I hate God


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
Oriental Orthodox
I really hate God.... he hurt me sooooooooooooooo much you cant imagine to what extent.... he made me lose everything..... i have billions of questions and i dont have answers to them.... i dont have anyone to talk to... everyone is gone...
how can i love god after all what he did to me????


~Simply amazed by Him~
May 29, 2007
Marital Status
First off, God doesn't do evil things to you. Would you care to share your story with us here? I think most of us can help you understand things better. We've all been hurt, in many different ways, yet most of us come back to God, or actually get deeper with God, because of the trials we've been through. Myself for instance, I've been abused in every which way growing up from both of my parents. My wife had a one night stand with someone the day after Dec. 29th, in our first year of marriage. All my friends quit hanging with me eventually because I stopped drinking, and because the things that happened from drinking. I lost my grandfather recently, who to me was the best man in the world, and the most importance influence in my life. I have a wife that's dealt with agoraphobia for near 20 years now, along with depression, OCD, and who knows what else.

So do I have reason to be mad at God? Some might would say so. I don't however. I know everything that has happened to me has only moved me closer to Him in the ways He desires. Instead I love God with all my heart, soul and strength! I will withhold more comments until you may help us understand what has you feeling this way. All I can say right now is, it's not God whom has caused you evil. God only loves you and desires for you to love Him back. Until you really love Him, and I mean LOVE Him, not just say it, you will not know the goodness of Him, or even understand how much He loves you!

God bless, I'll definitely be praying for you!!!!
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~Simply amazed by Him~
May 29, 2007
Marital Status
He first created you in the likeness of Himself. That's one good reason there. He created you as a witness of Himself to a world that doesn't know Him. He created you because He wanted to bless you with life! He created you so He can have your love, your worship, your submitting yourself to His will.

What do you mean by "be hurt that way"? In what way are we talking about?

We all feel weak! I feel weak! I promise you, I REALLY feel weak lots of times. But I know in my times of weakness are the times I am more likely to fully submit myself to Him and allow Him to live through me in my weak times.

Suffering, depending on the type and cause of it, is usually meant to teach us something. Teach us we shouldn't have done this or that, or just simply teaching us something we wouldn't have recognized in any other way. Maybe you are suffering just as a motivator to get you to come here and share your story and talk with someone.

Look at Paul in the Bible. Did He not suffer? Most of his letters, or some of his best writing, came while he was unjustly imprisoned. And now look what his writings are doing? They are teaching millions of people how we should live in the way God desires. Man his writings teach us sooooo many things, and yet if it weren't for his suffering we would probably not have the wealth of knowledge he has shared through his writing.

How bout Christ? He suffered for everyone! He suffered the cruelest of deaths. He even cleaned the feet and served the one whom would cause His suffering hours later! He suffered because He submitted Himself completely to God's will so that He could bring us into full communion with God!
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Aug 19, 2004
South Carolina
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I used to feel the exact same way that you do, simplywhy. I finally realized that it wasn't God that was making me miserable. It was the enemy and myself. The enemy is the father of lies. He will try to get you to believe any bad thing about God so that he can have you to himself. Sometimes he works through our own minds, other times he works through people in our lives. The important thing to remember is that God loves you. Here are some Bible passages that prove it:

John 3:16 (NIV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 14:21 (NIV)Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

Romans 5:5 (NIV) And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Romans 5:8 (NIV) But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

1Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

Try to seek comfort in God and in His word rather than blaming him. Believe me when I say that I know how difficult that can be sometimes. Faithfulness and loving God, however, is greatly rewarded.

1Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

:prayer: I'll be praying for you.:prayer:
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Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
Oriental Orthodox
Thanks for ur replies....

hazeleyedChristian, passages do not prove love... i dont care if it is written that God loves me while in practice he does not....

I still do not understand why did god leave me? I used to pray for him a LOT but it was as if i am talking to myself...... he never ever let me feel his presence or love... i do not know why he created me in this world of suffering.... why do i have to suffer here? if adam and eve made a sin.... then it is not fair that i am put in this horrible world of suffering simply because THEY sinned.... this is not fair but so cruel.

