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Kat Kerr - Powerful Testimonies of Heaven

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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Bethel Valparaiso 10-21-11

#168) Kat Kerr - You’re Marked When You Fall

“Lucifer/Satan does not want you to worship God. There’s more than one reason. #1 He is still thinks it belongs to him, but this is the second reason. He built his place in the second heaven, and he has a palace and a museum, and a trophy room. And he has this mock graveyard, when a believer sins, he goes and scratches your name on one of the tombstones. You don’t want that to happen. Then he’ll begin to pursue you. So they know when you fall. You get marked in the spirit realm. They’ll hunt you when they see stuff on you. That’s why it’s important to repent and have that stuff removed. But he has a place in the second heaven which is a spiritual place. Your praise is incense and it’s a spiritual weapon. When you worship God on earth, it goes right through the second heaven to get to him. Busts up his stuff in the second heaven. When you come together corporately and worship, it’s like sending a ballistic missile through there. When you go home to Heaven as a believer, you bust the biggest hole ever through his second heaven. He was really dumb putting it there. He thought he could do it to interfere with God and all of his people, and all he did was make himself a waiting target. So don’t stop worshipping. Don’t stop praying.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Heaven Invasion III Disc 2

#168) Kat Kerr - Some Babies…

“All life comes from God. When there is conception, He takes one of those little spirits and He places it in the body of those babies, and they become a human being. No matter what time, these little babies if they die whether miscarriage or abortion, they’re taken to Heaven. their are a reserve few, I don’t know who they are, that’s God’s choice, that He wants them born into this earth for a divine purpose, guess what? He’ll send them back. Because there are some people He won’t replace. He wouldn’t do it in the Bible, He wouldn’t do it in the Old Testament. If He purposed for someone to be here for a divine purpose, the enemy will try over and over again to destroy destinies, and many times he gets to do that, but there are certain individuals that must be born into this earth. That is not the normal thing that happens, but if He has a destiny planned, they will be born into this earth.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Night Evening Session Part 2

#174) Kat Kerr - The Judgment Seat of Christ

(Answering a question about the Judgment Seat of Christ) - “You’re talking about the Judgment Seat of Christ, and the Judgment Seat of Christ is not about sins. The Judgment Seat of Christ is separate from the Great White Throne Judgment, but the Great White Throne Judgment is for all the wicked dead, and I don’t believe we’re going to be there at all to see that. The Judgment Seat of Christ will judge you for deeds done in the flesh. He’s not talking about sins. He’s really talking about things you came up with to do with your life; if you knew what your destiny was, but you chose to do something else, that’s a deed done in the flesh. In other words, you knew what He called you to do, but you decided, “I don’t think I like that, so I’ll go do this instead”, you will get absolutely no reward for what you chose to do. It says those works will be burned up. It’s really important to find out what He called you to do, and it you don’t know, you can’t lose by doing this: Loving God, and loving others. If you’re doing that, He’ll make sure you don’t miss your destiny. But that’s what that’s talking about. Things you decide to do on your own, that were not what God said. Now if you’re doing His will in your life, He’ll let you do all kinds of extra things, and you’ll get rewarded for that, but you cannot ignore the call of God on your life, and decide like: “He called you to be a preacher, and you decided to be a lawyer”, or vice versa, He called you to be a lawyer and you said: “I’m going to be a preacher. It’s a lot easier, You get some money. People will love me.” Believe it or not, you won’t get rewarded for that. That’s what the Word says, it will be burned up. So that’s not going to send you to Hell or anything. That’s why you need to live your life, if you follow after the Spirit, you won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You need to have a real relationship with God.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Night Evening Session Part 2

Kat Kerr - The Millenial Reign

“During the millennial reign, probably almost all of us will have our glorified bodies at that point. When Christ had His glorified body, He went back and forth to Heaven all of the time. A lot of the people the Word says that were martyred during the time of the tribulation, a lot of people will be ruling on the earth with Him, just because of what they did with their lives to belong to Him, but we also will have a part of that, we will leave Heaven and come down here and be in charge of things and be over things, then we’ll be going back to Heaven.”
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Night Evening Session Part 2

Kat Kerr - What Satan Knows

“Satan doesn’t know anything except the present. Satan cannot read your mind, cannot read your thoughts. All he knows is what comes out of you. He can put thoughts into your mind, which he does a lot. He doesn’t know they’re having any affect on you unless you act on them. They cannot tell the future. The only thing He knows is what’s in the Word of God. If he really knew the future, he would have given up a long time ago, because he would understand what his end is, but he still doesn’t know your future, God knows everything.”
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#183) Kat Kerr - More Baptism in Fire - The Mercy Seat

