I have some music that I need a lyricist for.


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Feb 24, 2023
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Well... there are a stack of people these days writing songs... and a lot of the ones writing Christian stuff are doing it for the right reasons... but... listening to some of it lately I wonder if there is any point in writing any more of that sort of thing. I guess the things that needs to be considered is: 'why are you writing it?' and 'what are you saying... or maybe... what needs to be said?' If it is 'I, I, I' or 'Bless me..." or any thing that is self centred then don't bother. The powerful songs are the ones where God puts a Word on the heart of a singer and he brings it as a Prophet to the people of God. They are the ones that cut to their heart and, hopefully, bring a change to the people.
Now, having gotten that part aside, writing songs are really only making a poem and the setting it to music... well essentially... it does not even really need to be a poem as long has it has a consistent rhythm. The two things I tend to focus on are: 1 Is the message bringing an encapsulation of what God is saying to His Church through the message that is preached? or 2. Is there something that needs to be said to (a) His people or (b) the world in general. I tend to find it easier to write the words, figure out the rhythm and then work out a melody that fits into that. Working from a piece of music just means you have to fit your lyrics into a predetermined rhythm. It can be harder because certain sections of music may have greater impact and you need to have the lyric that makes use of the impact.
So... to lyrics.
Write down what you want to say.
Break that up into little chunks in a consistent order to fit into each stanza? of the music.
Rhyme every second line (or even each line or sections within the line) if you want that sort of song.
String all the chunks together until you've said what needs to be said
This can become a bit like a ballad and for, story telling, is reasonably effective (e.g. Don Francisco, BJ Thomas)
For something a bit more... catchy?... you need to have a section... chorus (4 lines or, maybe, double that)... that grabs the attention. It need to have an idea that is simple and, preferably, a little bit profound. This gets repeated a bit to remain in the listener's memory. Verses, 2 or 3 of them, support that chorus and maybe provides some context for it.
So... there is probably a heap more involved in writing songs and perhaps my ideas on song writing are rubbish... maybe my songs are also but... have a go.

You know... you could saturate your brain with your composition just before you go to bed at night and then see if you wake up with a new song going through your head. A lot of singer/muso types I know often wake up with a Church chorus in their mind.
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