's, a dedicated YouTube channel, and the Changing Your World Network, a 24-hour online channel. A thriving social media presence has allowed him to connect with World Changers worldwide.

Faith Works By Love
Have you ever... wondered why your prayers were unanswered? Or why you didn't receive a breakthrough after applying the principles you learned in church? I certainly have. So I began to search the Scriptures for answers and made an awesome discovery!
"For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love." (Galations 5:5-6)​

Even though faith... is activated by our confessions, it only actually works when we apply love. And yet many people have neither seen nor experienced the manifestation of their faith.

You see, you can have a flashlight, but until you put batteries in it, that flashlight won't work. Love is like that battery. Everything in the kingdom of God operates by faith, but faith won't work without love.

Think about some... of the things you've been believing God for. It may be getting out of debt, getting a promotion or receiving your healing. You may have been praying about those things for weeks, months or even years—and still no answer from God.

Well, that's not the kind of God we serve. In (3 John 2) God reveals His desire for us: "Beloved, I wish above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

Therefore... if God is willing to give us His best, there must be a missing element on our end. How are your relationships fairing these days? Maybe you're having problems with just one; however, that could be the very thing hindering your blessings. The Bible says that our faith won't work if our love is not working.

When we are rooted and grounded in God's love, our faith ignites His power. But when our love generators are damaged or no longer operating because of offense, unforgiveness, or disobedience, we can't expect the manifestation of our prayers.

I don't have to... struggle anymore with the question, "Oh God, why aren't you answering my prayers?" I know if (my faith) is not working, it's because my love is not working.

Faith is active
. It will change things. It will move mountains. But faith that's not backed up by love is powerless, because faith works by love. Love is the force behind faith. It's explosive and active; it causes great things to happen.

So if your faith runs out of gas and stops moving, go fill up your tank with premium love and watch your faith work as never before.

(Special thanks to Creflo Dollar)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Father!


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Norval Hayes
Word of Faith
Norval Hayes is a successful businessman, internationally renowned Bible teacher, and founder of several Christian ministries in the United States and abroad.

Brother Hayes founded New Life Bible College, located in Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1977. New Life Bible Church grew out of the Bible schools\' chapel services. Among its many other outreachs, the church ministers God\'s Word, and hot meals daily to the poor through the New Life Soup Kitchen.

Brother Hayes is also the founder and president of New Life Maternity Home, a ministry dedicated to the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of young girls during pregnancy; Campus Challenge, an evangelistic outreach on college campuses across America; Street Reach, a ministry dedicated to runaway teens located in Daytona Beach, Florida; and Children\'s Home, an orphanage home and education center located in India.

Known internationally for his dynamic exposition of the Word of God, Brother Hayes spends most of his time teaching and ministering God\'s deliverance and healing power in churches, college classrooms, conventions, and seminars around the world.

...Confession Brings Possession...​

When I was holding... a meeting in one church, a woman suddenly stood up in the audience and challenged me. I had been telling them that God would do anything for them if they would let Him.

She said, "Brother Norvel, you've been telling us for two or three days how much the LORD loves us and that God would do anything for us. What about our situation? My husband and I have a 17-year-old daughter who we (love with all our hearts). About six months ago she just walked off from the house one day and never came back.

"Brother Norvel... I've prayed and prayed and prayed. Doesn't God know where she is?" I said, "Absolutely. "Will He show me where she is?" I said, "Sure, He'll show you where she is." Well, as I've been sitting here listening to you, I'm beginning to see (something I've never seen before). I feel like God requires something of me other than what I've been doing."

"Well," I said, "your faith can bring her in. You can speak her back into existence, back into your presence. I'll teach you how to do it if you want me to." I'll do anything you say," she answered. "Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."

"OK. Jesus said... in (Mark 11:23),

"For I verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.'

"Now, according to (James 4:2-3), you have not because you ask not; and when you ask and receive not, it's because you ask amiss.

"I can imagine... how the devil has treated you—how he has thrown darts of doubt (into your mind) about your daughter. He's probably told you over and over that she's been kidnapped and killed. He's probably told you all kinds of things." She said, "Yes, he has. Sometimes I think she will call; then I'll (begin to doubt) and start thinking she's dead."

"Well, (YOU) can speak her back into (your presence)... if you'll believe that (those things) when you (pray and say)... will come to pass. You can do it because this scripture (above) says you can—and it's the truth. God can't lie." I'll pray with you; then...! I want you to say this (every day): 'Thank You, Jesus, for showing me where my daughter is. Thank You, Jesus, for having her contact me.'

"Don't ever say... anything else. Just keep it up every day. Keep firing down that same line. Then... God will move on her heart. He'll have her get in touch with you. Your faith (in His Word) will cause her to do this. Her soul can be (rescued through)... your faith."She said, "OK, I'll do it."

By Faith And Patience
A few months later, I was back there ministering, and that same lady stood up and said: "You know what you told me, Brother Norvel, that if my faith didn't waver, the LORD would move on my daughter? Sometimes... I would do that day after day after day. The devil tried to tell me it wouldn't work, that it was too simple, that my daughter was dead. But I wouldn't listen to him.

"Every time... I got to the point where I (was about to doubt), the LORD would remind me of what you told me. Those words would ring in my head and I would say, 'No! I'm not going to doubt! I'm not going to doubt!'

"Then! One day the phone rang, and it was my daughter on the phone! Not only that, but she was under (conviction and crying). We drove over, picked her up, and brought her here to church. She gave her life to the LORD and Jesus baptized her in the Holy Ghost. She's sitting right over there."

When she told... me that story, I was really blessed; but God added a bonus—a supernatural bonus. The Spirit of the Lord came on that young girl. She got out of her seat and walked very slowly up to me. She put her arms around my neck and just held on. The Spirit of God was all over her. For about ten minutes, we just stood there together, weeping.

You know, all the money in the world can't buy that experience from me. It was glorious—an experience I will never forget.

Remember this... when you need something from the LORD for a loved one: your (faith confessions) can deliver them from whatever they're caught up in. Don't ever give up, and stand on what the Word says. You can help bring your loved one back!

(Special thanks to...Norval Hayes)
Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Father!


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Joseph Prince
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Joseph Prince)
Part 1
Joseph Prince... was asked about what is his denomination. He writes, “I give thanks to God for my roots in the Word of Faith teachings. It is truly on the shoulders of great men of God like Brother Kenneth E. Hagin that we are able to see further into the Word of God today.” If you combine a Word of Faith understanding of biblical promises with a Dispensationalist understanding of grace, the result is (Destined to Reign) by Joseph Prince, a book about “being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone.

The Word of Faith understanding of biblical promises is that we, the Church of Jesus Christ are destined to reign in life,” Prince writes, by which it becomes clear he means this life. “You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord’s desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure. He has called you to be the head and not the tail.”

Joseph Prince... the founding member of New Creation Church, also called... Grace Revolution Church that is officially in the Republic of Singapore, that is a sovereign island country and city-state in maritime Southeast Asia. Joseph initially served as an elder and associate pastor. However, his unanimous appointment as senior pastor in 1990 marked a turning point in the history of the church, which started experiencing phenomenal growth. Under Joseph's leadership, the church congregation has grown by more than a hundredfold from about 150 to more than 31,000 attendees.

Having built and established the leadership and congregation of New Creation Church on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ, Joseph Prince is now actively fulfilling, around the world, the mandate that God has given him to preach God's unmerited favor without compromise.

He heads... Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., an international, non-profit organization that seeks to build, encourage, and inspire people with the gospel of Jesus Christ through television broadcasting as well as a new media technology. Joseph Prince since 2014 also have a Grace Revolution Church in Dallas-Fort Worth (GRC DFW)—a local church based in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) that meets in two locations within the DFW metroplex.


...True Grace vs. Counterfeit Grace...
Grace is not a teaching... or a Bible school subject. Grace is a Person, the beautiful Person of our LORD, Jesus Christ.
And because an encounter with Him is so glorious, so liberating, and so powerful in changing precious lives, the enemy has thrown up so many controversies and misconceptions around the gospel of grace. This has caused many to be afraid of grace and kept them away from precisely what they need to draw close to God and lead a victorious, God-glorifying life.

Yet, grace is not the dangerous doctrine—promoting the (license to sin)—that many have claimed it to be. And it is my prayer that this article will unveil to you what (true grace) is, and how the Person of Jesus and His grace IS the (power of God) unto your salvation in every area of life.

We live in exciting times. Our LORD Jesus is truly restoring the (gospel of grace) that was first given to Apostle Paul. Over the last decade, I have had the great privilege of reading a constant stream of praise reports and testimonies sent to our ministry office from precious people set free from all kinds of addictions, including smoking, drugs, alcohol, and especially pornography.

Beyond being... unshackled from the heavy yoke of guilt and condemnation, real lives, real marriages, and real families are being transformed and these people are living for the glory of Jesus through the power of His amazing grace. Grace is not a movement, teaching, or subject to be studied. It is all (about a person). His name is Jesus. What one believes about our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, and what He has done at the cross, makes all the difference.

To understand the (grace of God), it is essential we understand the difference between the old covenant of law and the new covenant of grace. (John 1:17) tells us, “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

The law was given... (through a servant); grace and truth came (through the Son). The law talks about what man ought to be; grace reveals who God is. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life... see (2 Corrinthians 3:6). (Under the law), God (demands) righteousness from sinfully bankrupt man. But (under grace), God provides righteousness as a gift. All who believe in Jesus and acknowledge Him as their LORD and Savior are under the new covenant of grace.

Yet, many believers today are still (living in confusion). They get (law and grace) all mixed up by holding to some aspects of the law and some aspects of grace in their Christian walk. As such, they (continue) in defeat, rather than reign over the power of sin through the (abundance of grace) and the (gift of righteousness). (Romans 5:17) tells us clearly that “those who (receive abundance) of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life.” When we reign in life, we reign over sin, addictions, and all forms of evil.