How can i love such god after all that suffering??
Please do not tell me that he is testing me... because it someone really loves another one he will never "test" him... Also do not tell me that he is letting me suffer in order to be a better person... because if i am not a good person at the moment and need to be better then he is the reason for letting me so in the first place....
He created me with all my flaws.... i didnt choose to be that bad nor want it. HE IS THE REASON FOR ALL THAT.
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Regular Member
Apr 3, 2007
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God didnt leave you, he's still right there
you can see Gods love in everyday things... the smile of a child... a rainbow... whatever... you can see Gods love everywhere

'for all have sinned and falen short of the glory of God' its not just adam and eve who sinned... true they first sinned, but then we follow, God created us with free will... it is us who stuffs it (dont get me wrong i am not trying to say that this is your fault)

what is 'all that suffering'?

God doesnt test you... the devil will though... at least i believe God wont test you with things that will make you suffer... with things like giving you oppurtunities to share your faith though... thats a different story all together

letting you suffer?? well whatever it is... have u asked (with faith) that God will help you out of this?? not will he get you out of this because how can we expect to sit back and let him do all the hard work??

maybe this is something that will grow you closer to God... but you should know something... God created you in his image... do you think his image is anything less than perfect? well i dont... he also created us with free will... so its my choice when i turn and push God away because i am ashamed of something i have done... just like it is your choice to think he doesnt love you... he does... its us who stuff up... not God
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Sep 8, 2006
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Your blame is only on God. Why? Sadness, anger, misery, and suffering all come from Satan. He enjoys seeing us in pain because he HATES us. He enjoys when we point fingers at God instead of him. He gets his way with you.
God never promised us that bad things wouldn't happen to us, he did promise that he would never leave us nor forsake us. No matter where you are in your life, he will be there.
I don't know your story so I can't really go any further, but we all know the meaning of pain and we've all suffered because of Satan. It's at these particular times when we need to cry out to the LORD to protect us from the enemy.
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Member of the WWJD Club
Jan 23, 2007
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I really hate God.... he hurt me sooooooooooooooo much you cant imagine to what extent.... he made me lose everything..... i have billions of questions and i dont have answers to them.... i dont have anyone to talk to... everyone is gone...
how can i love god after all what he did to me????

God loves you very much, and He does not allow you to go through hard times just for the heck of it. He has a plan for everything. He uses trials to bring you closer to Him, and He wants you to lean on Him. He will help you through this sister. If you never had trials, you would just drift away from God, that's why He puts you through them. He wants you to trust Him, and He will get you through. HE LOVES YOU! Trust Him, and He will get you through this and He will bless you. Please trust in God and God alone to get you through this. I'll be praying for you sister.

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~Simply amazed by Him~
May 29, 2007
Marital Status
You need to 1. Blame Satan not God. 2. Blame yourself if your freewill is making you do things against God. God didn't create us to MAKE us love Him. He gave us the choice, so that if we do love Him, it's our choice to do so. Compare yourself and things you've done to the Ten Commandments. Have you broken ANY of them in the least bit? Probably so, we ALL have. We ALL deserve nothing but God's wrath. Yet it's through Christ Jesus that we are given grace, but that doesn't mean we won't suffer ANY consequences for breaking the Laws of God. It only means we won't be eternally punished.
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Junior Member
May 7, 2007
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What is the nature of the difficulties God has put you though in your opinion?

God did put us all on this fallen earth, I agree. Life is hard. The Christian life is especially hard. Jesus was well aquatinted with pain. Scripture says he was a man of many sorrows.

You seem to be struggling with what theologians call "the problem of evil." It is difficult to come to grasp with the fact that God would allow evil to exist, but he has a greater good in mind. Never forget that! We don't see what He sees, we see through a glass darkly. our vision of reality is clouded.

also remember, as has been stated above, that we are all sinners and deserving of God's wrath and righteous anger. The fact that He gives us grace at all demonstrates His unknowable love! Thank you Jesus!

I would suggest you acquire a copy of C.S. Lewis' work "The Problem of Pain" as a starting point. It should be available at Barnes and Noble or Borders, or any Christian book store. Amazon.com has it for $8.
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May 21, 2007
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I remember distinctly when I was younger the exact point I chose to reject God. It seemed like He wasn't there - but he was.


That's my testimony.

The truth is that God does care for you, but sometimes bad things will happen to us. And when bad things are happening it doesn't mean that God doesn't care it might mean He's teaching us something or it could be a result of us walking away from God. The best way to deal with this is simple - set your sights on God, follow and change the way you see things. Look for things that are good, and don't blame anyone. Instead, look at the things you can do to make things better and ask God to help you do that.

