Saving grace operates only through saving faith. . .no saving faith = no effect of grace.
Saving faith is not about the nature of God. . .Christ-rejecting Jews believe that what God says is true and good.
Saving faith is about the nature and effect of Jesus and his atoning work,
and trusting in that atonement for the remission of one's sin and right standing with God; i.e., justified (forensic righteousness, imputed).
That is your Protestant definition and the error of Luther
Jesus is God and as such is of the nature of God
The Jews had an incomplete view of the nature of God, as
John 3:17 says he that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed on the only Son of God
It’s so ironic that those that say that salvation is not or works are relying on a remote work during their lives. “I said the sinner’s prayer so I am saved”. I said “Jesus is Lord” and I believe that He rose from the dead, so I am saved. All that you say that is not of works is a work. Speaking, believing, confessing are all things we do and are works.
The Bible says over and over that it is by grace we are saved and not of ourselves, and the test to see if we have grace for salvation is good works. God does not owe us salvation by what we do.
He rewards obedience. He says we need to be born of water and the spirit, so all obedient souls are baptized by His command and example
He says that we are to deny ourselves take up our cross and follow Him. Obedient souls do that
We are told to mortify the deeds of the flesh, which includes pride, greed, sloth, gluttony, wrath, envy and lust. Obedient souls deny themselves and mortify the flesh
The sinners prayer is found no where in scripture, God saves us by grace and scripture tells us we follow Him by our works
10 Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time.
The Church teaches us to pray fast and give alms to train our bodies for virtue. We do not take a defeatist attitude and say oh our righteousness is as filthy rags so we can’t do anything boo hoo. That is an insult to God who said if you lack anything ask for it in prayer believing you will receive and you will get it. That includes righteous good works. If you don’t ask for them, you will not get them. If you listen to people that say you don’t need them, then you are as the foolish virgins with no oil, or the man that tried to get into the wedding feast with no wedding garment. You risk being shut out.
He says if you love me you will keep my commandments. We are supposed to be the salt of the earth, that means actually doing what Jesus taught us, not just muttering a few words and then telling God, see what I said? Now you have to save me.
No, scripture says that if we sin willfully after having learned the truth, we crucify Jesus afresh and bring Him to open shame, and there remains no sacrifice for sin. Penance is to be pursued and complacency to be avoided. We need to study His commands more and more so as to bring our minds and bodies under subjection to the truth.
Rev 3:20 teaches against imputed righteousness
Behold I stand at the door and knock, and if any man open the door I will come into him and sup with him and he with me.
Not imputed, rather infused