Judge tells Army to release Abu Ghraib pictures


Apatheist Extraordinaire
Aug 3, 2003
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Ninja Turtles said:
The truth shall set you free.

Release the photos, it is important that everyone knows what goes on there and demand that changes be made so that it doesn't happen again.
As much as I value the truth, I am also practical.

The reaction to these will not be a tempered response designed to peacibly combat the injustice wraught in the prison. It will take the form of crazed, hate-filled mobs which don't differentiate between those responsible for the abuse and those who are merely related by nationality.

Iraqis ought to have the chance to know, to the fullest extent possible, what went on at that prison. At the same time, these pictures and videos will be fuel on a fire that is going to burn more than just those responsible.

Which is more valuable truth or life? I don't think you can have both.

If the pictures and video are withheld we are denying everyone the truth. However, if they are shown, innocent blood will be spilt.

This is not a decision I would want to make.
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