I'm afraid now. . .

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退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
El Cajon, California, USA
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I've heard that demons can possess or at least attack you if you, among other things:

Walk outside at night on certain nights

Walk under, over, or nearby anything that is an idol, devoted to being an idol, or which is an occultic symbol.

Spend too much time near nonbelievers

Have an ancestor who sinned in idolatry/occultism

Live in a certain geographical location (large cities, places known for idolatry, etc.)

Own certain animals

Think wrongly about God or others, even if you have long since repented and never do it again

Don't read the right Bible version (I'm not a KJV onlyist so I'm probably in trouble if this is true)

Move away from home while still single or have different opinions and secondary/tertiary beliefs than your parents do

Overhear someone take the name of the Lord in vain and not rebuke them

Are depressed or often sad

These are only a few of the things I can think of. Almost all of them (except for spending too much time near nonbelievers) would apply to me. I am terrified that someday I will be possessed or attacked and have my faith destroyed by demons. Are these things really things to fear? :confused:


BTW I pray some spiritual warfare prayers (mostly of the "Lord Jesus forgive me of that and keep the demons away from me please" variety-I've never been the world's best prayer warrior, I guess that's another thing bad about me) but I still have a lot of so-called misfortune (financial problems, a bad knee, depression, more) and sometimes I even think I'm cursed.







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One of the worst demon possession cases I have ever seen is that of a fear demon which gained entry by the belief in superstitions. The individual was brought up in a religious home in the deep south that held many such unreasonable fears.

These demons like all demons have to leave when told to in the name of Jesus. But if the individual does not take steps to close the door that allowed entrance, then the demon can enter once again.

Faith overcomes fear and superstition.

My wife was plagued by unreasonable fears when we first met. She had a dream where she was being pestered by a little dog which was continually chasing her and nipping at her. In her dream she finally got fed up with it, turned, stamped her foot at the critter and said "GO AWAY!!". At which time the little dog ran away wimpering. She woke up and took the steps to chase these spirits away. She has not been bothered since.

Most demons are like this. They are just little spirits that pester you and all we have to do is get the word of deliverance into our spirits and use this word to chase them away.

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May 17, 2002
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The simple answer.... Nope.

Susan, Christ did not tell us to hide from the world, but to go out and witness to it. To be the salt of the Earth, not cower in our bedrooms out of fear.

Originally posted by Susan
Walk outside at night on certain nights

Nope, demons are not boogymen that can only run around on certian nights, this is pagan myth not Christianity.

Walk under, over, or nearby anything that is an idol, devoted to being an idol, or which is an occultic symbol.

This is a reworking of the black cat and ladder myth, again a pagan myth not based in Christianity.

Spend too much time near nonbelievers

Then I guess someone should have told Jesus this when he started his ministry or when he encouraged his followers to preach to the unbelievers. Again this is not a Christian belief.

Have an ancestor who sinned in idolatry/occultism

Not one person in the world can prove that none of their ansestors were not at one time or another idolators, not even the jews. And again not a Christian belief since we are in a personal relationship with God that is not dependant on our family tree.

Live in a certain geographical location (large cities, places known for idolatry, etc.)

Nope, but living in a crime ridden area can increase your chance of getting robbed or shot.

Own certain animals

Again, nothing in the Bible about owinging certian animals and getting possesed.

Think wrongly about God or others, even if you have long since repented and never do it again

What part about forgiven did this person not understand? You repent you are forgiven and that is that.

Don't read the right Bible version (I'm not a KJV onlyist so I'm probably in trouble if this is true)

Again there has never been an announcement from God that only one version of the Bible is the "correct" one. Usualy the people who spout this line are KJVonlyists and there is no doctrinal support for this. Even the "God preserves his word" argument fails since wouldn't God simply preserve his word in any version? Why did He stop preserving his word after the KJV was printed if "God preserves His word"? And what about all the people who died befor 1611 when the first KJV version (yes there are actualy two KJV bibles the 1611 that almost noone now reads and the 1750 something version that is the one you currently get when you buy a KJV bible) was published?

Move away from home while still single or have different opinions and secondary/tertiary beliefs than your parents do

Again there is no backing for this in the Bible as far as I know.

Overhear someone take the name of the Lord in vain and not rebuke them

Again no.

Are depressed or often sad

No, but being depressed or sad quite often can be a sign that one needs to speak with a good Christian counsilor

These are only a few of the things I can think of. Almost all of them (except for spending too much time near nonbelievers) would apply to me. I am terrified that someday I will be possessed or attacked and have my faith destroyed by demons. Are these things really things to fear? :confused:


BTW I pray some spiritual warfare prayers (mostly of the "Lord Jesus forgive me of that and keep the demons away from me please" variety-I've never been the world's best prayer warrior, I guess that's another thing bad about me) but I still have a lot of so-called misfortune (financial problems, a bad knee, depression, more) and sometimes I even think I'm cursed.






