Marrying young, I need your help.


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May 15, 2018
United States
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I can only tell you my story and hope you find some insight from it. I married at 18, just 2 months after graduating HS. We had dated for 2 years and he is 3 yrs older than me. We had more trouble with friends than family, but it was still hard at times. We were both adults, like you and your BF, happy with each other and decided it was our life. I don't think 21 is too young, but my vote doesn't count for much. When you are 21, do what you think you need to. Prayers for peace and wisdom for all involved.
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Dec 3, 2015
New York, NY
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My age, my mom and everyone else thinks I should enjoy my twenties by partying, traveling, and having fun. Mind you, she knows that's never been my persona. I don't find interest in partying. My fiancé is a fellow Christian, he is just starting out.

She is right. Why are you in a rush for? I'm sorry, to me you lead by emotion rather than wisdom.

Are you financially fit? Are you still in school/finishing school? Do you have a career? Enjoy your twenties. Stop thinking about making your life a romantic movie.
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Lory Valencia

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Oct 29, 2018
United States
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She is right. Why are you in a rush for? I'm sorry, to me you lead by emotion rather than wisdom.

Are you financially fit? Are you still in school/finishing school? Do you have a career? Enjoy your twenties. Stop thinking about making your life a romantic movie.
If you would have read my replies you clearly would have seen that I'm not marrying for those reasons, I know and understand the value of marriage.
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Lory Valencia

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Oct 29, 2018
United States
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I can only tell you my story and hope you find some insight from it. I married at 18, just 2 months after graduating HS. We had dated for 2 years and he is 3 yrs older than me. We had more trouble with friends than family, but it was still hard at times. We were both adults, like you and your BF, happy with each other and decided it was our life. I don't think 21 is too young, but my vote doesn't count for much. When you are 21, do what you think you need to. Prayers for peace and wisdom for all involved.
Thank you for that. That gave me a whole lot of hope, bless your marriage.
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Sep 5, 2018
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I am single so I have no personal experience with this, but from what I've seen my friends go through it is always recommended to date as long as possible. Things completely change (for the most part) after your married. Plus it really helps in building the relationship foundation.

And not good or bad, but I am definitely not the same person I was 10 years ago as an 18yr old. So that being said have you both considered that the love you have has to go deeper than current personality traits.

I would take time to grow in the Lord and have a long engagement and pray for God's clear guidance and will. The only time to consider a quick marriage is if your going to fall into sin together before marriage, but planned to be married eventually anyways. Then you might as well just get married now.
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Apr 21, 2016
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My wife and I married when we were both 21, we turned 44 this year and we are still married.

She carried us spiritually for a long time. I was not saved until 13 years ago. Since then I have worked hard to become the spiritual leader God intended me to be for our family, with her support and encouragement.

I wish you both well.
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Lory Valencia

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Oct 29, 2018
United States
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My wife and I married when we were both 21, we turned 44 this year and we are still married.

She carried us spiritually for a long time. I was not saved until 13 years ago. Since then I have worked hard to become the spiritual leader God intended me to be for our family, with her support and encouragement.

I wish you both well.
That's beautiful. May God bless your marriage.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2018
United States
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Hello everyone, this is my first ever post on this site. Well, to start off this may be a long one haha. While being in high school, I dated a boy for about two years. We were very on and off, and it became very toxic. He was extremely emotionally and mentally abusive towards me. I stayed for so long because I was completely infatuated by him. When the relationship finally ended, I became very depressed and started dating a bunch of guys within a time span of 6 months. I guess I did it to fill the void. One day my mom and I began listening to Joel Osteen podcasts during car rides, I began to give my life to Christ and suddenly didn't feel a void anymore. A few weeks later my ex came back into my life and I saw it as a sign that God wanted us to be together. Two weeks later I found out he had cheated on me. I broke things off with him for good. I found myself dating multiple guys again. One night I laid in bed crying, I spoke to the Lord and told him I did not want this anymore, I've always been the type to settle down and dating around made me feel low. That night I manifested to the Lord everything I wanted in a man, from looks to personality. I told him I was ready to settle down. A few days after I graduated, I met one of my cousins co workers, let's call him Jay. Automatically I found him cute but did not think much into it. My cousin told me that Jay gets red easily and jokingly said "my cousin thinks you're cute." I was kinda embarrassed because although I thought it, I did not actually say it. Later that night, my other cousin that also worked there handed me a napkin with his number on it. I was happy and kind of shocked because everyone said it was so unlike him to do something like that, he was very reserved. It was already late so I figured I'd text him in the morning. Before I went to bed that night, I talked to God, and I remember saying, "God, if this guy is not the one, please don't put me through this again. Please don't waste my time." The next morning I texted him, time went by and about a month and a half in, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. We've had our problems of course, but most of them have came from our families thinking we are too young to be so invested in a relationship. (I'm 19 and he's 23) My thing was, I date with intent. I let him know that from the start, Since the very beginning I told my family about how I'd marry him one day. As time went by, my mother specifically was NOT a fan of our relationship what so ever. This made our relationship get hard because I've always valued my mom's opinions deeply. A little over a year after we became boyfriend and girlfriend, he proposed to me. I said yes of course, but truthfully I felt no support from anyone besides my friends. This has made it extremely hard to enjoy my engagement. A few of my family members are constantly telling me how my relationship won't last, I'm too young and in a few years we will both regret it, I'm going to miss out on so much... etc. My mom does not support it what so ever and whenever I bring up any wedding planning she makes a smart remark and says it's stupid. All these negative remarks and opinions are secretly getting to my head and I'm beginning to doubt myself. The wedding isn't going to happen until I turn 21 anyway but my family still says I'm too young. I've prayed on it but I need some advice or words of wisdom...

To be quite honest, whether a marriage works or not is totally dependent on the personalities of the people involved...not their age.

You could have married your ex- now, or 20 years from now and the outcome would have likely been the same.

Selfishness destroys marriages. Obedience on the part of the wife and self sacrifice on the part of the husband are two sides of the same coin that make it work.

Do you think the two of you are ready for that?
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