Gradated High School!!!!


Senior Veteran
Jun 17, 2004
Marital Status
Ok, so I am not a parent with a special needs child but I am a special needs child and have been sinse birth and I gradated high school on May 30th and that was one of the BIGEST acomplesmints I have ever had in my life. I have OHI, Speech Delays, Moderte-Severe Asthma, Severe lerning disorders, 8-10 years behind my peers, moderetly delayed fine/gross motor skills, and other disordirs and have been through it every day of my life. Some days I fellt like giveing up and quiting school, but I kept going and put all my trust in the Lord and made it threw elementry school, joing choir in 6th grade, makeing it to middle school with more chalanges but made it threw middle school beeing in choir 7th-8th grade, and conteneng to trust in the Lord, and then came high school. 9th-12th grade was hard and in 11th grade my older sister was no longer at the high school anymore so I had to go threw 2 years of high school with her. It was hard and I felt like I couldnt make it and went threw some extreme chalanges, such as my grandfather dieing, not beeing near my sister allot after she gradated at the end of my 10th grade year, and other things. With the help of my amazing teachers, freinds, staff at the school and prinicipels at the high school and most importnelty God I made it threw Pre-K - 12 grade and am so thankfull that he helped me threw it all and never gave up on me. Congradltons if you have any kids to have special needs who gradated high school and gongradlotns to them. If you have kids who havent gradated yet and fellt like the same way I did and went threw the same stuff either not as much, as much, or more then I did tell them to keep going and to trust in the Lord, and they will make it.

Sorry if I wasnt suposed to post in here but I thout I would share my story with you to help motavate your kids some...God bless you!!!

Regina.....2008 high school gradate! :)