Relax Susan, God does not chuck His believers to the wolves. Demons do not and cannot destroy ones faith, maybe give one a hard time, but only you can destroy your own faith. That is one of the things that the book of Job was all about.
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Jun 17, 2002
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What on earth do you gain being a Christian? Why are you a Christian? Why should anyone become a Christian? What kind of love does God have for you?

Where do you get these ideas? What do your parents think about these ideas--your church? I think you can get a pretty good idea about what other believers think here on this forum.

Does your church have a counselor for teens? I would really suggest speaking to her.

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Spirit of the Wolf
Jun 18, 2002
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I'd agree with Wilderness....find another church,
or study and worship on your own. (The second
is my personal choice). I'm totally utterly shocked
that such superstitions are being taught by those who
profess to be followers of Christ.
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Feb 9, 2002
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((Are these things really things to fear? <IMG alt="" src="http://www.christianforums.com/images/smilies/confused.gif" border=0>

That depends on if you have a very close walk with God or not. If you do, then you have nothing to worry and nothing to fear, because the perfect love of God in us though the fruit of the Holy Spirit will cast out all fear. If you are following after God from a distance, then you have every reason to be afraid of all of these things. Apart from God, we do not have the ability to over come demons. Although under the law we can have good health. It is God that gives us the strength and the power to live as an overcomer. He will send His angels to fight the battles for us, if it is more than we can handle outself.

Psalm 91:11
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Psalm 62:7-8
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. [8] Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.


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Feb 9, 2002
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((These demons like all demons have to leave when told to in the name of Jesus.))

Yes, there is power in the Name and in the Blood of Jesus. They have to flee from the Blood.

Philip. 2:10&nbsp; that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,

Matthew 10:8&nbsp; Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Mark 16:17-18&nbsp; And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; [18] they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

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退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
El Cajon, California, USA
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Smilin, my church does not teach about demons and deliverance :) .

I used to be very interested in the teachings of Bob Larson and a bunch of other deliverance teachers but now I'm questioning it.

Thanks for your replies everyone! :)
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Apr 25, 2002
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Hi Susan,

I was quite surprised at your questions, and I pray you don't live in fear all the time. I agree with Lewis; all those things you fear are nonsense.

The great thing about belief in God and/or Jesus (depending on your faith), in my humble opinion, is the joy one experiences and the LACK of fear knowing that you are in control by means of your faith. God is with you everywhere you go, in everything thing you do. Jesus showed us the blueprint of life in faith and challenges us each moment to follow and find God's gifts of love and joy.

President Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Truer words were never spoken.

And a bit from one of my favorites, 1 John 4: ...God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him...There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love...We love him, because he first loved us.

God bless you.
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Hi Susan,
I disagree with those who say that your questions are non-sense.
If in fact you are being oppressed by demonic spirits then these fears are very real to you and no amount of rationalization or well wishing will cause them to go away.

Regardless of what the source of the fear, the first step is to verify your relationship with God by confessing the Lordship of Jesus and believing the blood of Jesus has washed your sin away. There is nothing left to fear. Know that your relationship and standing with Him has been established and is maintained by Him. There is nothing left to fear concerning this. He has you in His hands, and will never let you go.

Step two is to solidify your relationship with your family, friends, and brothers and sisters in the Lord. Surround yourself with people of faith and love. Perfect love casts out all fear.

Step three is to rid your life of everything might open the door to the devil. Confess all and any superstitions and rebuke the devil concerning them. Plead the blood of Jesus in these areas of your life.
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退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
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The thing is, I do not know if it is demonic or if any of what I listed in my first post are avenues for demons.

I do know that I have recieved Jesus as my persional Lord and Savior. I also know that I meticulously try to pray over anything and avoid places infested with demons or any of the things I listed (however I have had to go out at night sometimes, I can't change a few Native American ancestors to non-idolatrous Jews and then Christians after Christ, I own 3 cats-supposedly the worst animal for demon inhabitations, etc.)

For example:
I try to avoid walking through the alcohol aisle when I buy something at the grocery store, even if I have to walk half of the store to avoid it. Although I would not buy alcohol nor have I ever have or will use it, I am afraid of catching a free floating spirit of alcohol.

When nonbelievers are nearby (or people I suspect of being such) I try to unobtrusively cover my ears so I don't hear blasphemy, and if I hear it even for a millisecond on TV before I change the channel, I spend up to 10 minutes in often weeping prayer. I don't want a demon of blasphemy. . .