Thankfully... our LORD Jesus is restoring the purity of the gospel of grace today and (many are finding) freedom from long-term addictions and other bondages. They share with great joy how the Lord has supernaturally delivered them from decades of substance abuse and sexual addictions, frequent panic attacks, and even long-term clinical depression.

Others write in, brimming with thanksgiving, because He has restored their marriages and their relationships with their estranged children, and healed their bodies when doctors had given them no hope. One common denominator took these precious people from defeat to victory, from breakdowns to breakthroughs: they all had an encounter with our LORD Jesus and caught a revelation of His amazing grace.

Nonetheless... it is important we realize that as with any restoration of God’s truths in church history, there are distortions today to the restoration of the (truth of grace). There are many controversies, inaccuracies, and counterfeits to the (genuine work) of grace that God is doing in His church and in people’s lives. It is also unfortunate that a small number misrepresent the truth of God’s (amazing grace), using “grace” as an excuse for living a licentious lifestyle that is in (clear violation)... of God’s Word.

It is essential that we do not draw our conclusions about God’s grace based on the few who abuse it, but study God’s Word for ourselves to (understand) what the original, unadulterated (gospel of grace) truly is.

Our responsibility... as ministers entrusted with the gospel is not to back away from the truth of God’s grace, but to heed the advice that Apostle Paul gave to Timothy. He instructed his young protégé to “be strong in the grace (that is in Christ Jesus)” and to “(study to shew thyself approved) unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:1, 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV).

For this reason, I would like to address in this article some of the key (inaccurate and counterfeit) grace teachings that have grown prevalent and led some astray. These counterfeit and pseudo grace teachings have also turned off some pastors and ministers to the (gospel of grace). This is most unfortunate and my prayer is that pastors and church (leaders all around the world) will receive for themselves an accurate revelation and understanding of the good news that is changing lives and drawing precious people into an intimate relationship with our Savior.

I pray that as... God-appointed shepherds over our flocks, we do not make judgments based on (incomplete) sound bites and hearsay, but will (thoroughly examine) what each grace preacher is actually teaching and carefully check it against Scripture.

Because of the abuses and inaccurate representations of the (teaching of true grace), I have heard many warning others, “Watch out for that dangerous grace teaching, it gives people a license to sin.” If you hear of any “grace” teaching that tells you it is all right to sin, to live without any regard for the LORD, and that there are no consequences to sin, my advice to you is to flee (from that teaching).

You have just been... exposed to (counterfeit grace). Genuine grace teaches that (believers in Christ) are called to live holy, blameless, and above reproach. It teaches that sin always produces destructive consequences and that it is only (through the power) of the (gospel of Jesus Christ) that one can be set free from the dominion of sin. Study (Titus 2:11–15):)

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, (denying ungodliness) and (worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

The Word of God states... in no uncertain terms that the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and live godly lives. Therefore, watch out for counterfeit grace teachings that contradict Scripture. So how do we know if someone is truly living under the grace of God? We look at their lives.

If someone is leaving his wife for his secretary and tells you he is under “grace,” tell this person that he is not (under grace) but (under deception!) Go by the authority of God’s Word, not what this man says. (Romans 6:14) states, “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” If this person were truly living under grace, he would not be dominated by such a sin. And no one living in sin can legitimately use (grace as an excuse to sin), because it is antithetical to God’s holy Scriptures.

Genuine grace is not... a license to sin; it is the (power to live) above the (dominion of sin). Genuine grace doesn’t compromise God’s holy standards and condone sin; it is the answer that gives people power to live glorious lives zealous for good works.

There will always be a small number of people who are abusing grace, stirring controversy with (counterfeit grace) teachings, and living in ways that do not (glorify the LORD). But what should our response be? Should we shy away from (preaching and teaching) the true grace of God because of the controversies and abuses? Certainly not. I exhort you today, with the words of Titus, to “Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.”

In other words... don’t back away from preaching the grace of God. In fact, we should be doubling down on our preaching of the (genuine gospel) that teaches all to “[deny] ungodliness and worldly lust” and to “live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.” The more genuine grace is (preached), the more (counterfeit grace) teachings will be stamped out.

People may use the word grace freely, calling themselves “grace preachers” with “grace ministries” or “grace churches.” But we need to be discerning. Just because they use the word grace doesn’t mean they are accurately or truly representing the gospel of grace. Test everything! Be sure... that their position against sin is clear, as sin is (destructive) and brings with it a whole host of (damaging consequences).

There have been... many inaccurate explanations about the Ten Commandments in (counterfeit grace teachings). Be clear that (true grace teaches) that the Ten Commandments are holy, just, and good. (True grace teaching) upholds the moral excellencies, values, and virtues espoused by the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are so perfect in its standard and so unbending in its holy requirements that (Galatians 3:11) states that no man can be justified by the law in the sight of God. Justification before God can only come by faith in Christ.

The Ten Commandments are glorious. The problem has never been the Ten Commandments or God’s perfect law. The problem has always been (imperfect man’s ability) to keep God’s perfect law. Based on the terms of the Mosaic covenant, if you (kept God’s law), you were blessed. But if you didn’t, you were cursed and condemned with a death sentence hanging over your head.

The fact is that... (under the old covenant), no man could keep the law perfectly. That is why soon after the law was given, God made a provision of animal sacrifices so that man’s curse, condemnation, and death sentence could be transferred to the sacrificial bull or lamb. This is a picture of Jesus at the cross!

When John the Baptist saw the LORD Jesus on the banks of the Jordan River, he said, “Behold! The (Lamb of God) who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). So even in the law we see that man’s (only hope) to be right with God (once and for all) is Christ. True grace teaching esteems the moral excellencies of the law, but it will also make clear to us that no man can be justified by keeping the Ten Commandments so that we see our need for Christ.

(End of Part 1)

(Special thanks to Joseph Prince)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, LORD!


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Joseph Prince
Word of Faith

Part 2
...True Grace vs. Counterfeit Grace...

In the 1,500 years that God’s people lived under the law, not a single man (apart from our Lord Jesus) could obey the (Ten Commandments) perfectly and be justified. (Listen carefully) to what I am about to say. Under grace, when we experience the love of our LORD Jesus, we will end up fulfilling the law! Under true grace, we will end up being holy. Grace produces (true holiness!) As Apostle Paul boldly proclaimed, Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:10).

When the love of Jesus is in us, we can’t help but fulfill the law. When our (hearts are overflowing) with God’s grace and loving-kindness, we lose the desire to commit adultery, murder, bear false witness, or covet. We will have the power to love our neighbors as ourselves. Where does this power come from? From our being firmly rooted and (established in the grace of God). We have the power to love, because He first loved us (see 1 John 4:19)!

The fact is that when God’s people are under grace, not only do they (fulfill the letter of the law), but they also (exceed it or go the extra mile). The law commands us not to commit adultery, and there are people who can fulfill just the letter of the law and not commit adultery (outwardly). However, (inwardly), they have no love for their spouses. Grace changes all that. Grace doesn’t just deal with the surface; it goes deeper and teaches a man to love his wife as Christ loved the church.

In the same way, the law can command us not to covet, but it has no ability to make us cheerful givers. Again, God’s grace goes beyond the superficial to inwardly transform our covetous hearts into hearts that are loving, compassionate, and generous. Remember the story of Zacchaeus in Luke chapter 19? Not a single commandment was given. Yet, when the love and grace of our LORD Jesus touched his heart, the once-covetous and corrupt tax collector wanted to give half of his wealth to the poor and repay fourfold every person he had stolen from. The love of money died when the love of Jesus came.

In contrast, the rich young ruler in Luke chapter 18 came to our LORD Jesus boasting that he had kept ALL the commandments. This young man was probably expecting Jesus to compliment him on his law keeping, and was feeling really confident of himself. But notice what Jesus said to him. Instead of complimenting him, He said, “One thing you still lack” (Luke 18:22). You see, every time we (boast in OUR ability) to be justified by the law, our LORD will point out an area we lack in. He told the young man to sell ALL that HE had, give it to the poor, and follow Him.

Jesus was giving him the very first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” (not even money) and look at what happened. The young ruler walked away sorrowful. He was not even able to give away one dollar! I believe the Holy Spirit placed these two stories side by side in Luke 18 and 19 to show us what boasting in the law produces and what the power of the Lord’s unconditional grace produces in people’s lives.

God’s grace is not against God’s perfect and glorious law of the Ten Commandments. In fact, Apostle Paul says, “For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man” (Romans 7:22). However, he goes on to say, “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members” (Romans 7:23). Can you see? The law of God is holy, just, and good, but it has no power to make you holy, just, and good. Hear what Paul says in (Romans 7).

Well then, am I suggesting that the law of God is sinful? Of course not! In fact, it was the law that showed me my sin. I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet.” But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that power….the law itself is holy, and its command are holy and right and good….Sin used what was good to bring about my condemnation to death….So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is (with me), for I am all too human, a slave to sin.” (Romans 7:7–8, 12–14) NLT

We learn from Paul that when we combine God’s (perfect law) with (the flesh) (the sin principle), the result is not holiness. It is, as Paul described, a life that is (dominated by sin, condemnation, and death). In man’s flesh dwells no good thing and as long as we are in this mortal body, the sin principle in our flesh will continue to be stirred. But praise be to our LORD Jesus Christ, this doesn’t have to end in misery and hopelessness. Because of what Jesus has (accomplished on the cross), we can have the veil of the law removed, so that we can behold Jesus face-to-face and be (gloriously transformed):

So, if the old way, which has been replaced, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new, which remains forever!...But the (people’s minds) were hardened, and to this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in (Christ)….So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the LORD. And the LORD—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. (2 Corinthians 3:11, 14, 18) NLT

It is clear from God’s WORD that the law (stirs up our sinful nature), whereas grace produces true holiness. Holiness is all about becoming more and more like Jesus, and it comes about when the veil of the law is removed. When the veil is removed, we see our beautiful Savior face-to-face, and (His glorious grace) transforms us from glory to glory. The glorious gospel of grace always produces glorious lives. As we behold Jesus, we will grow from glory to glory and shine as a testament of the Lord’s goodness and moral excellencies.
When our LORD Jesus died at Calvary, He took all of humanity’s sins with one sacrifice of Himself at the cross. He took the judgment, punishment, and condemnation for every sin upon Himself. That’s the value of the one Man, Jesus. He is an overpayment for all our sins.

