Marching Band/Concert/Jazz Bands(Fine Arts)

I know that this could be in the music section, but i see it as an art and consider that music is an art. If their is any Marching band members this year, how ya like it and what is the name of your show that you are doing this year and what instrument do you play.

Ok with me, I love Marching band alot and i enjoy it very much. I am a senior in High School and ive been a marching band member for the past 3 years for 2 different schools. The name of our show is from the 1950's movie "West Side Story." The things that do bug me about marching band is that and prolly if their are some of yall marching band members know about a good percentage of members that take nothing but constructive criticism and it is also in other stuff too, i imagine and how hard it is to work with them. I have played Alto Saxophone for numbers of years since 5th grade but took a 5 semester break from 7th grade spring semester till and started back my 10th grade year in the fall.I played alto all 10th grade,and fall of 11th grade, switched over to Tenor and i played this in the 7th grade and spring 11th grade and all year this year my senior year. I hope to continue into college, but is their any band experiences that yall might have.


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Jul 26, 2003
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I, unfortunately, had some unexpected experiences last year (my junior year) and went thru some horrible decisions and had to quit band so I wouldn't suffer this year. I was in band from 5th grade till the end of 11th tho. I played flute in concert season. I started out marching piccolo but on the 2nd day of band camp my freshman year, I got switched to the pit cuz they counted drill spots wrong (grr.) Switching to pit was the best choice I ever made. My junior year, I was pit section leader. My best friend was in my section and tried to take over. That ****ed me off. It also ****ed me off cuz we've had a few director changes and what not, and the people are so stubborn about the "good old days." If they would just give that up and move on, we woulda actually been doing good. I loved band, still do. I wish I could still be in it, but the circumstances are just so horrible now. Our marching band's show this year is made up of Festive Overture and Moondance (by Van Morrison.) It oughta be interesting. I can't till our first close game so I can see it. I haven't heard much that's good about it yet. I do wish them a ton of luck tho. Have with band tho! Enjoy it for me since I can't be in it this year!!
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Aug 18, 2003
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I am way out of high school so probably not the response that you're looking for, but I thought I'd jump in anyway. I was drum major of our band in high school and had SO MUCH FUN. I miss it - we weren't super competitive but we did a lot of fun shows. I was also captain of our colorguard before being drum major but that was a terrible experience trying to be in charge of a bunch of catty girls who wouldn't stop b****ing at each other or at me. :rolleyes: Drum major was much better. :cool: I now have a degree in music ed. and thought I'd be teaching high school band. Oddly enough, I ended up teaching elementary music instead. !! When you're certified to teach k-12 you can end up teaching anything. It's fun, but I really miss working w/ high schoolers (you can actually have a CONVERSATION w/ them, which I need by the end of my schooldays w/ 1st graders!)

Performances on the field are one of the highlights of my high school memories.

Hey LuckyT - so sorry your situation was so bad you had to get out. I empathize w/ a lot of what you wrote and had a somewhat similar director change experience. Amazing how messy it can be! :sigh: BTW - you mentioned Festive Overture - the one by Shostakovich? That's a good piece (and can be VERY HARD depending on what version you're playing). I guess you'll be enjoying from the stands though...

Take care, ok? Remember that high school doesn't last forever. That kept me going when I thought I couldn't handle 2 more seconds of it (i.e. my whole senior year!) :p
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Aug 27, 2003
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Hey! I thought I would reply to this! :D I have been in band since 6th grade...Until now. ( Currently a junior ) In 6th and 7th grade I played clarinet. Then my band director switched me to Oboe my 8th grade year. Then I entered high school to the competitive world of marching band! lol I marched Tenor sax my freshman year and played oboe concert band. And My sophomore and junior year i was on the colorguard and still am to this day! Our show this year is going to be "Cops and Robbers" I think its going to turn out really well...:D
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Jul 26, 2003
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our first game was tonight in the dome! but i didn't get to go. sad clown :( oh well. it was the shostakovich Festive Overture and the big hard one. the King transposed it all himself. oh well. i hope they do good. i won't get to see the show for a couple more weeks. i can't wait! that cops and robbers show sounds fun! hope it turns out good for you guys!
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I was in marching band a long time ago. I played the alto sax in 5th grade all the way up to my Senior year in Highschool. Marching band was hands down the best time of my life spent in school. So many friends made, so many memories. Nothing like the thrill you get when you march up to the sidelines and get ready to step foot out onto the green to march to your starting position. Our band had straight 1's every year in contest.

My first year we played Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Phantom of the Opera and one other, something from Cats. I believe we did latin themed drills for two other years and one year we did a 50s tribute. The girls wore poodle skirts and the guys where in white Ts, bluejeans and leather jackets. Was a lot of fun.

Now my brother is in his 3rd year of marching band and an officer at Sam Rayburn High School in Pasadena, Tx. Their first game was in the Astrodome, I was jealous, we never got to do that. Good luck to all of you marching this season! Woodwinds ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:

God Bless,
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