Also I try to agree with my parents as I should never see them as wrong, even though they too see all of my fears of demons as nonsense.

Thing is, I just don't know. Maybe I am right, and if I am, I will increase my renunciations and attempts to avoid the things I listed more. However this is something that I sometimes hope I'm wrong on. . .:confused:
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Feb 1, 2002
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Personally, the only thing that is going to make you either buy or not buy the alcohol is you.

I do not drink either and have no problems walking down the aisle in the grocery store that sells it. I'm not tempted to buy it, look at it, or anything. I don't routinely walk down the aisle just to say I walked down it...but in my grocery store...that's the aisle with the grenadine (cherry flavoring I put in my soda). So when I need grenadine, I have to walk down the aisle.

You're going to hear blasphemy in the world...it's a fact of life. But you can't hide from it. If you're able to pick out what's true and what's not...that's wonderful!! Stick to what's true and ignore what's not. And then pray for those non-believers that they may become believers. :)

You shouldn't ignore the fact that there are demons out there. But you can't live your life in complete fear and not do anything. Like people here in NY and also in DC...after the terrorist attacks....did we want to hide in our houses scared of another attack? Or did we want to go on with our lives and say that we won't let anything keep us down and afraid? People are still flying in planes and going into tall buildings to work and see views.

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Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. If you are a believer in Christ, you have nothing to fear from demons. Demons fear, more than anything, the Spirit of God, and that Spirit is within you. There are no magic words to Christian faith. Remember the Jews who tried to cast out a demon in Jesus name, and the demon said, "I know Jesus and I know paul, but who are you?" and the demon attacked them and tore off their clothes. Doing something in the name of Jesus, whether praying or casting out demons, means to do it as His representative, under His authority, and in accordance with His will. It was never meant to be some magical incantation. It is not the words that matter, but the relationship with the One in whose name we do it.
"Deliverance" is an erroneous idea. Demons are everywhere, tempting people. We will not be rid of them until the Lord comes back. Jesus never tried to be delivered from the devil, but instead fought him with Scripture. Jesus once said, "get behind me, Satan", but He never said, "go away." I like the old story about Martin Luther.... One night he awoke from sleep to find Satan at the foot of his bed. Martin Luther said, "Oh, its only you.", and he rolled over and went back to sleep.

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Jun 17, 2002
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I'd like to apologize for my previous post on this thread, as it was out of frustration and not out of love. I'm sorry.

But I am continually frustrated with your portrayal of a Christian life and walk that is defined by fear! God doesn't want you to live in fear, but in the peace that comes from a personal walk with Him.

Romans 8
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[10] who[11] have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
31What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."[12] 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[13] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We have victory in Jesus--it's not just a song--victory over fear, sin, death. Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you--then don't snatch them back and carry them around with you.

Where are you getting these ideas, if not from your church or parents? I would like to know so that maybe we could discuss this--and I'm sure that others here on this board would be glad to as well.

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退屈させた1 つ (bored one)
Feb 16, 2002
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A lot of what I put in my first post, I got from a combination of Bob Larson and like "deliverance" books, and from TBN and the 700 Club and its frequent guests.

Until the last year or so anyway, I listened to those more than I did my church. . .which doesn't teach such things as I listed in post 1.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2002
Susan, you are going overboard/extreme with all this demon thing. ie you are demon conscious when you shld be Jesus conscious. and that's what the devil wants, for you to focus on him and not God.

the best and most simplest thing to do is just to ignore all this nonsense. when you are Jesus conscious, all else fades off.
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Feb 9, 2002
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((A lot of what I put in my first post, I got from a combination of Bob Larson and like "deliverance" books))

THATS your problem. You need to be taught by the Holy Spirit of God, not man.

John 14:26a&nbsp; But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things,

John 16:13a&nbsp; However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth;

Rev. 2:11a&nbsp; He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Just read your Bible and ask the Holy Spirit of God to reveil it to you. In the promises of God is milk and honey. The Word is milk, the Holy Spirit is honey. You can not have one, without the other.

If we do not have the spirit of truth, then we will walk in error. Only the Holy Spirit can teach us truth, man alone can not teach truth. There just is no truth in the world, apart from God.

John 14:6&nbsp;Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

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Jun 17, 2002
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If your church doesn't focus on this, what lead you to other sources? Why do you think that those sources are any good? Why should you listen to someone on tv? Or someone's book? For that matter, why should you listen to your parents or church or to us on this forum?

Think about what you allow to be an authority in your life and why. I think that it would probably be interesting for most people to think about this, not just you.

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