Now, does this mean everyone is automatically forgiven and saved? Of course not! While everyone’s sin was paid for at Calvary, every individual needs to make a personal decision to receive forgiveness of all his sins by receiving Jesus as his personal LORD and Savior. Any so-called “grace” teaching that teaches otherwise is (counterfeit grace teaching). There is no other way to be saved except through Jesus and His shed blood. Look at what God’s WORD says:
If you confess with your mouth the LORD Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same LORD over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” (Romans 10:9–13)

There is no ambivalence in Scripture as to how a person becomes a born-again believer in (Christ). (To be saved), you have to confess with your mouth) that Jesus is your LORD and (believe in your heart) that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, if any “grace” teacher tells you that you don’t need to receive Jesus as your LORD and Savior in order to be saved because there are “other ways,” he or she is being (scripturally inaccurate).

Jesus is the only way. There is no salvation without Jesus. There is no forgiveness without the cleansing blood of Jesus. There is no assurance that all our sins have been forgiven (without the resurrection) of Jesus. Salvation is found in Jesus and Jesus alone!

I am also aware that there are counterfeit grace preachers who teach that everyone, even Satan and his fallen angels, will one day in the ages to come... be saved. Because of this belief, they also teach that hell isn’t a real place of everlasting punishment. These people take an extreme position on God’s love to the exclusion of His righteousness and judgment, refusing to believe what the Scriptures clearly teach about (eternal torment) in hell for the unsaved. This is NOT the gospel of grace.

(Special thanks to... Joseph Prince)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You,LORD!


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Joseph Prince
Word of Faith

Part 3
...True Grace vs. Counterfeit Grace...

Coming back to (forgiveness of sins), the real gospel tells us that the "moment" we invite Jesus into our hearts and (confess Him as our Lord and Savior), all our sins—(past, present, and future) are forgiven. To understand the total (forgiveness of sins), we have to understand the value of the person who sacrificed Himself on the cross for us. Jesus alone, because He was the sinless Son of God, could pay for every sin of every man who would ever live with just a (one-time sacrifice of Himself).

But there are teachings... that suggest that when we receive Jesus, only our past sins are forgiven—our future sins are forgiven as we confess them and ask God for forgiveness. This simply contradicts the Scriptures, as we shall see.

(Ephesians 1:7) states, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the (riches of His grace.)” In the (original Greek text), the verb for “have” is in the present tense, which indicates durative action, "meaning" we are continually (having forgiveness of sins), including every sin we will ever commit.

First John 2:12 says... “I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for your name’s sake.” The Greek (perfect tense) is used here for (“are forgiven,") "meaning" this (forgiveness is a definite action) incompleted the past, with the effect continuing into the present. This "means" that God’s forgiveness avails for us in our present and continues into our future.

Let me give you another clear Scripture that states that ALL our sins, (including) our future sins, (have been forgiven): You were dead because of your sins and because "your" sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then... God MADE you ALIVE with Christ, for HE (forgave ALL our sins). He canceled the (record of the charges against us) and took (it away by nailing it to the cross). —(Colossians 2:13–14) NLT

Jesus forgave... ALL our sins. The word “ALL” in the above Scripture is the Greek word pas, meaning “every kind or variety…the totality of the persons or things referred to.” It refers to “ALL, ANY, EVERY of the whole.” So “ALL” means "ALL." God’s forgiveness of our sins (covers every sin)—past, present, and future! When... we received the LORD Jesus as our Savior, we received the (total and complete forgiveness) of all our sins.

Our role as ministers of God is to impart to our people the confident assurance of their salvation and forgiveness that is found in Christ. It is NOT to teach a (mixed message) that deposits insecurity and uncertainty in their hearts, leaving them "wondering" if they are truly forgiven and if the work of their Savior at the cross is complete. Assurance of (salvation and total forgiveness) of sins form the foundation of the good news we preach. I submit to you that this revelation of the good news of God’s forgiveness doesn’t lead one to live wantonly.

Jesus Himself said... that those who are forgiven much will love Him much. It is those who are forgiven little (actually, these creatures do not exist because all of us have been forgiven much)—or I should say, those who think they have been forgiven little—who will love Him only a little. My prayer is that everyone who hears us preach the true gospel of grace will hear just how complete (God’s forgiveness) is toward those who would (receive His Son, Jesus Christ). It will surely lead them to fall deeper in love with Jesus and produce a life of (praise, honor, and glory)... unto Him.

Now, I understand there are "ministers" who are (genuinely worried) that when the (truth of the gospel) is told like that, people will (take advantage) of their total (forgiveness in Christ) and lead godless lives. They are worried that such teaching places NO (emphasis on sanctification) or the desire to (live holy, God-glorifying lives). This... is a misconception, because (true grace) DOES teach (progressive sanctification).

Let me state clearly... that "while" a believer has (been justified and made righteous) by the blood of Jesus, it is also true that sanctification is (ongoing in his growth) as a Christian. This is why the author of the book of Hebrews says that we are “being sanctified” even though we have been (perfected forever) by Christ’s one act of obedience at the cross... (see Hebrews 10:14). As believers, we cannot become more righteous, but we can become more sanctified or holy in terms of how we live our lives.

(Justification by faith) happened instantaneously. The moment WE received Jesus, WE were forgiven, cleansed, perfected in righteousness, and SAVED. WE... were also sanctified in Christ, see (Hebrews 10:10). (However), it is important to understand that the revelation and outworking of our sanctification (in Christ) is progressive. This "means" that the more we grow in our relationship with the Lord Jesus, the more holy we will become in every area of our lives.

The WORD of God... proclaims that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (Timothy 3:16). So be wary of any (counterfeit grace) teaching that says behavior, discipline, correction, and right living are not important. The revelation of forgiveness does not detract from, nor is it at the expense of, right living. Instead, it is the fuel that "makes" (right living happen).

Merriam-Webster Online describes sanctification as “the (state of growing in divine grace) as a result of Christian commitment after conversion.” YOU see, (it is all about growing in grace). We should encourage our people today to establish themselves in the gospel of grace. Paul told Timothy to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1). Peter encouraged believers to (build a strong foundation with these closing words in his last epistle): “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). True grace always produces true holiness.

The "more" one...
(grows in grace)—the "more" one is (washed again and again)... by the water (of the word of God’s) grace—the "more" one grows in (sanctification and holiness). When... our people experience the true grace of our LORD Jesus, the (allure and passing pleasures) of sin fade in the light of His (glory and grace). And...! They begin to live victorious over the power of sin.

My prayer... is that (this article) will help pastors, ministers, and leaders in the church begin a journey of discerning the (differences between) what is genuine grace and what is counterfeit grace. Many of the thoughts shared here are taken from and covered more (extensively in my book), Grace Revolution—Experience the Power to Live Above Defeat. (I implore you) as a brother (in Christ)... to not back away from the gospel of grace because of hearsay, counterfeit teachings, controversies, and a small minority who abuse and misrepresent the gospel by the way they live.

The (Gospel of grace is the answer). Grace lifts a person who is struggling with sin out of a life of defeat. Grace produces NOT an (outward form of holiness) that is transient, but an (enduring holiness) that is birthed from a (transformation) that begins in a person’s heart when he encounters Jesus. This is what happened to Neil from the United Kingdom, who wrote to my ministry about how the LORD set him free from a forty-year struggle with a sexual addiction:

While reading a book by Pastor Prince, I (Neil) was delivered from a forty-year addiction to pornography. In the past, I had tried to break free from this addiction by my (own power and in my own strength), but failed every time.

Throughout that time... the devil used this addiction to heap fear, guilt, and condemnation on me. This (fear and shame) kept me from (asking for help) from the pastors of the various churches I attended over the forty-year period. I had even held leadership positions in some of these places.

As I read Pastor Joseph's book, I got a fresh revelation of (who I am)... in Christ—I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus—and how there is NO condemnation for those (who are) in... Christ Jesus. It was through this fresh revelation that the grip of this addiction was broken off my life forever. I now wear a ring to (remind myself) that I am righteous. Every time the devil tries to tempt me to view pornography, I just have to look at the ring to remind myself that I am the (righteousness of God)... in Christ, and the temptation loses any hold on me.

This is the power... of the gospel. Precious lives like Neil’s are being (touched, changed, and transformed) by the love of our LORD Jesus. Our part as ministers entrusted with the gospel is not to back away from the truth, but to study the WORD of God diligently, rightly (divide His WORD), and boldly (proclaim His truth) with absolute clarity and love. WE must (NOT be ashamed) of the gospel. It is without doubt, as Apostle Paul proclaimed, “the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith’” (Romans 1:16–17). The gospel is not about our self-righteousness but the righteousness of God given as a gift to those who put their faith in our LORD Jesus.

