Is there anything inherently wrong with attending several differnt churches?

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Senior Veteran
Aug 17, 2004
Crazy Liz said:
I guess that still doesn't answer my question. Do Catholics view church attendance only in terms of a "Sunday obligation," or is congregational life also considered important?

Among most protestants, congregational life is very important. In fact, I would say it is the main purpose of having churches - meaning congregations, not denominations. Some protestants look at church as a place that dispenses sermons and worship experiences. The reason many protestants speak against "church hopping" is that this is a consumeristic attitude - attending church in order to receive a sermon or an experience. Church hopping often indicates this is the only thing a person is looking for in a church. Only by putting down roots can they participate in what is even more important - congregational life.

So my question to you is whether congregational life is considered important by Catholics also, or is the main purpose of church to fulfill the Sunday obligation by finding a place where the sacraments are being dispensed. (BTW, I think the answer is not either/or, nor do I think of dispensing the sacraments as crassly as I just said it. I was trying to emphasize a contrast. I think the Catholic parishes I've been reading about where people are sleeping in the pews to keep their parish from being closed is a strong indication that congregational life is very important to at least some Catholics.)

I am not quite sure what you mean by congregational life. The main purpose of Mass is to participate in the Eucharist. If congragational life refers to social/religious activity then yes that is very important as well. I participate in my Respect Life group and I very much enjoy going to educational and lecture type events at my parish. The Cardinal will be visiting next month and I am sure many parishioners are exited about that. I think most people prefer going to their own parish and feel a close connection to it. My parish is in no danger of closing but I am sure that those whose parishes are are very sad and hope that their parish will be spared. I have been attending another parish all summer and was thrilled to return last week to my own church.
Regardless of my own feelings though, the other parish did have a valid Mass and my Sunday obligation was fulfilled.
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