You will find that as you make changes to your life, God will also do the same for you and others around you.

Hope that load of blabbering helped.

Go well

In Christ,

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Jul 26, 2006
British Columbia
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No one can Convince you of God's Love for you. It is a shame that you have felt so abandoned I am so sorry that this has happened and damaged your ability to reach out to your Heavenly Father and Saviour Jesus Christ. Often the way we are dealt with in relationships as a child colours the way we view God. I was abused as a child but instead of blaming God for some reason (maybe others were praying for me)I reached out to Him instead and finally became a Christian at age 13.I have grown in my relationship and understanding of how He works in my life over the years. We live in a sin ridden world and sin produces enormous amounts of FALL OUT pain and suffering. I was a victim but I do not blame God. God wants to intervene and give me HIS Strength and Peace but HE will not intrude where He is not invited. Whether you believe it or not I would suggest reading for a start the Gospel of John in an easy to understand version of the Bible. Maybe with the Spirits help and our prayers you will finally begin to understand who Jesus is and why He came to earth for you. Gods Spirit that is everywhere wants to reveal Jesus Love to you. If you ask in Faith (Like God if you are there please show me who you really are) I believe as you read the scriptures He will show you the truth of His Love and how He can help you. Simplywhy, I will be praying for you. Jan
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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Please do not tell me that he is testing me... because it someone really loves another one he will never "test" him...
That's a lie you're believing. Are tests at school given out of malice, or are they given with your own good in mind?

I don't know what you have gone through. It may be more or less that what I went through when I was having a similar crisis of faith. But God wasn't the bad guy in that situation, though I blamed Him. Satan was the bad guy, and I had also deceived myself. I had to ask myself if I had to forgive God for anything, and I said to myself that's ridiculous. God does not and cannot sin. So I had to reconcile the fact that He is holy with how I was feeling. I had to pray for a long time that since He didn't sin against me, to see it with my heart. I had to pray for help to love Him again, and trust Him again. It took a while, but the pain faded and I re-learned that He is good, and I learned how to follow Him.
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Woman of God
Mar 29, 2006
Marital Status
Well basically I do not understand how he allows me to be hurt that way in this world... why he allows me to suffer?... why did he create me very weak?.... why did he create me in the first place? I really dont find any good reason....
I know how you feel.
I have felt the same way many times.
I was abused as a child and it's hard to understand why God allowed it.
As I've gotten older and heard other people's stories,
I've found out that I could have had it a lot worse than I did.

Whenever I get to comfort someone who has been abused,
I am grateful for the healing I have experienced so far,
so that I can help others.
Are you being abused?
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Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
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You said it yourself... you are hurt 'in this world'. That is not God. He might allow it but He is not the cause of it. True, God may allow trials in order to do a work in us, strengthen us, prepare us for something ... but he doesn't cause them. Unfortunately when God is doing something in us it is often a painful time of preparation. But the growth it leads to is huge.

Do you think God created you weak? I believe He created you strong. If you have become weak it's probably because other people have affected you or spoken things over you that have led you to believe that and act out of that. In Him, you can become strong(er).

Don't give up, seek God, and these trials will pass even if you can't see a way out now. And at the other end is something good :)

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Can't adult today.
Sep 11, 2006
Saint Augustine, FL
United States
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Well, I don't think God would do that to you. The devil would though. I know you probably dont want to, but pray to God for help and deliverance. He will give it. If God did send allow some of these hard times to come your way, don't worry- he doesn't give you anything you can't handle. If you can't handle this, then its not from God.
Just pray. I'll pray for you too.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2006
James 1:13

Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

That's the only verse out of the whole bible I've memorized by heart, lol.

But seriously, the Devil thrives off pitting people against eachother without cause. But hey, you are actually being honest! Most people say they hate Osama Bin Laden, or hate their annoying neighbor, but claim to love Jesus. You're doing better than most! Keep being honest because God cannot work with people who lie to themselves.

1 John 4:20
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

It's not that you were smart enough, successful enough, or prudent enough to select God and love him on your own, but that He so loved you along with the rest of the world that he sent his biggest gun, his only begotten son, out into the world to save you from yourself. He was hung up for your hangups.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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