Perhaps... we are not winning souls to the degree that we should because we have presented a (gospel of Christ) plus our works, albeit unintentionally in many cases. Good works are the (evidence of salvation), but!... they are definitely NOT the (condition for salvation). It is... WHEN (we know) that WE are saved by grace (through faith) that moral (excellence results). It does NOT happen the other way around. I know the only reason testimonies of precious lives being set free from sin, addictions, and all kinds of bondages flood our ministry office every week is that... the (gospel of Jesus Christ) is being preached. May we all be accurate carriers of the true gospel of grace that changes lives!

The end of Part 3 of Prince's artical

(Special thanks to... Joseph Prince)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Father!


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Dennis Burke
Word of Faith

(A little bit about Dennis Burke)​

Since 1979... Dennis Burke has led multitudes of believers into the biblical principles of faith, healing, love, prosperity, and righteousness. He is associated with Kenneth Copeland in the Word of Faith movement. Through the Insights: the Way to a New Life magazine, books, eBooks, CDs, and mp3 resources, Dennis has brought revelation knowledge on the truths of God's Word. He has taught Christians everywhere to know God more deeply and overcome the challenges life brings through the word of faith in God's Word.

Dennis and his wife, Vikki, travel the globe throughout the year preaching and teaching in seminars, conventions and churches, sharing the Word of God and the keys to victorious Christian living. Together they are co-founders of Dennis Burke Ministries in Arlington, Texas. They have one married daughter, Jessica Shook.
In 2003, Dennis earned his Doctorate in Theology from Life Christian University, Tampa, Florida.

A Covenant of Grace
Throughout... the centuries of human history, God has remained committed to lifting His people out of the limits of their own ways and into the limitlessness of His great ability.

He joins Himself with His people through covenant. A covenant joins two parties together and brings the strengths and weaknesses of each other into the other's situation. When, through simple faith, you entered the kingdom of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ, you also embraced the covenant foundation on which this kingdom operates.

A Covenant Of Victory
As the Body... of Christ understands the power of covenant life with God, they will step out of weakness and defeat and into the victories Jesus obtained for them. The Old Covenant depended upon the Israelites' (obedience to the laws and commands)... of God. The people's faith was in God who made those laws. This covenant gave them a hold on Him as the covenant-keeping God.

In (Deuteronomy 7:9), Moses told the people, "Know, therefore, that the Lord thy God, He is God, the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them who love Him and keep His commandments...." God revealed Who He is and also how firm His commitment was. In (Isaiah 54:10), He said, "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed…."

His kindness... and mercy toward you are more established than the mountains. In (Jeremiah 32:40), God spoke of the new covenant which would come: "I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will NOT turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they (shall not) depart from me."

His covenant would ultimately bring His influence and presence from dwelling among men to dwelling within them.

The Old vs. The New
The old covenant... was established on the earth by the blood of bulls and goats. The new covenant was established in heaven and on earth (forever) by the blood of the LORD Jesus Christ. The power of this covenant is no less than the (power of the blood) by which it was established. In this new covenant, (obedience in faith) remains vital. But NOW... it is faith springing from a heart that delights in obedience, and has the power to be obedient.

The word "grace" is used primarily in two different ways. First, it is (central to the heart attitude of God) which moves Him toward people. Because of God's grace, He is willing to be (involved) with you and me. He gives His love and resources freely, "NOT" on the basis of our performance. That love is "NOT" swayed by (what you do), or (what you don't do). He loves you regardless of your actions, just because (you are His child).

Second... grace is the power which is active (within the heart of the believer) and that (works in him), empowering him to do God's will. If ever man had a need, it is for the grace of God. From the most talented person to the one who feels least qualified, grace from God is desperately needed. The natural mind wants to feel self-sufficient, capable of handling anything. The truth is that each of us is inadequate in many areas of life.

The successful businessman may lack the skills to influence his family and develop a warm and loving home. A wife may be a good homemaker, yet come short of the spiritual strength needed for a stable household. Even good people, (faithful to their church), can fall miserably at living in the power of the Holy Spirit as the WORD of God teaches.

Jesus Christ... has (uncovered the path) into the very (strength and ability) of God to empower you for any task before you. That path is found in the covenant of grace.

The Riches of Grace
God has made Himself available to (supply all people) with the ability to do (His will and enjoy His blessing). His grace can enable you to (accomplish in life) the things that God demands in His WORD. He has longed to remove from you the limits of sin and sensuality, and open to you the riches of grace.

Through sin... Satan has kept people bound inside the realm of (their own reason and flesh). The continual bombardment of (ideas and attitudes) from a world governed by sin (presses to penetrate) the life of every person. You find the things on the outside always trying to invade your (mind and body).

Jesus came to deliver you from those limits and to (deposit His Spirit within you) to influence and lead you: But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead (dwells in you), He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies (through His Spirit) who dwells in you. (Romans 8:11 NKJV)

God has placed... within us the (seeds of His kingdom) and made us (alive in the inner man) of the heart. Now you can live from the inside out. You are free to affect the (conditions and environment) around you with the (power of His WORD) that has its home within your heart.

When God entered into a covenant with Abraham, (the father of faith), He set in motion the events that would bring Jesus Christ and the (redemption of all mankind) into this world. Today... you and I (have been given) the privilege of (living in fellowship) with the Almighty God and walking in the grace He continually provides.

This covenant... of grace is "NOT" like the law of the Old Covenant. All of the benefits of this covenant are (received by faith). They cannot be (earned or merited). It is by (faith and faith alone) that you enter this covenant with God: "For by grace have you been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians. 2:8 NKJV).

Salvation is more than going to heaven after you die. The inheritance Jesus gives is (yours after His death) on the cross, not after your death. That means ALL of (His inheritance) is yours NOW. Before the sacrifice of Jesus, the people (looked ahead) to the promise of God which was to come. Now we look back to the promise which was established for us.

Faith does not... look at the (blessing) which will come one day. It sees the WORD of God which has been given and established through Jesus. The promises are linked to your covenant and belongs to you "NOW". Salvation is wholeness - (spirit, souls and body). Our wholeness is (received through faith). But it is by the (grace of God) at work within us.

You are to (live by grace through Faith), NOT by your own (works and ambition). The (works were finished) at the foundation of the world. Everything now must be founded upon His work and YOUR diligence... to enter His rest.

Under the... Old Covenant, the (priests were forbidden) to (wear anything) which would cause sweat as they served before the altar (Ezekiel 44:18). Sweat is a symbol of the curse (Gennesus 3:17-19). God has provided the grace and the ability to fulfill His work with His strength.

In (Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV), Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Notice, first He promises rest to those who (bring their load of care) to Him. This is imparted rest, freely given to anyone who will receive.

Then He tells... how to find rest. This rest is learned by (taking His yoke upon you). This is the lasting rest which enables you as (His disciple) to (continually handle) the (weight and the work) by drawing on the (resource of His strength).

It All Begins With The Covenant
Jesus said that this ability to find lasting rest comes by taking His yoke. When your life comes under the lordship of God, and His WORD becomes the final authority to you, where and how fast you go will be determined by Him and "NOT" by you. Jesus taught that this is the (key to lasting rest) and the power to produce results.

The rest... He imparts is wonderful for the (immediate relief) of (some terrible situation). But the real disciple lives NOT for those imparted moments of rest, but for the life of rest that is learned and embraced.

by the covenant of grace - in which His strength is (governing and directing you) - is the key to (bringing glory) to Jesus and NOT...to yourself. Your part is to (enter into His works) and learn the laws of His kingdom.

It all begins... with a covenant, the (covenant of grace).

(Special thanks... to Dennis Burke)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus!


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1.) Who you are when you are alone and no one can see what you do, is the you that God knows you to be inside, all the time.

2.) If you have not given all of yourself to God already, then, what are you waiting for...... as the Cross of Christ is your literal invitation.
Ready yet ?

3.) God leaves the effort to you, and you leave the results to God.

4.) What are the 2 finest life-works you can provide to God?

A.) Availability
B.) Dependability

If you only do one good deed per day, you end up with a lifetime of good deeds done.
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Rick Renner
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Rick Renner)

Rick and Denise Renner currently pastor the fast-growing Moscow Good News Church, located in the very heart of Moscow, Russia. Today the Moscow Good News Church is one of the largest Protestant churches in the city of Moscow, with several thousand people in active attendance. Rick and Denise met while they were each on an individual quest to wholeheartedly follow God's plan for their lives. Rick was a college student, growing in his teaching ministry. Denise was a talented vocalist. She chose not to pursue a course that held the prospect of performing with the Metropolitan Opera so that she could instead pursue a relationship with Rick and fulfill her heart's desire to enter full-time ministry.​
Rick and Denise's friendship has led to lifelong love and a powerful partnership in the Word of Faith movement with a long partner friendship with Kenneth Copeland Ministeries in building the Kingdom of God. After a decade of ministry, first as pastor and then as itinerant ministers, Rick and Denise Renner embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. In January 1991, the Renners and their sons Paul, Philip, and Joel left behind all they knew to relocate their family to serve the region that only weeks earlier had become the former Soviet Union.​
Rick and Denise remember kneeling together as a family and kissing the ground when they arrived at the airport in Latvia on that cold January day. At that moment, they all committed their lives to the will of God and to speak the Word to the people of their new homeland. The following year, Rick moved forward to launch and establish the first of its kind, and eventually the largest, a (Christian television network) in that region of the world.​
Over the years, Rick and Denise pioneered three churches, a Bible school, and a ministerial association that serves thousands of Russian-speaking pastors throughout the former USSR as well as parts of the Middle East. As Rick began training and mentoring leaders in the early days, Denise also developed a women's ministry that is actively involved in changing the lives of women and their families today. Specifically, they minister the Word and speak it to the needs of orphans, women prisoners, the homeless, and drug-and-alcohol addicts.​
Rick, Denise, and their children began as a small circle of five, willing to go beyond their comfort zone to reach the uttermost parts of the world in Russia. Today, that circle includes their sons' wives, six grandchildren, and a large ministry staff that helps the Renners extend their reach as they exalt Jesus Christ as the Hope of all nations.​

A Special Message About Living in the Last Days


This is the greatest hour for the Church of Jesus Christ. A massive harvest is coming into the Church (all over the world). Statistics prove that right now more people are coming to Jesus worldwide than at any other point in history.

