Hypothetical Christian World


Apr 1, 2011
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Theists traditionally ascribe omnipotence to God. This allows to make certain assumptions. For instance, if God is omnipotence, then it necessarily follows that he could make a world without suffering and still accomplish his goals, unless his goal was to make humans suffer.
That is a nice thing to hold against God but what if yours and my life was the best God could do and people are whinging about it feeling short changed because God didn't make it better?

Who knows what the best God could do is, we do not know for sure, who could possibly know that?n I know in the bible it says nothing is impossible for God but what were they reffering to as impossible or possible?
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Mar 21, 2005
Bristol, UK
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That is a nice thing to hold against God but what if yours and my life was the best God could do and people are whinging about it feeling short changed because God didn't make it better?
It's a little insulting to dismiss rape and murder as being 'short changed'.

Who knows what the best God could do is, we do not know for sure, who could possibly know that?
I just told you: theists. They're the ones who ascribe omnipotence and omniscience to him, and thus demand that he has the necessary ability.

And the bottom line remains the same: God, if he exists, is not preventing the rape of children. Either he can but he won't, in which case he's malicious, or he's unable to, in which case he's impotent. In either case, I see no reason to worship him, even if he does exist.
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Mar 12, 2006
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That is a nice thing to hold against God but what if yours and my life was the best God could do and people are whinging about it feeling short changed because God didn't make it better?

Who knows what the best God could do is, we do not know for sure, who could possibly know that?n I know in the bible it says nothing is impossible for God but what were they reffering to as impossible or possible?

I like your idea that maybe this is a "newbie" God, and this is the best he could do. That's not me complaining, just recognizing that our world is far from perfect. That's fine for me, it makes for an interesting idea, perhaps not too far off from God is an advanced species of alien.

However, I am often reminded by followers of the Abrahamic God that God is perfect and all-powerful. If this is so, then a perfect world should not be beyond his ability.

Don't think someone is making up this perfect, all-powerful God idea to trip you up, but, to be honest, it is the God concept that most commonly gets presented to me personally.

I'm fine in discussing an imperfect, limited, flawed God, however, I suspect most Christians won't recognize the idea. Agreed?
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Apr 1, 2011
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I like your idea that maybe this is a "newbie" God, and this is the best he could do. That's not me complaining, just recognizing that our world is far from perfect. That's fine for me, it makes for an interesting idea, perhaps not too far off from God is an advanced species of alien.

However, I am often reminded by followers of the Abrahamic God that God is perfect and all-powerful. If this is so, then a perfect world should not be beyond his ability.
I am a christian of many years but also a realist.

We live on a little tiny planet in a huge universe and we think we have the creator of it all worked out! We know what we think we know thats all!

As for the lords limits I wil ask him hopefully in heaven one day, and I confess I do not know now the extent of it.

In saying these things I am not discounting God but trying to be humble about a Creator I could not fully understand as a human.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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I ama christian of many years but also a realist.

We live on a little tiny planet in a huge universe and we think we have the creator of it all worked out! we know what we think we know thats all!

As for the lords limits I wil ask him hopefully in heaven one day, and I confess I do not know now the extent of it.

Would you say an agnostic Christian?
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Apr 1, 2011
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Would you say an agnostic Christian?
I can know God a bit by revelation in the bible. I can know God through indwelling of the holy spirit and sensing God as a feeling.

As a long time Christian I feel God might have simplified himself for us to
understand via revelations in the bible.

I seriously believe any human (besides Jesus) that tells you they have full knowledge about God is kidding themselves a lot.

Full knowledge could disclose what God could or couldn't do and I believe none of us really know it all. I sure dont. I Give god that respect that he knows much much more than I could ever know, even much more than revealed in the bible writings.

Thats what I was referring to before. If I do not fully understand gods limitations how could I complain about life on earth as it is.

Romanticising God could have made life better may not be fair on God..Actually I dont think complaining about it is either.
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