Having trouble with Ephes. 5:22-33

Jan 14, 2005
Marital Status
This should not be hard for me, but I am having trouble with it. Hope this is not too much information... This morning, my husband and I got into an argument because I don't submit to him enough physically. I am simply not that interested in sex. I keep the house clean, cook for him, submit to him in our major life decisions such as finance and future plans, and pretty much beg him to take the lead spiritually. We met about 4 years ago on Christiancafe.com and hit it off immediately. I was working at a Presbyterian conference center that his church was very active with as well. Our future seemed certain and the Lord was to be the center of everything. We strayed, but are back in church and praying together. Unfortunately, he is incredibly unromantic. It's like a catch-22. In order to want to be physically intimate with him, I feel he should be more romantic, loving and kind toward me. He said he can't be unless I give him what he needs physically. I just can't enjoy sex and avoid it as much as possible because I don't feel valued, treasured and loved emotionally.

I WANT and truly DESIRE a healthy emotional relationship with him, but I feel like I am talking to a brick wall when it comes to asking him to be more romantic. I'm not asking for a lot...flowers once in a while, a date night once a month or so and occasionally just flat out sweeping me off my feet by telling me I am beautiful. He seems absolutely incapable of it.

My question is this--is it my duty to submit to him physically even when I don't want to in the hopes that he will eventually become a more loving and romantic husband or should I press the issue until he can give me what I need to feel desire to be physically intimate with him? He's not unkind physically, he provides for my son (his stepson) and me well. We are given everything we need financially...but emotionally we are hitting bankruptcy.

Our typical evening is him coming home late from work, stripping down to underwear and an icky old t-shirt, turning on the TV and complaining about work. We have started to take walks with each other and play board games together at night, but we always involve my child, so there is no time for him and I to just talk about our relationship. On top of that, he is usually in bed by 10:00 every night and my son goes to bed at 9:00 (he's almost 10), and doesn't fall asleep until 9:30 or so, so we don't have a lot of time where we can focus on just each other. He refuses to change his bedtime or stay up late at all because he is known for his early to bed habits... When we do have a sitter, he prefers to catch up on TV shows he has recorded and sit on the couch drinking beer and eating chips, scratching himself and acting like a college frat boy. UGH! Not a way to get your wife interested! I am so close to removing the TV from our home, banning beer and snacks in our home and throwing away his old icky t-shirts just so I can have a husband who HAS to focus on me... I can't very well tell him not to talk about work constantly though. He is a military officer and as a result works long stressful hours.

Help me--how can I be the type of wife that can turn her husband into a romeo instead of a beer slugging slob without a romantic bone in his body? And yes, I have told him all of this bothers me--but I can only say it so many times before I start to sound like a complete nag!
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Wife, Daughter, Sister, and Friend
Dec 14, 2004
South Carolina
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You have to take the time to remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. The romance and flowers can only take you so far. He may feel like the only way you know he loves you is by going out of his way to buy you something or make some grand gesture of romance. Yes, these things are wonderful occasionally and are very much needed and appreciated. What you need to do, in my humble opinion only, is find the romance in the fact that he does provide for his family and comes home every night. So he sits around in an icky t-shirt drinking beer? Do you still take care of yourself when you are at home the way you once did? I work, but I still feel that it is my job to do the cooking and cleaning (if he wants to help that's fine) and it is also part of my job to keep my husband happy physically. I have found that even though I don't start out in the mood I eventually find myself enjoying it more than I thought I would. I was amazed at how my reaction to my husband physically made him react to me differently emotionally. It makes a man feel good to know that his wife has been running around the house all day, raising kids, cleaning, cooking, etc...and still loves him enough to fix herself up a bit and give him some lovin'. 99% of the problems in my marriage were erased when I stopped letting my emotions control me. I just lavished love on him even when I wanted to throw him in the shower, comb his hair, and buy him a whole new wardrobe. There were times at night when I would go to bed and want to smash the lamp in his face I was so mad, but I would let myself go long enough to please my husband and pretty soon, life was getting better everyday. (Not perfect by any means, but better) The devil can find the smallest things and destroy a marriage with that. Don't let these little problems ruin the big picture for you, your husband, or your children. Keep in mind, that these are the solutions I came to after a lot of praying. They may or may not work for you, either way I will pray that things work out.
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Jan 14, 2005
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Well, and that's part of the problem...I feel like I am doing everything I can to please him. I make sure to put on a little make-up, dress nicely, keep the house clean, cook for him, make sure he always has clean clothes to wear, act as his sounding board for work-related issues, read the bible, pray, take care of him. I also go to school full time (18 hours last semester and 19 hours this semester). I just can't get into the act physically because I feel lonely. I'm not asking for him to spend money on me. Heck, an "I love you-you're beautiful today" and a hug might even get him what he wants. He can't even do that. I've tried submitting to him physically in the hopes that it would bring out a more romantic side, but lo and behold, I still don't get that emotional support I need.