The Spirit of God... is swinging the (Gospel sickle), and millions upon millions of souls are being swept into the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord! This is one of the (greatest signs in evidence) today... that we are near to the coming of Jesus Christ.

But right in the midst of all this, events have occurred throughout the earth that have (shaken the nations) of the world and filled men's hearts with fear. I am convinced that part of this (worldwide assault) has been the devil's attempt to put believers in fear so they will retreat from this (worldwide Gospel advance).

Although we need... to be wise and do what we can to protect ourselves in times such as these, we do not need to react in fear. Fear is never the answer, for it results in blurred thinking and bad decisions.

God's Word promises us a (sound mind) if we will name it and claim it which is quoted by Kenneth E. Hagin in his book "The Midas Touch." When Timothy was facing hard times, Paul told him, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7)

This verse says... that God has given us a "sound mind." This comes from the Greek word sophroneo, and it is a compound of the words sozo and phroneo. The word "sozo" is the Greek word for salvation. It means (deliverance, protection, and soundness). The word "phroneo" is the root for the word mind.

When these two words are put together as in this verse, it is translated (sound mind). The idea presented by the "word" sophroneo is a mind that is saved and protected or a mind that is sound. It is just the opposite of a mind given to (fear, panic, or unfounded and unreasonable) thinking. This "word" describes a mind that is thinking correctly!

Because... God has given us a "sound mind," we can think correctly about (how to live in these last days) - a time that (2 Timothy 3:1) predicts will be "perilous." The word "perilous" in that verse is the Greek word chalepos, and it literally means something that is (difficult, dangerous, or filled with risk).

This is a prophetic warning to let us know that those who live in the very last of the last days (NOW)... will be confronted with a strange period of time like mankind has never seen before. It will be a time filled with (difficulty, danger, and risk).

In this Sparkling Gem... I want to give you what Denise and I believe is a sensible approach to living in these last days. To ensure that we are doing all we can to remain in the blessings of God, these are the steps my wife and I apply to our own lives. These are the Holy Spirit's orders to Denise and me, and NOW I am passing them on to you as they've been given to us.

Living in the last days requires that we have a (greater sensitivity) to the Spirit of God. (Romans 8:14) declares that one of the privileges of being a son of God is that the (Spirit of God)... leads us. The word "led" is the Greek word ago. It is the picture of someone extending his hand to you so he can gently lead you.

In these last days... we must be led by the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit will lead us only if we give Him this right. Oh, how many times the Spirit of God has wanted to be our Leader, but we went our own way and ultimately suffered the consequences! He knew exactly how to lead us past every attack. He knew how to avoid each strategy of the devil.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would "...shew you things to come" (John 16:13). The word "show" is the Greek word odegeo and is the word for a guide who shows a traveler the safest course through an unknown country. This means the (Holy Spirit) is our Guide. He knows the way we should go.

He understands... how to avoid every trap and obstacle along the way. When we are going into an area we've never been before, the Holy Spirit wants to show us how to take the safest route. He knows exactly how to get us safely to our future point of destination.

The Holy Spirit often stopped Jesus from going to certain regions because the Jews were (waiting) to trap Him. To avoid these traps, the Holy Spirit would guide Jesus another way.
The Spirit also warned... Paul, not to go to certain places for the same reason. Also in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit warned the Early Church in advance about persecution, famine, and other trials.

The Holy Spirit... knows the future and wants to enlighten us with all the information we need in (every situation). This is part of His ministry to you and me. If the Holy Spirit... speaks to you and tells you to do something specific, then obey Him! Do you remember when the death angel passed through Egypt and took the firstborn of all the Egyptians? The reason Israel was unaffected was that the Israelites obeyed the instructions God gave them to put (blood on the doorposts) of their houses.

They (brushed that lamb's blood) on the doors of their homes just as God had ordered. Later, when the death angel came, he (passed by every home) where he saw blood on the doorposts. In the end, NOT one of the Israelites was touched!

But what if... Israel, had (disregarded God's instructions) and tried to (protect themselves) another way? Would their efforts have worked? Of course not. God told them (how to be protected). All they had to do was obey. If they did what God told them, they were (guaranteed protection and blessing).

They were untouched because they walked in obedience. Weeping, crying, and mourning were heard in Egypt, but not in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel lived. They found protection in their obedience to the Word of God.

As we obey... the Word of God and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading, we will have wisdom to (know every step we need) to take in the days ahead. All we have to do is obey God's instructions, and He (guarantees us blessing and provision)... EVEN in difficult times.

But if we try to take another approach, there is no guarantee for us to (name and claim). We must do what God says if we want to be assured of His divine blessing and protection by speaking His Word in naming and claiming his promices.

As a spiritual... leader and friend, I want to encourage you to increase your level of faith, especially if you are facing challenging times. Stand on the Word of God; exercise your faith; listen to the Holy Spirit; and obey what He tells you to do.

As you do these things, (God's supernatural blessings) will kick into action, and you will soon find a river of (supernatural provision flowing) to you.

There is no doubt... that we are living in some of the most (challenging days) the world has ever seen. But, you can face these times victoriously because God has given you a sound mind... and to SPEAK His Word; He has given you the promises of His Word; and He has given you the leadership of His Spirit so SPEAK His Word. Never has there been a (more crucial time) for you to operate in faith and not fear and to believe and SPEAK His Word for a mighty move of God to take place on this earth!

Lord, as an end-time believer, I need to be (filled with faith) and NOT with fear. Help me to fill my heart with Your Word, AND by SPEAKING it... to stand on Your promises, to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and to (exercise my faith) and speaking it more than ever before! I know that fear has blurred my thinking in times past, but it will NOT have any place in my life from this day forward!​

Instead, I Speak and (release my faith) and confidently expect to be a partaker in the last and greatest harvest of souls ever to be reaped for the Kingdom of God! Holy Spirit, help me rise to the occasion as I become an instrument God can use in these last days. I pray and Speak this in Jesus' name!​

I confess... and SPEAK that I am (filled with faith) and not fear, and that I am excited to live in these last days. God has chosen for me to live in some of the most challenging days the world has ever seen, but I will face these times victoriously EVEN in the middle of (Moscow, Russia).​

He has given me a sound mind, the promises of His Word, and the leadership of His Spirit. Therefore, I will NOT retreat in (fear or panic); instead, I am believing and (speaking) to be a part of the mightiest harvest of souls that history has ever seen! I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!​

Do you listen to the Holy Spirit when He nudges your heart and gives you direction?​

As the calendar turns and the New Year begins, what instructions has the Holy Spirit already given you regarding the next twelve months?​

Are you spending time with the Lord so He can speak to your heart? What changes do you need to make in your life so you can spend more quality time with the Lord throughout the year?​

(A Special Thanks to... Rick Renner)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus

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Kenneth Copeland
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Kenneth Copeland)

Kenneth Copeland is an American televangelist associated with the charismatic Word of Faith movement. The organization he founded in 1967, Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. (EMIC), is based in Tarrant County, Texas. Copeland's sermons are broadcast across the US and worldwide on the Victory Channel. Copeland has also written several books and resources. He preaches prosperity theology and has been a major part of the Word of Faith movement over the years. In the fall of 1967, he enrolled in Oral Roberts University, where he soon became pilot and chauffeur to Oral Roberts.

In 1967, after attending Kenneth E. Hagin's Pastor Seminars, Copeland and his wife Gloria founded Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) in Fort Worth, Texas. The ministry's motto is "Jesus is LORD". He has claimed in an interview that the ministry has "brought over 122 million people to the LORD Jesus Christ.

Kenneth Copeland Bible College (KCBC) is located on the property of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC). KCBC is an accredited member with Transworld Accrediting Commission International. In 2020, Flashpoint began airing on the Victory Channel. This program has risen in viewership and popularity since its launch. It is hosted by Gene Bailey and is described as offering cultural commentary on key issues facing America. Guests on the show have included Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, Mario Marillo, and Lance Wallnau.
On May 27, 1971, KCM began a one hour television program. This program called "The Word of Faith" would become what is now known as the "Believers Voice of Victory". In 1972 another television program was launched called "The Prayer Group". This was a half hour television program aired across the United States.
In 2021, Kenneth Copeland was publicly thanked on Twitter by popular conservative radio host Glenn Beck for allowing the use of the ministries private jet to aid in helping him as he worked to rescue endangered Christians in Afghanistan.

The Ultimate Weapon

In a fit of anger... I wised off at my dad, and when he scolded me for it. I put up my fists as if I were challenging him to a fight. My dad was a wonderful, loving, godly man, so it never occurred to me that he’d accept my challenge. But he did…and the next thing I knew I was lying on my back in the closet in the dark.

At first, I couldn’t figure out where I was. The moment before, I’d been standing in the bedroom in front of the closet glaring at my dad. Now, I couldn’t see anything. That old man blinded me! I thought. Reaching out my hand, I felt clothes all around me and realized what had happened. My dad had knocked me backward into the closet and shut the door.

When I came out... my mother said, “Kenneth, what were you thinking? Didn’t you know your dad used to be a prize-winning boxer?” I clearly did not. So, she filled me in. She explained that back in the days when little towns across the country used to arrange fights between the town tough guy and anyone who would challenge him. People from all around would pay to come watch, and the winner of the match would get the lion’s share of the money.

