Humans are nothing special?

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Follower of Jesus
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Sep 16, 2014
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According to...?

The problem is that if I attempt to force myself to believe something which the rest of me is screaming is false in order to make the relationship work, then the relationship is already sabotaged.

Thomas Paine once said that infidelity does not consist of believing, or not believing; it consists of professing to believe what one does not believe. If I can't convince myself that black is white and up is down, how then could I believe in the promises?

Is that what you really think evolution is like?

Or is that what you were told to think evolution was like?

About as often as I've seen Paris, France -- yet I know it's there.

You're going to have to find somebody far more shallow for this line of reasoning to work on.

Is this how you convert people? Mock their beliefs, knock down strawmen, and belittle them until... somehow... they come to see things your way?Actually, let me rephrase the question, since as we all know, it's the Holy Spirit who converts: Is this how the Holy Spirit converts people?

Or is this really how you think -- how you were told to think -- evolution works?

In any case, thank you...

I now see where that road leads.

First off, thank you for admitting that evolution is a belief and not a true science. Now we are getting somewhere. And I didn't insult anyone in my terms, I put the beliefs of evolution in common words so people can see what the theories are actually insinuating happened. Belief is a choice, if you don't want to believe that is because of your emotions. Every one has to battle a take control of their emotions. Emotions are not true reliable guides because they change as often as the weather and offer no long term stability. That is why people have to make long term goals to keep there eyes on the prize because there are going to be times when something bad happens and you are going to want to quit because of the emotional pain. I'm not on here to appear smart I'm on here to help. I know we have been going back and forth but you are not my enemy. I post to the people who do not believe the same as I do. My enemy is not people it is the lies that are being spread.
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Apr 26, 2013
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First off, thank you for admitting that evolution is a belief and not a true science. Now we are getting somewhere. And I didn't insult anyone in my terms, I put the beliefs of evolution in common words so people can see what the theories are actually insinuating happened. Belief is a choice, if you don't want to believe that is because of your emotions. Every one has to battle a take control of their emotions. Emotions are not true reliable guides because they change as often as the weather and offer no long term stability. That is why people have to make long term goals to keep there eyes on the prize because there are going to be times when something bad happens and you are going to want to quit because of the emotional pain. I'm not on here to appear smart I'm on here to help. I know we have been going back and forth but you are not my enemy. I post to the people who do not believe the same as I do. My enemy is not people it is the lies that are being spread.

Since it would appear you are an expert on what is science and what is not, please tell us what the theory of evolution is lacking to become true science.

And, be specific please.
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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
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First off, thank you for admitting that evolution is a belief and not a true science. Now we are getting somewhere.

All you can see are your own perceptions of victory -- where exactly are you hoping to "get" with this?

And I didn't insult anyone in my terms, I put the beliefs of evolution in common words so people can see what the theories are actually insinuating happened.

If you honestly believe that -- if you were told to honestly believe that -- then all you've done is demonstrate a stunning lack of knowledge about evolution.

And if you don't honestly believe that, well... one more reason not to convert.

Belief is a choice, if you don't want to believe that is because of your emotions.

And if I did want to believe, what would that be because of?

Every one has to battle a take control of their emotions. Emotions are not true reliable guides because they change as often as the weather and offer no long term stability.

Agreed -- facts and evidence are far more reliable.

So, when you were going on before about believing in education not making one happy, was that an appeal to facts and evidence, or to emotions?

I'm not on here to appear smart I'm on here to help.

You're not succeeding -- just so you know.

I know we have been going back and forth but you are not my enemy.

Could've fooled me.

I post to the people who do not believe the same as I do. My enemy is not people it is the lies that are being spread.

So why are you spreading them?

"Is it really easy to believe that a bunch prokaryote cells swimming in water decided "hey I'm tired of being cell, its too boring and easy lets get together and make a new creature, then boom a random explosion that scientist can not explained why it happened and then an animal is created"

"so we are all bored fish that decided to walk out of the water one day? Really. Oh and where did the water come from, million years of consistent rain? How many times have people seen that? I guess when it rains on lava rocks long enough there is another chemical explosion and then bang single cell life? I'm sure people have seen that a lot too?"

You think anyone's stupid enough to mistake this for a true description of evolution?

Lies are your enemy, you say?
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Follower of Jesus
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Sep 16, 2014
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All you can see are your own perceptions of victory -- where exactly are you hoping to "get" with this?

If you honestly believe that -- if you were told to honestly believe that -- then all you've done is demonstrate a stunning lack of knowledge about evolution.

And if you don't honestly believe that, well... one more reason not to convert.

And if I did want to believe, what would that be because of?

Agreed -- facts and evidence are far more reliable.

So, when you were going on before about believing in education not making one happy, was that an appeal to facts and evidence, or to emotions?

You're not succeeding -- just so you know.

Could've fooled me.

So why are you spreading them?