“And I began to hunger after baptism in fire. A friend of mine got it. I went: “What happened to you? I’ve got to have that.” And he said: “The Word says this about baptism in fire. You have to desire and hunger after it.” So for two years I hungered after that, and one night my pastor said: “Whoever’s going to be in the ministry, you need to get down here. I’m just going to lay hands on you.” He didn’t say he was going to release baptism in fire. But God will use willing vessels. And I didn’t go up first and I said: “Well, I’m not in the ministry yet”, and the Holy Spirit said: “Get down there!” I went down there and I was so hungry, I wanted that baptism in fire inside of me, and I stood there, and I was the last person he laid hands on. When he laid hands on me, it went so forcefully in me, it threw me into the usher, into the congregation. It came in like a blowtorch. It burned in through my spirit, all the way up through my body, through my brain. It wiped everything off of the walls in my heart that ever might have belonged to the enemy. Anything that I had seen that I shouldn’t have seen was wiped off, he could never replay that again. That’s what happens in baptism in fire. It wipes clean the walls of your heart and your memory banks. You can’t even bring up or think of those things that happened to you. Things that happened to you. Things that you saw, even by mistake, and today it’s real easy to do that. It puts such a fire inside of you for God. So much boldness you’re like you’re a lion. You want to stand on the street corner and just roar and tell everybody about God. My body began to shake with the fire of God on it, and I didn’t normally do that… My body shook with the fire of God on it. I was not in my body. That’s the only time I ever remember traveling. The Spirit of God caught me up. This time angels were with me in the spirit of God, and I literally saw, you know on Star Trek, or Star Wars, where it looks like you’re going warp speed, and all the lights are coming at you like that? That’s the only time that happened. It was really cool! I didn’t know anything that was going on with my body. My daughter at midnight stuck a note up my sleeve that said when my Mom comes to, call my Dad, and he’ll come get her. Because they’re not going to wait any longer on me. My husband’s “Well, is that what happened honey?” … he had to carry me home. I couldn’t walk… We traveled for some time, then all of a sudden, my feet hit the ground, and I had never been in Israel in my life, but I knew where I was. I was overwhelmed. When He takes me somewhere, nobody sees me. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the angels, they see me in Heaven. No redeemed see me. Don’t ask me to find your loved ones and say hello… When my feet landed and I could see, I was outside the tomb, and the stone had already been rolled away. And I hid behind a tree “Isn’t that funny?” It’s just your natural mind, I’m thinking, What is He going to do? … and this was 1998, so I’d already been gone to Heaven for two years.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#184) Kat Kerr - More Baptism in Fire

“I was used to them just doing what they want to with me. The garden tomb was the most beautiful place. There were flowers growing all over the place. All around the tomb, there was gardens in front of it, and beautiful trees right there. There was the big stone, that had been rolled away. I can tell you which one is the right one. They say there’s two different places, but it’s not the one place that’s like inside of the big building… It’s the one out in the garden. You know what? I know why she said, He thought He was the gardener. He was smelling the flowers. Jesus was smelling the flowers. He just came out of Hell. He was real happy to be back up there on earth. He’d just been in Hell for three days. He got up. He was literally bent over. I saw Him… He had on this beautiful white/blue thing, that was absolutely gorgeous. I could see the glory on Him. He was bent over just smelling the flowers that His Father had made… He came Mary Magdalene out of the corner. She was beautiful! She was sixteen or seventeen. She was beautiful. Just beautiful long black hair… And she was weeping, and she had her arms full of these jars of stuff. I didn’t know what it was. She ran. She saw the stone. She actually dropped the stuff and ran inside, and there were the two angels sitting on the slab. I could hear her, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying, because she wasn’t speaking in English, but I head her talking. I knew what was happening. I knew what the Word said. She was asking, “Where did you take Him?” “Let me know. He’s gone. Where is He?” I heard the angels responding. I could understand what they were saying. I could hear their voices. Some of it sounds like melodies when they speak. Some of it is so soothing and amazing. Some of it booms like huge drums, the thunder or something, but they weren’t thundering that day. She was grieving. So they talked to her. She comes outside the tomb. So she turns around and sees Jesus. She thought He was a gardener. Because He had His back turned and was smelling the flowers. And she ran up to Him, and I knew what she said, because I knew what it said in the Word of God. So she said: “Where is He? Have you taken Him away? Tell me, and I’ll go get Him.” And He turned around, and as He was turning, He said her name. So she didn’t know who He was, until literally when He turned and said her name… He turned and He goes: “Mary!” Let me tell you, her heart jumped! It jumped outside of her. And she ran to grab Him... He hadn’t poured out His blood on the mercy seat yet. He had to do that. Now the work of the cross, that was done. He had done the work of the blood covenant. It was sealed. He paid that price. Then He went into Hell. He did the enemy openly, braggingly, openly so they would know forever and ever. You aren’t never touching Me. You have no power over God. You have no power over anyone that belongs to Him, because they’re made in our image, and He knew if He ever got to go up there and share, because He was always sharing the message. He’s already telling people to repent. Receive Me, and you will never thirst again. They knew that they were doomed eventually but they were still going to fight against it. So He openly defeated them. Then His next job was to go to Heaven and pour out that blood. So He told Mary: “Run and go tell the others! Run!” And let me tell you, she ran away as fast as she could. She could not wait to tell them that He had risen. Then I followed Him. He had about a thousand angels with Him. One of them had this beautiful urn, it looked like mother of pearl. I knew that it probably had His blood in it. It did… And I actually followed Him up through the heavenlies. Let me tell you, they had to go right through the second heaven. There wasn’t hardly anybody there, because they were all still down there weeping and crying over their defeat. There were some up there, and let me tell you, He bust the biggest hole through there.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#185) Kat Kerr - Resurrection to the Throne Room of God Part 1