“Your dad and your Uncle Carl once fought in such matches in towns from here to California and back, and paid for the trip with the prize money they won,” she said. “Neither of them ever lost a fight!” Lesson learned. I never challenged my dad like that again. The opportunity did present itself though.

A few years later... after getting home from the Army, I was angrily backtalking my mother early one morning in the kitchen, and my dad overheard me. Coming around the corner, he caught me by the lapels of my bathrobe, picked me up off the floor and pinned me against the refrigerator. “Sonny boy,” he said, “you and I are going to have a fight, and I’m going to win.”

This time, instead of putting up my fists, I showed him the respect he was due. “No sir, put me down,” I said. “You’ve already won!” If we as born-again believers only realized it, the devil is in the (same position with us.) I was in with my dad that day and the devil knows from experience the kind of power we can wield against him. He made the mistake 2,000 years ago of challenging our LORD Jesus to a fight and lost everything. So, when the devil messes with us, we can pin him to the wall with Jesus’ Name.

We can say... “Devil, you and I are going to have a fight, and in Jesus’ Name I’m going to win,” and he will flee from us (James 4:7). He’ll show us the same respect he shows Jesus Himself because in that all-powerful Name... we’ve already won.

The devil actually knows this better than most Christians do. He and all his cohorts tremble when a born-again (child of God) who has faith in Jesus’ Name speaks it, because they know what that Name represents. They are (fully aware) that not only did Jesus inherit that Name, not only was it bestowed on Him by (Almighty God), He achieved it by conquest. He won it by undertaking the greatest battle ever fought and emerging from it victorious out of the (very bowels of hell).

An Unforgettable Defeat

The devil will never...
forget the defeat Jesus dealt to him and his evil forces that day. It caught them(totally by surprise) because they thought they'd finally conquered Him. Having carried out their plot to get Him crucified, they’d watched Him die on the cross, like a sinner. They’d heard Him cry out the first words of the 22nd Psalm, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” They’d been there as He breathed His last breath and descended into the (pit of hell), where He’d been tortured more than any man ever had or ever will.

They hadn’t understood the reason for it all, of course. Only later did the truth become clear: Jesus didn’t die and (go to hell because He had sinned). He hadn’t! He did it to (pay the price for the sin of all mankind) forever. By faith, He took into Himself every sin that had ever been or ever would be committed by any human being, so that by faith, whoever believed on Him “might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Jesus suffered “the pains of death” (plural) in our place by dying both physically and spiritually (Acts 2:24), (so that we could live). “Whoa, Brother Copeland, you took (that a step too far!)” someone might say, “Jesus didn’t die spiritually. He didn’t go to hell.”Yes, He did. Hebrews 2 makes that clear. It says that for some little time, God ranked the Son of man “lower than [and inferior to] the angels” (verse 7). The devil is a fallen angel. He’s the angel of death. So, when Jesus “humbled himself, and became obedient unto death” (Philippians 2:8), He came under a death sentence physically and spiritually and took our place.

That’s true about all of us. We all (would be destined) for hell if Jesus hadn’t gone therein (our place). But, praise God, He did. In fact, it was when He was in the pit of hell that the devil and all the demonic hosts realized what a catastrophic mistake they’d made.

“They would not have... crucified the Lord of glory” if they’d known what God had planned. But they didn’t have a clue. All they knew is that once they got Jesus into hell, He stayed locked onto The WORD of God and refused to let go. Having quoted the first verse of (Psalm 22:1) on the cross; in hell. He declared the rest of it:

"O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded…. I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ye that fear the LORD, praise him…. For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation.... All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the LORD’s…" (verses 2-5, 22-25, 27-28).

Jesus praised God in hell! And He did it, according to those verses, in the midst of the congregation. What congregation? The great congregation of departed Old Testament saints. They were looking down at Him from Paradise. Across the great gulf that was fixed between them, they could see Jesus and He could see them, just as Lazarus and the rich man could see each other in Luke 16.

Everybody listed... in the Hebrews 11 faith hall of fame was watching the great spiritual battle that was taking place in hell that day. They were all listening to Jesus praise (His heavenly Father)…when suddenly, the Father’s voice came booming out of heaven. Shaking the very foundations of satan’s domain with the words recorded in (Hebrews 1:5-8), He said to Jesus:

Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee….

And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son….

Let all the angels of God worship him….

Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

The Name Above All Names

With those words, Jesus was born again! He was loosed from “the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it” (Acts 2:24). God raised Him up, and from that moment on, He turned that battle into a rout.

He proceeded to... “render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14), New American Standard Bible-95. “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15). Then “He ascended on high, (He led captivity captive) [He led a train of vanquished foes]” (Ephesians 4:8), Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).

Jesus (stripped the devil of everything) that day! He left him with no weapon except fear. He made the devil bow before Him, took his keys away from him in hell itself, and returning to heaven as a conqueror, was awarded the (Name of Almighty God), the Name above all names: “That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).

Jesus doesn’t need... that Name in heaven, but (we need it on earth). The devil is still roaming around here seeking whom he may devour, and the Name of Jesus is the only Name that stops him in his tracks. “For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

JesusName is a weapon in the (hands of the Church) against all wickedness, the devil and everything he stands for! As believers we have power of attorney in that Name. We can speak His Name as if it’s our very own because it is.

Jesus is our older... blood Brother. We’re His joint heirs (Romans 8:17) and we’ve been born of “the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15). Jesus’ Name belongs to us as much as it does to Him, and that Name “is a strong tower” (Proverbs 18:10). It’s “far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come” (Ephesians 1:21).

The Name of Jesus puts you in a place where you can look down on the devil and say, “Get under my feet!”

One believer who... understood this very well was Smith Wigglesworth. A Pentecostal faith preacher who ministered in the early 1900s, he once walked into a séance where people were using demonic power to levitate a table. They thought he’d be impressed, but he wasn’t. He just said to the table, “Get down from there!” then shouted the Name of Jesus, and it crashed to the ground with such force it broke into pieces.

Another bold man of God from years gone by, Lester Sumrall, told me of a similar incident in Africa. A church there was having a marvelous outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the local witch doctor got upset because a relative of his went there and got healed and born again. Determined to prove his power was greater than the power operating in the church, the witch doctor showed up atone of the services.

Right there in front of the whole congregation, he stood up and began to levitate. He’d go up…and come down…go up… and come down. “How do you like that?!” he said. Unimpressed, (the church members) just kept praising the Name of Jesus. When the witch doctor tried to levitate again, he couldn’t. He jumped up in the air a couple of times, but it didn’t work. “What’s happening to me?” he cried.

Finally, he fell... on his face, gave his heart to The LORD, and got filled with the Spirit. When he looked up, much to his surprise he saw that God had lifted up the entire congregation all around him. So, in the Name of Jesus he jumped again and went up along with them.

Why don’t we see more things like that happen? As we keep (growing in our revelation) of the power of Jesus’ Name, we will! We’ll resist the devil and he’ll flee from us as if in terror. He’ll back down (every time we challenge him) to a fight because he knows (he can’t stand against us.) He knows that by the power of JesusName we’ve already won! No weapon formed against His Church, (the saints)... will prosper.

(Special thanks to... Kenneth Copeland)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus

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Dr. Roy H. Hicks
Word of Faith

(A Little bit about... Dr. Roy Hicks)

Roy H. Hicks...
was a successful minister of the Gospel who gave his life to pastoring and pioneering churches throughout the United States. He served the Lord in various foreign fields, having made missionary journeys to South America, the Orient, Australia, and New Zealand. As a dedicated man of God, Dr. Hicks formerly served as General Supervisor of the Foursquare Gospel Churches and became a popular speaker at
charismatic conferences.

Perhaps the thing that most endears Dr. Hicks to readers was his warmth and his ability to reach out as the true believer he was - a man of strong, positive faith, sharing a refreshing ministry through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Roy Hicks was a friend of Kenneth E. Hagin. He was a guest minister on Kenneth Hagins 'first camp' meeting held at Sheridan Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1973. RHEMA Bible Training Center/College began with a quickened word spoken by Kenneth E. Hagin. When Hagin received the mandate from God, "Go teach My people faith," that was a RHEMA word to him of what to do in ministry. I often heard him pray, "Lord, how am I going to get this message out? I'm just one man."

Hagin's answer came during Campmeeting 1973. Hagin said under the inspiration of the Spirit, "We're going to start a Bible school!" Those RHEMA words gave the direction of how to get the faith message out and fulfill the mandate. Hagin didn't want to put his name on the school. When it was discussed what to call it, he suggested the word "RHEMA" based and adapted on a message of his friend.

Roy Hick's that was taught at the Campmeeting (from His book) called 'Bodily healing and the Atonement' that prompted Kenneth Hagin and his family to call the Bible school they were starting 'Rhema'. Roy Hicks book was reedited and reprinted by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin in his in-depth study clearly proves to believers that Christ died for their sicknesses just as He died for their sins.

Dr. Roy Hicks lived his life for God and that life touched everyone he met. His ministry was personal, whether it was a conversation with a friend, a sermon on Sunday morning, or a message on radio or television. At the early age of 50 he died in an airplane crash... the loss was felt deeply by many. Rev. Hicks passed from this life in 2008 after more than 60 years of ministry.

Thanks to Dr. Roy Hicks...THE WORD "RHEMA" is (infused iseverything connected)... with Kenneth Hagin Ministries. But what is it exactly? The following (three answers) will shed light on the meaning of "RHEMA" that reveals... the spoken word. "RHEMA... a place to be trained"... and RHEMA... that created a worldwide family.

