Well, if she's organized enough to have the support of the four groups listed above, plus billionaires, plus foreign interests, plus the MSM, plus the deep state, she sounds like somebody who can get things done. That's a lot of support!
Not to mention cats and dogs living together.
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why she has all this support, and what the motivations are of the people who support her?
so foreign billionaires and the deep state are a good thing now?
reminds me of when Democrats complain about the money and influence of the Koch Brothers, but turn a blind eye to the money and influence of George Soros. Or when Kamala Harris was giving speeches about mass-incarceration and "disparate impact" of the legal system on blacks, while throwing people into prison for minor drug and weapons violations in CA, utilizing the "three-strike rule", and arresting mothers of truant children
hypocrisy like this goes unnoticed among low-information voters
and notice how since Harris was given the nomination, the MSM has stopped reporting on Israel. Remember when people were protesting in the streets? The daily news would describe attacks on Gaza, the West Bank, etc. Now that Kamala is the nominee, all that stuff might make her look bad, so the stories don't appear anymore
but if you go on aljazeera or European news sites, you will see that Biden just sent piles of shells and money to Israel, along with F-15 Eagle fighters, APCs, etc. and approved a new incursion into Gaza. Israel has demanded the Palestinians evacuate from south Gaza, and the death toll is now 40,000
crickets from the MSM here in the US, and no one is seeking comment from Biden. It's like the Palestinians have vanished altogether.
and don't go digging up some story from page 5 of the WSJ to "prove to me" that the MSM is still reporting on this stuff. I look at Apple News every morning, which aggregates all the headlines and major stories from around the globe, and there hasn't been a single story on what is going on in Israel in weeks--basically since Biden stepped down
you are supporting a politician who has not released any kind of platform or list of policy goals, and who is running interference for Biden