"Is it really easy to believe that a bunch prokaryote cells swimming in water decided "hey I'm tired of being cell, its too boring and easy lets get together and make a new creature, then boom a random explosion that scientist can not explained why it happened and then an animal is created"

"so we are all bored fish that decided to walk out of the water one day? Really. Oh and where did the water come from, million years of consistent rain? How many times have people seen that? I guess when it rains on lava rocks long enough there is another chemical explosion and then bang single cell life? I'm sure people have seen that a lot too?"

You think anyone's stupid enough to mistake this for a true description of evolution?

Lies are your enemy, you say?

If it's so true, someone would have explained it already. But no one has answered the questions I posed. It's the same predictable responses about how I do not know science. You Avoided explaining the "true" description. Can you explain using your own words without looking it up?
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Apr 17, 2006
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If it's so true, someone would have explained it already. But no one has answered the questions I posed. It's the same predictable responses about how I do not know science. You Avoided explaining the "true" description. Can you explain using your own words without looking it up?

Easily. There is no choice in evolution, when life re-produces little changes occur. Some of these changes are helpful, some are harmful, most are neutral. Life forms with helpful difference are more likely to succeed and breed.

This is an observable fact.

The theory of evolution uses this trivial fact to explain the genetic diversity of life and geological evidence.

Those little changes build up over time. If populations get separated those little changes can end up going in different directions.

Check out what a tiny amount of genetic shifting over a relatively small amount of time can achieve with a separate populations:

Makes for an easy explanation of these:
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Jul 30, 2013
If it's so true, someone would have explained it already. But no one has answered the questions I posed. It's the same predictable responses about how I do not know science. You Avoided explaining the "true" description. Can you explain using your own words without looking it up?

Has it occurred to you that the reason your questions haven't been answered is because they're nonsensical questions?

It's a bit like me asking why Christians worship Jesus when they're supposed to be against zombies.
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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
United States
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If it's so true, someone would have explained it already. But no one has answered the questions I posed.

You posted a strawman so you could glorify yourself by knocking it down.

Ask an honest question that demonstrates both a desire and ability to learn, and you'll find people far more cooperative.

Otherwise, you can hardly blame others for not taking you seriously when you don't do it yourself.

It's the same predictable responses about how I do not know science. You Avoided explaining the "true" description. Can you explain using your own words without looking it up?

Sure -- if you honestly think it'll help you.

  • All living things reproduce, but those reproductions are not exact copies. If they were, we'd have clones, not offspring.
  • Some of those offspring are in better shape (more "fit," if you will) to survive in the environment than others -- especially when the environment changes, as it's prone to do without warning -- a drought here, an epidemic, there, an ice age, a new predator migrates into the area... you get the idea.
  • The ones that make it pass on their genes to subsequent generations; the ones that don't... well, you do the math.
  • After numerous generations, the offspring will hardly resemble (if at all) the original progenitor; and they certainly wouldn't be able to reproduce with them -- the genetic differences would be too great.

That's good for a start -- care to contribute something to the discussion? A question, perhaps?
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Our physical form is of the earth, our bodies are part of the same evolving animal genome. Yet within us is the image of God, that divine spark, the soul/spirit, whatever you want to call it. It is this that makes us uniquely human and different from all the animals.

Maybe in a kind of Aristotelian sense of "the soul". That is the "soul" of the knife is to cut, it's the purpose or function of the knife. The Divine Image is, likewise, man's purpose or function, to reflect the image and likeness of God.

Though if one has in mind some sort of Platonic or even Gnostic conception of "the soul" as a sort of ghost within the shell, that starts to become a bit more troublesome--well, at least it would be troublesome from a Christian perspective which conceives of the human person as an integrated creature, not so much an enfleshed soul as an ensouled body. Indeed ensoulment is the concept of how/when one "receives" or "becomes" a soul. In antiquity the term "Creationism" referred to a view of ensoulment, namely that a person's "soul" was created sometime during their gestation in the womb, around the time the fetus has developed a functioning nervous system or when the child could be viable outside of the uterus. The actual moment of ensoulment continued to be a point of debate among Christian thinkers just as it had been among the Greek philosophical thinkers before them.

For Aristotle the fetus received a soul somewhere between 40 and 90 days, though initially only a "vegetative soul" which developed in stages into a sensual or animal soul, and finally into an rational soul, a fully developed soul. For Pythagoras the fetus was ensouled from the moment of conception. Early Christian thinkers, as well as medieval Christian thinkers, continued to work with these earlier Greek philosophical ideas of ensoulment with the addition of biblical exegesis (namely that the Bible proscribes a fine for the death of a fetus, but the death of a fully formed child, out of the womb, is homicide).

However, to get back to the point, ensoulment, rather than enfleshment, is the Christian conception of the body-soul relationship. We are not souls with a body, but rather fully integrated creatures of body-and-soul; both being material as well as containing a rational intellect.

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