And together we have one mandate—"Go teach My people faith." Rhema is God’s creative power! Hebrews chapter 11 says that the worlds were created by the rhēma of God. (Hebrews 11:3)

~A Laughter of Faith~

There is no greater... evidence of our faith expressed before Satan than laugh in his face. He can tolerate your promises, dodge your rebukes, leave for a season and return later. But! He can't stand your laughter. He can sit by and listen to your prayers of unbelief. He can endure your threats because (you don't carry them out.)

But when you... laugh at him, this is new; (he is not used to this). What is this laughter coming from the children of God? Where did they learn this? In six thousand years he has heard this so seldom that he stops and listens, for those who (dare to laugh at him) must certainly know what they are doing (or they wouldn't dare laugh at him!)

"Why, don't they... know who I am? I cause nations to tremble; I destroy whole governments and cause them to (retire in shame). I ably afflict little children and the strongest men alike. I cause armies to slaughter each other. I cause a man to take up a gun and murder his own (wife and children!) Who dares to (laugh at me?) I challenge angels on their way to deliver a message. I go before the courts of heaven and disrupt proceedings. Who dares to laugh at me?" he might say.

Only those who... know they are redeemed by the (blood of Jesus Christ), God's only Son; those who know their (names are written) in the Lamb's Book of Life; those who not only know the (power of the Scriptures) but can ably quote them in any given situation or emergency; only those who have the (power of the Holy Spirit) in their lives. Yes... (those who know) what belongs to them and also know that this (liar of all eternity) is nothing but a defeated foe... who can only make (empty threats and roar) in the distance at these redeemed...children of God!

Yes... we can laugh... at this (feared enemy)... because he is no longer god in our kingdom. We can (laugh at him) because we have been translated from his kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son (Collosians 1:13). We have a (different citizenship), (better passports), and perfect security.
We have changed... governments and have a new King...His name is Jesus. He is eternal, He is immortal, (King of Kings and LORD of Lords). His kingdom is one of light and not darkness. His kingdom is one of (love and not hate), one of (healing and not suffering).

When WE realize... who we are... joint heirs with the (heir of all ages), one who (has given us) His own name, His own power and His own authority, one who has (blessed us) with all spiritual blessings in (heavenly places)... in Christ Jesus...we will NOT struggle to laugh; it will (flow naturally). It will be a (laughter of faith) that doesn't operate on how we feel, but... who we are!

The story is told about the first Russian cosmonaut. When he returned from the first journey into space he said, "I looked around for God and didn't see Him." One of the American reporters was heard to remark, "If he had stepped out of his space ship he would have." Laughter at Satan is NOT recommended for (new baby Christians) or (weak saints). A very well known (Bible college professor) remarked, "I wouldn't laugh at the devil because I am afraid he would get mad."

This remark, I trust... was made "in jest," because if anyone should know his position in Christ, it ought to be one who (teaches the WORD). My friend, there may be (several reasons) why you shouldn't laugh at Satan, but (don't worry) about making him angry. He has been angry a long time, or haven't you noticed? Remember the (words to the chorus) sung by so many: "He signed the deed with His atoning blood. He ever lives to make His promise good. Should all the hosts of hell march in to make a second claim, they would all march out at the mention of Him name."

Thus you are strangers and foreigners no longer, you (share the membership) of the saints, you 'belong' to God's own household, you are a building that (rests on the apostles) and prophets as its foundation, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone; (in Him)... the whole structure is welded together and rises into a (sacred temple in the Lord)... and (in Him) you are yourselves built into this to form a (habitation for God in the Spirit). (Ephesians 2:19- 22)

Let us stop to... think of a redeemed saint of the (household of God), one who bears the name of King Jesus, one whose total inheritance is worth more than all of the world put together, one (who has a name on his lips) so powerful that if measured by megatons, would dwarf all hydrogen bombs whose name someday all will bow before...this name, Jesus. (Ephesians 2:19-22)

That Name that causes (demons to tremble). To even (consider for a minute saints)' cowering before that defeated enemy is unthinkable. Rather, (think of the enemy in full retreat) and stand your (blood-bought ground)... purchased with heaven's sacrifice, and laugh at the devil.

(A special thanks to... Dr. Roy Hicks)

Jesus is coming soon! Get Ready!

Thank You, Jesus

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Jesse Duplantis
Word of Faith
View attachment 326990
(A little bit about Jesse Duplantis...)

Jesse Duplantis is a dynamic evangelist who has traveled throughout the world since 1978 preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries (JDM), which has its International Headquarters in America and additional offices in the United Kingdom and Australia.

A favorite program for many seeking to know more about God, Jesse Duplantis' television program can be seen on major networks in the United States such as ABC, NBC, CBS, TBN, Daystar, and World Harvest Television. His program is also broadcast throughout Australia, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, the United Kingdom, Israel, and the Middle East. A bestselling author, Jesse Duplantis' books have been translated into many languages, including Braille, and are impacting millions of lives all over the world.

In 1997, he and his wife, the Reverend Cathy Duplantis, founded Covenant Church, a local outreach of JDM on the International Headquarters property in Destrehan, Louisiana, a suburb in the New Orleans area. In recognition of his many years of effectively sharing God's message of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world, Jesse Duplantis was awarded an honorary doctorate of divinity degree from Oral Roberts University in 1999.

Today, Jesse Duplantis is one of the most unique and beloved ministers of our generation. He has been sharing his memorable mix of strong, biblical preaching and hilarious life lessons for in thousands of churches and convention centers. Through television programs, revival meetings, books, magazines, web and local church outreaches, and his many inspirational teaching products, Jesse Duplantis is spreading the Gospel of Jesus in a way that is reaching people and changing lives all around the world.

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...Prophesy Unto These Dead Bones...
One time, I was invited to go preach at a church that I'd never visited before. I didn't even know the pastor, but a very well-respected preacher told me I should preach there. Now, usually I don't go to just any church, but I've always honored this well-respected preacher because he's such a fine man. (He's a blessing sent from God), and since he suggested I go preach at this church, I went on his suggestion.

When he recommended it... though, I noticed he had a little smirk on his face. It was like he was laughing inside, Heh, heh, heh. Well, I didn't ask him what that smirk was all about. I just wondered why he said, "Jesse, you need to go preach at this church."

Later, when I was thinking about going to preach there, I called the pastor of that church. But like a big fool, I called the pastor (before) I prayed about it. The pastor told me he wanted me to come, and I agreed. I told him when I would be there and hung up the phone.

I should've... (prayed more about that before) I just agreed to go, but I didn't. I took the word of the power-packed, Holy Ghost-filled preacher who told me about it. What a mistake that turned out to be!

So when the time came, I flew to that city, and the pastor of that church picked me up at the airport. He introduced himself, and we got into the car and drove off. As we were driving, I started to tell him how glad I was that the Lord had allowed me to come and preach. After I said that, he turned and said something that blew my mind.

"I'll tell you what..." he said. "I want you to beat these people. I hate these people. I hate the people in my church!" I heard that, and it shocked my socks off. I was thinking to myself, Goodbye. I'm out of here. He kept going, "I hate them, and they hate me. I hate every one of them! I want you to beat them up. Beat them, man. Do you understand?"

I'm not exaggerating... I was thinking, Whoa, God. What did I get myself into? And he kept on going. He said again, "I hate them all!" He even cussed a little bit. He said, "And blankety-blank, I hate 'em all!"

I thought, Oh, Jesus!... What am I doing? Then I thought of that preacher with the smirk who told me to come. Ohhhhhh, God, I thought, what did he get me into? I started going, "Bububu-bububbububu," praying in the Holy Ghost. I was praying, Oh, Jesus, get me out of this. Translate me. Move me, God. Get me out. Get me out. Get me out of here!

When we got... to the church, I saw something else that shocked me. No sooner had we pulled into the parking lot than we saw two of that pastor's deacons having a fistfight. They were really going at it, bam! bam! punching each other! I thought, Why does the pastor want me to beat up his people? They're doing a good enough job themselves.

"Those are my two blankety-blank deacons," the pastor told me. "I hate those deacons." He started screaming, "I wish they'd leave my church!"

I couldn't believe... what I was seeing. And that's not the half of it. I looked over at the front door of the church. Coming out was a woman trying to drag a pew out of the church! She was saying, "I paid for this pew. My name's on this pew, and I'm taking it home!" I found out later that this woman lived in a mobile home. How was she going to put a pew inside a mobile home?

I was looking at all this, thinking, God, we have made a mistake. God said, Jesse, we did not make a mistake. I called Cathy and said, "Cathy, there are two guys fistfighting in the parking lot. And there's a woman (dragging a pew) out of the church." That wasn't all! They also had to change the locks on the church because somebody was trying to get a piano out, claiming he had paid for it and wanted it back.

The pastor was... cussing. He hated his congregation, and they hated him. I was saying, Oh, gloom and despair and agony on me. Oh, deep, dark depression excessive misery. Then, God said to me, You're on your own, Jess.

I prayed most of that night, "O, Lord, if it be Thy will - and I just know (it has to be) - So... I'll just (sneak out tonight). I'll leave the church door open so (that man) can get the piano if he wants to. I've got to get out of here, God! I can't stay here."

I'll never forget... what happened that next morning. This church sat 1300 people - and it had (only 45 people) in it. The pastor stood up and announced he had a guest speaker from New Orleans, Louisiana. He told them that another minister had told him that if he could get Jesse Duplantis to come to this church, then... Jesse could help them.

I heard that and thought, Thanks a lot, guy. You're really helping me out here. Why don't you just shut up and give me the mike. I looked out across that congregation and didn't see how any help could come to these people! As I stood up there, I noticed I had sweat running down the backs of my legs. I was getting really ticked at these people. I thought about starting out by saying, "You've been weighed in the balances and been found wanting. You're all going to hell! You're going to burn, you bunch of honkies!"