I spoke with a chaplain about it and he said that I should turn to God for my emotional needs if my husband is incapable of meeting those needs. However, it's not the same kind of emotional needs. Yes, I know that God can provide for all of our needs...but my husband is the one who walks in the door each night and is there and capable of giving me that hug--of initiating that response he wants.

I want to love my husband fully. I want to desire him in the way he wants me to. When I tell him about how I feel, he goes off on a tangent and criticizes me for the faults he sees in me. When I tell him I want to feel loved, instead of hugging me and saying he loves me, he complains about how I'm not giving him what he needs.

So frustrating. Staying with him and seeing this through is my only course of action I am willing to take, but I just feel so lonely in this one small area...
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Oct 19, 2004
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I read a book once "What Makes A Man Feel Loved". It really touched on this subject. I miss the romance my husband and I once shared before kids and so much responsibility, but I love the comfort we have now. It's a different kind of love, a love based on trust and respect, and mutual admiration. It's not the love that was fired by the passion of our younger days, but awesome just the same. Sometimes it can seem mundane, but I love the stability and security. That doesn't mean I wouldnt like the flowers, or phone calls for no reason, or love letters, but I look at the big picture. Chances are your husband is completely clueless to how much this means to you on an emotional level. Mine is, and I still tell him. He has good intentions, but we BOTH get caught up in everyday life and responsibilities. Tell him how you feel, but in the meantime, start to treat him the way you wanna be treated. Men want to feel adored and respected and appreciated just as much as we do, especially if they're overworked and underpaid! Let him know what an awesome man he is. Do the simple little things he loves that may not seem exciting but mean a lot to him. Learn what makes him feel loved and do it. If you do this, and pray, I believe you will start to see a positive change over time, maybe a little at first, but more as time goes. Marriage is hard work, but so worth the effort. My first inclination is to whine and say I don't wanna be the one to give in and work on the marriage all the time, but someone has to make the first move, might as well be me. Just wanted you to know how I feel. My husband thinks it's romantic if he washes the dishes for me :D . But he's trying, and that's what matters I guess, bless his heart.
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+Jesus is Good but He is not Tame+
Oct 14, 2004
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In order to want to be physically intimate with him, I feel he should be more romantic, loving and kind toward me. He said he can't be unless I give him what he needs physically. I just can't enjoy sex and avoid it as much as possible because I don't feel valued, treasured and loved emotionally.

Sorry, I know this sounds tough but you need to give him some first :) I understand all that you do because I do half that and am still exhausted. It just doesn't matter. Sex is your husband's #1 need and so if you have to slack off a little in other areas to be more energized, do it. I went through the same thing and decided very quickly to meet his need everytime he wanted me to. Sometimes it's harder to feel like it but you just have to make yourself get in the mood as much as possible. You will get the emotional need met for you. Pressing the issue will only make things worse. Give him lots of sex and lots of encouragement and you will be shocked at the way he meets your needs.
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+Jesus is Good but He is not Tame+
Oct 14, 2004
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Honestly, it probably isn't your fault but blaming someone won't make the problem go away. I said this right before this post but are you really encouraging him? Are you thanking him for all of the stuff he does do? That's so important too.
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Wife, Daughter, Sister, and Friend
Dec 14, 2004
South Carolina
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The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger is also wonderful. It helped beyond belief. I even faxed the woman a thank you letter. It's all about the power that a woman has over her husband when she is a wife described by the Bible. It sounds a little tiring at first, but once you start doing what the book describes you are so much more appreciated that you don't mind!It includes lots of letters from men explaining their problems with their wives and more than once I could see my husband in the pages. It was painful to learn that all that time I had been complaining about how he treated me, he was internally struggling with the way I treated him. Sometimes it's hard to see past the way you feel and get to the way you make him feel sometimes.
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Jan 14, 2005
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Not to insult Searle--I just cannot stand Dr. Laura. She is cruel to her callers and is quite a hypocrite. I know it's all about the message- not the messenger. i just can't bring myself to read her book. My husband actually brought it home for me to read a while back and I was so insulted because he knows how I feel about how she treats people when they call her. it's not that she just gives it to people straight, she is unnecessarily cruel. I won't even go into the mistakes she's made in her own life because that would not be very Christian of me--but I will be honest in saying I might take the same advice, but not from her...
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sara elizabeth

