Statement of Purpose MUST READ: Teaching & Debate

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Hi Everyone -

The statement of purpose stickied at the top of the forum says what Word of Faith believes.

Guest may not teach or debate period. Only questions about their faith and fellowship may occur.

There have been some issues here, and here is what you need to know about WOF.
Word of Faith is a safe haven for those whose belief system is in line with the Statement of Purpose.

WOF members - Even members may not teach against the beliefs of WOF, nor debate/teach against the leaders/teachers of this group. Statements from outside of WOF may not be quoted from other denominations, as they are not WOF.

If you wish to debate teaching/leaders, then you need to go to the appropriate forum where you may do so, or open a formal debate with someone who you wish to debate a specific issue.

Members or visitors who teach against or debate against WOF beliefs or leaders will be actioned, and repated issues may result in a ban from this forum.

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