“So they went up past up into Heaven, all the thousands of angels, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God was on the way up to the Throne Room of God, and I just followed them up there. I tell you, millions of angels poured out of Heaven. That was the first time Christ had been back, since He went to the earth. Except the time He was glorified, when they appeared with Him on the mount. But He on the way back to see His Daddy. He was bringing the evidence to pour out on the mercy seat of God. I followed Him in there, millions of angels poured out of Heaven and escorted Him there. The Throne Room doors were thrown wide open, and angels were laying prostrate as far as I could see in that place, as the Son of glory walked up to that throne. In front of the Father, they had a golden altar there. They had this beautiful, it was like a banner or a piece of fabric. It was laid over it, like it was alive. I could not explain that to you. Fabrics are alive in Heaven. Buildings are alive! Your clothes make music when you wear them. You walk down the streets of gold and music comes out of your clothes. It’s a supernatural place.

So He walks up there, and the angel hands Him this urn, and the Father stood up. There was nothing said. Absolute silence in the Throne Room of God, and a word appeared, I could just see over around Him, and a word appeared on there. It was like “hate”, or “murder”, everything would appear… and He would lean and drop one drop of His blood, His holy precious blood. It was like water hitting a hot skillet. It would go “ssssh!” It evaporated. He didn’t cover it up. It hasn’t been hidden. He destroyed it, and evaporated it, and that’s exactly what happens when you repent and you receive Him. That’s what happens to your sins. He doesn’t remember them any more because they’re wiped out.”
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith

Shouts of Grace Church 4-24-11 Morning Session

#186) Kat Kerr - Resurrection to the Throne Room of God Part 2

“He stood there and one word at a time appeared, when I gave my illustration, my sketch to my artist, he decided to let you see a list. He wanted to give you an idea, all these words appeared, one by one. They were dissolved by the Blood of Christ. The last one was “death”. And it seemed like I was there a long time. When death appeared on that thing, and that last drop of blood hit that, it hit that and went “ssssh!”, and death was gone. The Father raises His arms and yells: “Yes!” (See, we didn’t create that either.) When He yelled “Yes!”, all of the angels jumped up and started screaming, and dancing, and celebrating, and it went on and on. And they were grabbing Jesus and hugging Him. They were worshipping Him. It was celebration big-time in Heaven! Because they had had a great victory. And forever and all time, all sins could be forgiven. They could be wiped out by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And then at the last moment (that story is in my book, but this part is not in the book, and He wants to make sure I tell you). All of a sudden, the floor opened in front of the throne, and I literally could see all the way into Hell. I saw Satan on his face. I saw him beaten and bruised. The feathers of his wings were filthy. He’s just been rubbed in the dirt of Hell. He had scars all over him, where every gemstone had been plucked off of him. I saw him. I have seen him with the gemstones. I’ve seen him. He was beautiful beyond description. Beautiful, and here’s this utter defeated being laying there, his wings just laying in the dust, every gemstone plucked off of his being. Not a single one left on there. And when the Father had said “Yes!”, all of a sudden, Satan raise his arms, and he goes: “No!”, and when he did that, I heard this, I’ll never forget the sound “clamp!” “clamp!”. Bracelets appeared on his wrists with a little thing on it like that. Guess what that’s for? When they bind him with the chain, and throw him in the bottomless pit. He already has the hardware on him to bind him. It was God letting Him know, “I am not done with you yet!” They are a continual reminder for what’s coming for him. That when the time comes, at the end of the tribulation when he is taken, and they bind him with the chain, they’re going to put it through those loops and bracelets, and bind him and throw him in a bottomless pit for a thousand years. And that will be the millennial reign on this earth.”
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