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Nov 29, 2004
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Some great advice my grandma gave my mom when she got married and she in turn passed it on to me. "In every man there is a day man and a night man. If you keep the night man happy, the day man will be happy, too." I could add that he'll keep you happy, also. This may sound shallow, but it really has alot of merit. :)
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+Jesus is Good but He is not Tame+
Oct 14, 2004
Marital Status
OK, forget what you think about Dr. Laura, if your husband brought it home for you and you still didn't want to read it it sounds like your pretty prideful and don't really want help. There's obviously something in that book that your husband wanted you to see whether you like her or not. I personally don't like the idea of "controlling" my husband by doing what she says, but if you do what she says with the right attitude of loving your husband you'll see great results. It's a good book whether you like her or not. It's the only thing I've ever read by her but I liked the principles. I'm saying this in a loving way I promise: Get over yourself. Quit your pity party. As longas you're focusing on poor pitiful me, you'll look at him with contempt and nothing that he will ever do will meet up to your standard. Please just try meeting his #1 need and give him encouragement.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jan 14, 2005
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Wow Faithalone--unkind words... As I said, I would take the advice...just not from her. My husband also brought home "Passionate Marriage" and I happily read that and took the advice. He brought home "Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus" and I happily read that. However, my primary complaint comes in that he is always willing to put my mistakes out there no matter how kind and willing I am. He is willing to bring home books about how I am to submit to him physically, yet he is unwilling to take the same advice he wants me to take in accepting that he is a man and has needs. I love my husband dearly, but I can't condone the whole, "I am a man, I have sexual needs, now shut your mouth and spread your legs" attitude that he seems to wish I had. And believe me, I only post this anonymously-- I would never put him down about this publicly or ridicule him about it... I do all I can--just can't bring myself to continue to submit physically as I have been doing since the beginning of our marriage if I am feeling unloved. I am only human- I am imperfect-- I was seeking advice- not more insults.

Thanks for your feedback...
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Jan 14, 2005
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And yes-- I do make a huge point of thanking him as often as possible (I'd like to say every day, but I know I miss it on occasion) for all he does. I tell him frequently, "Thank you for working so hard so that I can go to school," or "Thank you for working so hard so that we can live in a nice home," or simply, "Thank you for loving the Lord."

I am trying, I truly am...I'm just, as I guess you said FaithAlone, having a "pity party" because I feel a bit lonely in my marriage. Everything else is grand though... :)
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Jan 1, 2005
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LuvtheLordW/AllMyHeart said:
And yes-- I do make a huge point of thanking him as often as possible (I'd like to say every day, but I know I miss it on occasion) for all he does. I tell him frequently, "Thank you for working so hard so that I can go to school," or "Thank you for working so hard so that we can live in a nice home," or simply, "Thank you for loving the Lord."

I am trying, I truly am...I'm just, as I guess you said FaithAlone, having a "pity party" because I feel a bit lonely in my marriage. Everything else is grand though... :)

Hi there and welcome to the forums:) I've only skimmed thru a few replies so I hope I don't repeat. To me it doesn;t seem like you are struggling w/ any MAJOR issues, such as abuse/ cheating. I've always had the mindset that any marriage excluding those two (and sometimes including) can be restored,worked out and BROUGHT UNDER THE BLOOD!

I will say, experiencially(sp) and from what I have heard. Many hubbies get cranky if they do not get it on a regular basis. I've noticed this even in my own hubby. If he is cranky, all it takes is for us to come together and he is a new man. This is why God designed for us not to withold b/c he knows that if we do satan can creep in. I know you don't want to be one of those wives that catches their dh cheating and wishes they were more available! Pray and ask God to give you the desire to WANT to enjoy sex! I knew one lady that praid during ( i know, not for everyone) if she found herself not enjoying, and God answered! Did you enjoy it when you were dating? Sounds like your keeping score therefore the freedom is not there to enjoy sex. Bitterness, and resentments are sins. These may be blocking you from fully enjoying yourself! Keep us posted:)

~In him
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Jun 14, 2004
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First, based on your post, your husband either needs to grow up, stop being selfish, and get his act together or he is ignorant on your needs and needs to be educated. However, you can't control what he does, only what you do.

Second, let's get past this "men's #1 need is sex". That's only part of the truth. The reality is that a man's #1 need is to be respected and admired by his wife. One primary way men feel admired is by sex. However, I have seen many cases where a wife who was physically available sent messages the rest of the day that her husband interpreted and a lack of respect and admiration. Even with the "thank you's" if they seem inconsistent with other actions or comments there could be some damage occuring.

Has he bothered to read any of the good books out there on how to relate to your wife? I'm guessing not. Perhaps you could give him one of those. I'm hoping he's just ignorant. If so, he's got to hear the message directly somehow, but in a way that doesn't make him feel disrespected. If he truly understands your needs and just won't respond, I'm sorry. Either way, I wish he would get Eph 5:25 - 33 correct himself.
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Dec 18, 2004
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WOW...I feel like I'm walking into a landmine area...

Hubby and I used to have some of those same issues....at times we still do but for different reasons.