And I wanted to... conclude by saying, "I'll see ya. Bye!" Out the door is where I (wanted to go). I'd had enough. I was getting mad just being in the place. You see, when you get around people like that, they can rub off on you. But instead of saying any of that, I stood up before those people, and I heard the (Spirit of the Lord) say, Can these things be?

I went, What? You're asking me! Look at them. They're a bunch of heathens. God asked me, Can these bones live? I said, Only You know, God. It's not clear to me. These are a bunch of Draculas. This is the (living dead) here. They've been killing and eating each other, as far as I'm concerned. Oh, God!

He said, Prophesy... unto these bones. (This is how I got my message.) I thought, Prophesy? Prophesy what? I'm going to prophesy my getting out of here, that's what I'll prophecy. Bye-bye. I'm out of here. I'll say, "You understand, people, 'Thus saith Jesse, "Preacher get out of here."'" I'm gone. I'm out of here. I wanted to leave. I was finished, but (God)... was just getting started.
He asked me again, Can these bones live? Can these things be? And when I opened my mouth, I began to spit and prophesy for (forty-five minutes). I mean, I prophesied, bless God! And when it was over, I stopped and said, "Now, who wants to get saved?"

I heard someone... shouting over and over, "I want to get saved! I want to get saved!" It was the pastor! Then his wife stood up and said, "We have sinned a great sin. We're full of bitterness and malice."

Before I knew what was happening, both the pastor and his wife came to the front and knelt down. And after they came up to the front, every single one of those 45 people in the congregation (stood up and followed). It was the first time in my life the whole church came forward and got saved! That much harvest came from the simple words, Prophesy to these bones.

That church today... is running over a thousand members. I'll never forget that story as long as I live. I got back and called my minister friend who had recommended me to that church, and I said, "Hey, buddy, this is Jesse." When he heard it was me, he just laughed: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Was that a hellhole, or what?" he asked me. "Why did you ask me to go?" I asked.

"Jesse," he said, "I figured if anybody could bring revival to that place, you could. I didn't think there was any devil in hell who could wipe your smile off your face!" ("Well, it's gone right now," I told him). I sure learned a lot from that experience. Those people were acting like spoiled little babies. They were having temper tantrums. They hadn't even gotten out of the diaper stage of Christianity.

I've seen babies... right after they were born. Most babies are not very pretty right then. Their parents think so, but nobody else does. If asked about their babies, we all lie like dogs. We see a picture of a kid with his eyes swollen shut. It looks like he's been fighting with Mike Tyson or something. The baby's got blue bruises on its head where the forceps had to pull him out, and he's ugly. There's no other way to say it.

But the mother sees that baby and says, "Oh, look how pretty." The dad is standing there saying, "Uh, can we put this back? What is this?" What am I trying to say? I'm saying that a baby needs help when it's young. You can't just neglect a baby like that pastor neglected his congregation. What good is it to have a baby if you're not going to parent it?

Jesus is coming soon! Get ready! i

(Special thanks to Jesse Duplantis...)

Thank You, Father!
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This is what I enjoy about Jessie, he is painfully honest with his feelings about a given situation.
He has a powerful anointing on his life, and only God could have given him such a prophetic word to speak to that busted up Church.
I was watching one of his meetings a short while back, he came down from the pulpit, and ministered to the sick and hurting people.
He was calling people as the Holy Ghost willed, praying in Tongues and laying on of hands.
He called out many different afflictions, even a man who was set on killing someone.
I haven't had the pleasure of watching him minister like this before.
I assume the broadcast ends before he prays for the afflicted.
I would enjoy going to one of the many places he travels, to watch in person.

God Bless you my Friend.
I am thankful for all you do.
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Charles Capps
Word of Faith

(A little bit about... Charles Capps)

Charles Capps... is a retired farmer, land developer, and Bible teacher who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and several foreign countries sharing the truths of God's Word. He has taught Bible seminars for over 35 years, emphasizing the authority of the believer, faith and the power of words. Charles and Peggy both have their roots in the rich farmland of Lonoke County, Arkansas. Having been raised by parents who were farmers, Charles began farming cotton, soybeans, and rice immediately after graduating from high school and marrying in 1951.

After reading a book by (Kenneth E. Hagin) entitled, "Authority of the Believer", Charles and Peggy's life took on a new dimension of travel and ministry as Charles became known for his teaching gift and insight on the (subjects of faith and confession). Invitations to minister to the (Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship).

International (FGBMFI) began to pour in, eventually leading to the publication of his teachings in book form. ("The Tongue a Creative Force") and ("God's Creative Power") became bestsellers after (Buddy Harrison), (Kenneth Hagin's) son in law, launched his publishing company with these two classics. These two books have sold millions and (the God's Creative Power) series has sold over (5 million copies) and are still much in demand today.

We celebrated Charles' (promotion to heaven) at 5:15 pm Sunday, February 23, 2014. He informed the family and close friends on Friday that he would be going home to heaven in 3 days. After having some final words with family and friends on Saturday, he went to bed, went to sleep and never awoke. (He kept saying, "I want to go in my sleep.")

His wife and daughters had the privilege of being with him as he finally got that glorified body he always talked about. Charles Capps was a man of integrity, a man of his word and he got what he said. He called those things that be not as though they were. Charles Capps broadcast called, "Concepts of Faith", continues a daily national radio broadcast and a weekly television broadcast aired over several networks, satellite, and the internet. Click on the Radio or TV link to find the broadcast in your area.
Peggy continues to reside in Arkansas. Both Charles' and Peggy's daughters, Annette and Beverly are involved in the ministry.


Calling Things That Are Not as Though They Were

There is no other... subject that is more important to the Body of Christ today that the Bible principle of "calling things that are not as though they were". Yet it is a subject that is very controversial in some religious circles and grossly misunderstood by many!

I admonish you to approach this subject with a desire to know and understand God’s methods. They may seem strange to you because of your religious background. But don’t make a decision for or against the subject until you know what God said and did concerning this matter.
This book is important to the rest of your life. Read it prayerfully. It is dedicated to your freedom and success, both spiritually and financially.

God has chosen... this method. Some don’t know this scripture is in the Bible, even though they have read it many times. God chose this method of using things that are not manifest (things that you cannot see with the natural eye) to bring to nought the (things that are) manifest. Nought means “zero”; to bring to nought” means to reduce to nothing the things that are manifest.

This is a Bible principle. God chose it. I didn’t choose it until after God chose it. God could have done it any way He wanted to, but He chose to do it this way. He (chose spiritual forces) to use things that are not manifested. He (chose spiritual forces) that you cannot see, feel, taste, smell or hear to (bring to nought the things that ARE manifested).

He chose this method... to reduce to nought those things that are not in agreement with the Word of God. If you have a problem and (you CAN see it), then... it’s in the (natural realm). As long as you can SEE it, you can use your faith and the Word of God to change it!

Same Spirit of Faith
We... having the (same spirit of faith), according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak… For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:13,17,18)

The (unseen realm)... is the power realm. The unseen is governed by God eternal principles. Here... is the principle that (God has ordained). God used it all through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the principle that Jesus used in all of His ministry. It’s the principle of "(calling things that are NOT as though they were)". We find Paul’s account of God of doing this in Romans 4.

(As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and "calls those things which do not exist as though they were. (Romans 4:17)

God calls things... that are NOT manifest as though they were manifest. Compare this with what the Apostle Paul said, “God has chosen the things which are not, to bring to nought things that are.” (1 Corinthians 1:28.) This is God’s method. Calling for eternal forces that (put to nought) things that ARE seen. Calling into manifestation the things that are NOT, and they will replace what is manifest.

Paul said that we should (overcome evil with good). When you start talking about "calling things that are not as though they were", some people get the idea you are (denying what exists). Some believe that (confessing the answer) is denying the (things that exist). But...! Confessing the answer is NOT denying what exists; it is the (principle of calling things) that are not as though they were.

Don’t Call Things That Are As Though They Were Not

There is a... (great difference between) calling things that are NOT as though they were and... calling things that are as (though they) are NOT. God’s method is to (call things that are) NOT. (In other words), He calls them into manifestation. By doing that, He (nullifies the problem) that exist.

If... the problem exists, you don’t deny that the problem exists, If... you are sick, you (don’t deny) that you are sick. But..! on the (other hand) you don’t want to always be (confessing your sickness) either. (Some who misunderstand this message) think, if... they are sick, they should say, “I’m NOT sick.” Just denying you (are sick won’t) make you well. In fact, that could be a lie. But... (there is a difference) between a lie... AND a confession!

Confession is a... method of "calling things that are not as though they were". If... I am sick, I will confess that I am healed by the (stripes of Jesus). I am... delivered from the (authority of darkness). I am... redeemed from the (curse of the law). So... I am (calling my body) well and healthy in Jesus’ name! I am NOT... (denying sickness), I am... denying (its right to exist in... my body). I am... calling for (health and healing) in... my body. That is God’s method.

Don’t Act Like the Devil
There are (those who will say), “You are just trying... (to act like God).” And I appreciate that; I usually say, “Thank you very much.” I would rather act like God than act like the devil. If I am (acting like God), saying (what God said) about me, then..! those who are (saying... what the devil said... ARE the ones acting like the devil’.

If, you are... always (quoting what the devil said), then... you are agreeing (with him and he... will tell you), “You’re sick, and you are (going to die). And, You are never going to get any better. Well... it may (look that way) on the surface, but... don’t quote the devil, he is a liar! Even when there appears to be no hope, (don’t confess) no hope, but... go to God’s Word and get some hope. Glory to God!

(Special thanks to the ministry of... Charles Capps)
Jesus is coming soon, Get Ready!


Thank You, Jesus


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