He didn't know that women work on a reservoir system...our "love cup" needs to be full in order to want sex....He needs sex in order for his "love cup" to be full....

Who's going to bend? Well, as women we are commanded to respect our husbands...not love...not cajole and certainly not nag...but to respect.

Okay...He's commanded to love his wife as Christ loved the church. Not respect, not nag (yes guys y'all can do that too) but love.

Someone is going to have to bend. Someone is going to have to put what's best for hte marriage ahead of what they want. Maybe it will be you, maybe him. I don't know. I can say it takes tons of compromise and self sacrifice in order to make a marriage work. It has to start somewhere. You can remain lonely, or you can be the mysterious woman, and once again find the reason you married him, let out the seductress all us girls have in us...and have a little fun. If you're filling his cup, he will certainly fill yours.
"Giving in" is not the same as willingly enjoying his physical love.
Remember also that he has dominion over your body, just as you have dominion over his.
Remember, God gave sex to us for fulfillment and oneness. Take advantage of it. Enjoy it. Even when you don't want to...
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Jan 14, 2005
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WolfGate and Mercy, thank you for your good words of advice (thanks everyone!). I agree that it may be that I am saying thank you, but not being consistent with showing it in other areas. I take care of him, but I do get rather distant when I am feeling blue over the whole "not enough affection" thing. I do also tend ot hold resentments when he walks in and complains about work for an hour and never once asks me how my day was. I am going to try a lot harder to work on that. I have made a promise to myself and God that when he comes home from work, I am going to try not to act distant or hurt. I emailed him and said I was sorry and told him a little more about why I am upset. He emailed back that he loves me and is sorry too. I am also going to try to do a little of the romancing myself and see if that can "push" him into it... Maybe if I lead by example...

We'll see!

I'm bending Gwenyfur! Hope it works this time!:)
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Don't settle for less than God's best!
Nov 3, 2004
in the palm of God's hand
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All the posts here have been great! I have been married for over 10 years and I can honestly say I can relate to how you are currently feeling. Men and women are so different. It's a miracle we all get along. :D

Seriously though, from my own experience, I can testify to the fact that once I started refocusing my emptiness feeling by taking my pain to God and striving to let God fill my heart, things started improving dramatically. All of a sudden, God sent angels (strangers, friends, family) into my life to *love* me. It was amazing. God overflowed my cup to the point that I couldn't deny His presence and love for me. His love is deeper and more heartfelt than a human's love. When I experienced God's warmth & love and presence, I was so deeply touched that I realized how much God loved me. From then on, my security and focus on God became #1 in my heart. God is first in my heart and God is where I get my fulfillment, happiness and joy. When my husband started seeing the joy and sparkle in my eyes, he started changing. He even commented to me how he noticed how happy and sparkly my eyes looked. At that point, I was able to share with him my experience of God's love. My whole attitude and heart changed towards my husband. I became more loving and forgiving.

So, I think by you maybe taking your pain to God and giving God the chance to fill your cup, maybe you will fall deeply in love with God. I know this may sound corny, but I do honestly feel romantic and so in love with God. That love for God hasn't changed for several months now. When things get tough and I am feeling lonely or sad, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is right there with me, holding my hand, and hugging me tight with a gentle kiss. :kiss: I pray that God showers you with His *romance* and warm, glowing *love* so that you can fall head over heels with God. You're on the right track...keep the faith and things will turn around soon. :angel:
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Aug 30, 2004
Los Angeles
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I recommend that you both accept each other more as you are, and work on enjoying each other. Make your husband a priority. Perhaps there is a way that you and he can spend time alone on weeknights. One way is by encouraging your son to have activities that he can do alone. Most children at age 10 have hobbies or interests, so buy him the supplies to encourage him to spend an hour or two alone doing what he enjoys. And spend that time alone with your husband. Tell him that you need to work on enjoying your time together, not just jumping in the sack. Take a long bath together and rub each others backs. Cuddle. If he's got any self control at all, he will spend the time just talking with you and touching. Then you can make love after you both feel relaxed. I really believe that if you don't cultivate that love, it's easy to lose it when the priorities get skewed and your schedules get too busy. I would cancel activities, reschedule, simplify housework, and make time alone with him a priority. Most human beings have a greater need for a loving touch than just sex.
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King of the Wicker People
Feb 23, 2004
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The Married Guy's Guide to Great Sex: Building a Passionate, Intimate, and Fun Love Life
by Clifford Penner, Joyce Penner

My wife and I have been struggiling with this issue in the last few months. At first, when we reunited after our separation, she was all over me. Lately, it's been lackluster again. We heard about this book on the radio (FoF) and decided to try it out. We're about half-way through but had to stop for another separation (this one military related, not relational) so I can't say whether it will help or not, but it looks good so far. It does help me to understand her a little better, what she's looking for in a sexual partner, and it also helps her to understand men better
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